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About Eilliem

  • Birthday 01/27/1988

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  1. I figured hey if vegeta can do it with his galick gun why cant i
  2. I was playing D&D(3.5) the other day with some of my buddy's and our DM who loves his NPC's ruined our party and did what ever it would take to save his NPC's from certain destruction. So i finally say that's it, that's enough, your NPC's are dead!!! But i need to think big so i asked how many hit points does earth have? none of us had the answer and after much googling we gave up. so i was hoping some of you guys might know.
  3. First try turning off "user account control", its less intrusive on 7 than it was on vista, but its still UAC
  4. Well I was watching the science channel awhile back, the way they plan to stop solar radation is a electromagnetic field generator, seems simple enough, my laptop puts out enough radiation to kill my "Genetic legacy" if you catch my drift , so making a field for a small space craft shouldnt be that hard.
  5. Eww run Windows 7's nice fresh backup utility or make an image of the hard drive and reinstall a fresh copy Windows 7
  6. Hoping to rejoin Tech Support team!!!

  7. Well if we are going Star Gate (good show's BTW, SG1 and Atlantis, universe sucks)we should build a BC-304 then.
  8. So basically what your saying is, it’s possible;)
  9. So I was daydreaming at work the other day and I thought of something interesting/cool (IMO). For those of you familiar with the Star Trek: Enterprise series you might think this is interesting as well. How much do you think would cost to build the NX-01 with our current monetary system? Now obviously we can’t have our Warp 5 Engine or the transporters amongst other things, but wouldn’t it be co;)?
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