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Posts posted by Gunney

  1. Ive not had an issue in keeping up with the buffs, my issue is not being able to tell when I can buff again, heck Ive even counted Mississippi's between them but if there is any lag I end up canceling the buff  =(  If I give a few extra seconds between Im usually ok, but that's not always possible when the boss is putting the hammer down.

  2. Is it possible to add a cool down timer to the shield charging and hull patch icons?


    As it is, there is a visual display for these skills to show when compleate. Durring heavy fighting these cues arent always visible. 

    Add in lag, the shield buff bug (graphic stays on) and group member hull display bug (hull shows 0)  It becomes a pain to know when you can use the skill again.


    I have been getting by watching the group members shield/hull display but if another is buffing or hull isnt showing lives are needlessly lost in the great battles.

  3. 1 person farming in paramis for 2 hrs can get as much loot as the 14 guys doing the raid can.  Raids are an inefficient way of making credits.

    Yes many players have a stupid amount of credits,  But the more Ive thought about it the more I wonder why everyone is asking about a credit sink?

    As Terrell said above the current system is based on barter, and that's on the high end of things, on low level gear seldom is payment wanted for building items. you simply run around for the parts and bring them to the builder, tips are nice. 



    But what part of the current system is broken and needs fixing?




    And a hat tip to Stoop on the PRS

  4. I have not been out to DT as of yet, but from what I understand the raid there is triggered by certain mob kills and not on a timer correct?   As far as putting it into the rotation I think that would depend on how much interest there is in the raid / time to trigger spawn / time to finnish raid. After the raid is done is there a 'cool down' period or can ya jump into the next process?  


    As I said I have not been out there, but if its more like GR or FB than Troller/GoBB/RD Base,  and there is no fighting over it why not leave it as is?

    • Upvote 3
  5.    I have begun a 'quest' for AA devices, I have been told that they are in 'Rocky' roids, can be in any roid in any system and appear about as often as the blood moon. As I understand it as each roid respawns what it will contain is determined by a % chance, therefore the more respawns the better the odds in finding one.  "After a server restart" Im told is the best time, well those aren't common these days, the monthly one happens when Im at work so the grind is my 1st/best option, and trade for them?   yea   Ill find a few before that happens ......

       So I have started to 'groom' fields, mining out the rockys over and over in a mindless 'grind'    My question to anyone is there a field that you think has better odds?  is large enough to keep me going without a 20 min pause as respawn happens? and if anyone happens to need 7-9 ores let me know and I wont vendor them

  6. My personal thoughts on the Lotto system


    Lottoing items mid raid,  I understand the corpse timer issue but I usually miss these lottos cause Im busy with the raid. Is it possible for the GM's to increase the timers on corpses that have unique items in them?


    Race specific items,  Castor, Spitter, Streak,  each of these favor a race,  why aren't they rolled on as such? 


    Unique loot only items,  Controller Core, Fury of the Master,ect ect,  Id like to see only those able to equipt the item be allowed to roll on the item.  If no one rolls then open it to others.  I feel if you want a specific item then bring the toon you want the item for. I can already her the comments "What if Im asked to bring my TT and I want the FotM", my reply is damn near every time Ive seen a Raid Forming announcement, there are posted replys of "What do you need me to bring".  Now on the off chance (very remote IMHO) that no healers show up at the forming point, then I will bow to allowing those who swap toons to roll for the item for their chosen toon.  Raid items should go to those who participate 1st, then to those who would pass the item to another (their own toons or other players)


    OK  Got my rants out, flame away if you must

  7. Perhaps it would be best to list the 'current public lotto system' and then see what should apply and what should be changed




        Looter is chosen before the raid, the looter must be trustworthy and have good knowledge of the drops for the raid. The looter is generally responsible for running the lotto, holds the loot and passes it out


    The roll is done by using the slash command  /random 1 100 1


    The looter (or other responsible for the lotto) will post the item in local chat and announce the roll, it will look like this

    Black Castor  110%     ROLL  ___________________________

    after this is posted in local rolls begin,  1 roll per person  (some looters are more colorful and add comments as to the items function, class restrictions and value

    After rolls have stopped for a period of time the looter will ask if there are any more rolls, if no replies then the current high roll wins

    The item will be passed to the winner or if the item is unique the winners name will be added to the corpse so they may retrieve it


    The next item is then set up for lotto


    1 win per person per raid

    The Toon that was in the raid is the Toon used to make rolls


    The order of items being lottoed is based upon corpse timer, their current value, their current demand by raiders


    Anyone in the raid can bid on any item




    This is the current process for lottery in the Public Raid Rotation, It can be a basis for the PRS  Please add comments, suggestions on changes or Improvements and errors

  8. PRS or Public Raid System

    My first comment is that this is not to be confused with the "Public Raid Rotation Slot"  This is a separate System in game for Raids for the Community as a whole


    The Dev's have given us the community the PRS, during the past few weeks I have attended there seem to be the same questions asked at each raid and I think things would go a lot smoother if the info was posted so it is known beforehand.

