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in 10 mins GMT i'll be on Progen Channel in Game to chat

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Topic says it really.

I also plan to be around ~ 14:00 BST (GMT+1) Saturday 26th for TeamSpeak Chat for 1 hour.

In game chat will last about 30-45 minutes.

Questions may (or be cryptically) answered. Please don't ask plot lines or what is the best mission option.

Topics to be covered will be info on:

Level 50 HU + bonus Threads

Level 75 HU + Bonus Threads

Level 100 HU + Bonus Threads

Level 135 Hu + Bonus Threads

Agrippa Technology

+ Other topics you may ask, but if it has already be asked these may not be answered.

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Is it possible that a log of the chat can be displayed somewhere to be viewed by those of us who were not available during that time?

Found the logs, its a little big and removed any entry for private messages...


(10):21: 2:49 Byakhee:the first Q/A will be Hull Upgrade Missions

(14):21: 3: 9 [Progen] Shadypp: The Progen HU missions seem enormously long and tedious with respect to the other classes/races

(14):21: 3:19 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Yes

(14):21: 3:24 [Progen] Viktori: What is the lvl 50 Hu for a PS like/

(14):21: 3:29 [Progen] Heatspw: but more rewarding

(14):21: 3:37 [Progen] Viktori: Yay more rewarding.

(14):21: 3:39 [Progen] Zeppelin: eh, not really

(14):21: 3:42 [Progen] Kocapp: long nottedious

(14):21: 3:48 [Progen] Viktori: Shroud of the optimal for the lvl 30 one is an amazing shield.

(14):21: 3:54 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: If you don't like them, do the payment

(14):21: 3:58 [Progen] Eviscerator: progens are tougher .. if u want a wimpy simple class go play jenpie

(14):21: 4:12 [Progen] Yammato: With regards to the L75 PW mission, it might not hurt to put somewhere in the description for the patrols telling you to leave a free spot in your hold.

(14):21: 4:16 [Progen] Zeppelin: long and involved missions are good if the rewards are consummate

(14):21: 4:22 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: ok. Hull missions Overview.

(14):21: 4:27 [Progen] Ubaal: I kind of disagree with that... if you're a trade or explore Progen, they're not very well suited for how those classes level

(14):21: 4:38 [Progen] Zeppelin: also yes, my PP apparently can't get the next sub-mission because after killing all those mobs he had no cargo space

(14):21: 4:45 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: How many here have done the new style HU missions

(14):21: 4:51 [Progen] Viktori: HUMs need to say where the mobs are and if you need room in your hold.

(14):21: 4:55 [Progen] Kocapp: some

(14):21: 4:57 [Progen] Heatspw:

(14):21: 4:59 [Progen] Viktori: Other then that i think its a great thing so far.

(14):21: 4:59 [Progen] Cassicius: i have

(14):21: 5: 0 [Progen] Shadypp: I'm working on the 50 right now

(14):21: 5: 1 [Progen] Yammato: I did the 75 recently

(14):21: 5: 8 [Progen] Zeppelin: <-- has done level 50 and options, and level 75 on PP

(14):21: 5:10 [Progen] Viktori: Then again i only get my HU 50 in like 2 levels.

(14):21: 5:14 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: I take on board the HU 75 issue

(14):21: 5:15 [Progen] Rala: I di the 50 HU about a month ago for my PS took a couple days to complete

(14):21: 5:20 [Progen] Mchaggis: Or dont let the mission complete with a hull hold.

(14):21: 5:22 [Progen] Heatspw: up to and including lvl 100

(14):21: 5:24 [Progen] Cpwingspt: Is the mission that awards the Shroud of the Optimal actually part of the lvl30 HU'd

(14):21: 5:31 [Progen] Ubaal: I have 2 80+ toons that can't complete the 75 because of CL requirements

(14):21: 5:32 [Progen] Mchaggis: full*

(14):21: 5:41 [Progen] Eviscerator: i went to the equipment vendor in FR 7 at lvl 98 and was given a followup to my lvl 50 HU mission went out to grissom hub and nothing happened was something supposed to happen cause i didnt do that mission or it didnt cause i did the 50 and 75 HU

(14):21: 5:49 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: HU 75 have average CL of 75/3 = 25

(14):21: 6:15 [Progen] Ubaal: Yeah but how many tradesmen/explorers have a balanced lvl compared to EL or TL?

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(10):21: 6:44 Byakhee:First discussion: Level 30 Hull Upgrade (No other Q's Please)

(14):21: 6:56 [Progen] Sublimeprogen: im doing the lvl 30HU right now...... been working at it for about 4 hours and not even half way done lol

(14):21: 7: 9 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: This will be amended to be rather like live. It will be adjusted

(14):21: 7:11 [Progen] Peco: Heck I can't finish 30 hu

(14):21: 7:28 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: You will require to kill the mobs for their cortex

(14):21: 7:28 [Progen] Heatspw: do you have to do all themissions including 30 to get the bonuses later?

(14):21: 7:32 [Progen] Kocapp: i likeneed to gethelp finishingsome missions

(14):21: 7:33 [Progen] Sublimeprogen: im a PW so the combat lvls are perfect

(14):21: 7:53 [Progen] Yammato: For me, the L30 one wasn't too bad up untill you had to kill the guys outside of DET

(14):21: 8: 1 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: The only merius militia stage in it will be the merius miltia captain

(14):21: 8: 4 [Progen] Zeppelin: my PP was able to finish the patrols at CL 18, but it did take tactics

(14):21: 8:21 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Discussion currently is the HU 30

(14):21: 8:26 [Progen] Zeppelin: alrighty

(14):21: 8:40 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Order of upgrade

(14):21: 8:45 [Progen] Terrell: I have to agree with Yammato, I did the 30 with my PT, but she got her butt repeatedly handed to her at DCO. Had to level her up past L40 to complete it.

(14):21: 8:49 [Progen] Sublimeprogen: i just wish it was i little shorter..... all this warping around is really annoying

(14):21: 8:55 [Progen] Gamedad: PP lvl 30 Hull upgrade, when the recipe for Hull Laminate II has been aquired, is that it untill lvl 50?

(14):21: 8:59 [Progen] Heatspw: do you have to do lvl 30 for later bonuses?

(14):21: 9: 1 [Progen] Zeppelin: the level 30 mission is just fine in my opinion -- not impossible to do solo, takes a while to finish, but excellent rewards for the time investment

(14):21: 9: 5 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Hull Level 30 is as it was Live for Travel

(14):21: 9:15 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: And for reward

(14):21: 9:23 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Combat will be amended

(14):21: 9:28 [Progen] Terrell: The reward is great. I think it was worth the effort.

(14):21: 9:31 [Progen] Cpwingspt: ok let me try again, is the long mission that rewards the Shroud of the Optimal actually the lvl30 HU'd mission?

