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Posts posted by Mattsacre

  1. So let me rephrase it, your word was "tempted"....I believe if you look up definitions "lure" and "tempt" might be near enough to be interchanged.....


    My beef was this:

    your idea was to offer as a reward, to tempt people to engage in pvp that they may not be naturally inclined, a set of rewards not achievable through any other route in pve.


    My point:

    I and others in the past have expressed that this was not a acceptable reward if it was usable in pve and was superior stat wise. The pvp environment impacting the pve universe is something repugnant to us. If your attempt to tempt players into a pvp session had as it's rewards vanity items, titles, tags what have you, or if the gear earned through pvp was not in any way superior to what is achievable through pve, that the item might be named something else or have a title attached, that too isn't something that I or others would be bothered by.


    The effect:

    If you offer items through pvp, that can impact pve, that the item is superior to what's in pve, (to use your word force people into pvp) might be too strong a term, but, I contend it amounts to a bribe in effect. A person that want's BIS will be if not forced then compeled to engage in pvp to get an item that is BIS to use in pve. A undesired dynamic effect not acceptable by many of us pve fanatics.


    I'm sorry if you took offense to the  creepy guy/trench coat thing, it's just that BIS rewards seem like "candy" to get the folks (kids) to engage in behavior they wouldn't consider otherwise (pvp), all offered by a "luring" entity (trench coat guy) to me.


    Don't let my ranting discourage you coming up with ideas or posting them.....

    It's just that pvp ideas have been posted in the past and pve'rs have been adamant about pvp not impacting pve, superior gear would do that. But don't misread me either, I'm NOT adverse to pvp or people into it getting their fix, just the 2 universes being co-mingled, i doubt pvp'rs would like a pve achievable "insta-win button" being usable in pvp from pve....it's a two way street there. Just keep the stuff separate is what we ask.


    Thanx, Matt

  2. It's funny you mention guano...

    During the world war(s)  the ever paranoid (and rightly so) US government did some rather odd contortions to ensure that some strategic war effort items didn't run short. One of those items was guano, well not guano for it fertilizing properties, but rather it explosive. They were worried that they might at some point run short of gun powder etc. So they actively sought alternetive supplies of things and secured them as a "strategic resources".


    A source of guano (HUGE!) was found in the cliffs above the colorado river, were in emptied into the grand canyon. The army corp of engineers was tasked with building a access to those caves for the event of a "in case" moment happened. They had to scale the cliff walls, build a scaffolding around the mine entrance, build a zip line across the river to the other cliff, then a catwalk, then a pulley and cable system so buckets of the guano would be mined and cabled over to the other side, then elevatored down to a dock they also had to build at river level into the cliff walls, so, in the event they ever needed the guano, they could begin getting it shipped up river with little advance notice. The irony being, with all that effort expended, it was never put into service for more than a occasional test draw of the guano! :)


    Want to talk about "mohair"? Lol, it was a "strategic resource" subsidized since the civil war. That wasn't cut off until the late '80s. Mohair...what is it? Goat hair. They at one time (during the civil war era) made blankets out of it for the troops. They found far better materials to make blankets out of since then, but why end a great deal for a select few? They kept handing tax payer money to a select few rich guys, that were cronies of politicians, because we "needed" goat hair stockpiles.


    How about the cacti in california and arizona? They paid select farmers to grow a certain cactus because the oils extracted from those cacti could be rendered into a rubber that could then be "vulcanized" to make rubber tires out of. This "strategic resource" was vital during WW! & II, they feared that the south american countries that made rubber resources, might fall under the control of either the japanese or the germans, cutting off our rubber for tire production...and once a good subsidy is in....why end it?! Even if the need for the item subsidized is no longer needed...why stop the tax payer gravy train? lol. They finally cut that one off in the early '90s. That sucked, only 50 years of the public teat.


    There are loads of other silly subsidies still on going, corruption at it's best..... *shakes head*

  3. Does this  really need a answer?

    1. no changes to the client allowed, this has been set in stone and repeatedly re-enforced,  long legal reasons but it boils down to "not going to happen"

    2. if the hurdle could be met, all the new coding for every class and skills? boils down to "not going to happen" the devs do all this greta game in their "spare" time from RL...why would they want a second non-paying job?

