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Posts posted by jrichards

  1. Sorry, I just want to help get the EMU back to Live status and this is functionality that is not working. I can understand if no high level players, that do nothing but raid with rare equipment could care less about this functionality.......but this was one of the things that made E&B so great. It might even encourage raiding groups to actually bring more than 5 toons to a raid too (because if you cant keep the mobs out of your hull yer gonna lose some quality on those uber items). Of all the raids you guys seem to have done you have taken quality damage on only a few items? That can't be balanced. Maybe the quality check is only being done when the player is killed or when the item reaches a very low structure......instead of when the mobs start hitting the player's hull? In live it seemed to be a % check based on mob level the amount of damage taken to the hull. Maybe it should be like a failed warp check in a grav well (for JE with max navigate). This check should be modified by HDC and HDC enabled/debuffed equipment.

    note: Until this functionality is working there is no way to really check/confirm when/if HDC enabled equipment is working.
  2. So I submitted a bug about this a long time ago but it was closed as a 'balancing' issue and suggested I submit a ticket in another forum.....so here goes:

    So last night I was tooling around gaining some explore xp doing a tour with some lowbie alts when I made a very bad warp jump into some level 30 miners in VG. Needless to say my lowbies took quite a pounding. Overall I would estimate that the four toons died about 20 times before I was able to get them free. Now the interesting thing was that of the level 2 engines, reactors, and devices the only item that took any damage was a single reactor. It was knocked down to 194% quality and 1% structure (damn cool) but it seems like the equipment really should have been damaged a bit more.......maybe not all losing quality but at least structure.

    In New Player chat today I observed people chatting about this and stating that they never observed any of their equipment ever taking any damage even after multiple deaths and/or hull tanking. I imagine that there is some code in the EMU for this to occur, since it does occur, but that the % and/or checks are just not turned up very high. In Live there seemed to be a fairly high% chance that your equipment would take a structure hit, especially if nailed by higher level mobs, and killed multiple times. After a few deaths this generally also effected the quality of the gear by a % point or more.

    I would love to see this working again and think the balance would be pretty easy to get right/test in a short period of time........if the Devs know where this code is located.

  3. Hey, you guys have a website to apply at?

    Been playing the EMU on and off for the last couple years and I recently hit 140+ with my PW (also have a 150+ JE and a ton of 110+ toons). I would be interested joining a fun little guild especially while I level my horde of alts (which can get a little monotonous).
  4. Very nice work......but I prefer lighter colors....easier to read.

    It would be cool to have a few more Group icons for non Devs other than just Donator. Maybe if a user submits a certain number of bugs, or posts past a certain number they could select an alternative group icon? Maybe stuff like Regular Poster, Movie Poster, Bug Submitter, Bug Master, Donator to the stars, Magoo's Pants, etc.
    • Upvote 1
  5. Couple of great bugs posted here......and sounds like they have been around for a long time and could even be considered exploits. Hopefully these got posted/updated in the Bug Tracker.

    Lets worry about class balance per class not in comparison to each other. Currently I feel the PW plays very similar to Live. The JD feels a little overpowered atm but this may be due to mob AI and skill bugs. I know JD's that could solo level 60 stuff in Live but not raid content or multiple mobs. If they got targetted by multiple mobs they got hosed. Effective JD's, just like effective PWs, could pull a single mob from a pack and then kill it but this took quite a bit of skill vs high level mobs.

    Most of the 'my PW got nerfed' never played high end PWs in Live. Learn how to use grav link and kite. PWs are still damn effective.....but just like in live if a PW doesn't move they need a Trader to keep their shields up when facing multiple high level mobs.
  6. If this has already been posted ignore it....but I ran across this info (still available at [url="http://home.swipnet.se/Hubba/galaxymap.htm"]http://home.swipnet....a/galaxymap.htm[/url]) on the Ascendant Voltoi Raid in dahin and how to start it.

    "Dahin is another lower level sector mainly focused for the Jenquai, since they have it closer at hand when starting out. In the middle of the sector there is a large rock structure and a wreak of several Sharim ships. Sharims are the traders of the Jenquai but was not included as a player class in the launch of the game. It appears they encounter a large Voltoi there and were destroyed. When players approach the being it isn't responding to any attempts of contact. It almost seems like its in some kind of trance and looking at its stomach it seems like its pregnant. How can the players wake the being from the trance? The only way is to feed the Ascendant Voltoi with a certain crystal, that you only can get from a special Mordana ship, the
    Mordana Purifier Philosopher."

