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Posts posted by Orga1

  1. OK after this problem started the other day and now here watching the server go on and off for 3 times and trying to log on each time lol. 3rd times a charm and the server said new updated 352 next update number 90 and then poof i'm back in game yay. I also check proxy number and says 2.20 so i do have it idk the client has 2 numbers now but it does maybe i was naming of the client version instead of proxy version i apoligize.
  2. I could be wrong but it appears as if in live u had the graphics setting for detials set to max for that much lighting to increase the texture effect on the armor they're wearing and second that might look similuar if you up the detail on the graphics in the emulator as well. You should have made that one female progen with same green and tan colours to really see a difference if there is one for the pant leggings.
  3. well i have version 1.9.9., 352 at the corner and before i used enb config thgins were normal i was able to log on and play enb full screen with np. Now after hitting enb config to help reset it to windowed mode, i launch client get to login and crash everytime on any account, now messing with enb config a few mroe times lol the launcher wont go past the spalsh screen at any compatible setting and i'm using win7.

    My question is why did the enbconfig destroy what was working before. I even was able to update it before and play game, but now i even tried useing force update and failz to do anything. I check certificates and always gives me a u don't have one when i probably do. so i tryed installing one for the heck of it still nothing. I'm amazed at how quickly my client can F up when i use the enb config app to fix the resoultion size on the client. What is it that help dissamble everything or does the enb config have default settings that sets even your updates and proxies back in time?

    I heard about the new proxy 2.20 I 'm guessing we got to manually download it? Well find me a link because it's not in the "install enb from scratch" thread. :)
  4. [quote name='Kyp' timestamp='1327774676' post='52596']

    No. I decline to acquiesce to that request. Mostly because I don't have the details you seek, it could happen again, but we don't think it would because we've not been witness to any additional corruption of this data for some time. Like some scientific studies the only way to do it is to create a controlled test, which is what a wipe would allow us to do in that case. This is the only way we can find out for sure, and basically like I've said time and again in this thread I think, when/if we do and make that decision, too bad. Your characters aren't as important as the game being closer to "finished", and I know that the opposition is always a lot more vocal than the people who don't care, that's basic human psychology. I'm noticing a lot of repeat business in this thread, and no new names.

    Also of note, you're acting as if you should be entitled to keep the progress. Before I give any further details of any kind, I want to know "Why?", as this doesn't make any sense to us given that we've said "Don't get attached."

    It's nothing personal, really, but let me be clear. When/if Tienbau thinks we need to wipe, there's no amount of arguing that's going to get you out of it, frankly this is purely impersonal to me, I'm more interested in getting to that "live" state so we can only give you updates and release things to private/outside servers with the lag we've promised previously. I told you our only offer above, we might restore data temporarily so you can return to play until we're ready for the next focused test but this "play" server is only there for stress currently as mentioned by CDel.

    @ Kyp

    I never said I was entitled to the progress, but I've been "volunteering" my time with the client that you enabled us to use for some time now and yet when I speak for my self nothing happens. It takes a large number of voices combined to build a bridge over that communication gap. I don't know what the reason is behind that I barely get to play now so obviously I do care still, but If we all focused on the progress instead of the "known" bugs and errors in-game. Then I very much so believe its what helps push or drive the dev's goals forward. Like you said "don't get attached to characters which I've never been, but that idea can still be thrown into a psychological stand point for others. Might as well also add that I'm stuck on the vaules that quality and productivity with 99% accuracy is key to getting stuff done. So I probably shouldn't hold as high standards for the development of this game now then back when, but then again I've been waiting just as long as you have to get to live so I monitor how the progress is from time to time. Besides testing there's nothing else i can do because i'm not eligable to be a beta tester. xD
  5. [quote name='Kyp' timestamp='1327716721' post='52553']
    Gonna keep this short and sweet cause I have tons to do tonight. So in order, here we go in order:

    Yes. I asked people if they would be willing to do this, the one time we asked we got 10 people. To join a beta testing team you have to be willing to accept direction and do exactly what's asked, this certainly isn't everyone. Most people want to play, beta testing is boring. Thus the very few beta testers. Because certain data cannot be obtained from one or two people.
    I understand, but some things are far more efficiently found with more than 100 people on the server. Thus why you are also a test server, whether or not its fun or annoying.
    See above. You'd think they would, but its not common. RE: Quals, talk to Arthurdent in teamspeak or in the forum, but in general, good spelling, good grammar, technical understanding/troubleshooting ability for starters.
    [b]was[/b] a PTR server. Beta testers and people willing to do the things we ask are ALWAYS needed, the problem is not many people realize what they get themselves into because it's a lot like a real job. There [b]WAS[/b] a whole forum dedicated to it. ;)
    Commands were granted to most people by the first time we asked for a test. Although some commands did not work because they defeated the purpose of the focused test, that was entirely intentional.

    RE: DB, not even remotely true, nice try tho. We don't have a lot of time, the data is severely corrupted in the guilds area because of many bugs we had since we added it. There is simply no way to repair that data because of said corruption, the data doesn't make sense. Clear now?
    Because its easier to wipe and get a fresh start from a development standpoint, and this is a test like I've said before. You should not be overly attached to your characters, you [b]KNOW[/b] its a stress test. There's nothing that belies this truth. Players fluctuate, we track it a lot more than people think, we're not oblivious to declines and rises in the playerbase despite the popular belief. The game will not die, there are diehard fans that will never go away. Besides which, as before, if it shut down there will still be people eager to play when released. In fact I know for certain there are many people simply waiting on the sidelines for the day that they know there won't be another wipe, and instead talk to us and play other games at present.

