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Posts posted by Gunney

  1. 24 hr timer If im not mistaken.  I have sat and tried for the child  and never saw it, the Comet (drops the core) yes, but never the child.

    Sat a week solid once, perhaps the spawn time was when I slept.


    I will say that once while sitting there someone decloaked asked if I was waiting for the child, then gave me a BoL.  Forget the name though.

  2. I have to disagree with Flip on this statement     "BoL's, Feathers, Carapaces, Spitters, etc. are the currency of this game."


    Carapace, feathers  yes      but BoL and Spitter,  no.  They are what is traded for, not with


    BoL is a loot only comp for 1 reactor.  Nothing else uses it nor is it obtainable anywhere else. Just that 1 spawn  


    Its not like the L46RD's that spawn in about a dozen diff places with no timer

  3. Flip

       I hadn't thought of the starter areas, but then again the PRS and Arena (if the sector exists) would not have fields



         This is news I like to hear, the only other 'rumor' Id like to confirm is "rocky roids" only, I have herd of gas and hydro roids having them also in the past.

  4. If there were 'a set number' always in game, then finding them would happen all the time, not after resets.

    I lean twards the random roll system, but then again that doesn't account for the increased odds after a reset.


    Patch notes say

         "AA's spread more equally over the sectors"     This tells me that some sectors had more, some had less or no chance of spawns, the 'more equally' part tells me that it was changed, but not to what degree, some may still be void of chances and others may still have more chances.

         "Non-Public sectors wont hold AA's anymore"    This tells me that *if* there is a specific number in game the odds go up slightly on finding one, if random on chances then it would not effect the chances.



    Without knowing the mechanics on AA spawns its all a guessing game

  5. How would you add a 5th week?   Split Genril and Scooter? 


    Instead of 2 weeks for pub, why not make the 5th week 'Open' but restrict the time for the raid, with 3 raids in the week the 1st could be done say noon-8, the second from 8-4 and the 3rd from 4-noon.  This way we can 'test the waters' on the community doing the raids and be available to almost everyone at one time during the week.

  6. Appears my attempt to bring the community together for raids has only split it into more groups.  The "Invites" to fill slots mentioned above would no doubt go to 'select people'. 

    Also no one has said much about those who are in time zones that don't see raids due to low server pop in their time zone.  Do VGE/Static/BI  schedule their raids so that those players can join in? I know the public does not.


    "Be careful what you ask for"   I herd this yet was not listening,

    All the posts have been directed on how to split up the raids, none on how everyone can work together on them

    • Upvote 2
  7. ()vertkill

      I was looking to "stir the pot", but no idea on bad intentions, With the player base getting low I was thinking the population might be able to work together.

    There are a lot of people out there I have not raided with, gear is nice, but I believe I have at least one of all the 'major' items.

    "Control" of the raids, well at least  GoBB, RD, Troller, DT, FB & GR are not an issue. If I was out to break up a lock on raids/loot it would be Modi's Child, Warder, ect ect   those seem to be ista killed,  someone has a hold full of BoL's  why?  cant say

  8. As I see it


    TOS Violation

    Killing a raid trigger  but not doing the raid

    Multiboxing a raid    There is confusion on this, if more than one player is involved say 2 or 3, is it still a violation? How many would be OK?



    Now, taking a trigger and a raid is NOT a TOS violation, but the community would be ticked off and spur other issues leading to possible violations



    Giovani said

    "The public is now a part of the rotation, so messing with the triggers/raids of the other rotation groups is a disruption of the "playability of a region, territory, area or location. Before the public joined the rotation, it was okay for the public to do any of the raids at any time...providing that they were able."


    This statement to me, implies that anyone not in "The B3" is a member of Public.

     Yes, "Hogwarts Guild" is not in the B3 and therefore able to attend "Public" rotations, However, if they were to choose NOT to join in any "Public" raids (therefore separating themselves from the Public group)  would they then fall into the " Before the public joined the rotation, it was okay for the public to do any of the raids at any time...providing that they were able."  category?  What Im saying is you cant 'force' a group to be part of another and enforce rules upon them they would otherwise not agree to.