    [url="http://home.swipnet.se/Hubba/images/mordana%20purifier%20philosopher.JPG"][img]http://home.swipnet.se/Hubba/images/mordana%20purifier%20philosopher.JPG[/img] [/url] [url="http://home.swipnet.se/Hubba/images/ascendant%20voltoi.JPG"] [img]http://home.swipnet.se/Hubba/images/ascendant%20voltoi.JPG[/img] [/url]

    "Once the crystal is feed to the Voltoi it wakes from its trance and its no happy about it. When the players start to kill the Enraged Ascendant Voltoi its offspring come out to defend its mother. Not only that, if you don't kill all the smaller Voltoi Scions before the Ascendant, it will transfer its essence to one of its Scion there and the battle will restart with a new Ascendant Voltio. This is another really smart small raid, since its player instanced it means the players can start it when they want. It requires patience (mainly to find the Mordana Philosopher) and some tactics when doing the raid, and it was a really popular mini raid in the game."
  7. So as more missions are added, and more items are required for those missions, and more prints for these items, it seems like the game will get to a point where everyone has multiple toons with tons of 'parts' just used to make items. While I can understand this for ore and loot only comps, to a certain degree, I wondered if there may be another option. Consider this example:

    Chef ShovelMoore has a mission to bring tasty sandwiches to Miners in *insert location name here*. To do this he requires fresh nomo's meat to be brought to him.
    1) Nommo's meat must be collected
    2) The Chef needs to be able to wrap his specially cured sandwiches for the miners. For that he needs tinfoil. This requires the Zeke mission to be completed to obtain the recipe for tinfoil (or to gather the materials and have someone make it for the player.
    3) Upon bringing the tinfoil to the Chef a mission check is done. If the player has learned the recipe for tinfoil the mission continues but the player can now purchase tinfoil from the Chef. If the player has not learned the recipe then the Chef continues on with the mission and reminds the player that Zeke is the man to see if additional tinfoil is needed.

    Now a mission could be setup so that the Chef learns how to make his own tinfoil before the player can buy it but the idea is to allow items that take a lot of time to create, or are time valuable but not necessarily credits valuable, to be sold from a NPC but only to players that have completed specific missions/stages. If needed this sold items could be further restricted by making the item sold cost a certain amount (100k for tinfoil?) or be 200% quality (if the item can be broken down) so that if another player wants to try to 'shortcut' the missions just to get recipes they still have to do some work.

    I can see several different trading/explore NPC's that could give out missions/quest lines dealing with this sort of thing but it would require multiple checks from the NPC on the mission stage and other factors (faction, level, class, recipe printed, etc). I know Byakhee mentioned [url="https://forum.enb-emulator.com/index.php?/topic/6950-more-arrgrippa-problems/page__pid__58026#entry58026"]missions that did checks[/url] to offer players additional information and thought this would be an interesting application of such a system......and one that could help reduce needless vault clutter and lay the groundwork for a ton of different missions that are not necessarily combat oriented.
  8. updates can require Run as Admin and WinXp compat mode to have to be reset on the client.exe. I know I have to do this occasionally.

    Clearing all files from the Earth and Beyond\Data\client\output folder and re-setting the games resolution (via Earth and Beyond #1\EBCONFIG\E&BConfig.exe) to a standard res, such as 1280x1024 can also help. Another thing to check is if there are any windows networking updates via Windows Update (if running windows that is).

    If all else fails a clean uninstall/re-install is always recommended. I actually keep a clean copy of the install and just make copies....of the copy. That way if anything becomes corrupt I can just delete the folder and start from scratch.
  9. Also note that the developer Hi-Rez Studios purchased the Starsiege and Tribes IP from Sierra (sub-division of Vivendi Universal at the time) back in 2009 and they are currently developing games in that IP. You could always contact them and ask them if they have any problem with you hosting this old game stuff: [url="http://www.hirezstudios.com/hirezwp/"]http://www.hirezstudios.com/hirezwp/[/url]
  10. [quote name='Klyde' timestamp='1338935020' post='58500']

    Vivendi owns a crapload of stuff, just check out the wiki on them. Not a little company for sure.

