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log in, select a character, press enter and got booted to the login screen

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Hi, I am returning player. Can log in, select a character and as soon as I try to enter the game universe, got disconnected to the login page.

Tried to create a new character successfully but as soon as I select it and try to enter, always got kicked to the login page.

I am running win11, fully updated, have tried to run the launcher in compatibility mode for win7, same result.

Any suggestion why can’t get into the game universe?


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Two things.   One  is the EnB Client.exe  being run as Administrator?  if not  it needs to be.  Second  are all for of the Vertical boxes in the center of the NEt-7 Launcher marked?


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Thank you for the reply.

Yes, all the launcher is being run as administrator and all boxes are marked.

I have tried various compatibility modes with no luck. The thing I found bizarre, that it allows me to log to character screen, can select an existing character or create the new one but as soon as I try to enter the game, it sending me to Megan, with no any error mgs.


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is the ENB Client set to run as Administrator,  also have you set your firewall /Antivirus settings to clear Net-7 and EnB Clients,  this can also cause this issue. there are data ports used in game that some firewall/Anti Virus do not take kindly to,  s the program using them needs to be white listed (Cleared for acceww)


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  • 2 weeks later...

hello, im a returning player after a few years trying to install on a win 10 pc.  I do fine until i select character then i get stuck on the galaxy loading screen and cannot enter the game.  

i have all 4 vertical boxes checked and i even tried turning off my firewall.  wondering if anyone might be able to point me in the right direction to get into the game.  i dont have much computer knowledge so most of this stuff can be over my head hehe.

i also have the net7 launcher and enb file set to run as admin.



i found the issue, windows defender seemed to be blocking my progress so i had to maually create a "rule" or whatever its called and allow access to enb file.

Edited by Operion
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