(14):21: 9:36 [Progen] Zeppelin: yes

(14):21: 9:40 [Progen] Sublimeprogen: yeah i probably will to once i finish it

(14):21: 9:44 [Progen] Ubaal: On the 30s I would say tone back the mobs at ODC a little bit... they can be a tad much

(14):21:10:15 [Progen] Kocapp: havetoagreethat one

(14):21:10:17 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: DCO Mobs - won't be toned down but all you will need to kill will be the captain; the fighters and bomber stages will be removed

(14):21:10:25 [Progen] Kocapp: butsupposd to get a grp

(14):21:10:28 [Progen] Heatspw: go with a friend

(14):21:10:28 [Progen] Rala: And they have excellent scan range had a 2.5 sig and they still aggro'd me from 10K away right on the DC

(14):21:10:40 [Progen] Ubaal: Then that's fine :) You just get far too many of them

(14):21:11: 5 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: however a stage will be in to go and kill each mob for their cortex

(14):21:11:19 [Progen] Zeppelin: ack

(14):21:11:29 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: As it was in live

(14):21:11:32 [Progen] Zeppelin: so no more getting them at your convenience, you actually have to do yet more travelling?

(14):21:11:43 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: This was as live

(14):21:11:44 [Progen] Cpwingspt: but ur groupmate can only buff you, u still need to make all the kills urself?

(14):21:12: 4 [Progen] Zeppelin: yes, but Live was not perfect ;)

(14):21:12:36 [Progen] Gamedad: PP lvl 30 Hull upgrade, when the recipe for Hull Laminate II has been aquired, is that it untill lvl 50?

(14):21:12:36 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: I realise that, but to tone down the DCO encounter you will then travel a little more

(14):21:12:56 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Topic currently being discussed is the HU 30

(14):21:12:59 [Progen] Lynora: it takes a bit of strategy, can't just undock from DCO and run to it

(14):21:12:59 [Progen] Terrell: I My PE could live with that when it comes her turn to do the mission.

(14):21:13: 3 [Progen] Zeppelin: keep it the way it is -- DCO wasn't that hard even as a PS

(14):21:13:14 [Progen] Gamedad: ah, agrippa is just a bonus to that, ok, thx

(14):21:13:23 [Progen] Lynora: if you warp out a bit and move back after watching their path you'll be ok

(14):21:13:24 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Don't forget there are things such as WH in the game

(14):21:13:45 [Progen] Terrell: Yeah, and I have 2 JE's one on each account for that very reason.

(14):21:13:53 [Progen] Sublimeprogen: yeah that would help but i have no JE friends

(14):21:13:56 [Progen] Shadypp: I agree... The extra combat XP you get from being forced to fight the Milia Fighters and Bombers comes in handy

(14):21:14: 0 [Progen] Cpwingspt: what ask 4 help from a Jenpie?

(14):21:14: 0 [Progen] Zeppelin: Progen don't have wormhole :)

(14):21:14:15 [Progen] Zeppelin: I likes combat

(14):21:14:19 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: no, threaten to remove them from existance if they don't volunteer

(14):21:14:26 [Progen] Sublimeprogen: lol

(14):21:14:28 [Progen] Jonnahhex: is this the lvl 100 hu m ission?

(14):21:14:35 [Progen] Barbossa: 30

(14):21:14:39 [Progen] Jonnahhex: ok

(14):21:15:10 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: The fighting the enemy mobs for their cortex will occur similar to the current options

(14):21:15:16 [Progen] Jonnahhex: killing the capt :)

(14):21:15:28 [Progen] Zeppelin: leaving the DCO encounter as it is will provide more benefit to the player; combat experience and it will prepare them for the sort of challenges which face them in future promo missions

(14):21:15:36 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: After killed 5 mobs you will get a cortex automatically, but if you get one sooner then lucky you

(14):21:16:14 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: So leave the DCO as it is?

(14):21:16:17 [Progen] Donalmel: I'm not against killing more than 5 to get the Cortex, it also helps level combat

(14):21:16:20 [Progen] Barbossa: yeah

(14):21:16:26 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: I thought players were against it.

(14):21:16:30 [Progen] Shadypp: byakhee... The cortexes can't be acquired by others? or another toon and traded?

(14):21:16:35 [Progen] Terrell: Yeah, but allow people to group up, and work together to kill the required mobs.

(14):21:16:39 [Progen] Heatspw: yes leave it alone its good the way it is

(14):21:16:42 [Progen] Zeppelin: I'm against excessive travelling lol

(14):21:16:45 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Thats why it is in like that

(14):21:16:56 [Progen] Shadypp: I think the DCO is fine as it is... But I'm just one voice

(14):21:17: 4 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: I'll just have to combine both parts into one long mission

(14):21:17: 7 [Progen] Cpwingspt: <-- haven't done it yet, so no valid opinion

(14):21:17:13 [Progen] Anna: I don't mind ODC just tone the mobs down some. Sitting at ODC and not even moving I'd get 6 or 7 mobs coming after me with the lowest sig possible for my class

(14):21:17:16 [Progen] Lynora: I'd say DCO is ok, it's like it was in live

(14):21:17:17 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: So you dont have part 1 and part 2

(14):21:17:31 [Progen] Barbossa: DCO is fine , as someone else said , it gives the player practice for later misson's

(14):21:17:37 [Progen] Heatspw: zep do you just want them to make you lvl 150 with no trouble? 150 is not all its cracked up to be

(14):21:17:38 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: DCO is a hornet's nest for a reason

(14):21:17:45 [Progen] Zeppelin: yes, combining them as one mission would be great

(14):21:17:54 [Progen] Lynora: rule of thumb "never "sit" outside a base"

(14):21:17:59 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: So the one thing I will do is to combine them to one mission

(14):21:18:38 [Progen] Cpwingspt: <-- on 3/9 of the second part, just about to do the militia segment

(14):21:18:51 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Cpwingspt good look

(14):21:18:57 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: luck

(14):21:19: 5 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: May consider missile lure?

(14):21:19:23 [Progen] Terrell: You'll need it, pick at the edges, and if you have a trader buddy to recharge your shields for you, bring him (or her) along.

(14):21:19:47 [Progen] Lynora: if yo watch where the captain spawns you can sit in an area and pull him even with projectiles......... "strategy"

(14):21:19:51 [Progen] Cpwingspt: I understand the concept, I have 3 terrans also

(14):21:20: 7 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Combine mission yes.

(14):21:20:13 [Progen] Heatspw: yes

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(10):21:20:41 Byakhee: next discussion Agrippa Technology

(14):21:20:49 [Progen] Lynora: less xp also? isn't there a second mission from DCO that can be done at same time? (memory kinda fuzzy)

(14):21:20:51 [Progen] Heatspw: but will that then make it a 18 part mission?

(10):21:20:54 Byakhee: before any further Hull Upgrade

(14):21:21: 0 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Right

(14):21:21: 8 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: This is what Agrippa Technology is

(14):21:21:21 [Progen] Heatspw: kk knowing that going into it may help

(14):21:21:41 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Agrippa Technology is the Collegia Arm Research and Development of the Progen Republic

(14):21:22: 0 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: It is tasked with creating advanced Progen gear just like say area 51 is for the usaf

(14):21:22:20 [Progen] Shadypp: Nice :-)

(14):21:22:22 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Its technology is likely to be available for all Progen in 15 years time

(14):21:22:31 [Progen] Heatspw: lol

(14):21:22:32 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: So its advanced Concepts

(14):21:22:40 [Progen] Terrell: Good to know.

(14):21:23:10 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: They incorporate one Equipped buff and multiple activated buff/debuff

(14):21:23:19 [Progen] Heatspw: but will there be tricle downs before then?

