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Everything posted by Beerrun

  1. Pretty much if you have a line of Roadrunner TT devices levels 2-8, you can buff them and they will all stack with one another, in addition to if you were to use a reactor buff, scan boost, etc. Hoping fixing this wont remove the "sticky" buffs, or turbo weapons stacking :x.
  2. Pretty sure the update servers are down....I'd try again later, they just moved servers this weekend and maybe haven't finished everything they needed to.
  3. Bleh, don't think it's going to be up until late late today :/.
  4. I've never experienced lag from stacking buffs unless it was scan buffs, which as a Terran/Progen doesn't really apply to most of my chars anyway. I often times run 2-3 chars at once. Only time I've noticed any considerable lag is if I'm getting swarmed by Ten-gu mobs, in which case I warp away and come back out of scan range.
  5. Is the buffs sticking a bad thing? If anything I like not having to take 10 minutes to rebuff my crazy amount of items, plus it frees up my cargo a little bit more. I'll hate myself for bringing it up, but debuffs stack on mobs as well. Hellbore + Rada + Bullywere Eye= Holy smokes thats a lot of debuff damage. And that's not including a what a Jenpie would bring to the table.
  6. I can't update either, gives me this error: "Update Failed. Details: Illegal characters in path. File: " Blank space after file... not sure whats going on.
  7. If you click the Local Cert box on the startup, you can log in. Just can't dual box.
  8. Keep getting this error when I attempt to login, only goes away if I check the local cert box (which I cant run 2 accounts if I do this...wont let me anyway.)
  9. Tell that to my 131% martyrs i just looted o_O
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