    3.so you met those hurdles? Content development, so now every chat tree is going to have to do not only a class check, profession check and race check, you got to add a specialization check, and write all the chat trees to match and acknowledge them.....um "not going to happen"

    4.those hurdles met? now you have to rewrite and balance the combat, manufacturing, exploring, trading perimeters of the game so the new specializations don't cause imbalance to those....notice a trend? "not going to happen"

    5. Those hurdles? pfft..we can do this! (not)... so now you have a L150 class toon and you want to specialize them....how? So you have a geared out PW and he want's to specialize as what? A miner? What about the PS that didn't have those 6 weap slots to get to 150....does he get to specialize into a warrior now? How? He sprouts 2 more weapon slots, combat trance, HDC, higher crit, shield sap, shield inversion and access to warrior gear? How?  Not going to happen :)


    Hehe, I think you may be playing the wrong game, maybe you meant to play EVE :)     GL with that.

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  4. You type in chat :

    "/craft X" (x being the number), hit return, then the manufacture key of the manufacture terminal. after a brief pause whatever you built will appear.


    If building ammo you are limited to ships cargo in amount (if you have enough comps to build that or more). If you are building comps it stacks them in one slot and then you can do the next stack until you run out of ores or cargo space.


    If what you are making would normally earn you xp to do so, a green scrawl will tick across the screen telling you x amount made of y item, for n amount  of xp.


    You of course will have need of the credits to complete the manufacture process, if you lack the funds it won't enact the process.

  5. And it's been said time and again, have your pvp if you wish...but only if there is ZERO impact to pve environment.

    So sorry,

    your idea for seasons..fine pve'rs  won't be bothered.

    your idea to "lure" pve'rs to pvp, only time would tell and if there was zero impact to pve *shrug* pve'rs wouldn't mind.


    BUT, your idea about unique rewards like: non-manu to 200% with xtra skill, non-manu to 200% minus the extra skill,  unique device.....THOSE would effect pve...that would be a non starter from the get go.


    If you want something to "lure" in pve'rs to pvp, think along the lines of rewards that work only in pvp, or vanity  items, like titles or ship paint jobs, pve grade items (no better than be got off the shelf or manufactured) with unique names of visual (not stat) effects.


    I can assure you, (with a reasonable confidence of near universality in consensus of opinion), that rather than "lure" pve'rs into pvp play with such rewards as you have proposed, if implemented you would, instead of "lure" them, you will enrage them.


    There have been numerous posts about pve vs. pvp in a pve intended game, concerning this issue. And every time, something as a reward that was usable in pve, that was superior in some way other than "vanity" status, it was roundly shouted down.


    You want seasons and tags or titles? Pve'rs would shrug, good for you good luck.

    You want a spiffy paint job for your ship or some special logo? Cool, enjoy! Maybe i might try for that it's looking awesome.

    You want some gear that isn't one iota better than can be got by other means, except it says you got it through pvp? No skin off the pve'rs nose.


    Want as a reward, something that is Best In Slot (BIS) or better in some way than we can get through other means outside of PvP......SKREEEECHHH! Whoa..not a chance. To get that item they would be FORCED out of pve play (in a pve environment game) and into pve to get it.....non-starter.


    Let me counter here, would you accept that you had to log on 100 hr.s of game time of mining before you could arena once, than have to log another 100 hr mining so you could try arena again? You wouldn't like that would you? But that would be the reverse concept, you would be FORCED to play as a miner for 100 hr to gain access to something better. We would be "luring" you into mining!


    Please, don't "lure" us into things, if it was fun and exciting and desirable we would gravitate to it without a "bribe" to do so. "Luring" pve players into pvp is like the  creepy guy in the trench coat at the park offering little kids candy......."do you want this candy little kid? well just look what's under my trench coat and you can have it......." ;)

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  6. You know what other "currency" out there was funny? Tulips, yes a flower, tulips at one point became a funny currency in Denmark, the scarcity of certain varieties or new hybrids actually drove a boom and bust cycle in Denmark at one point. There was actually a infamous heist of a ARMORED CARRAGE! The tulips were thought to be so valuable that a tulip merchant had to send armed guards to ride a coach with bound chests inside. Even the royal family got in on it......and as always, at some point after all kinds of ponzi schemes and market manipulations and price fixing etc. the bubble burst and everyone was broke, even the royal family took a notable hit. Not so funny for them at the time I'm sure, but to us with the lens of time it's humorous. Flowers as money, lol.