(14):21:23:21 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: The activated are balanced

(14):21:23:52 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Agrippa Technology missions will be social

(14):21:24:16 [Progen] Peco: Is this for building things?

(14):21:24:19 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: For you to advance you may need to supply your gear to a low level player to try it out and obtain a battle report

(14):21:24:29 [Progen] Nexeo: Agrippa is that an old earth swedish company? :P

(14):21:24:34 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: They then will have the chance of giving you that battle report

(14):21:24:44 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: For you to complete your mission

(14):21:25:13 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: The first stage of the Agrippa Technology will be for supplying players below hull level 30

(14):21:25:29 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: But you will have to be level 100 to do this so you are supplying others

(14):21:25:44 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: And trusting these others to give you the battle reports after

(14):21:25:54 [Progen] Genghisbob: Is this Agrippa stuff in the game now?

(14):21:25:56 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Because you won't be able to obtain them

(14):21:26: 5 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Yes, drips and drabs starting

(14):21:26:21 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Agrippa Technology will be Progen only gear

(14):21:26:31 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: <So no engines>

(14):21:26:44 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: They also will be very expensive to research

(14):21:26:45 [Progen] Barbossa: we still get the BB and CFB ?

(14):21:27:11 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: please stay on topic

(14):21:27:11 [Progen] Shadypp: Geex... Screwed again LOLz

(14):21:27:48 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: The first Agrippa Tech opportunity is for the PP @ Hull 50

(14):21:27:55 [Progen] Genghisbob: What do we need to do to start this research?

(14):21:27:56 [Progen] Rala: so all this Agrippa gear will be manufactureable? or not?(14):21:28:18 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: By doing the PP option they will gain the ability to build the component required for the first tier of Agrippa Tech Builds

(14):21:28:32 [Progen] Jonnahhex: has anyone done the lvl 100 hu mission?

(14):21:28:37 [Progen] Eviscerator: if your progen is past those HU will u be able to get the missions

(14):21:28:48 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: The first Tier of Agrippa Tech Builds will be based of the HU 100 Build Options

(14):21:28:48 [Progen] Eviscerator: im doing the 100 HU now

(14):21:29:10 [Progen] Jonnahhex: where do u find the items for the recue mission?]

(14):21:29:15 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Currently only the @50 Component/Bonus and the @100 Shield Build / bonus are in the game

(14):21:29:28 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: I am working on the Device @ bonus

(14):21:29:54 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: HINT: Sentinels with Build Device (5) will be vital to the building

(14):21:30:22 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: What I am implementing is interdependence between the classes(0):21:30:34 COMPUTER: Gin logged out.

(14):21:30:34 [Progen] Elmelf: so do ya still get a Symbol of Loyalty?? for further in the game?? & is that only in 1 option or more paths lead to obtain the symbol?

(14):21:30:38 [Progen] Jonnahhex: i need 5 secured containers and 10 evacuation pods

(14):21:30:40 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: So e.g., a reactor 6 may require a sample of a device from a sentinel

(14):21:30:49 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: as part of its build

(14):21:31: 8 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: So Agrippa Technology wont be for the solo player

(14):21:31:29 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: But the Techniology will be able to be traded to other players once you build it from the mission

(14):21:31:55 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: just remember the first tier will be all low player gear

(14):21:32: 3 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Stuff you cannot test

(14):21:32:15 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: But have to find a willing low level to test for you

(14):21:32:27 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: They will be told to take the item to their starting sector commander

(14):21:32:34 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: And gain a mission from it

(14):21:32:46 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: By doing that mission they gain a battle report item

(14):21:32:54 [Progen] Genghisbob: So, if our 'toons are already above level 100, we won't be able to do any Agrippa Tech stuff, correct?

(14):21:32:55 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Which they may choose to give to you

(14):21:32:56 [Progen] Barbossa: and if there are no lw level's who havent already done this ?

(14):21:33:13 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: TraderMagoo is currently leveling a PP

(14):21:33:20 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: I know of

(14):21:33:41 [Progen] Eviscerator: Anna can make the mesh part u need for the sheilds mission

(14):21:33:43 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: If you have already passed the new HU then you get the BB and CFB

(14):21:33:59 [Progen] Terrell: Does a PT that does this mission have to give the item specifically to another privateer, rather than say a Sentinel or Warrior to get those battle reports?

(14):21:34: 6 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: The BB and CFB will be withdrawn as missions when they start to drop from mobs

(14):21:34:27 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: The first one is the Shield )PP or PP)

(14):21:34:36 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: They have to give it to a PW to test

(14):21:34:40 [Progen] Shadypp: Byakhee... I think that making the missions depend on someone else is a bit much... Currently there aren't that many players playing and trying to get someone to do that part of a mission might get to very frustrating indeed

(14):21:34:45 [Progen] Terrell: Thanks

(14):21:34:46 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Delibratly done outside your class

(14):21:35: 4 [Progen] Barbossa: exactly my thoughts Byakhee

(14):21:35:13 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Shadypp -- Guilds have long since been crying for social / group missions

(14):21:35:24 [Progen] Vaden: Ok where do you go for the PT 135 HU mission?

(14):21:35:26 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Something groups can work on

(14):21:35:29 [Progen] Genghisbob: Can the same PW test the shield for multiple PPs?

(14):21:35:44 [Progen] Eviscerator: took me 5 min to find someone willing to do the mission

(14):21:35:53 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Currently the answer is no, but I'm thinking of making it a repeatable mission

(14):21:36: 8 [Progen] Shadypp: Understood... It's just that some peeps prefer to play more of a solo approach...

(14):21:36:28 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Shadypp - then do the non-agrippa tech options

(14):21:36:33 [Progen] Gamedad: my PP has 10 hull mesh

(14):21:36:56 [Progen] Barbossa: i would recommend it being a repeatable mission , because there are notalot of players , and only being able to do it once , would be kinda impossible for everyone else

(14):21:36:57 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Agrippa Technology is solo there for social missions

(14):21:37: 0 [Progen] Heatspw: i personnally like that yo uhave to depend on others

(14):21:37: 3 [Progen] Anna: Are non Agrippa options available for HUs?

(14):21:37:16 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Anna yes - and I will be going through them later

(14):21:37:25 [Progen] Zeppelin: will the level 135 upgrade offer something on par with the current rewards (i.e. a manufacturable high-end shield, weapon, device etc.)?

(14):21:37:42 [Progen] Zeppelin: instead of the CFB, BB and such

(14):21:37:48 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Now there will be some trying to figure out Agrippa Technology and quite a few players cursing me as to the route

(14):21:38: 8 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: But Agripap Technology only is taking the best that they see

(14):21:38:12 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Agrippa

(14):21:38:33 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: So if you missed out at 50 or 100 you will be not included with the research

(14):21:38:43 [Progen] Zeppelin: by the way, I like Composita's first response on the level 30 bonus

(14):21:38:59 [Progen] Zeppelin: "you'd be surprised how many just choose the first answer!"

