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Too small of a community for stuff like this

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Haven't played this game in 20 years. Find EnB emulator and I think I am in heaven. Sign up, download, couple bumps but soon enough I am in the game again. So excited. Then today, the worst nightmare of another player drops in on a nav where I am hunting, ok, no worries he is 5k off. Plenty of enemies, fast spawn. Then he warps off, back again on top of me. 1k away with his three account alts. 1k away. Proceeds now to pull all my mobs with his signature, even when i am shooting them. I complain in local, ask why he is doing this. Plays dumb like he doesnt know what he is doing. Pulls 6-8 mobs, then warps off to train those mobs on me and kill me instantly. Then proceeds to complain that its my fault and he was there first. I was there 30 min.. never saw him until that point.


Now I don't mind the company - if anything, send a group invite if you are going to do that.. rude, but at least lets get some group xp bonus. No invite. Plenty of drones to kill but has to have the ones right on top of me. Only those drones he wants. Then acts like he is doing me a favor healing me. I can heal myself permanently as a JD - so its not an issue until he drops aggro with a warp out on purpose.


There are 50 people online. 50. This is a small community. I don't mind sharing a nav, but this guy and his 2 alt accounts (3 total) sitting right on top of another person (me) is just insanely rude. There are no shortage of drone mobs to kill for everyone of us... but 1k off from another ungrouped when someone else was in that spot already???? Without a message in local asking to group, or any common courtesy to another human being, one of very few in this community.. you are going to purposely train mobs on me? Because you want my spot???


His name is Namhcir. (Richman backwards - shocking)


Now, if that wasnt enough.... my own guildmate got mad at me for being 10k away from him in that same nav point. Mind you these are drones that spawn very quickly and they are quite numerous. No shortage and plenty of spots to farm them. Me being 10K away from him at the edge of my scanner im not affecting his mobs at this spawn rate. But he gets emo mad and leaves.


I'm super confused at this point. What kind of community is this? 50 online and 5 of them are on 1 nav. 2 are not close enough to affect each other and 1 is right on top of the other with 3 accounts training mobs on another player.


I am at fault? I don't think so. Playing MMO's for 30 years. I know common courtesy. If you are not affecting someone else's play, there is no foul. If you are trying to swoop in on someone else exact spot, the kind thing is to ask first and offer to group up, or leave. Not bring 3 alt accounts to harrass another player for no reason. And I felt harrassed. This is an MMO, yes. But way way way too small of a community for stuff like this.


Instead, I get two people mad when I 100% did nothing wrong. I'm just farming, and i was there first. We need to set some rules to dealing with others in this situation, but I fear with this small of a community, i honestly don't know what type of people I am playing with. This is not a good start to what I hoped would be a lot of fun here.


I even donated and planned to do so monthly. Now i fear this community is really just a few people with a bunch of alts trolling each other.


I am just here to relax, farm mobs because i find that relaxing, and not get caught up in drama. But here I am... wow.


Is this normal, or should I call it a wrap and move on, as sad as that would be?

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My initial reaction is that this sounds like an overreaction on your part. I also know that there are two sides to every story, so I'd be curious to hear what @laracraft has to say about this situation as I believe Namhcir is one of their characters.


FWIW I've never experienced anything like this and I rarely ever encounter anyone out in the world outside of stations.  It's a big galaxy and as you say, not many players, and most are running multiple characters so that "50" is more like 15-20 actual players running grouped together.


If you are a 30 year MMO veteran you probably know that misunderstandings like this are common and your attitude doesn't convince me that you were ever even open to the possibility that maybe you were "at fault", maybe they were there first, etc. As a newer player you probably don't have the scan range so perhaps they could see you, but you couldn't see them?


Generally this is a mature community and assuming good intent will get you a lot farther than assuming someone is trying to troll you or take "your" spot, etc. Being entitled and making accusations like the many in this post are far more likely to create the very situation you're asserting started this.


Of course, I could have it all wrong, but....



the worst nightmare of another player drops in on a nav where I am hunting



Proceeds now to pull all my mobs with his signature, even when i am shooting them.


That is not how that works.



Plays dumb



Now I don't mind the company


Are you sure?  See "worst nightmare of another player"



send a group invite if you are going to do that.. rude, but at least


Sending a group invite is rude?  Are you sure you want to play an MMO?  Perhaps Starfield would be more your speed. All the mobs are yours. No "worst nightmare" other players.



Then acts like he is doing me a favor healing me. I can heal myself permanently as a JD


Arrogance, jumping to conclusions, ...



Richman backwards - shocking


Or perhaps it's a reference to the StarCraft II player https://liquipedia.net/starcraft2/NamhciR - maybe even Richard Chembars himself? Who knows?



my own guildmate got mad at me





he gets emo mad and leaves


Next you're going to tell us how he cried like a little !@#$%, right?



I am at fault? I don't think so.


