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Everything posted by Knight05

  1. Ive been testing it for about 3 hours straight now and it seems to be majority wise only level 9 items. I just tried mining grail water 11 times back to back in a field and 9 of the 11 blew up in my face.  Then i tried another level 9 ore eurabite or w/e and out of 6 tries 5 flew in my face.  Then i tried mining rutha 13 times and 8 failed. Im using the best gear for mining I know of like I said.   I also tested the same thing on 7-8 ores and found almost none with the level 7 and maybe 3-4 every 26 or so with level 8.  Is there a possibility that the failure chance for level 9 ores is off?? Because even when i find level 9 ores on level 8 asteroids etc it almost ALWAYS blows up afterwards. It could be a coincidence but unless there is some strange mechanic at bay it feels off. If you have time could one of the dev test it and compare results?
  2. I've noticed since the last patch at least purely from my own personal mining experience that roids are popping like crazy. I'm talking realisticall 3/5 if not 4/5 roids popping on me of all types levels shapes and sizes. I know gas popping was added but as a level 150 JE decked out to the core with the best possible mining gear I can use (to my knowledge) I'm popping at least 60% if not 70% or so of my mines. This is very frustrating to me. Im primarily hunting 8 and 9's and I realize pop rocks are a part of the game but it just seems so excessive as of late.   Please dont mistake this as a QQ or rant thread its more like a.... Am i missing something here thread? Or perhaps the devs could look over the numbers or code or statistics and make sure that its working as intended and that it's just me. It just seems really bad right now. I know some people who are not having any issues at all and a couple who are saying its worse than my experience even.   So my question is now that gas is added to the pop rock family is it ever going to be possible to revisit the number of pop rocks in a particular field and possibly tone it down some? Make it less than 10% or something or make it a random small chance vs a static number of roids that WILL be pop rocks.   Im new to the game so maybe I'm missing something on how it works in game or with the numbers and code etc. Perhaps someone can fill me in and post their own personal experiences right now on mining and pop rocks ONLY. To much, to little, just right?   Thanks :)
  3. I can't even get to the login screen and when i do it hangs till it crashes. I've never had 1 single issue with lag or logging into the game until tonight. Something is seriously wrong with the servers. They may be up but theres some kind of lag or packet loss or hang ups going on randomly. Granted its not everyone but its still noticable and a dns flush didnt fix it for me either. Would a quick reset be possible to see if that resolves the problem many are having?
  4. There was nobody online to tell me to tone it down at the time but I deserved it. I pretty much went all out on the profanity and drama.
  5. I dont fully understand this feature or where I can read up about it. Is this more or less a guild bank? A shared guild bank of sorts that players can deposit and remove items and credits from?
  6. It should go that way dragon. But like you said not everyone is in a guild and often I find the trouble makers are unguilded from my personal experiences. Plus some people are great people but can still lose their cool and slip up time to time. I've seen dev's and long time vets who are generally the best of the best of the community around the clock lose their cool before and lash out or go off on people before. Sometimes people just hit a nerve. It would be great if there were some voting system or something in place where everytime there was an offensive player on if enough people typed a command to vote against that player say 20 people he could be muted for an hour etc. And do like a community watch online type of deal. Wishful thinking and probably far more coding than its worth.   I'll use myself as an example. I'm in a respected guild. Most people know and like me within my guild and I've never had a problem with anyone or anything till the other day. I was in a bad mood and someone said the wrong thing to me at the wrong time and I completely lost my cool and flipped out on the guy in chat and called him a few cuss words and dont him he shouldnt be telling everyone how they should play there game and what they can and can't say when it comes to personal opinion and views about the game. I hate "fan boys" whos basis for everything is the game is FREE therefore nobody should ever offer constructive criticism or offer advice to improve upon things just shut up sit there and enjoy the game or leave. Thats a moronic view IMO. But be that as it may I violated the rules, ended up offending alot of people and stirring up far more trouble than was needed rather than just ignoring the guy on my list and be done with it and ruining some peoples gameplay.   I feel bad for what I did and I can't take it back but its not who i am as a person I just had a bad night. I've seen devs blow up in the same way from time to time either on the forums or in game (usually in game). I was banned for 2 days and while I feel its a bit excessive for a first offense with no prior incidents and a rather good track record I had it coming and got my just deserves. So I'll do my time, lesson learned and hopefully it wont be an issue again. I wasn't the first to get banned for this I'm sure I won't be the last but the point of my speech or w/e is it seems to be a very small minority of people. Almost not enough to even be considered. And those who are the true trolls or trouble makers dont seem to stick around long on this game from what I've noticed to begin with so it really shouldn't be a long term problem.   