(14):21:39: 0 [Progen] Heatspw: i like the harder ones but please make the missions more understandable than the current pw missions

(14):21:39: 2 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Doing the Build Options at those stages you are enrolled into Agrippa Technology

(14):21:39:23 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Agrippa Technology is the current topic

(14):21:39:45 [Progen] Genghisbob: Byakhee, it can't be as bad as the Oni Communication Device was from live, someone will figure it out! eventually... :-)

(14):21:39:47 [Progen] Anna: So does this mean I can do the Agrippa stuff and not have to deal with 20 mobs coming at me for the Hull Upgrades?

(14):21:39:50 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Activated Buffs/Debuffs for these items will all last the same time. The shield currently has a much better buff

(14):21:40:15 [Progen] Anna: Or is this Agrippa stuff the side/bonus missions?

(14):21:40:17 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: But both Buff/Debuff will last 30 secs for the Skirmish Shield I

(14):21:40:42 [Progen] Elmelf: is it possible for the already 150 players still to obtain agrippa technology to build?? or only when ya done those bonus HU missions ??

(14):21:40:53 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Agrippa Technology missions all stem from the BUILD OPTION for Hull 50 or Hull 100

(14):21:41:23 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: And will only be available to players who start again / do the new mission types

(14):21:41:35 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Which is where people are going to hate me

(14):21:41:36 [Progen] Kocapp: so to be clear if uve dont the build part of hu 100 u can get approve for equipa?

(14):21:41:38 [Progen] Mira: i've build the waterloo at the HU mission

(14):21:41:49 [Progen] Genghisbob: I;ll have to restart my PP. LOL

(14):21:41:57 [Progen] Terrell: Will build options be such that Privateers/Sentinels can do them based on which build skill they levelled up? Since there aren't enough points to level all of them iwthout combat suffering.

(14):21:42:20 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: The build part are there for a reason, if you don't do it you clearly arn't the highly charged builders they are looking for!

(14):21:42:33 [Progen] Elmelf: lol

(14):21:42:47 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: The build option depends on your build skill

(14):21:42:59 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: @ 50 its Component only so its PP

(14):21:43:13 [Progen] Kocapp: can u do more then one ie this pp has weps and reactors?

(14):21:43:26 [Progen] Terrell: Okay, was wondering that, since my PT builds weapons, and reactors, rather than shields & comps.

(14):21:43:30 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: @ 100 : Device (PS) Shield (PS PP) Reactor: (PP) Weapon (PP PW)

(14):21:43:54 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Requirements:

(14):21:44: 4 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: HU 50: Build Comp @ 3

(14):21:44:13 [Progen] Kocapp: btw gracias for patience )

(14):21:44:17 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: HU 100: Build <Whatever> @ 5

(14):21:44:26 [Progen] Heatspw: nice

(14):21:44:47 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: HU 100 also has a Trade Level requirement of 35

(14):21:44:48 [Progen] Terrell: So does that mean a PT must get both the 50 and the 100 to qualify, or are they good getting at least one of them?

(14):21:45:20 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: These are independent of each other, but if you can build the components you will have an advantage for other build trees

(14):21:45:32 [Progen] Terrell: Thank you.

(14):21:45:34 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Because you can supply your own components

(14):21:45:49 [Progen] Zeppelin: so one will be able to choose multiple build options?

(14):21:45:53 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Eventually, once coded the Components will be classified as Progen Only

(14):21:46: 7 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Currently they coudl fall into enemy hands too .... easily

(14):21:46:11 [Progen] Heatspw: there isnt going to be a restriction of when you have to do the hu is there/ say you wait till lvl 60 to do the lvl 50 hu?

(14):21:46:22 [Progen] Kocapp: will need second pp

(14):21:46:38 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: The restriction is on the current hull you have

(14):21:46:45 [Progen] Zeppelin: remember, Terrans can build Progen-only ;)

(14):21:46:55 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: So once you pass a HU the options are no longer available

(14):21:47:12 [Progen] Heatspw: kk good to know

(14):21:47:13 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Zeppelin: I believe they no longer can

(14):21:47:23 [Progen] Zeppelin: ahh, well that's interesting

(14):21:47:30 [Progen] Ascention: Far as I know, still can

(14):21:47:50 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: I ma trying to make the Compoents eventually Build only (ie they will be unable to be dismantled)

(14):21:48:14 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Which means the Progen Advanced Tech will be unable to be broken

(14):21:48:23 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: But currently this is not the case

(14):21:48:28 [Progen] Zeppelin: well

(14):21:48:32 [Progen] Zeppelin: only those who have the map can dismantle

(14):21:48:40 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Exactly

(14):21:48:43 [Progen] Zeppelin: if the schematic is only gained through a mission, only those who have done the mission can dismantle anyway

(14):21:48:50 [Progen] Anify: tag em like ammo for non-dismantle?

(14):21:48:57 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: But the compoent is used for future builds

(14):21:49: 7 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: So could be retroed

(14):21:49:35 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: What I am trying to get done is it could be built by those with the print; but if retroed it could never be dismantled

(14):21:49:41 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: or analyzed

(14):21:49:56 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: So the compoent you make better be high quality!

(14):21:50: 7 [Progen] Zeppelin: seems overkill

(14):21:50: 9 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Otherwise it may be vender fodder

(14):21:50:11 [Progen] Anify: i dunno, them terrans are tricky :)

(14):21:50:16 [Progen] Heatspw: i love what your doing for the progens Byah, but is there anyone working on things like this for the other races?

(14):21:50:17 [Progen] Tigermaster: so at lvl100 hu i would need to have trade at 35

(14):21:50:41 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: tiger yes

(14):21:50:48 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: And the prove your build skills

(14):21:50:49 [Progen] Illuminaughty: hey byakhee, have you been made aware of the lvl 75 hu bug for progen? that if you kill the rd's near the gate in ap they dont respawn?

(14):21:51:11 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: ::: Current Discussion is Agrippa Tech ::

(14):21:51:27 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: So you now understand Agrippa Tech correct?

(14):21:51:29 [Progen] Illuminaughty: so if you kill the wrong one first, you have to get a gm involved to finish it

(14):21:51:42 [Progen] Zeppelin: I noticed that too

(14):21:51:46 [Progen] Zeppelin: you can go to VG, the same mobs are there

(14):21:51:47 [Progen] Heatspw: not completely but will get it more as we play

(14):21:51:53 [Progen] Anify: so, as a 51 PP, i can make hull mesh, but thats all, so far?

(14):21:52: 3 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: :: Find Similar named ones at RD gate in sirus

(14):21:53:24 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: The mobs are only reliant on me discovering CL 25 - 29 that are in the game

(14):21:54: 0 [Progen] Anify: byakhee seems to say, yes, zepp, another bonus

(14):21:54:15 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: is it the composite?

(14):21:54:24 [Progen] Anify: hull mesh laminate III iirc

(14):21:54:42 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Yes, that is what the people will need for the Shield Bonus mission from the HU 100

(14):21:54:55 [Progen] Anify: so im good for now, thanks

(14):21:54:55 [Progen] Zeppelin: but there's no secret mission after that, right?

(14):21:55: 6 [Progen] Zeppelin: because I spoke to the NPC again and didn't get anything new

(14):21:55: 9 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: No one can tell the future

(14):21:55:27 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Each option will have a maximum of 3 bonus tree missions

(14):21:55:44 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Thats currently 1 for the Component

(14):21:55:51 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: +2 to code in future

(14):21:56:23 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: So we kind of clear about Agrippa Technology?