    How about "beanie babies" a few yrs ago...people were paying big money as "investments" dependent on rarity etc. they too, became a joke "investment". Feudal Japan, many of the clan wars were dependent on the rice crops and the prices, if you couldn't get enough rice ahead of time to feed your troops....guess we got to call the war off...that one instance you prayed for a bad crop and hunger :/


    One I always love, the first island "purchase" the pilgrims made from the indian's. It's currently in fashion in our education system to portray the poor indian's as "victims" of white mans greed and avarice. But consider this: Both parties got out of the transaction what they wanted..who was the "victim"? The european's thought the indian's were suckers to just give land away for some beads and trinkets and a few iron blades. The indian's thought the european's were suckers for wanting a island with little game and swampy, besides the indian's didn't understand "owning" land anyway.


    The indian's "economy" was based on beads and trinkets, iron blades were unheard of and were so valuable to them at that time, it was like having fort knox in a bag. Those "worthless" beads and trinkets? They caused a realignment in the power structure and relationships of the indian tribes in the surrounding area. Suddenly that previously minor tribe was RICH and had enough to throw around to make marriages and treaties with surrounding tribes, there after elevating the tribe..who got ripped off?


    Now the european's, they got that land, and started to make a go of it, and part of their group returned to the home land to get more supplies, on their return the colony had vanished. What happened? who got the worst of that deal.......well move forward decades and decades and that former island is a small state, in a huge nation, that is if not the most powerful then one of the most. That "island" is some very valuable real estate now! Who got ripped off? Who was the victim? I guess it's all in your perspective eh?


    The indian's had their heyday, the european's not so much, then after a time the former european's, now American's are on top of the heap. Those indian's that got ripped off? Well their tribe got absorbed and merged many times over, but their desendent's are also American's, and for many of the tribes (at least those well managed) quite well off financially. Who got ripped off? Who was a victim? Once again perspective :)

  7. In a RL example of "stored wealth", you see these ads all the time..now is the time to buy gold...now is the time to by silver!  Buy real estate! etc. All presented as a means to "hedge" against uncertainty.  As markets trend down people feel they have lost "worth" and they change investments etc. as stock prices tumble many folks do indeed buy gold,silver, gems or other precious items, figuring they will use that item to lock in some worth while the other uncertain currency flucates. All of this is perception based. They perceive that some precious metal has a more solid value (it does tend to not be as maniplatable like government backed paper currencies, governments like to tinker). But even the precious metals value is a perception, it is only worth exactly what you can get someone else to take in exchange for something else that you desire, not 1 iota more.


    People keep saying this base ball card is worth X this is worth Y....it isn't...it's worth what someone else pays for it, if you don't want to pay what they insist it's worth, to  you it wasn't worth that, real estate has the same problem etc.


    So how does a poor man "store wealth"? By investing in something he/she actually uses, especially in things known as durable goods. So say each pay check you don't have enough left over to invest in a bar of gold....not I. But what can you buy to lock in some worth? At the risk of being called a hoarder.....how about instead of pissing away your money on a lottery ticket, or hoping it goes your way on a fantasy football bet (the lottery? really? that's the single worst bet ever) or some other futile hope to get rich quick.


    Try this....buy 2 cans of soup instead of 1. Buy a 10 pack of socks instead of a 3 pack. Buy a case of toilet paper rather than a 6 pack. Whatever you can store over time, but actually use. WOW! you just stored wealth! That can of soup can sit on the shelf for a yr. or more, locking in your value. How so? Well say you bought the soup for a $1 and next yr. it's $1.50, you locked in your value and hedged against inflation. Now yes, eventually you got to eat that soup, and your replacement cost is going to be $1.50, but for the time you had it, your value was locked, you didn't "lose" value. it's even better that it is something actually useful.


    And the added benefit? What if something went really bad, either for you personally like a job loss or as a nation like some catastrophy? Well you would actually have that "stored wealth" to call upon until things improved, were if you had stored gold or silver...what use would it be to you? You couldn't eat it, wear it, or wipe your butt. You would be at others mercy to take the gold or silver in exchange for food etc. in a sellers market, food would be at a premium and silver wouldn't, all your stored value would be wiped away as you had to liquidate it just to get enough to eat.