    Please chime in with info or corrections if you notice any errors


    The PRS Gate is near Abandoned Pathway 1  in Saturn  < X 228.94  Y -286.55  Z 0.00 >  once you have discovered the gate it will show on your system map when the sector is available


    There is a per character gate fee for entering, the fee is based on which raid the group is doing, this fee is subject to change as BL is still looking for 'the sweet spot"  Fees have been from 3mill up to 15 mill


    There are channels on Team Speak for these raids, Use 'PRS Staging room' for raid setup, once the groups are ready move to "PRS Raid in progress"


    Once the groups are formed, ready and the desired raid is decided upon the Dev will open the gate, once the groups are inside the Dev will close the gate, no one else will be allowed in, it will not open again until the next raid cycle starts.  If you leave the system mid raid you cannot return, If you forget an item or ammo you will be without.


    After the raid is finished and people have left the system the Dev will "Flush" the system, or rather any character in the system either online or logged out in the system will be removed from the system (not sure if they are moved to Saturn or N7)  This is done to keep the system for active players only.


    There are 6 raids available in the sector to choose from  RD Base, GoBB, Controller, Fish Bowl, Gate Raid, and Voltoi


    Triggers (FM2K/Face) are not needed


    2 Raids can be run at the same time if enough people are interested, I believe BL said the only req he has on this is that the 2 are not next to each other


    The Raids in the system are the same as in there normal locations, what you see at GoBB in Paramis is what you will see at GoBB in the PRS, same mob order, same loot drops, If you notice a difference, treat it as a bug and fill out a ticket.   If you have Neg or poor RD fraction STAY AWAY FROM THE RD BASE NAV,  you will be attacked, you will need a jump or tow, if you tow and the gate is closed you will wait until the next raid cycle


    Groups may be made up by "whom ever shows up"  "pre planned group"  or  "Guild only" (yes guilds can use the system as they wish also)   Raids are not reserved, lets say your group wants to do the Controller raid, you have been forming for two hours and your waiting on 3 people to show up,  Then Raiding party #2 warps in ready to go and wants to do the Controller, they will get the raid,  "Ready to go" trumps "Been waiting here for awhile"


    Loot Lottery

      The Dev's are staying out of this area, its for us to decide how and what to do with the process. Currently its decided at the moment and is something WE need to discuss and iron out.  I would like to see a discussion to lay out the process so it is clear to everyone attending  on what to expect

       If a pre planned group is raiding, say EPIC or Static or a mixed group, the can do whatever the heck they want with the loot. 



    This is How to the best of my memory BL wants the 'mechanics' of the process to go,  PLEASE hop in and correct anything I have wrong or have missed


    And please give input on the loot lotto process

    • Upvote 3
  9. Please investigate the original agreement.


    Public raids are for public pilots to get access to raid drops. That is why the public have a place in the rotation.


    'Big three' pilots have their own raids for access to raid drops. Static do not roll on public raids upholding the original agreement.


    If there has been a change to this please let us know the details. I am sure that there will be a much greater participation from Static pilots if they can roll along with everyone else.





    Im not sure what the confusion is on the matter?   When the public needs a few pilots to fill spots for a raid we ask in general chat. Those who join us to fill empty slots are allowed to roll on items. This is how the "Public Guild" runs the raids. If you were to answer our call to fill a slot for a raid durring the publics rotation you would be allowed to roll on items per "public rules", now if your guild rules prevent you from assisting in the raid and/or rolling on items that is between you and your guild.


    If your guild were to ask if any public want to assist them for a raid, it would be your guilds choice on if they would be able to roll on items in that raid. Simply state so when asking if you do.

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  10. Xotto

    When I see a trigger up I want to kill it to, but I understand the reason for the current rotation system.  I would be upset if If one of the Big3 ran the raid slotted for public that week, regardless of the reason.


    Unicorn Orion

    In Public Raids all who shoot roll on items, If a Big3 member does not roll on loot it is due to your guilds rules, not Public rules.

    • Upvote 1
  11. So I understand the reason for the credit sink, is there an issue with the amount of credits players have or is this simply something for them to do with their credits? 

    For myself, at lower lvls credits were 'tight' (but not bad) for getting gear, however once I hit the higher lvls credits were easy, to the point of being worthless unless I needed a vender item.  Anything done Id like to see not effect lower lvls, well not impact them so much.

  12. I am trying to keep an open mind on this method, but I still don't see how this would be a better way.  

    The ones with all the high end gear are the ones with the most credits, they will outbid the others until they do not desire the item for themselves or their friends, So the ones without said gear/credits have to wait until all the others don't want the item any longer, and the price drops to a point they can win the bid.

    The current method gives a fair shot to each person at the raid to win the item.

    Currently, when a trigger spawns it takes 45 min to 2 hrs to get the groups formed, this bidding would add to the time frame, and if others show up for the raid after the bidding does the bidding start over? or are they excluded from bidding?

    I do see how this method would/may work IF the server had 2000 players in game fighting for a spot in the raids as it was in live, but with the current server base I don't see how this would be better than the current method in use.


    If I am missing something please let me know, as I said Im trying to see how it would be better.

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