(14):21:56:27 [Progen] Anify: think of it as job security :)

(14):21:56:41 [Progen] Terrell: I think so, makes it interesting.

(14):21:56:43 [Progen] Zeppelin: will there eventually be something on par with the CFB, BB etc. by Agrippa?

(14):21:56:55 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Remember, the activated effects will give both positive and negative; but i've tried to make them not very limiting to Progen

(14):21:56:55 [Progen] Anify: we can only hope, zepp

(14):21:56:57 [Progen] Zeppelin: for the level 135 upgrade or what have you

(14):21:57:14 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Zeppelin Eventually yes, but builing from the base first

(14):21:57:21 [Progen] Zeppelin: alrighty >:)

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(10):22: 2:20 Byakhee: next topic is HU 50

(14):22: 2:45 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: All Hull Upgrades can be paid for

(14):22: 2:46 [Progen] Viktori: I just turned lvl 50 will there be any problems with the lvl 50 HU mission i should know about?

(14):22: 2:47 [Progen] Anna: In otherwords only approved for PWs LOL Nice

(14):22: 2:52 [Progen] Illuminaughty: any chance you guys could put a item in game that makes your cargo larger, ie 1 extra space in cargo hold per level of device?

(14):22: 2:54 [Progen] Viktori: and is the lvl 50 Hu mission the cortex mission?

(14):22: 3:18 [Progen] Illuminaughty: would help my pw with trade runs

(14):22: 3:23 [Progen] Illuminaughty: and ammo foru hunting

(14):22: 3:23 [Progen] Rala: Sounds like "Toss in the Jenquai" type of thing that way they aet off all the traps

(14):22: 3:39 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: HU 50 is loosly based around finding your contacts

(14):22: 3:50 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: The theme for this is a "Supply"

(14):22: 4: 2 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: So any bonuses will be related to "Supply"

(14):22: 4:16 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Apart from Agrippa Tech bonus which is "Build"

(14):22: 4:32 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Apart from Combat options which will always be .. combat

(14):22: 4:41 [Progen] Viktori: Im a PS btw, and so there is no standing, known glitches I should be worried about?

(14):22: 5: 1 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Basically, the option you do (Cash excempt) will eventually determine what you get as a bonus mission

(14):22: 5:20 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: At HU 50 there are only 2 options you can complete

(14):22: 5:23 [Progen] Viktori: Well I have both my build shields and build devices at lvl 4 atm.

(14):22: 5:27 [Progen] Muted: so those of us who have pp toons who were too slow getting the warrior's heart when it was dropping in game are out of luck.

(14):22: 5:34 [Progen] Donalmel: Illu, you played another game with the cargo expansion devices, by chance?

(14):22: 5:34 [Progen] Illuminaughty: ??? did bonus mission at lvl 75 and 100 and didnt get a bonus item, did i just do the wrong missions?

(14):22: 5:43 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Once you do both options you loose the capability of gaining or completing any others you may have in your mission log

(14):22: 5:57 [Progen] Illuminaughty: no, cargo expansion is just an idea, may not be possible in this game

(14):22: 6: 3 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: This is why options are forfitable

(14):22: 6:14 [Progen] Rala: But if you cleared the 50 but not yet the 75 100 you're still good?

(14):22: 6:29 [Progen] Muted: yea -- warrior's heart ws not a mission before this, so i had no worries

(14):22: 6:31 [Progen] Anna: This game had hte cargo expansion device for PSs

(14):22: 6:34 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: ....### Current Q is HU 50 ####

(14):22: 6:41 [Progen] Barbossa: Any plans on increasing the supply times , currently its at 4 hours to supply both wreakage slag and debris ( 100 of each )

(14):22: 6:46 [Progen] Anify: many of this is very recent changes, not back-trackable, i think he said at the beginning

(14):22: 7: 8 [Progen] Muted: I guess I'm done then

(14):22: 7:18 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Wreckage slag and debris can be obtained from others, just ask im sure they'd be willing to collect it for you

(14):22: 7:34 [Progen] Anna: For a fee

(14):22: 7:39 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: ;/

(14):22: 7:41 [Progen] Donalmel: you can also farm lowbie areas

(14):22: 7:58 [Progen] Viktori: So what are the two options for the HU 50? Pay, Bonus mission without build and bonus mission with build?

(14):22: 8: 1 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: If you do cash option you get no bonus missions for that option slot

(14):22: 8:26 [Progen] Donalmel: do the bonus missions give you anythinng (havent done em, yet)

(14):22: 8:28 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: For the HU 50 read the Authorization form - right click on it. This will state the STARTING options

(14):22: 8:56 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: I say STARTING because as with all the options for HU some options may unlock options also

(14):22: 9:29 [Progen] Viktori: Oh, ok. I just wanted to make sure i wasnt gunna run into any little glitches that were known about it when i went to do it soon here.

(14):22: 9:32 [Progen] Viktori: Prob later tonight

(14):22: 9:49 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Read the form for all the HU option missions

(14):22: 9:56 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: And don't get rid of it

(10):22:10:14 Byakhee: next HU 75

(14):22:10:17 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Right

(14):22:10:27 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: This mission is about "Lesser Races"

(14):22:10:35 [Progen] Donalmel: lol

(14):22:10:38 [Progen] Barbossa: hehe

(14):22:10:44 [Progen] Yammato: jenquai? :P

(14):22:10:49 [Progen] Viktori: WOOt!!

(14):22:10:53 [Progen] Elmelf: sounds progen ;D

(14):22:11: 3 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: It is combat oriented, a kind of lets make those who have started to specialise into building ralise a progen also has to vcombat... hehehe

(14):22:11:18 [Progen] Elmelf: o0

(14):22:11:23 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: kind of evil vs Agrippa Tech builders at this stage

(14):22:11:23 [Progen] Zeppelin: meh

(14):22:11:39 [Progen] Barbossa: CL 25 req , right ?

(14):22:11:53 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: The mobs will start at between CL 21 - CL 29

(14):22:12: 9 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: So CL 25 is the average of Overall level 75

(14):22:12:20 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: You will be asked to go on patrol

(14):22:12:41 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: You will obtain a prisoner after combat (make sure currently you have a spare slot in your cargo)

(14):22:13: 0 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: You get to a gate to communicate the next part

(14):22:13: 0 [Progen] Barbossa: does your mission log say to have a spare slot ?

(14):22:13: 8 [Progen] Yammato: you might want to put that into the description, for the patrol you do in Odin Rex it's not as obvious as the other one

(14):22:13: 9 [Progen] Zeppelin: it does not

(14):22:13:20 [Progen] Illuminaughty: no, no warning about the spare slot if i recall

(14):22:13:22 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Mission will be altered to require you to hold a trade good which i'll swap for the prisoner

(14):22:13:26 [Progen] Anna: 2 spare slots one for each mission

(14):22:13:35 [Progen] Yammato: also, you might want to make it a separate part about telling you what gate to talk to

(14):22:13:37 [Progen] Zeppelin: 3 spare slots

(14):22:13:47 [Progen] Zeppelin: well, one for the "classified" mission

(14):22:13:53 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: The mission is on the text

(14):22:14: 1 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: read text in mission, sorry

(14):22:14: 7 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Anyway you get to a gate

(14):22:14:22 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: (Always go via Odins Belt)

(14):22:14:34 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: That should get you near the right gate lol

(14):22:14:41 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: You get a mission pop-up

(14):22:14:59 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: DCO requires the prisoner, and this will update part of your HU

(14):22:15: 4 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: However,

(14):22:15: 7 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Deselect

(14):22:15:20 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: if version 1.0 another mission pops up

(14):22:15:37 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: if version 1.1 you gate through and then it pops up

(14):22:15:49 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: the prisoner wants to discuss an arrangement

(14):22:15:59 [Progen] Anna: is there a difference? can you switch?