    Now consider all that ^^^^^^ and crack another mormon joke! In a starving, cold, non-flushing toilet world....who is the rich person? They guy with the food, clothes and toilet paper! Not the guy with a vault full of gold *


    *and the bullets to defend it :excl:

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  8. Matt, the rumor thing is a pretty interesting idea.  As an addon to the idea, sometimes the rumors are true, sometimes not.

    Maybe a faction driven thing..or level of bribe thing would increase the odds, I mean retail space in a station don't come cheap..the rumor merchant got's bills to pay and mouths to feed :)


    oooh oohh..idea! On the galactic map each system has a faction affiliation, have somewhere in ea sphere of influence a kiosk "rumor" vendor in a station, have the npc affiliated with those factions be more accurate in his rumors (with a bad rumor chance still possible) as you get better rep with them, worse rumors the more you are hated. By all means have a fee, not too prohibitive, perhaps a sliding scale for rep and level of ore info, this would let the low level miners ease in and not get ripped off, but as they get bigger credits shouldn't be so hard to come by.

  9. Here's an idea. I've already said we're going to look at the long term solution (the pragmatic one) and see what can be done.


    Until we have an analysis (which Evermore and I are working on) and implement some tweaks, further discussion is moot. Why ? Because we're focused on what we're doing.


    So unless you want a reply like this "Matt : terminals don't do item exchanges" or "GHB : Do you really want to have to rely on an explore class to refine your ammo comps?" between times when I'm working, sleeping or trying to get some progress made when we're both available, please be patient until we finish the work that we've started. And I don't have a target date :-P

    LOL I said I was spit balling.....

    It was a out the box thing....but I didn't mean the terminal "exchanged" something...what I intended was the terminal was used to "build" a stack of something..sort of refining bile into a stack or a portion of a stack of vendor type parts that was used to build the flavor type..sort of extending the bile to useage, sort of like the toxicium darts ammo made in the agrippa *shakes fist at bayhkee* uses a raw ore to change the flavor of dmg. Only the bile is coupled to make a stack of parts to make flavor dmg. *shrug*


    But I do get you point, you're working on it...being pragmatic etc. I'll try and be zen patient and shut up :)


    Ohmmmmm  Madapadmaaahhaaa, Ohmmmmmmm :)

  10. You got to admit that EVE did that well. The fact that you had to explore and thrust and look around for something, that when you found it you could "book mark" it for future *warp to* was awesome, and it also was cool that you could replicate it and share it with friend and corp. It actually encouraged exploration, especially if there was at times a resource that you or your corp. could possibly exploit or sell. this client wouldn't support that...but it was cool in EVE. This games "exploration" is rudimentary at best..but it's still fun.


    Once in EVE I found a ore field in the middle of no-where, that if you tried to warp to it, it was so vast, that it bounced you out of the field as a destination not achievable. While all that was in it was the tritanium rocks, they were so huge, they were in the max per rock ALL of them..I think that was like millions or raw resources each rock? something like that. This was before they had the ships that could stop short on a warp path came in. I spent  45 min. or so studying what was the closest heavenly body to that, rigged my fastest thrusting, tiny frigate with as much thrust as i could, even did a hull mod, then pointed the way there from that point and thrust away......it took like forever to get there!


    I went and shopped, bought dinner, did some chores...took a nap and checked up now and then. When I finally got there...hallalua! It still took me 1.5 hr to thrust down..under and to the other side and out like 25k to set a mark. That's how vast that was! It's a good thing I set it out 25k, because back then they were having problems with the marks, they would be off by a few k after each down time. When I showed by corp what i had for us, the big ships still bounced out of the field on arrival, so using my frig I had to reset a mark further out before we could start mining. It was AWESOME..back then they didn't have mining barges or strip miners, the biggest miner was a Apoc. We, as a corp, mined and mined for 2 weeks and still made barely a dent. We called in 2 sister corps and let them in to the bounty....we between the 3 of our guilds, deflated the tritanium market in the region and still had stashes for ourselves...it lasted nearly a month before we had finally depleted the field.....fond memories :)  I was a popular fellow for that discovery.

