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Everything posted by corellon

  1. Nice, that’s a more detailed accounting than I could recall but sounds accurate me. Fishbowls were so fun, cant wait to see them again… Now keep in mind, I didn’t start playing the game until maybe 4 months before the sunset announcement was made so I only got maybe 9 months in or so before they closed the game down. However, I do remember doing Harvey raids up until the end, and I vaguely remember that it was something they either implemented/added back in at the end or maybe I just didn’t do them until close to the end…lol I don’t recall that well, I just know that we were killing the fish and doing Tada-O raids at the end on our server. (man I really need to go back and look at my screen shots and refresh my memory. Anyway, bring em back. I bet given another month or so we could muster enough for a fishbowl. :-) ps...i do remember many a warrior being summoned in only to have their hulls pop a few seconds later at the recharge/repair group. That, and warping all over the dang place as a JE trying to save as many as possible during the hectic craziness of waves, and praying not to get hit so I could save as many as possible.
  2. Umm I think you all are talking about 2 different things here… (going preface this with … its been what 5-6 years so my memory may be a little fuzzy, and as for experience in this…those from Galileo can vouch that I ran multiple FB events among others so I do kinda know what I am talking about) The harvey event occurred in the zone and the Fishbowl event had its own little area. These are NOT the same thing. The Harvey event on the outside was one that did not require anything beyond shooting Harvey to begin, did not take 6 full groups or whatever, could be done with 3-4 fairly easy and was more like an easy turkey shoot if every one was maxed or close and had a clue. The loot was substantially less than the FB event in both quality and quantity. The Fishbowl event took materials to create a fishhook and everything in order to summon/begin, had its own zone / instance area, and required 6 (or more – seems like it was more, I cant remember) full groups of maxed lvl 150 players with the right class balance and tactics and max lvl pm gear available. The loot was substantial as each wave boss dropped stuff and the end boss dropped lots of stuff, and was the best in the game, barring one or two other equal lvl events that also dropped comparable loot. Sydokun…it sounds like you are talking about the Harvey event which is NOT the fishbowl (FB) event. Now from what little I heard, I didn’t think the FB was implemented or available at this point, not to mention I would be surprised if there were enough max lvl people on or around that could be mustered for that or any of the other big raids. Not to mention, trying an end raid event and not being maxxed out seems to me a little silly, I mean there was a reason they were END game content. Also, you can correct me if I am fuzzy here, but I thought lvl 150 brought a new hull upgrade and I thought lvl 9 shields were substantially larger then lvl 8 (+50% or 100% larger), not to mention the lvl 9 devices should help a lot in mitigation as well. So while you might get toasted as a lvl 122 with lvl 8 shields, you could take multiple hits as a lvl 150 with lvl 9 shields and devices and other equipment. Also, the point of these raids was TEAMWORK…one of the things that this community always seem to have in spades. The point was that you would take big hits, but your healers would juice you up so you could keep going, and in general JE’s didn’t fight – they are a SUPPORT Class, not a front line shoot em class…they primarily jumpstarted you, and acted as markers so you could be pulled out and repaired and healed before you went back in, their low sigs helped to prevent them from getting hit. In the Harvey event you didn’t need as much coordination. You just had all the groups stack relatively on top of each other and then you beat on the fishies until the mini boss or final boss spawned and then you collected your loot and went on your way. This was definitely meant to bridge the end level gear to the fishbowl and as an extra entertainment that did not require as much time or coordination as the fishbowl did. In the FB event, the fight required a lot more coordination and planning. You often had 2-3 triage areas set well back in the corners away from the fight to facilitate the repair and healing of the fighters, with the JEs working as go betweens. The JEs and to some extent the PE would warp into the fight to a dead person to jumpstart them, mark them as ready to get repaired, the JDs would pull those jumpstarted folks back to the triage areas and the TTs healing/repairing before the PWs and TWs would jump back into the fight. With the advent of three basically new classes, this dynamic might be modified some, but basically the FB event will probably be much the same. If you don’t have max classes and max gear and lots of coordination, the event will just chew you up and the fishies will eat you for lunch. Ok well if I left something out or got something switched around let me know but hopefully this will help clarify / clear things up. Regardless, doing any end game event when you ARENT maxxed out, well you should expect the results to be less than stellar, expecting anything else is just silly. Ps... your poll, I think, is incorrect at least as far as what you are talking about
  3. Calm down :-) there is nothing wrong with Galileo...just that I couldnt remember is all... its been way too long... might have to go back and review some old pictures to remind me of some old friends.
  4. Dang IT! Its been way too long, and I didnt go back and check. Had that naggin feeling that I had the wrong one. Oh well, I figured someone would correct me if that was the case. Thanks. And good to hear from you. Hopefully I can get back up to raider status soon... almost to my lvl 30 hull upgrade after only a couple of days...and found the old quild too! Hope to hear from more of you in the future...oh and if you need any devices...i am well on my way...already making lvl 3 versions...just need to find more to break er i mean analyze ;-)
  5. Having fun exploring...

  6. Hiya I just wanted to drop a quick line here and say thank you to all those folks who have been tirelessly working on and sticking with bringing this fun game back. My guess is that you all probably don’t hear that enough / or it gets lost in all the “please fix this” posts. So Thank You! I just recently (last weekend) got back on and I am really impressed with how much work has been done since before the first stress test which was when I was last on (yea that long ago). I haven’t made it to far into things yet, but from what I have seen so far it looks great, and I am really excited to go exploring in the new zones… when I saw the new map I was really overjoyed at the prospect of entirely new areas. Anyway, this was my first ever online game I played and while I had the unfortunate timing of starting only a few months before EA made the ill conceived decision to throw in the towel, I still managed to get a lot of time in before and now that I have seen all the great work that has been done I am looking forward to getting to the point where I can shoot some fishies again (well save some peeps anyway… aww the life of the JE). What has always surprised me about this game is the type of people it has attracted to its community and I am overjoyed to see that the small group of peeps who are still here seem to have kept that alive. The offer to freely help out and do things for folks is something that is rare in the online community and yet it seems to be the norm here. Its really nice to see. Ok well that’s all I have to say really. That and toss a shout out to a some old friends (from Galileo iirc) who I am hoping might still be around: Cyberstorm, Cajundude, AODBigJoe, Prometheus, Joslyn, and well anyone from the Dutch Alliance (some of the nicest peeps I ever met – even tho I had no idea what some of them were saying most of the time) and any of the crew from the Reborn or the combined DA Reborn. I am sure I am leaving some peeps out (dang it if i cant remember my fellow master device builder that we had an ongoing rivalry to see who had the most devices) and I am sorry but hopefully you will see me online and remind me. Oh and if anyone needs anything let me know, once I get my JE up and running and assuming the build system is working for devices and such I will be happy to whip something up or help you out. Corellon:)br />
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