(14):22:16:17 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: if you do their mission you cannot do the DCO mission so you will be unable to upgrade your hull using this patrol

(14):22:16:29 [Progen] Anify: so we `arrange` for his family to collect the life insurance?

(14):22:16:31 [Progen] Donalmel: o.0

(14):22:16:34 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: if you do the DCO mission you cannot od their mission

(14):22:16:58 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: All Prisoner missions give atleast 1000 faction of the prisoner if you do their mission

(14):22:16:59 [Progen] Barbossa: so whats the advantage of doing the prisioners mission , if any ?

(14):22:17: 8 [Progen] Barbossa: ty ^^

(14):22:17:23 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: But in order to do the bonus classified mission

(14):22:17:29 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: option classified

(14):22:18:21 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: both [prisoners] will be required to [be returned to ]show loyalty to the Progen Leadership

(14):22:18:39 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: If you turn one in then you will gain +1000 faction but have to apy for 2 options

(14):22:18:52 [Progen] Illuminaughty: are you supposed to get a bonus item if you do the "classified bonus misson?"

(14):22:18:59 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: as you will be unable to do that option and the bonus classified

(14):22:19:13 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: No bonuses currently apply to the HU 75

(14):22:19:29 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: But the classified is likley to be *COVERT* bonuses

(14):22:19:47 [Progen] Viktori: Does that mean its worth waiting till you add the bonuses before completeing the missions?

(14):22:20: 8 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: viktori - this is unlikely to happen before the start of the next stress test

(14):22:20: 9 [Progen] Anna: I still really dislike the fact that if you choose to be primarily trade/explorer you need to grind out CLs to get your hull upgrade even though you've obtained the status of OL75

(14):22:20:20 [Progen] Viktori: Oh ok.

(14):22:20:23 [Progen] Zeppelin: as do I

(14):22:20:23 [Progen] Viktori: hen nvm.

(14):22:20:27 [Progen] Rala: Hiyas wiri =)

(14):22:20:32 [Progen] Rala: mt

(14):22:20:32 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: explorer - the requirement is overall level 75

(14):22:20:35 [Progen] Kocapp: any chance of swting up a reset mission to start over ofr ppl who ve passed

(14):22:20:52 [Progen] Zeppelin: but the de-facto requirement is CL 25

(14):22:20:56 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Kocapp no, the missions are there to stress test a new

(14):22:21:12 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: at overall level 75 if you have just toured then feel the pain

(14):22:21:24 [Progen] Anify: bwhaha

(14):22:21:24 [Progen] Kocapp: noprob that sgood idea just trying to be lazy lol

(14):22:21:39 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: PROGEN ARE COMBATANTS

(14):22:21:59 [Progen] Prrekoorb: yup

(14):22:21:59 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Kerr ahs been upset about 'lazy Terran lapdog progen' that just tour

(14):22:22: 8 [Progen] Sublimeje: yes i agree

(14):22:22:14 [Progen] Anna: I didn't get my 75 from doing any tours. I did them by doing what my class is suppsed to do - mining and trade

(14):22:22:28 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: So you may have to invest in a little combat too

(14):22:22:31 [Progen] Zeppelin: unless different options are added as well, all it serves to accomplish is limit player choice in their character's progression

(14):22:22:41 [Progen] Zeppelin: which seems counterintuitive to adding options to the other hull upgrade missions

(14):22:22:45 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Remember - You will always be able to pay for a HU

(14):22:22:52 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Past 50+

(14):22:23: 5 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: But you forfit the right when you pay for bonues in that slot

(14):22:23:11 [Progen] Sublimeje: LONG LIVR THE PROGEN

(14):22:23:15 [Progen] Anna: And not get bonus missions. So Im told I need to make my non-combat toons combat toons to get the bonus content

(14):22:23:24 [Progen] Viktori: So to be able to do all the missions(bonus ones aswell0 for the HU 75 i need atleast to be 25/25/25?

(14):22:23:28 [Progen] Viktori: just to cover my bases

(14):22:23:34 [Progen] Barbossa: yes vicktor

(14):22:23:48 [Progen] Viktori: Kk.

(14):22:23:48 [Progen] Barbossa: viktori *

(14):22:23:49 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: The combat mission is in there for the Progen who has looked at other travel missions and build missions and want to combat

(14):22:23:53 [Progen] Zeppelin: or 25/0/50 lol

(14):22:23:56 [Progen] Illuminaughty: 25/25/25 just isnt reality, its very unlikely on a pw

(14):22:24: 4 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Vik just get withing shooting of up to a CL 29 mob

(14):22:24:16 [Progen] Terrell: That type of balance is unlikely in any toon.

(14):22:24:26 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Its not after balance

(14):22:24:35 [Progen] Viktori: yeah but Im an PS, its not that hard for me to balance like that

(14):22:24:42 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: You just have to be able to deal with Combat from CL 21 to CL 29

(14):22:24:43 [Progen] Anna: Its to make all toons PWs

(14):22:24:44 [Progen] Rala: Yeah my PS is 19/20/20 atm

(14):22:24:53 [Progen] Anna: Swarms of combat from 21-29

(14):22:24:57 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: or get friends to assist you

(14):22:25: 5 [Progen] Barbossa: Byakhee regarding the 75HU , any plans to reduce the number of lvl 25 mobs , or increase the number of lvl 22 mobs , as there's only 1 lvl 22 mob there at any time

(14):22:25:20 [Progen] Anify: you want to be progen, you suffer a little

(14):22:26: 6 [Progen] Yammato: well, it implies that you need to kill the mob around the facility, if you went elsewhere to kill it, doesn't that defeat the purpose?

(14):22:26:17 [Progen] Sublimeje: the way of the progen is intense, accept it or play a weakling jenpie

(14):22:26:34 [Progen] Zeppelin: says "SublimeJE"

(14):22:26:36 [Progen] Zeppelin: :P

(14):22:26:36 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Yammato there are various numbers of that mob there

(14):22:26:38 [Progen] Sublimeje: lol

(14):22:26:47 [Progen] Sublimeje: yea this is my slave for my PW

(14):22:26:55 [Progen] Barbossa: not to be rude , but it was my understanding that the rest of OR was chav's indeed i dont remember see'ing those mobs anywhere else

(14):22:26:56 [Progen] Illuminaughty: theres allready too much travel in the hu missions, its ridiculous to not fix the spawn thing and tell people to fly all over looking for the right lvl spawn to meet the mission requirements

(14):22:27:18 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Barbossa no they are not, but there are plenty out there

(14):22:27:32 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Iron eaters / cava etc are out there ... trust me

(14):22:27:32 [Progen] Barbossa: ok , fair enough :)

(14):22:27:49 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: You may have to find an inferior jepie slave to show you where

(14):22:28: 6 [Progen] Yammato: meh, who needs scanners, i play with a blindfold on...