My only "beef" and I've said it before. I'm not going to say his or her name but there is one particular dev I see in game constantly telling players if they don't like the game , leave when they make harmless comments (in my eyes) such as "So jobs are half xp now? Man that really stinks I don't like that change at all I wish it could go back to how it was". And other times I've seen the same person mute players in chat for 2 hrs or kick them with temp suspensions (according to their words) for offering suggestions or expressing unhappiness with the changes in a not rude fashion or anything. Just expressing feedback. And then told things like "it's not going back to the way it was so deal with it or leave, we aren't changing it"  The words practice what you preach come to mind when I hear this stuff. Because people are getting banned muted or warned constantly when they disrespect a dev or gm etc etc  but when they turn around and do the same thing to the player base it's dismissed its FEELS LIKE a total dictatorship.   But doesn't a person who wears a staff title have to adhere to some sort of professionalism paid or not? I understand people piss them off daily and whine whine whine, but isn't it there responsibility to ride above all that crap and be the better man? I realize it's extremely hard and feels impossible at times but thats the job you signed up for when you wanted to run a game is it not? Does one have to be getting a paycheck from a company to be required to be polite? All I ask for if nothing else is equality in terms of treatment.  Stop telling us we can't do something, then turn around and do it yourselves. I'm generalizing again but it really is only the same 1-2 people I'm referring to that I notice in game. And I won't throw their names out but I will forward this report to the appropriate person via PM if you tell me who to talk to. So I can stop repeating it on this post.   I Just want to make the staff aware of what I feel is a growing problem regarding that concern whether you agree or not. IMO there is some serious favoritism, rule breaking, and hypocrisy going on right now among a very few amount of staff. And I know i'm not alone on this one from what I read in the forums and and in game. Not to be the ultimate nerd here and quote spiderman but "with great power comes great responsibility"  just because you have all the power and tools shouldn't mean you use them in a inappropriate fashion to satisfy your own personal rage sessions or quiet someone you don't like or want to hear even if they arent breaking any rules etc.   I'll stop here because this seems to be turning into a rant even though I truly did/do not intend for it to be that way. I love this game and the devs even though I may not agree with everything said and done I have tremendous respect for your hard work and accomplishments and keeping this game free and fun. I'm in your corner, I truly am but there are some things in house that are off and should be addressed IMO. Keep up the hard word and thanks for making a great game.
  7. Thanks for all the replies I must of missed it.
  8. Thanks for taking the time to reply Kyp. I can understand many of the things you said and understand what you meant in regards to what I wrote and appreciate it. I also wasn't "outing" devs as a whole I just know there have been a few instances where I personally have witnessed what I believed to be power abuse or unprofessional ism from the staff at times in game (I wont throw names out there in puiblic). That being said I wouldn't know who to report it to as how do I know using the in game features via help isn't reporting it to the offender himself. Also I while true I may not have all the facts and there could be special circumstances surrounding the event im not aware of when I make my personal decision about whats going on.... but that's off topic to a degree.   As for the chat thing I don't have the numbers. And no, I do not speak for the community or even the masses. If I made it seem that way in my previous post that was an error on my part. I am speaking only on my own personal experiences solely and what I see. From MY perspective I just felt the channels could use some tuning or changes and could be made better and that the current OOC and General usage was very little to non existant. Once again I dont have numbers or fact is just from my high play time and what I see/view.   There are many times I see people post in new player or market and then the channel cops come in or a dev and tell them take it to OOC  (which by the rules they absolutely should). Then the moment they do the channels go dead. Completely.... for hours sometimes even. And I see quite a few people make a troll comment and go nice now chats dead.   I was just trying to come up with some constructive ideas for changes vs bitching how lame chat is and that I hate personally having to turn on 50 channels for 50 different purposes (clearly exaggerating but you get the idea). Take em or leave em. Just ideas and if mine suck hopefully players could offer up something better. Or maybe I'm truly the only one who cares or thinks about the chat stuff and I'm alone in my endevors and thats fine to. Personally I'm happy you replied at all at least it reinforces that you listen and care even if you may not agree.   I also agree with your point that this is so far down on the totem pole as far as in game concerns right now and you devs have tremendously more important matters and fixes at hand. I just figured this would be an easy fix as you said it would be if you did make a change to it someday and that it was more food for thought then omg i want it now!   P.S. When i said "emo" i was referring to one dev in particular and not you. I have a bad habit of generalizing when I really mean someone or something in specific. Apologies for that. Thanks for replying...