  11. Here, let me give you a view from "the public".

    Where I come from:

    I don't belong to a guild, in the past when I did belong to a guild it was in a small guild. I have been in and not in the officers of those guilds, I didn't mind pitching in and helping run the guild, usually I was an officer because of my knowledge, recipes or skill and willingness to help when called upon. I don't hate large guilds, medium guilds, or completely solo acts. I take every player on their face and will help if asked with the exception of those in the past who have been especially nasty to me, not rumored to be nasty.


    I'm not adverse to any "gentleman/woman's agreement" per se between any entity that wants said agreement, as long as they understand that me not being a party to it does not bind me to it in anyway whatsoever. If there was a raid trigger sitting there, and I wanted it bad enough to do it, and if I wanted to go to the pain in the butt to get a group together to do so bad enough, I would with absolutely no qualms no matter who's or what's guild turn it was, you snooze you lose.


    With that being said, the likely hood of me wanting to do a raid bad enough that I would go to the effort to organize it myself and deal with the headaches and gripping are so slim it is nearly nil. I would like to experience and share in the loot of some of the raids, but not bad enough to weedle or beg for a slot, not enough to bribe or twist an arm. If asked to help, when they came up short in a group to help, I would gladly, with the understanding that I either shared in the rolls for the loot, like everyone else, or that I was doing them a favor,  not me. On the few occasions that i have seen open raid calls, I have seriously considered, but then usually they call that x, y or z is reserved on loot and I reconsider......reconsidered...no..in fact hell no. (usually the thing they want reserved is the very thing I want to roll on :))


    So summerized:

    1. It's not likely I'll start my own raid, but if I did, or was asked to be in one with full loot rolls, or as a favor to a friend, I would feel no compunction to refrain from doing so, I wasn't a party to any agreement.

    2.I'm not going to kill myself, to start, or to be in a raid group, on a "public" day just because it's a "public" day. Like someone else said, I'm not France, i didn't sign the deal, I'm Antartica, chill out bruh' :)

    3.When there is a call for open raids and I was so motivated to join, the fastest way to demotivate me is to say, 'well except for this item or that item", if you don't want to share in equal odds of me getting it rather than you, then don't ask me to do the work, do it yourself. (By the sweat of their very brow shall they eat). The only exception to this would be if they were my personal friend and I was doing them a favor.


    I bet most other "the public" take some sort of this tack that I do. They don't want to be told what is or is not their's to do, that someone else "owns" it, especially since they weren't there to ask for their share of the pie. You guy's enjoy your pie slice, me I'll bake my own and have the whole thing thanks. I'm willing to bet the same hold true about the "open" raids or the unused "guild" raid triggers, that they are willing to go, or help out, but if the "owning" guild is going to dictate the loot and it's distribution...forget it, no thanks.


    *shrug* thats my 3 cents worth and I bet "the public" is at or near that stance as well.

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  12. So about solsec bob....when you get the polar express and turn ins all done, if you talk to him again he tells you he is "authorizing" you to gather 5 stacks of canes and stolen presents and return. Anyone gone that far and done that? Is there some great reward or is it a XP for materials sink. What could be better than the polar express?!! 2.5x more materials...would have to be great if there was actually something for it......any answers?

  13. I thought that it would be cool to "space" items from your inventory. You could mark edges of gravity wells. Granted another player could pick up the bread crumbs you left but it could be a fun addition some day.



    Hansel and Gretel did it,


    Yeh, and the rest of H & G? Well basicly they fed the forest full of btrds with processed grain bread....making a part of those birds die from gluten problems.

    Killed a nice, old, lonely, lady who liked kids so much, she filled her days making candy for them, hoping some kids would come by and visit her, breaking her solitude...but they couldn't just kill her as painless as possible could they?...no they had to bake her to death...hidious, hateful, little greedy brats!


    Then their father, so frightened and worried for their welfare, risked life and limb, suffering deprivation in his search for them. And what did the little hellions have to say to their father after all had happened? They blamed their murderous rampage as "self defense" from a "evil witch" (no witnesses to the contrary) . Their running away on a "evil stepmother" tossing them out of the family homestead, rather than their gluttonous addiction to sugar...never once allowing the step mother a modicum of explaination of defense, they instead encouraged their father to follow their example and murder his new wife.


