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Everything posted by Famicom

  1. Pretty crazy how impactful the presence of ENB "refugees" was in the EVE space! To be honest, I hadn't thought of this game for literal decades until it was mentioned in this video, and watching some videos of people logging in, creating characters and exploring space with all the chonky UI noises as were customary at the time suffused me with such nostalgia that I went ahead and see if maybe someone reverse-engineered the server architecture leading to the existance of private servers ala Ragnarok Online and lo and behold here we are. Hopefully the login server gets reanimated soonish! In the meantime, I think anyone playing this game will get a kick out of watching the documentary as well, especially since it's also kind of a love letter to space sim genre enthusiasts as well. It's running time is a few minutes short of six hours, so it should keep you occupied for a hot minute
  2. To be more specific, it's a comprehensive >4hr documentary about EVE Online's history, part of which was early on a massive influx of ex-E&B players moving to EVE after EA killed the official servers, which is a featured section in this documentary. Since this is from a well known Youtube documentary channel I expect I'm only one of several people having their interest in this game refreshed - already the video has close to 600K views after being released yesterday. Is anyone still online able to confirm an influx of new players? Hopefully this leads to a refreshed playerbase and subsequently more donations! [EDIT] It's alive, Jim! (also sorry for this somewhat off-topic post I wasn't aware posting here pings admins oops)
  3. Can confirm the server is down (or at least the login server) since the launcher lists it as offline and attempting to launch results in an error stating that the login server did not respond. Stumbled across this due to E&B being mentioned in a newly released Down the Rabbit Hole on EVE, hadn't thought of this game for a hot minute (e.g. a few decades) and coincidentally just installed the Net-7 E&B client. Maybe the login servers have died due to a sudden influx of people like myself?
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