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Progen Token Bonus: Obtain Mobius VI

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My Privateer meets all the requirements for this mission but Architecti Inquiro will not relieve me of 2.5 million credits and give me a Mobius to tear down.  Any help is greatly appreciated!



Mission giver Architecti Inquiro Mission requirements

  • OL < 135                                                  OL 93
  • 50 <= Hull Level <= 135                         Hull @ 75
  • Build Components Skill L7                   Yes  
  • 2,500,000 credits                                   Yes


Here is the dialogue from wiki:  (not word for word but the very close)

(AI = Archi Inq, PC = your character):
AI: This is the Mobius VI Component, created by Grond Waldiz. However, if you want to remain on good terms with Vinda, I suggest you never mention that name to her. Actually, I've said more than I should, so lets get the examination started!
PC: So what do I do? (I can get to here, my response to here is just "ok",  and she just will not advance to give me the Mobius)
AI: Show Architecti Composita this component to start your examination.
PC: Piece of cake.
AI: No. I don't think case was in it!


 Please help me find out what I am missing!


Thanks again,


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