    Boy, what a different tale hansel and gretel is when you look through the eyes of their victims :)


    So new coordinate system gets in, and previously innocent mobs, doing nothing but mind their own business and wanting to be left alone, will have a warp point right into the middle of their living room, were people they don't know, begin slaughtering them and their family without any preamble or explaination......so sad :(



  14. If Ores/Hulks are in the Non-Explorer starting sectors, I would have to say someone wasted time setting that one up.  I mean the only logical reasoning I could think of would be for graphical effect say a Gas Field for game immersion for example.  Other than that, why bother configuring and placing a field.


    It's not like EnB uses procedural based rendering of the systems, its very basic in how it is done.


    It was sort of "flavor", there are indeed areas that miners can't get to currently that have mining resources, of course since miners can't mine them...who is to know if there is anything in them? :). But there are gas clouds etc. in zones that miners don't go to right now.


    With that being said, there was a time that there was an "error" on the gating systems, for a few weeks that allowed people to gate through areas that they shouldn't ordinarily get to, like for instance, people that weren't TE could shortcut through Luna to get to Zeigh to Witberg etc. If at that time miners could shortcut through there they could have mined that stuff.


    It was a game idea before, that I really liked myself TBH, that at some future date a game dynamic be added, that if you did a set of missions for "attunement", or got enough rep with a class faction, that as a  reward, you got access to their start area, would that not be cool that miners could get a "semi-exlusive" access to whatever ores are there (be it low level ores)? Or that trader classes got "shortcuts" through areas to enhance their trading abilities or vendor rights (that would let them get to L1 vendors easier for ammo builds) etc?


    But back to the OP, it was fairly known that the danger fields in VT spawned AA after a restart.....that the Primus upper NE and the SW fields had a AA in them after a restart....that a field in SE had a AA in it after a restart..etc. etc. That after a restart the "in-the-know" folk ran all over as fast as they could to the known spots and tried to get the AA first, never passing on this flaw to the Dev's. This was not WAI, there is never  a clump of fairly "guaranteed" AA spawn designed into the game, nor was there ever a "work the field to refresh to a AA" intended to be in there either. The AA were intended to be a universal random drop item, weather that was ever achieved in this iteration of Live has been achieved is up for debate.


    This is the way it was meant to work: at some totally random time, in some totally random rock ore field, some totally random AA was spawned @ a level appropriate to the field it spawned in. Their was no "refresh" rocks odds, there was no timer start odds, there was no location guarantee odds. It was totally random happening in any rock ore field, the only increased odds chance was the simple expedient that if you mined more, more often, you were more likely to be there when it did randomly happen. It was a lottery, you could mine the spot for months and never see one, just like people that play the same ticket for yrs. never do. The only way to increase your chances, just like a lottery, was to be entered more , i.e. be there mining/buy more tickets.


    Some people were working an exploit ! I came on line one time (not knowing a restart had just happened) and since I was stockpiling ores for the Agrippa stuff, I had my PS parked in VT all the time to mine the danger fields for them and the L9 ores. I was in the danger field mining and found the AA that popped there after a restart, I can't remember the player now, but they were chewing me out for "robbing" their spawns of hulks and AA rocks. I was a bit bewildered how I had "robbed" their spawns...and they didn't stay around to explain. ( I later found out, when I was telling of my good fortune of a AA to a friend, that a restart had just happened...the attitude from the other player was thus explained). Now was there  a ticket from that player? I never saw one :unsure: , and yet they felt presumptive enough that I had taken their AA/hulks and they were making the galactic tour checking all the spots they knew that they spawned at....clearly they knew about it, were taking advantage of it....and yet no ticket was in about it.....that was the definition of a exploit.

  15. Got to tell you, collegia didn't hate sabine, sabine hated collegia. It's a story line thing.

    If you croak a collegia mob the collegia and the centriata have a problem with that, however sabine like it. (It's that biotch Vinda's fault...she thinks that Arippa and his pal's are trying to supplant her in the empire.)


    If you croak a centriata, both the sabine and the collegia hate it (it's their warrior protecting them after all!)


    It used to be killing a sabine got a shrug from collegia, they didn't care one way or the other. It was supported by the storyline that way.

    However, it created a hole in the faction charts with the other 2 "lost" factions being factored in, you always need a way to balance faction via the combat route, so the chart was altered and now the collegia aren't so neutral, when a sabine sucks vacuum, now they enjoy it. :)

  16. Thanks for the info.


    Suspected it was something along those lines.