    My response was due to the fact that the info posted in the 'email' is false. That attorney used to work for Vivendi Games but hasn't since 2009 (see his linkedIn profile at [url="http://www.linkedin.com/pub/emmanuel-dresch/4/2ba/8b2"]http://www.linkedin....resch/4/2ba/8b2[/url]). Vivendi Games was never a subsidiary of EA. Activision basically took control of Vivendi SA's game division and merged with Blizzard to form a company that actually makes money for Vivendi (unlike Vivendi Universal games which consistently lost a lot of money for Vivendi Universal). So there are several clearly false items in the posted 'email' which makes me wonder about the authenticity of it....or its from like 3 years ago.

    [quote name='wootage' timestamp='1338938478' post='58501']
    On that subject, any thoughts of creating a downloadable version of the current server setup? Widespread distribution is our friend, as it prevents the work in question from a preemptive-strike account deletion via a letter to the ISP.

    While I'm too busy to do anything with it (too busy to play, really) I don't mind donating space on my backup drive.

    All the server coding/work on Net7 is owned by the Net7 Devs and they have previously stated that they are not looking to release the server code. This may change at some point in the future, at the very least not until they are done with this EMU project, so I would not hold my breath. ^_^
  11. Today on EnB radio:
    1:00 am to 1:45 am - Listen to Vaden snoring while he has fallen asleep at his desk while sitting in F7
    2:00 to 3:00 am - Listen to Magoo offer his ideas behind effective Progen use of beam weapons at high levels
    3:00 am to 4:00 am - Mordana raid (helps if you speak french.....if not it may be a little confusing)
    5:00 am to 6:00 am - EnB breakfast with Kyp (note breakfast is a very broad term in this instance so do not expect him to teach you how to make a Denver omelet)
    6:00 am to 7:00 am - Damn, go to sleep man, ......seriously
    Noon to 2:00 pm - Listen in as the Devs attempt to get ahold of each other for their weekly, "Hey, what did you do this month?" meeting.
    2:00 pm to 4:00 pm - Market channel for dummies......its just like in game.......not too much market discussion but some good conversation.
    5:00 pm to 7:00 pm - Tienbau talks about C++ and his favorite french movies.
    7:00 pm to 11:00 pm - Mattsacre does stuff, James May drives slowly in a fast car, Jeremy Clarkson drives fast in a fast car, and Richard Hammond destroys some people carriers with a very long pole.
    12:00 am to 1:00 am - Vaden wakes up and builds stuff at F7......until he falls asleep again.
  12. I think its more of a game design thing. Explorers are pulling crap from destroyed ships.......so there is gonna be some useless metal floating around. It sells for very good credits but at no point should any explorer feel forced to mine what they don't want. If you want to force respawns just mine it and space it. The fact that my explorers have to cycle through a ton of junk to find useful stuff is fun and makes finding good items more worthwhile. I mean sure you could remove all the hulk fields and just replace them with a couple hulks but that would also be a little boring.

    Now having some level 6 junk would be cool.....in additional to the normal junk....but for per minute xp gains its much better to mine gas fields, or even ore fields, than hulk fields. Replacing all the low level junk, in higher level hulk fields, might cause a balancing issue (a while back the emu had this problem with huge amounts of refined ores and very high level items consistently dropping) as explorers could simply camp a hulk fields and make millions of credits very quickly. I think most of the time when a ship is destroyed there would be very little 'good stuff' left......its like sifting through a junkyard looking for a rare valuable item......most of the stuff is just destroyed junk.
  13. Menace was used in Live as one of only 2 really effective CCs. In solo it was useful but in Ardus and der Todesengel it was crazy helpful.

    I would hate to see hack be removed especially since in Live it became so critical in der Todesengel. In my opinion getting ship mobs to have working skills/better AI to really make hack a useful skill would be better than just removing it. In Live I used hack all the time on ships while playing my TE. The biggest problem though was how close you have to get. In a raid terrans getting close isn't much of an issue since they need to be in range of the traders but in solo play the benefit of using hack is less beneficial when a terran can just kite the mob.