I'm not so sure.  Maybe you should reconsider the possibility.  It may be worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the term "narcissist" as well.



I know common courtesy.


If you do, there is scant evidence of it in this post.



We need to set some rules


Is it "we" already? You are awfully new here to start demanding that new rules be made for a community that has been here longer than most other games have existed.



not get caught up in drama


This post is a very strange way of demonstrating that.


Look, I'm not trying to drive you away from the game, I'm relatively new myself, but I've been here a lot longer than you have and I've had a very different experience. I'm coming down hard on you because there are a LOT of things in this post that rubbed me the wrong way and very much make me doubt your point of view, your integrity, and your analysis of the situation.  You seem determined to find fault and assume the worst.


I would encourage you to take some time, think really hard about the situation, and consider your response carefully.  Even if things happened EXACTLY as you describe, your post is not a good way of addressing the situation for all the reasons I've laid out.


Welcome back! I hope you can learn some things from this and that your future experience in-game is a more enjoyable one.  I think you will find that most of us are also here to relax and have fun. That has certainly been my experience so far.


- Codemonkeyx

Edited by Codemonkeyx
added additional context to quote
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This community is trash. Your response proves it. Probably the entire game is run by just a few with a LOT of alts. I won't tolerate behavior like this in such a small community, and you are defending the trash, so you are the trash. You and everyone here. Your response proves this community is not worth my time. Sad. That guy should be banned. Everything happened as I stated. Dude did it on purpose. And you are defending that behavior. So you are the same as him in my opinion. You and everyone that defends that BS. At least it happened early enough that I didnt spend too much of my time invested in this community.


You sir, YOU right there, are whats wrong with this community and why it will never grow behind you and your trash alt universe of a-holes.


Later EnB.



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consider your response carefully


Personally, I would have tried a little harder than that. 30+ years going on 4. If this is your general approach to resolving the smallest conflict I can imagine I suspect you are going to find endless conflict whereever you go. Best of luck to you and sorry you didn't find what you were looking for here!


- Codemonkeyx

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Wow.  That was quite the train wreck.

Update:  Oh, just realized OP was in An-DRAMA-duh in Live, so that explains a lot, LOL.  Back in Live one of the most entertaining things was reading the forum threads from Andromeda members, better than modern day reality TV I tell ya!  (all in good fun to you Andromeda vet's, but you know I'm not lyin'!).  :)

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I just saw this topic, so I'm forced to answer.


Basically, do you want to know how absolutely ridiculous this situation is?

I was playing on Aragoth Prime, at Satellite Communication Node 2 earlier in the day. I logged back in and wanted to continue farming a bit.


I saw that another player was there too. I was happy to find a buddy to play with (it's so rare to be noted). I was going to propose him to group once I had finished bringing another character to my group, but my baby TS died twice on the way.


Why did I wait to invite him? Because I didn't want to leech XP from him since I was busy and not able to fully play.

So I stayed there, shooting at maybe 1/10 of the mobs, not moving at all.


I saw that @Devokor was being outrun by mobs. I wanted to help him, so I healed him a couple of times. But what was my surprise when he started to insult me on broadcast and even started to threaten to do everything to make me banned from the game.

I absolutely did nothing on purpose to annoy him; it's all the inverse. I didn't know it was possible to get so much misunderstood.

Because he thought that I was pulling mobs on him on purpose when I was not even moving, and that he went closer to my position.


When i warped out, to let him alone, he even complained that i did this on purpose to kill him. I hope I never come across this type of person in my life, it’s scary.


It's a game, with passionate players; I'm not here to cause trouble, just to have fun.


I took screenshots to protect myself in case... but I'm speechless that he posted on Forums to defame me in public.


Anyway, his answer speaks for itself...




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Wow, thanks for those screencaps... that guy is absolutely unhinged.  I second fearing running into someone like this irl.  🫣  So many lols at getting YOU banned. My only regret is that he banned himself so Woody couldn't.


To be fair, I called it from his first post... I was pretty sure he was full of it. 💩


Somehow it was worse than I thought though!  Wild!  Ultra Troll material. 🧌  This guy is the troll all the other trolls report to!!!

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Wow, that's even worse than I had imagined.  I haven't interacted with you (Laracraft et al) in game much but see you being pretty generous in chats on giving away mappable loots (like most everyone these days) so OP's description seemed pretty out of character and I assumed (s)he was "off".  Love the promise of "You will be banned", surprised (s)he didn't resort to "You will RUE the day!" LOFL.  Back to mom's basement for you, troll, and NO LASAGNA!  🤡

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5 hours ago, Smoove said:

lol i blew up the op in eve when the MC war dec'd his corp


I have no idea what that means, but I hope it means he got what he deserved!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lol mobs gang up on you quick on that spawn and they hit hard.. its a hard spawn, OP you're gonna die like a thousand more times in this game in equally horrifying and painful ways idk

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