    As it goes.... The stack size does suit me better than the fractional DPS difference... So imma sticking with the Fury now.


    (Prefer the name also: "Fury" just sounds cooler than "Claw")



    I don't know..when I"m really, really mad at someone, I'd rather "claw" them, then only be able to offer my "fury" at them :)

    Actually I'd rather have a "throttle" gun, to choke the life out of that which annoys me :)


    But then, it's the fact that murder being illegal is the only reason so many folks continue to be breathing near me *snicker*

    I don't hate humankind, it's people I have a problem with!

  17. Well the way it's meant to work is like this: A totally random world (or would that be universe? ) drop from "rock" type asteroids. It should happen anywhere at any time from a rock type. There isn't intended to be a "timer" or a clear field X times and it spawns thing going on. It is intended that the AA is in level range of the field mined. It is intended to be a very rare find item (they are so good you don't want everyone and their cousin with one). Their rarity is their value, they are intended to be so rare, they are very special and worth lots.


    In the past, some "folks" noticed that certain fields would spawn within them a AA right after a restart. They kept this information to themselves and "exploited" it. It was an exploit because it was clearly not WAI and they took advantage of it without reporting the flaw. That is explained in the TOS as a violation. When the Devs finally became aware of this flaw (someone must have spilt the beans or let their consience finally speak for them), they started trying to confirm this flaw and fix it. Having a AA spawn 100 hr after a restart isn't a "exploit", it's well within the realm of WAI. But if right after a restart you see 1, count yourself real lucky and if asked by the Devs about it, be honest. I'm confident they will not feel you are "exploiting" if you are honest and pulled it honestly. But if you find 2 in short order after a restart.....their intended rarity, would make that happening very specious and you better report that as a bug insident.

  18. I'm spit balling here, so take that into account. What seems to be the major problem is 2 fold.

    #1: some missles use the same "modifier" drop to turn  their ammo to a certain damage type that a projectile does. This makes that drop get eat up and be more desirable just like teeth, were used far more rapidly than ribs were, even though ribs dropped approx. the same as teeth, the teeth were used disproportionatly faster as PL burn ammo faster.

    #2: other missles  damage types don't use the same "modifier" nor have to compete for it as the projectile users do. This is driving a scarcity problem.


    So what to do? The logical solutions are 2 fold as well.

    #1: de-pair the usage of that drop so the projectile and missle users don't dry up each others supply.

    #2: increase the drop of that item by at least 2x so there is plenty to go around between them and no fighting over that drop.


    OR, how about a totally crazy other idea..say solution #3?

    Remove the actual item having to be used to make the flavor of ammo type damage. Make the flavor be like other damage types do and have a L1 part that modifies the dmg type output. Then whoever wants one flavor over another don't have to hoard or drive others nuts by drying up their needs, all can just take a trip to their friendly neighborhood L1 parts vendor to modify the type.


    "What to do with the drops then, won't they then be worthless?" you ask. Well...make them be changeable to the part L1 type in a 1 drop=1 stack  L1 parts ratio. So say a cobalt bile is used in a terminal, it converts to a stack of L1 k3 plasma pack/slug (or whatever the L1 part would be for the "new" dmg modifier).


    "Now why would they trade a bile for a measly stack of L1 ammo parts?" I hear you ask. Got that covered. Make it not be a L1 stack of ammo parts. Other ammo use higher parts to achieve the damage flavor, oguns come to mind as others. Oguns use 3 parts (2x L3 parts and  1x L4) per stack. Other recipes use higher parts than the L1 part to make the ammo type, the part is usually higher level than the ammo is, like some of the RD ammo uses L2 parts in L1 ammo and L4 parts in L3 ammo etc. So make the bile for stack of parts a higher level of parts than say L1, make the higher level of parts be a slightly more favorable exchange rate than what they got in credits for vendoring the bile.


    This would make the bile still be desirable, you wouldn't have to go to the level of vendor to get the parts, just the nearest terminal to exchange it over, you would get out in worth a bit more that way then if you vendor it. But those that needed a damage type wouldn't have to beg, borrow or mortgage something to get it, they just needed the forethought and effort to go to the right vendor or mine the right ores for their favorite ammo parts maker to get what they needed as well.