    Note: now if one of the items that could be hacked was a ship's shields, so that they lost a large chunk (20%-30% maybe), using this skill solo might be even better.....and if the devs added a device to increase the chance/skill level this could be a valued weapon for Scouts and Enforcers.
  14. I could understand a flat fee per item transferred. This would be a basic credit sink to remove credits from the economy. At the moment the EMU's economy is so far out of whack that such a 'tax' wouldn't be a big deal but setting up a standard now, that could be checked for balance when a credit and/or player wipe eventually occurs, might be very effective. Maybe base it on item level (100 creds for a level 1 item, 200 for a level 2, 100000 for a level 7, etc)?

    10% for credit transfers feels a bit too much imo. The best credit sinks are those that people use a lot and losing 10% of a toons credits might just result in people not using it. Maybe 3%-5% would be a little less harsh?
  15. Diablo 3 was fun for a couple weeks but it didn't hook me. I have been spending a chunk of time in two betas for games I will be playing a lot this year: Guild Wars 2 and Torchlight 2.

    Not sure how doable this would be for a dev(s) but it might be cool to have a spawn in event every once in a while. Maybe post about it before hand and then drop in a mad amount of mobs in a particular sector. Kind of like a mini-raid. Might be a cool way to test any mob skills or AI changes.
  16. Since the dev's are adding new items(devices/engines/weapons, etc) why not simply add a new component(s) that require the unused ores? An example would be the badger device or the terran advantage engines.

    note: If wanting to avoid adding additional/new comps to the builds maybe just add a refined ore? The level 1 kaza requires 1 refined agate and the level 2 one requires 1 refined moonstone. These are the only places that these ores are used. I think this would be great for items that use multiple non-manu comps too (IE: replace one of the non-manu comps with a refined ore).
    • Upvote 2
  17. I actually don't think that any class other than the Terran Scout should receive a single point level 135 skill. In live these 'special skills' were a bonus for playing an explorer class to give them additional functionality. All of the other classes were pretty perfectly balanced and adding another skill, instead of simply fixing/balancing existing skills, imo would be a waste of Dev time at the current state of the game.

    As for the Scout I would love to see them receive a single point spacial rift skill. They have to place a marker at a point or gate and then they can use their skill to port back there. This would help TS with mining, JSing, and getting out of bad situations (if used well). I could see a very cool story line develop that includes the spacial rifts in VG and Xipe and that ties in with their null factor skill (advanced/dangerous technology)

    note: I do love seeing people stating that terrans need more reactor buffs/skills. In live that was the Terran's only weakness. This is pretty much meaningless in the EMU though since players can multi-box and apply 2-3 reactor buffs to their terran.
  18. I would recommend altering nullfactor, at max level, to remove the grav well part (since Navigate already covers grav wells) and give the nullfactor field a defense buff. Reducing incoming damage, especially to tanks, would be a great effect. The JE gets this but unless the JE is way over level 150 most don't max out Environmental Shield. Now if both the Enviro Shield and Null factor worked together then this would be great. The big question for me would be being able to cast null factor on players outside the group, the way a JE can with Env Shield.

    Note 1) I see zero reason to buff the Scout much more or to change/remove their skills. They should not have a reduced sig (Terrans have a sig based on the engine they use. If they want it smaller then use the appropriate engine). With their speed and ML range a well played scout should have little problem minining. Sure they may not do it as well as a JE, due to reactor limitations, or be able to hide amongst mobs, like a PS can, but thats the whole point. The TS needs to be played like a terran.....not like an over buffed combo of the PS/JE.

    Note 2) Removing Hull Path would be very very bad. Especially since gear is not yet taking structural damage when mobs get into a player's hull. Having an extra HP player can be the difference in tough fights (not just raids). Also leave hacking alone. ATM it's not that useful but higher level ship mobs, that can do massive damage the way that bogeril captains/generals could in Live, made hacking critical for success. If anything maybe add more mobe ships that if they are not hacked will kick player's asses. Thats the best way to encourage players use the skill imo.

    Note 3) in Live the Devs mentioned a skill for the scout that was like a single point WH. Where you could set a point and then port to it. Since both the PS and JE both have a single point skill at 135 (Call Forward for PS and Compulsory Contemplation for JE) I could see this skill being very helpful for the TS. Especially if it only worked for the TS and allowed them to port to the gate of the system they 'placed a dimensional rift beacon' in. You could have a really interesting storyline dealing with the ancients, TS's exploring new tech, and the rifts in VG and Xipe.
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