  9. Whats the official email or webpage or whatever info I need to petition being banned. Also is there a link or somewhere you can send me linking me to the ToS if there is one?
  10. I agree 100% and I haven't even been here as long as some seasoned people like shadow etc who is very well known on game (thanks for that gear the other day btw bro "TranscendenceJe". I remember live and this wasn't it or even close. Granted they had countless funding and entire teams but come on guys :/ They were at least listening to the player base and taking suggestions seriously. All I feel I see these days is cyber bullying and a bunch of NO you are wrong its never going to happen posts. Things just happen without any type of communication what so ever and are justified like he said above with "working as intended" Glenn gas mobs anyone? I remember one night zack showing up up ask if I was a bot then killing everyone and the next patch day there was tons of manes everywhere. Combat the botters not the miners IMO but there's another thread for that so I'll leave it at that. All I hear in game these days from friends guilders and even random people is this isn't the enb I know or want and everything is worse than it was more or less. Then I see people try to come on the forums and offer polite critisicm and suggestions and seem to get shot down by the staff with extreme prejudice (sup with that?) I love the game, I love having an opportunity to play it again and relive my younger years but as has been said many times pop is dying, game is dying, nobody is listening or cares and those who don't study past failures are doomed to repeat them. Maybe once a week consider doing a live feed with the devs and have a 1 hour q&a session to answer questions take comments and suggestions and actually connect with the player base you seem to have lost touch with.
  11. Oh just a quick follow up since I can't edit my post from my phone one suggestion I had might be maybe have everyone start off in new player chat till say OL 30-50 then have it switch to a.global chat.and disable new player chat. This would allow new player to be kept primarily noobs and the majority can have global when they are no longer noobs. But keep the new player.channel able.to be toggled in channels if someone wishes to go back after say 30 or help others. That's one suggestion from what I've seen many mmos do
  12. I have no doubt I'll be flamed for his comment in mass but t the expense of speaking my mind when I know others share my feelings if not completely then partially. Virtually nobody uses OOC or general. You can argue they do but unless a dev can come here and show me some actual numbers proving otherwise it's dead based off total pop. People use market and New player chat primarily outside of guild. Market is understandable but new player is considered by most to be a global universal chat Chanel by many. Virtually ALL mmo's use se sort of global or worldwide chat or zone chat. You can argue that, that's general or ooc but they are failed efforts IMO. My PERSONAL feelings are to get rid of ooc and general and merge them into a global channel separate from new player. I've played very few mmos where someone couldn't talk about Obama and still get the answer to a question in the same channel simotaneously. People want to be where the action is and all the people. Yes people could ALL log on general or ooc but they won't. Its.annoying having to open 50 channels for 50 diff purposes. Furthermore you "channel cops" are just making issues 10x worse and more blown up every time you decide to play GM then people get pissed or lash back and a small thing gets blown into something far worse. Once someone mentions it, you don't.need 20 diff people chiming in saying it also. Mention it once then report andmove on if it continues. Most times the one doing the policing is far more annoying or being disruptive than the original person while feeling like "the hero". I personally once again think the fact that new player has to constantly be policed and reminded is a.clear indicator the chat system and setup could use some love and could be changed. I know people are scared of.change and instantly think.No how about you just follow the rules but.mmos are all about change and trying new things and improving on old designs. Why not try a global channel and see. Yes there will be annoying or bad people but they exist now there is no difference. You can't stop them no matter what system you implement, report and.move on. Don't turn it into a.flamefest everytime. I've also seen players make these type of suggestions in channel and.complain about how boring and serious.chat is. I've seen them banned on the spot while not even being offensive or rude and for a first.time offense in chat rather than being directed to the appropriate response place or warned. While I love the devs and gms primarily as a whole I find there is a lot of power abuse at times. Yes its there game and its free and.they can do what they want. I hear that argument from the fan boys 24-7 but the fact they want to bring in new players and grow a population and run their game lmost as if a.company would with rules and regulations etc tells me there should be a more professional approach to the way they handle discipline and less about personal quarrels