(14):22:28:41 [Progen] Anify: type louder, i play with my monitor off

(14):22:29:24 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: This is the good thing about this option thing, I can add options (and remove them) as storyline develops

(14):22:29:44 [Progen] Yammato: ah, very, very good point...

(14):22:29:46 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: The overall master HU mission will remain fixed as the options update the mission

(14):22:30: 7 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: So this way multiple options can be added - even say halloween event options

(14):22:30:15 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: it allows for more possibilities

(14):22:30:33 [Progen] Anna: Except class specific options, only PW options

(14):22:31:13 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Combat patrol are not just PW

(14):22:31:26 [Progen] Sublimeprogen: see this is my PW

(14):22:31:26 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: PS and PP have good skills that effect mobs

(14):22:31:29 [Progen] Yammato: I kill jenpies for fun, don't really need a misson for it...

(14):22:31:40 [Progen] Yammato: daycare shuttles are especially fun to find...

(14):22:31:55 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: ok so thats the HU 75 - combat or pay

(14):22:31:56 [Progen] Barbossa: hehe i have there teddy bear :P

(14):22:32: 2 [Progen] Zeppelin: well honestly I did it on my PP alt, and it would have been impossible without shield recharge

(10):22:32:11 Byakhee: next topic HU 100 *sigh*

(14):22:32:23 [Progen] Zeppelin: and a Ward of Living Stone

(14):22:32:42 [Progen] Sublimeprogen: lol

(14):22:32:59 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Right, players who got passed it will still get CFB or BB. Players who are doing it will need to choose the correct option path to get these

(14):22:33:18 [Progen] Barbossa: how do we make sure not to choose the wrong option ?

(14):22:33:26 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Now that gets interesting

(14):22:33:48 [Progen] Illuminaughty: the build weapons for lvl 100 hu is too high lvl for pw, it means having a balanced toon, which again isnt right, it would be good if it was a lower lvl build

(14):22:33:49 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: The explore option and then the combat option after that will unlock that route

(14):22:34:34 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: As discussed earlier, Agrippa Technology are only interested in players who have advanced their builds at that stage of the game

(14):22:34:48 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: or in Progen Speak "Yer a Grunt, not a Builder"

(14):22:34:48 [Progen] Ascention: No he's correct, the requirement is too high at that levle.

(14):22:35:11 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Build Weapons 5?

(14):22:35:35 [Progen] Yammato: you don't have build 5 at Lv100 yet?

(14):22:35:36 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Thats the requirement, Build skill 5

(14):22:35:43 [Progen] Illuminaughty: means having to have trade lvl 25, which is unlikely on a pw, works for other class' though i guess

(14):22:35:54 [Progen] Yammato: PWs pratically need build 5, so that they can make their rifle bullets

(14):22:35:59 [Progen] Zeppelin: TL 25 on a level 100 PW isn't that outlandish

(14):22:36: 8 [Progen] Yammato: i'm TL37 and OL 97

(14):22:36: 9 [Progen] Ascention: that was actually an mt on my part :) sowwy

(14):22:36:16 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Agrippa Technology are not after Wardog Grunts, they are after Progen who are building for their career

(14):22:36:20 [Progen] Anna: All of my build skills are lvl5+ and I'm only OL91 ... Since I have to balanced combat wise to get my hull upgrade, you should be balanced wise to get yours too

(14):22:36:52 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: This only applies to the BUILD Options

(14):22:37: 3 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: The other 5+ options have other requirements

(14):22:37:18 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: not including the 3 credit options

(14):22:38:15 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: So you don't have to build to complete the HU 100 - only the ones who have selected to become builders early on and suffered then the HU 75 will have this opportunity

(14):22:38:24 [Progen] Illuminaughty: well, after this discussion, ill know to not bother with the bonus missions on my next toon, totally not worth doing

(14):22:38:56 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Everyone is entitiled to their opinion - this is why its always able to add the cash option

(14):22:39:23 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: CFB and BB will be removed in future and possibly at start of next stress test even if they are not dropping

(14):22:39:25 [Progen] Kocate: ithnk ur doing great

(14):22:39:28 [Progen] Barbossa: Argh , can we please make job mobs immune to everyone but the player who's job it is .:)

(14):22:39:39 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: I am not responsible for jobs

(14):22:40:34 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: So thats the 100 completed

(14):22:40:47 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Thanks to earlier Agrippa Tech Discussion

(10):22:40:56 Byakhee:next HU 135

(14):22:41:11 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Right 135 is still a skelateral simple mission

(14):22:41:27 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: only 1 bonus so far of 4

(14):22:41:36 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Its on hold until more content

(14):22:41:52 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: 135 eventualyl will be an option based one of 4 options

(14):22:41:58 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: required

(14):22:42:16 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: And is on hold until lots of high level content is put in the game

(14):22:42:40 [Progen] Illuminaughty: so is 135 pay only atm?

(14):22:42:42 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Because, the options will be around your own knowledge and player knowledge of the game

(14):22:42:48 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: No, 135 has am ission

(14):22:42:51 [Progen] Anify: btw, those who hate complex job advancement missions, try a TS, you`ll be happier ;)

(14):22:43:23 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Its all about giving a little choice

(14):22:43:27 [Progen] Illuminaughty: is there a bonus for the mission

(14):22:43:34 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: yes but its incomplete

(14):22:43:47 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: bonus stage 1 of 4

(14):22:44: 2 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: And eventually is unlikely to be in this format

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Final info: (Wrap-up)

(14):22:44: 7 [Progen] Ascention: Don't mind complex advancement, but I admit the progen HU options lack much clarity.

(14):22:44:47 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: The form is to be looked at, but some missions are not spoon-fed to people, they require some interraction

(14):22:44:51 [Progen] Anify: clarity is for diamonds, monks, and beer

(14):22:45:12 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: The 135 will not be *Go here* it will be *ok find for me*

(14):22:45:22 [Progen] Illuminaughty: complex job advancements arent the issue, bugging 50% of a hu and now being told to go search all over for the mobs you needed, rather than them spawning where u were sent is what makes them not worth while

(14):22:45:32 [Progen] Anify: shh, please

(14):22:45:46 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Thats always been the cae for missions

(14):22:46:20 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: The sector where you patrol is out of Progen DEV area, so is reliant on spawns in game - if they change then other victims must be found

(14):22:46:56 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: I've tested the Patrol OR

(14):22:46:59 [Progen] Anna: LOL Shouldn't the be developed hand in and? I mean what if they remove the mob completely, are players then screwed?

(14):22:47:21 [Progen] Ascention: That's not the kind of clarity I mean. The choices are confusing, and don't provide enough information when presented to tell a <class here>, which is applicable to them.

