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Beta Tester [BT]
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Everything posted by Rossdie

  1. Figures I go to sleep, wake up ready to play and it's down again.
  2. One thing I didn't see mentioned here is the game is a work in progress and is far from done. The Dev's are doing there best, as everything here is being made from memory and what little data that came from themselves and players from live. So, how about some contructive criticism here, I am sure the Dev's will listen.
  3. lasted a bit longer than it has been
  4. server is up but now is not saving.
  5. Well as many times as it has went down today besides the announced one, I would say keep it down until the problem is found and fixed.
  6. The changes to the black weapons are fine, but now the cost of the comps and the spit ammo build costs need to be adjusted to suit. There is no point in paying a ton of crdits to use the weaps as they are now.
  7. I have a couple suggestions I would like to see. First, can you make it so you have to kill all the controllers drones before he will respawn again, especially the precursor alpha, I do believe it used to be like that in live? I know there was a spawn order similar to what the FB raid is supposed to be. This will keep the solo'ers away from being able to take out the controller and leave behind a bunch of alphas. Second, can the drones in bbw all be set to give RD faction as they did in live? Thank you in advance.
  8. well that sucks, just got back from relatives too. oh well probably going to be down for a long while.
  9. yep server went poof, must have been my rally lol
  10. I think BBW and Paramis should be faction based, as it was in live. I like the idea of having to earn things in games. The Tado-O gate I think should be similar to live, but not exact. Maybe a shorter quest to obtain an item to open it. As for what Starfox said about solo mining, the big thing right now is signatures are not totally working properly. For example, in live I had a JE that could get below 0.0 and could mine all day long in roid fields with mobs and never be seen, that's how it should be. Once that is fixed you won't have to group anywhere to mine and be safe.
  11. Actually the lag has been around ever since the last push, so it has to be something in the code when the push happened.
  12. You can have your cookie, when you have been good. First you have to eat all your vegetables.
  13. The server is down, might be a good idea to keep it down until the mob respawn is fixed.
  14. I am sure they are working on what ever the problem is. This is not the first time this has happened.
  15. From what I have been told the play server is no longer in Germany, since the new one was purchased.
  16. Terrans should never and probably never will get reactor builds, the reason they shouldn't is for game balance reasons.
  17. I agree with this only in the raid catagory though, the other mobs are a bit more painful then they used to be but it's the raid mobs that need to be scalled back on there range. I don't even go to the Fishbowl anymore, just because it's a pain just to get in there and get set before the Master is shooting at you while trying to form up at the gate.
  18. I just have one question as I know mobs are still being tweeked. What are the scan ranges for the mobs at right now, I noticed after the update yesterday the fish in cooper are seeing my 2.0k and lower sig chars from 11-12k away, is this normal?
  19. Yep it's been like a yo-yo since the update, just funny the client update never updated on NET-7 login.
  20. It is well appreciated that you moved the cement bags from DT (since it is closed) to earth station, but one other thing needs to be moved also. The Refurbished PSM Type-2 comp also needs to be moved so we can actually build the Brimstone Ballista. Thank you in advance.
  21. I agree with Terrell, I believe thats how it worked in live also.
  22. Ok and now your not going to say where?
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