or vendettas against players that upset them. I even read some of their forum posts and sometimes in their replies it feels as if they lash out in anger at the.communities responses and suggestions from time to time. Community is being preached on this game and togetherness.and comradery and.playing with your fellow man vs everything being handed to us on the database etc.but there.are.times I feel like this game is run more as.a.dictatorship. Just my personal feelings and I know many if not most will disagree. I also feel like in the 2 months or so I've been playing a lot of people are leaving due to boredom or unhappiness. It feels like we lose more than we gain from my stand point but the numbers.may say otherwise. TL:DR. I would like to see a global chat channel and devs and Gms to act more professional and business like and less personal and for lack of a better word "emo". Also I apologize for the tremendous amount of typos, spacing fail and.random periods etc. I'm on my.cell and the auto fill isn't setup right yet and on the Fritz hopefully its mostly legible
  13.     Why couldn't they just instance the jobs or something. Some mmo's i played for example tjhe wizard and warrior types. For resources such as ore wood etc they would INSTANCE IT. What that means is the item stays static and doesnt dissapear when its looted it just doesnt show as lootable for that person anymore. But now joe shmoe walks up and can loot it also. Its instanced resources. Couldn't the same concept be done for jobs? Jobs not being removed when they are acceoted? They are simple accepted by the player then locked out till those 6 jobs are completed rinse and repeat. The jobs are all the same after all to the same place doing the same thing so why couldn't it be instanced?
  14.     Honestly I think its really as simple as you guys are to "soft on punishments"  if I was a macro person and knew if i did get caught the worst I would get for a first offense is a 24 hour ban? Who cares? Woopdie do. Thats what I would be thinking. Hell even a 2nd ban of 48-72 or even a week not a biggie.  But if you give someone 1 warning and then ban them for life I guarentee they would think twice. The reason most people bot right now is because they know they can get away with it and even if they do get caught which they wont for awhile because nobody really reports and no sweeps are really done is they will be right back again.   What you SHOULD do in MY opionion is have a 2 strikes rule.  First time you are banned for a week the second time your account is frozen and deleted and you can still make a new account/characters and start fresh but everything you had before is lost. Characters/items etc etc. There needs to be real fear and risk for these people to lose their stuff before they will take the rules serious. I know you dont wanna lose population and ban people for life etc on a growing game but some people just wont learn and examples must be made. This would let you keep the population but deter the cheaters by making hard consequences and long term punishments.   I also think attended macroing should be done away with all together. You can't please everyone. Can't have your cake and not eat it.  Nobody using a bot is doing so because they want to play the game and watch a machine play for them. They are doing it so they can go afk etc.  They may pop in and keep an eye on it here and there to check for whispers from a GM etc but they are using it to NOT play the game and get levels. Remove macros all together and outlaw them then do sweeps code. I know for a fact you guys can do sweeps to see whos spamming the same buttons etc and doing patterns.   My 2 cents...
  15. I give up also this clearly isnt something thats going to be fixed tonight/early morning. I'll check again when i wake up in 5 hours or so until then good night
  16. This is clearly Obama's fault.
  17. I wrote the GM's from the site and asked them for an update and they told me that they can't go into details but the Devs have been notified of the problem and are working on a fix now. So they are aware its down and working on resolving it. At least they know. All we can hope for now is a quick fix :)  I would guess they are all at home and the servers/office where the game is kept at is many miles away. So it will take time etc...
  18. Realistically until a dev or gm logs on to play. And considering i believe most of them are in a different time zone it could be like up to 6 hours before we see one of them on. Your best bet is to check back in like 2 hours or crash early and play in the AM.
  19. Ya im starting to contemplate my life seeing as how its only been like an hour or so and Ive got the shakes and am twitching and spamming server status update button repeatedly while my girlfriend sits next to me saying lets "get down" and im like I can't boo I gotta be here when they come back up!!  God help me *tear*
  20. As they said in aliens. Game over man!   No seriously though I was rebooting my PC when it went down. Did anyone say what happened or was there an announcement it was going down? If so for how long or when will it be back up. Anyone know?
  21. Please forgive me but...... Thats what she said XD
  22. All right all right who forgot to pay the cable bill devs?
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