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Everything posted by MightyMike

  1. Hi, I would suggest an external informative website thats not on the net-7.org domain. So if there is some kind of crash, like last weekend, we will be able to see that there is a problem. Nothing fancy, just informative. Cheers
  2. Poef? server down...I am sure it was the damn elves! lol
  3. Hm I think something went really badaa-boom..
  4. Hey why did I went over that NAV point? ....huh? I can't stop!..oh crap..server went poof....
  5. Thanks for the effort, its always handy to have something like this around!
  6. I have the exact same problem now, I did use the ticket system. Only not sure if it works correctly, I filled it in, pressed submit, and I got a new empty ticket. Hope someone can fix it, was working to this point all day. Thanks!
  7. I think bad OP code has to do with UDP packet size. It could be that the ISP involved with the ENB server has made changes. In that case its not easy for the DEVS to fix it.
  8. Yo bro! so funny to see you snooping around here! When you are online add the following chars: Herodius (TE) Mortician (JE) Zeven (PS) Kensjin (JD) Anastasia (TT) then we can shoot some things together! :)

  9. Wes!! what the... Did not expect to see you here bro! Check my profile to see my character names, then we can play together sometimes!
  10. Hey bro, wish we could play together once more. I miss you pal.

  11. Hello guys, I want to thank everyone again for their compassion. Also who reached me by different ways then this forum. Its been more then 3 months now but I haven't touched ENB yet. Hope to come back soon. Thanks Mike
  12. For people who want to know him a bit, check out his facebook: richard blokker http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/profile.php?id=100000872491309&ref=search
  13. That was exactly how he was. Always wanted to help. So I could not be happier by this sign of respect. Maybe you could change the name of the ship in something like: (in memoriam)Richard 10-06-2010?
  14. Thank you so much for putting his character yoko in VT, brought tears to my eyes to me and my mother.
  15. Yes its terrible that these things happen to such young people. Life is suddenly so different now. Many thanks again for your comments, it means a lot. I've seen these message in WoW and the only thing people said was RIP..so I was a bit doubting to tell this. Happy to see that this ENB community is made of people with character. Thanks again also from my family.
  16. My chars: Herodius (TE), Zeven(PE), Mortician (JE), Anastasia (TT)

  17. Thank you all for your words. It means a lot to me. @tienbau. thats a really nice gesture. he was fond of his TT (Yoko) He was in VT at the time ( at that rock near to the weft) of his collapse. Although I still have his destroyed ship printed on my eyes, I think it would be a good way to remember him. I haven't touched ENB after it happened, since we played together most the time. It might be comforting to know that's he's remembered there in some way. thanks again. Mike
  18. Dear fellow ENB players. its my sad duty to report that my younger brother (29) died on 10th june,while playing ENB. He did not respond to my /t and I called my parents where he lived to ask if he could come to the phone. When my mom entered the room it was already to late and he lay on the ground with his characters Yoko (TT) and Asuka (PW) destroyed. It was a sudden heart failure. He was known in game as Yoko, Ishtar, Arahsi, Asuka. He was a great guy and I miss him terribly. I hope you will remember him to. His real name was Richard. Regards, Michael
  19. Guys can someone tell me which ports are required for ENB to work? I read something about range 3000-4000 but I am not sure thats correct and would like to know which ports are really necessary. thanks!
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