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Posts posted by Zarg

  1.  A problem is if net-7 had the financial resources to do things like buying game rights from EA, EA might think there's money still in the game and try to get the EMU shut down.  That's a bit of a catch-22.     Look what happened with Blizzard and WoW classic servers.  


    And doing massive changes, while a nice idea, would be a bit against the preservationist goal of the Net-7 E&B Emulator.


    Net-7 board seems to have its hands tied in what they can do as far as marketing.  What may really work is stealth marketing from the fans. Maybe something viral.

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  2. Damage Inc, is, of course, still active.  You'll see us a lot in the end-game content areas.      Anyone interested can give us a shout out in new players or general chat.


    You can actually see guild size, at least for 'public' guilds, on the net-7 web site's guild list.  That can be a little deceptive, because above about 576 members the in-game guild status window stops showing online/offline status properly.  DI's been forced to regularly pare down the list of inactive members to keep under that limit -- several of the really old guilds have not, and have their roster inflated by huge numbers of inactive players.



  3. Well I, for one, am still here.  You'll find me joining public raids, or in down times, camping for a rare glimpse of the Celestial Warder.


    But on the subject of OS upgrades, has anyone tried EnB on Linux lately?  There's setup information elsewhere in the forums, so it at least worked in the past ...

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  4. My explorer and TT are well into the positive V'rix faction due to ridiculous amounts of chitin bits turnins.  They still get attacked by Helkos V'rix, so trips to primus planet are real fun -- fortunately cloak still evades them.  I think they still also get scanned for the Vishao Codex; very annoying.



  5. Ooh another fix I noticed -- prior to this patch, I couild Return-To-Base a ship out of formation to base in same sector, and when that ship undocked it would still be in formation and quickly move back to the group.   Now when they undock, they are out of formation and need to be summoned back to group.  Subtle bug, I used to take advantage of it, but I guess I'm glad its fixed.


    Also, apparently the top level fold-space no longer resets the group speed to zero after a fold. Makes it a lot more useful to assist travel through gravity wells.

    *Correction -- it still resets to speed zero after fold of the JD is not the group leader.   


    We did do RD base this evening -- It seemed mostly the same.  We still had at least one player disconnect at the start, but aside from that it went fairly well.

  6. The Patch notes are somewhat vague.   What surprises have people seen?


    One addition I've noticed is in the vast gas clouds of Glenn, which used to be popular as a mining levelling spot for explorers -- or a haven for macro mining scum (like me!).  They are now populated with more manes, including CL45 Vivid Manes.   I've notice the balance of power there between the Manes and the Sharim Archaeologists(CL 39) and Space Distortion Specialists(CL43)  that patrol there is shifted, and the Sharim are getting butchered. This will add a bit more excitement to the mining experience there.


    I'm going to try to get people together to do RD base raid later to see what is new there.

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  7. So I got a new laptop, and amongst the the things I install on new PC is BOINC.  BOINC has an option to install virual box aloing with it, and since I occasionally like to dabble in Linux VM's, I figured I'd install that too.   

    Shortly after installing Virtual box,  the Net-7 loader would no longer get into the game.  Instead, It would throw a 'server failed to respond' error before bringing up the login screen.   Uninstalling virual box would return the Net-7 loader  to normal functionality.


    Virtualbox sets up a bunch of virtual network interfaces, possibly this confuses the net-7 loader.  


    Anyone have any experience with this, or know of a workaournd?




  8. Funny how the past repeats itself. 


     I can understand not wanting to wait hours to form a public raid after the trigger spawns, but announcing a Ghost of Blackbeard (GoBB) raid in general and then starting it within a handful of minutes without really waiting for public folks to show up is a punk move.   That's barely enough time to switch out EMP ammo and show up at Teach's memorial to only get swarmed by the first wave of Blackbeard's Guardians.


    I would suggest a more reasonable lead time to give people a chance to show, say 30 minutes.   If you can't do that, drop the "public raid" pretense and run a private one. 

  9. I'm not forgetting the excess cash problem in my commodities market suggestion.  Coded correctly, it would self-balance to pull cash out of the economy, especially if there are more buyers for minerals than there are miners selling.

  10. Well specifically I wanted to fix the reference to the Chili Popper in "New Content"  to also mention that Terran Scouts can do the mission line too.  But that whole 'new content' section is badly out of date, and there is a fair collection of good suggestions for the main page in its discussion page from people frustrated that the admins have gone absent and nobody active seems to have permissions to make updates.


    Also there are pages only reachable via searching that nobody would know about, like the 'mechanics' and 'buff stacking mechanics' pages I recently updated.


    Is there no permission level between site admin and 'everyone else' ?   Looking at update history there are a handful of people making regular updates, and but I can see a need to keep just anyone from defacing the main start page.



  11. The big problem is connecting mineral/ore buyers and sellers.  With the current system of Market channel they need to be lucky enough to both be online at the same time and willing to make the trades.    The is only exacerbated by lower server populations, or players who play at off-peak hours -- which are often the best times to be mining!   Vendors / ripping components are done for convenience because the component vendors are online all the time.


    It's been suggested to have an Auction House, which would be nice certainly for unique items.  Minerals and ores are more of a commodity, and an auction house might work for them, but I  think a commodity marketplace might be a better model to use.    The Market system of EVE online is a nice model to emulate, but its complexity is way overkill.


    IT could be as simple as a minerals commodity vendor, where the back-end tracks buys and sells of items from that vendor.  If there are more buyers than sellers, prices for that commodity (ore/mineral)  go up.  If there's more sellers, it goes down.  


    Right now vendors have fixed prices they buy minerals/ores for -- if you force existing vendors to no longer take these commodities, miners making their fortunes on common gasses would crash the prices of those and pricing would encourage the mining of more useful ores.


  12. This thread is nearly 3 years old, and the main page hasn't been updated in quite some time.   Is there a way that those of us still actively contributing to it can be added permissions to do things like update it/fix errors in the main page?



  13. The problem is that the hull upgrade mission tells all Progen to go to Warship Genesis to pick up their hull upgrade mission.  When you get there, the target 'talk bubble', which is usally the obvious way to get missions, brings up talk text to get you the 'What's Happened to Var' mission, which at level 50 is a suicide run to Primus Planet.   The actual hull upgrade mission comes from the 'message' icon at the top of the screen next to the emote menu, which is very non-obvious.   Prior to the V'rix invasion, the only notice a new Progen would get at genesis was the flashing notice icon, and the observant player would know to click on that.  Now the obvious action is the target talk bubble, which sends new progen on the wrong mission.


    I've  updated the wiki page on the progen hull upgrade missions cautioning of this issue.   Alas, too few new progen bother to look at that.




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  14. The original page was just a copy of the Terran Enforcer guide, which I took a first pass through at fixing.  Clearly I missed a few!  I have gone and  fixed the things you pointed out.


    Thanks for the feedback! 




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  15. I'm sorry if I'm being too subtle.  I did NOT call you a liar, but I did say that you sometimes used lies and distortions to drive home some point.   You seem so quick to distort this and take offense that you can't see the subtle difference.    I don't have anything more to say when you prove my points for me.



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