    All happy and no knife fights :)

  19. And your turn rate....


    It does in EnBEmu to your ship what would happen in RL to you if you put on 10% more weight. You take longer to get up to your jog rate to work off the extra flab. It makes it harder for you to manuver around your house and work space.


    Mass isn't a real huge thing for a big lumbering terran that don't have to face their enemies, but for a jenny to cloak and sneak up on a mob and shoot a beam of painful light up the mobs butt, nimbleness is a real plus. For a progen..meh depends on what you are doing.


    That help?


    Oh and another thing....in live they were in the process of adding a new stat and effect and a resist, it was like a dodge stat, you were going to get a resist roll on outmanuvering missles etc. Your mass rate was to be a modifier on that stat, I don't think they actually got that implimented live, but the stat slot is still on your ship equipment pane.

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  20. The Zet/Archos thing...during the games evolution they were the mid life addition to the races "uber weapon". At one time there weren't any archos or zets. They were the top tier weapons and getting the ores and someone that had the recipe(s) was a huge undertaking. Then content came in and the fishbowl was the next tier of weapons, so the fishhy stuff (after you washout out the odor) is suppost to be a bit better and back then harder to get the parts and recipe(s) holders etc.


    Currently, lots of folks have biles etc. and a  archos/zet isn't nearly a huge undertaking, when you are ready to wear a archos/zet there is someone ready to build them for you or legacy their old set. Back in the day you had a single bile and counted yourself real lucky to have it and struggled to keep it fed. So from a historic point the zets/archos should be less dps and smaller ammo stacks.


    As to the ballista..it's like the archos/zet, you aren't supost to have all your slots full of them, you are intended to feel lucky you even got one and the buffs it offers, those buffs are of the sort that you are giving up a tad in straight out dps on that gun, but over all your guns you gain dps in total. Same with the spitter etc.


    Anyone that has played progen live and now know they are "device light" and "weapon heavy". They get most of their important buffs as side effects of their shields and weapons. There are far less slots for them in devices and far fewer choices of devices available to them, it was a much lamented fact in live by the PS about just how few devices they had, very few even bothered to even up their L9 skill in devices there were so few. That's why archos have those buffs on them and lack a like amount of dps the terrans have on zet.


    The terrans had a vast array of devices to choose from since they had few restrictions, they got the side buffs not on the side but from the devices...just multiples of buffs from the higher devices. their big beef was that almost all debuffs had short ranges, they would have liked to debuff the mobs from missle range but couldn't. From the fewer weapon slots and extra devices they "balanced" out with the progen having to get the buffs from the weapon and giving up dps on a single slot.

  21. I've sadi it in another thread, but I'll brief it up here:

    Bring back the hulk fields in the ore fields like days of old! Don't have a "hulk field" on a timer, have hulks appear in ore fields so the hulk campers, can't. The only hulk fields to be a "field", be around obvious high risk dynamics like the drone complex, or a gravity sheer, around the controller or a RD camp. The "hulks" are the remains of other travelers that met misfortune in that hazardous space.


    Hulks to be adjusted:

    Have a adjusted odds of a successful mining of the hulk. Currently you pull the hulk and that's it. Back in live, there was always a chance it went Kaboom! When it did there was a 50/50 chance on if the result was a good/bad buff. The loot from them were weighted towards ores, not gear in ore fields..who after all would be in a field and get capped... a warrior? A miner gets popped, so the loot should be weighted towards raw ore (stacks) and miner gear, then most likely would be a trader getting popped, so the loot should then be refined ores (stacks) and trader gear. The least likely hulk would be from a warriior, so then the hulk would have warrior gear and ammo (stacks).


    As to the node finder idea, it would have to be real carefully implimented, if you had a node finder that told you what there was to find, and were to find it...what would be the point of exploring or having high scan rate or low sig ect?


    If it was to go in, I woiuld do it like this: A npc type scattered a few places in the universe that deals in "rumors", they could tell you what sectors have been "rumored" to have a type and level of ore. This could give you a pointer were you could find the ore sector wise, but still make the player have to work to find it and run any risks etc. I think the old ore kiosks from live might be repurposed that way, the npc being as information dealer rather than a ore dealer.


    For those not aware of the old ore dealers: there is a current model in a alpha proxima station......go explore! :)  But there were some around, there was one in VT and I think N7..been so long i can't remember where they all were.

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