(14):22:47:44 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: not when !spawn can eventualyl happen

(14):22:48: 3 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: The information is on the Authorization form

(14):22:48:19 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: You can only have so many characters in the mission log

(14):22:48:54 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: The build are specified to the classes that can build

(14):22:48:59 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: "if you can build"

(14):22:49:11 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: it doesnt say "supply others gear"

(14):22:49:22 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: "if YOU can build"

(14):22:50: 4 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: And when Quality is eventually allowed the required builds will be at Q 175 % +

(14):22:50:28 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Because Agrippa Technology won't want sub-standard gear

(5):22:50:39 Total players = 190

(14):22:50:51 [Progen] Loony: why you guys give terrains some cool quest like something for hunt for a bolas or something like that

(14):22:51:28 [Progen] Kocate: cause bydoesnt do terrans

(14):22:51:36 [Progen] Barbossa: na , only give us progen's cool quests , that way , if they wanna do em , they fotta come progen too , more in the collective

(14):22:51:43 [Progen] Kocate: hope u dont look to much like a progen ...lol

(14):22:52: 7 [Progen] Viktori: what do I need to do the Agrippa tech side mission?

(14):22:52:18 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Abuility to build gear

(14):22:52:19 [Progen] Loony: well who devs for the terrain i think you m,ight want to get someone else too

(14):22:52:39 [Progen] Viktori: I have both my build shield and build devs to lvl 4 Im a PS so thats all i get

(14):22:53: 1 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: so at level 100 you want to get to BS and BD @ 5 to do both

(14):22:53:18 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: I may drop the TL requirement to 33

(14):22:53:33 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: That'd be averageisn of 100

(14):22:53:36 [Progen] Viktori: And at lvl 50 I need to have them both at 3?

(14):22:53:44 [Progen] Viktori: Or is the agrippa lvl 100 only?

(14):22:53:48 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: at 50 you cant get any Agrippa Tech

(14):22:53:56 [Progen] Viktori: Ok.

(14):22:53:57 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: only Privateers can at 50

(14):22:54: 2 [Progen] Anify: just comps

(14):22:54: 3 [Progen] Viktori: Just makin sure. and Ok.

(14):22:54: 6 [Progen] Viktori: Sweet.

(14):22:54:18 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: As agrippa Tech are the Collegia Research and dEVelpment team hehe

(14):22:54:33 [Progen] Viktori: Lol.

(14):22:54:35 [Progen] Anna: So, you're willing to lower the TL requirement for HU100 so those people that primarily combat can get their upgrades, but not the CL requirement for HU75 so people who primarily do trade/explore can get theirs?

(14):22:54:59 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Anna: I am lowering requirement to 33: 100/3 = 33.xxxxxxxx

(14):22:55: 7 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: 75 / 3 = 25

(14):22:55:11 [Progen] Zeppelin: 33.333*

(14):22:55:12 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Simples

(14):22:55:19 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: 33.3333333 ok

(14):22:55:23 [Progen] Zeppelin: :)

(14):22:55:31 [Progen] Kocapp: dont forget last third

(14):22:55:34 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: So your argument doesn't stand

(14):22:55:34 [Progen] Zeppelin: but build level 5 is at TL 25

(14):22:55:38 [Progen] Kocapp: :)

(14):22:55:40 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Yes

(14):22:55:49 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: You have to be ready for the bonus missions

(14):22:56: 4 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Agrippa tech want you to be advanced enough for teir purpoese

(14):22:56: 9 [Progen] Zeppelin: but, the level 75 mission isn't a bonus

(14):22:56: 9 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: purposes

(14):22:56:17 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: yet

(14):22:56:22 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: 75 * YET

(14):22:56:26 [Progen] Zeppelin: you *have* to kill CL 27's if you want your hull upgrade

(14):22:56:36 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: you *can PAY*

(14):22:56:42 [Progen] Anna: And not get your bonus

(14):22:56:44 [Progen] Zeppelin: for the whole thing? thought it was just one-third

(14):22:56:47 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: your choice

(14):22:57:18 [Progen] Kocapp: dont rattle him hes doing best job on hu missions so far

(14):22:57:30 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: HU: 50 (Theme: Supply) HU; 75 (Theme Combat) HU 100 (Theme Build/Explore) HU 135 (Theme: Find your own way)

(14):22:57:37 [Progen] Kocapp: nottaht i dont appr all the devs but ive notice and aprreciat it

(14):22:57:47 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: you may have to optomise

(14):22:57:56 [Progen] Orion: sorry i missed the start of the discussion is there a bonus item for the HU 50 ?

(14):22:58: 4 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: But I can't jsut base it on the builders/explorers

(14):22:58: 9 [Progen] Viktori: There is no Agrippa at 75 for a PS right?

(14):22:58:19 [Progen] Shadypp: Byakhee... Currently I am working on the PP level 50 HU... I am doing the "Get Even" Mission... Are you saying that I could have paid for this HU? If so, where and to whom

(14):22:58:19 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Agripap only are interested in builders

(14):22:58:31 [Progen] Viktori: Kk.

(14):22:58:37 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: shadypp - right click on your aihorization form

(14):22:58:44 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Try reading it

(14):22:59:14 [Progen] Shadypp: Form L?

(14):22:59:16 [Progen] Anify: Progens can read?

(14):22:59:19 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: All the options have an Authorization form to read to hint where to go

(14):22:59:27 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Form L: 50 in Roman

(14):22:59:37 [Progen] Anify: doh! another skill to learn :)

(14):22:59:39 [Progen] Rala: The sentinals and Traders yes jury still out on warriors

(14):22:59:55 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Well, maybe they will be told eventually

(14):23: 0:12 [Progen] Anify: oh! L = 50, id missed that, good one!

(14):23: 0:35 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: The form LXXV is easier to get

(14):23: 0:35 [Progen] Shadypp: hee... It is not very clear... Just mentions that contributions will not unlock any further bonus missions...

(14):23: 0:45 [Progen] Anify: but harder to pronounce

(14):23: 0:50 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Contributions = credits

(14):23: 0:59 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: May get reworded

(14):23: 1:21 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Feel free to post a reword of the item in the Progen Part of the forum

(14):23: 1:32 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: I may implement it (may not)

(14):23: 1:42 [Progen] Shadypp: So if I wanted to pay for the HU who would i go see? Tiberius Shipyard?

(14):23: 1:43 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Easy enough copy / paste

(14):23: 1:49 [Progen] Viktori: paying for HUs should not get rewarded only the mission ones.

(14):23: 1:52 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Its on the form

(14):23: 1:54 [Progen] Anna: It says on the form

(14):23: 2:22 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Paying basically just advances that option past to the next stage of HU

(14):23: 2:28 [Progen] Shadypp: Oh wait.. I see, credit contribution... got it.. duh

(14):23: 2:40 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: HU 50: 2 payment options; HU 75 + 100: 3 payment options

(14):23: 2:45 [Progen] Anify: so, for PP, do we need more than lvl 3 comp build ?

(14):23: 2:53 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: not at 50

(14):23: 3: 1 [Progen] Anify: but later, we will?

(14):23: 3: 8 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: i can neither confirm or deny any future bonus content

(14):23: 3:14 [Progen] Anify: lol, kk

(14):23: 4:20 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: Thats a hint for those doing it - but this will not yet be in game

(14):23: 4:52 [Progen] Byakhee [DEV]: This is *Evil* Progen Developer signing off

(14):23: 5: 0 [Progen] Heatspw: thank you

(10):23: 5: 4 Byakhee:bye all

(10):23: 7:29 Byakhee:good night, next on TS GMT +1 Saturday 26 June 14:00 ish (if my pc survives)

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