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Everything posted by Reon

  1. Move along...nothing to see here...just a bunch of addicts that need their fix. I know it wont do any good, but I am going to try logging in again...must....level...
  2. grrr....I was 0.03% from my next explore level and level 5 devices.... *sigh* looks like that's not going to happen tonight.
  3. ok, so after you do the 10 step mission, then she sends you on another 9 step mission, what do you have to do to get the merus militia update outside of Oranom? me and my wife are stumped...we have been trying to get her lvl 30 hull for 2 weeks now, and due to either bugged missions or other issues, we are on the third time around and finally made it to this step... we have been killing the militia outside of the progen viability lab, with no updates or results...what are we doing wrong?
  4. In other games (WoW included) because of the broker and market systems, its very easy to be a complete and total jerk and douche bag and still be able to succeed in the game, and because such behavior is tolerated and sometimes even encouraged by other MMO's, the community was rather, well, leaving something to be desired. Games like L2 that have a karma system rather than all out pvp encourage players to behave, and games like ENB that rely on people selling to others in auction channels, with no way to trade gear to your alts, no mail system,ect. force people to be nice or get ignored and black listed. That doesn't mean games like ENB and L2 are without jerks, it just means it's more difficult for the jerks to hit max level and have what they call "fun"...most of those people were weeded out of ENB early on. However, I still remember plenty of people who were max level and kill stealers and jerks. I have a piece of advise to both sides here. Deal with it. ENB is a computer game. Try to have fun, and if it is impossible for you to have fun in a MMO because someone pissed you off, then go find another hobby...because it WILL happen again. That is part of MMO's...the whole Massively Multi-player thing...
  5. I dunno...my wife has been playing with me, and has been amazed at how friendly and helpful the community is here at ENB. I remember having to deal with jerks when ENB was live...people who were rude, sometimes vulgar, selfish, or would intentionally kill steal or harass someone. However, you compare that community to the people of WoW, EVE, or EQ2, or various other MMO's out there...and there is no comparison. I am sorry that you didn't get your tour, and it sucks that someone was rude when you complained about it...but if you base an entire community on what a few people in open chat said, you will NEVER be able to be happy playing any MMO currenty out or that will be released. It's kind of like saying, "someone at the grocery store didn't say excuse me when they hit me with their shopping cart, so I won't ever go to another store again!" /shrug Stay tuned for another episode of As Earth and Beyond Turns!
  6. so why is it that there are threads popping up everywhere questioning about player wipes and if ST4 is working well, if we should call it an alpha test or a stress test? I know everyone is cranky about not getting their ENB fix, but considering just a few nights ago I received a tongue lashing in new players chat for suggesting that the PP level 30 hull mission had too many steps, I think people need to take a dose of the medicine they administered me about "not being grateful for the chance to play ENB again". The log in server is having major issues, but something tells me that some log in issues do not indicate a player wipe is needed. After some content was added and bugs were fixed people started having log in issues, however, I am sure there is a way to fix the problem without a player wipe. They have added plenty of new content for us to test...and we seem to have found several things broken(CTD's,login issues,faction issues,ect)...so, yeah, I would say this is a successful test, wouldn't you all? <shrug> you are beta testing a game...it wont be finished for quite a while. Might as well get used to the ups and downs. Ask some of the veteran players how ENB was in the original alpha and beta tests...
  7. Sign me up! I am pretty loaded up with work, but I play when I have time...just signed up tonight for ST4, I will be playing on Ruen, a terran scout...I will send someone a message when I am in game...I will most likely be playing evenings!
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