    • Upvote 1
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  9. Phorlaug

    Not right off. You do get a key to the executive bathroom and your own coffee mug.


    Hmmmm  Syber movin out and a coffee cup becomes available........

    Ya better wash that thing, last I herd it was 6 months ago he let his wife wash it, darn squids and their superstitions....





    It was my hope things would go smoothly, but it seems finger pointing is creeping its way in more and more.

    It would probably be best for a Mod to lock this thing up for awhile. Let everyone chew on the thoughts brought up and revisit the ideas at a later date.

  10. Holyman

     With regards a Public Spokesperson...


    I'm not sure what the functional requirements of that role would be..?



    The Public spokesman would fill the role of "guild leader" for discussions when an issue arises and would speak on behalf of the public group.

    As I recall there were 3 who accepted the role,  Syber, CIA(MIA) and Id have to check on the other

  11. Efialtis

    Lastly i gotta ask. What are the rules of public rotation raids regarding who can participate and loot distribution in addition to having toons in multiple 'raid competing' guilds.
    Can i have a toon in eg Sirius Cybernetic Corporation, Driver Carries no Cash, The Disciples of Ore and in VGE or Static or BI? Does that give me the opportunity to participate in all scheduled rotation raids and loot distribution? I know VGE, BI and Static have their own rules about that so what are the Publics rules on those?
    If Public rotation raids are open to everyone and Prrekoorb, Allura and Raiderman join one before the ranks are full, then a Public player shows up later what are the rules about that?



    "Public Group" covers all those players that are "Not a member of VGE/BI/Static"    I dont think anyone without GM privileges and some time on their hands, could verify every player in "Public" doesnt have a toon in one or more of the other 3 guild.  We dont expect any of the 3 guilds to pull such a stunt, and if it was to be found out someone did such a thing the matter would be 'passed on to the leader of that guild. At least that is how Id hope it would be handled.

    If one of the "Other 3" guilds was to join, then a new "Public" player showed up, well then the Looter starts a group and we go from there.

    In "Public" raids as far as loot distribution goes, If you shoot you loot, if you loot you join in the lotto, if you sit and heal/buff/bring Syber coffee mid raid you join in the lotto, no matter who you are, where ya came from, what ya did, or how many items ya won in the past raids (ask Bull-AKA CLP Master)



    This is one of the reasons I fail to see why so many people say the entire community cant work together on every raid. In all but 2 or 3 of the raids I have been to since Pub started doing them, there have been NO PROBLEMS AT ALL.  We get on TS, form up AND HAVE A GOOD TIME.



    • Upvote 1
  12. Pest

    "I am not going to keep calling you all the big three because that gives the impression of a position of control and you don't have that. No guild is more important than another"


      Then why do these 3 guilds have raids reserved for themselves to do at their leisure?

    Is it their size?

    Their Right?

    Or their inability to play well with others?


    In a Poll I put up a week or so before this 'discussion', Flamingpanda posted a reply that is 180 from all the other replies and votes, I tried "politics" he went straight for the jugular....


  13. Pest

    "Wow the comment to Cimbad was a bit harsh just because he was happy to produce a poll for everyone, overstepping the mark how?"

    Cimbad's words were "good input so far i will let the thread run till the weekend then i will set up a vote on the most common suggestions"


      He took an administrative stance by setting a time for the discussion to end, at which time HE would put up a vote on the matter.

    If a poll were all that was needed I could of done that at the start. However all there would of been were votes.  Id rather see discussion and opinions, find out why people feel as they do and then see if something would come out of the mix.

      I have no issues whatsoever on Cimbad's thoughts or opinions on the issue, I do however have an issue with him, or anyone, trying to end or direct the discussion providing the discussion is peaceful.



    Why are some of you scared to have a poll?


    Polls are quick to answer and lack information

  14. All a poll would do is end the discussion

    As Stoop said, you can look at the postings and tell how the 'votes' would go, and just how much of the server population reads the forums?


    Cimbad, The Devs have made it plain that they will have nothing to do on this matter, it is a player matter, no need for the ADV to be involved. However as a player, your input on the matter is welcome.

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