    I've said it in the past and I'll say it again, nothing is more important than the actual work of getting the game done. Not your characters, your friends characters, or even your whole guild's characters. Not your efforts, [b]nothing[/b] We wish to restore the game at least as fairly close to the live and/or improved where it needed it as we can. This is why for example Riia went painstakingly through 5 major live databases to restore most every item from the live game and ensure they were correct. He spent countless hours doing it that the rest of us couldn't stomach. I have spent most of a year working on a secret project that is intended to unveil at Alpha. There are many things that are important and will need testing. Your "fun" is not one of them. (Again as before, I'm not trying to be an ass to anyone, this is simply the cold, hard truth.)

    What he said, minus the bit about the PP, because as we all know, Terrans rule. ;)

    So we got a smorgasbord issues of bugs/errors/corruption and data... As if the issues won't unavail them selfs yet again in the next Stress Test lmao. How are you prepared to handle this? So you can say "I told you so" after the player wipe and rediscovering da javue bugs again?? give details please. You might have cought the attention of us all by now.

    and I second that, that Terrans rule!!!
  6. [quote name='Kyp' timestamp='1327634598' post='52450']
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]"Why don't you use ur same methode of wipeing on the DEV server?" Because its a hell of a lot more heavy handed there, we just wipe all accounts and the beta testers re-register (and don't complain) ;)[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]" I thought that was what beta testers were for?"[/font][/color]

    To an extent, but there's not enough beta testers to get the data we need.

    Oh your short handed on beta testers? Yet your aware of there being possible candidates on the play server whom would migrate to the ptr server. Why not somebody who's welling to join your beta testing team so your not short handed anymore and can continue to use the ptr server without disrupting users on the play server?

    What data would that be also, just curious?
  7. i see some people enjoy voicing theire oppinons :) it's our 1st admendment isn't it?

    Why is there a picture of micky mouse's face and a globe covering it in this link? [url="http://www.stopacta.info/"]http://www.stopacta.info/[/url] Is Walt Desney behind all this corruption? :lol:

    While were at it, I think wut Kyp is trying to say is Inflation well and has already destroyed this econmy in the U.S. if entertainment wants to raise the bar and piss off alot of freedom loving workers or people unemployed then the entertainment well be no more. Somebody on the radio including google got it right!!! We the people are not just consumers but stablizers in this econmy. The human element as it where. If we quite consuming then your company who's complaining well collapse eventually and i say let me compalin and make bills and laws weither or not were agaisnt them the results are embbeded in our history of empires or in our roots.

    Anyone seen the movie Tekken? Wouldn't that suck to have to book keep 2 sets of currencies at all times, that being Global and Local? red and blue lol
  8. u can always downlaod the .dll files sepreatley here [url="http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?msvcr71"]http://www.dll-files.com/dllindex/dll-files.shtml?msvcr71[/url]
    or you need M$ .NET Framework here [url="http://www.microsoft.com/net"]http://www.microsoft.com/net[/url] version 2-4 should be sufficent but I'm not entierly sure what OS u have. :(
  9. [quote name='Shaddex' timestamp='1327449978' post='52201']
    Im sorry but i have to say something.

    Most of you are talking as if we are running `live` and forget we arent even at alpha release yet.
    The whole point of having a player base at this stage is so you guys can check everything works.
    How can all aspects of the game be tested with everyone at lvl150?
    Who is going to check starter sectors, low level missions etc if everyone is 100 plus?

    I was on beta for live and we had a fair few wipes before we went live.

    I say bring on a wipe.
    Lets get all the low end content checked off the list.

    Fact is that a wipe WILL happen eventually.

    I'm gonna try to be direct here with everyone... :)

    [b]That also includes me agreeing to the agreement that i click before launching the client which we all agree to and no this is not apple so don't go there.[/b] LOL Just stating a fact like we all have so far in this thread. [b]They have the right to change and wipe when every they want. [/b]So if they loose players or gain them then thats on them Not us!!! I do think however that the majority of w/e the player base is, is trying to save the devs from making a wrong descion and listening to just 1 advocate "lannister" who barely even knows anyone in my guild let alone my self.

    Why don't you use ur same methode of wipeing on the DEV server? I thought that was what beta testers were for? We are no longer "beta tester" on the play server sense it is open now right? If low lvl content is your major concern then put a real lvl cap on all our arses and start at ol 50 then after your satisfied with fixing and testing that on the ptr server with "[b]beta testers[/b]" u move it to the play server and cap us at 50 then move on to 100 ect,ect. That way no more users have a reason to complain about 150 high lvl equip because by default it was capped for testing purposes.

    I'm against the Play wipe on the player server not the ptr server or dev server. We need to see results of some kind show us whats wrong and with evidence put the fear of errors and terror into our lil playing hearts so that we know where your comming from and can meet the problem in between. pictures, coding, maybe in-game take us to a destination spot and say "this well screw up your raid if we don't fix it" thats exaggerating but then we might be presuaded but were a logicaly bunch just wanting evidence and results. I might have donated this year or month because I now have a "job" and have "money" but seeing as how the players behaviors is getting out of control and resisting your urge to communicate. Makes me think you could find other ways that are more effect even for a child to understand. Instead of treating us like a bunch of test subjects. It's business when money is invlovled so ofcourse the crowd goes wild you should have expected it. There is good an every bad and vise versa. Find a solution and work your way through it!

    Untill then I well hold my funding and see what offers you can make towards the player base in return for there attempt to resisting your next step if that is your final decsion to wipe the server once more.

    FYI Charge the wipes each wipe cost $300 - $1000. SERIOUSLY!!! Now who really wants to have fun and wipe there toons and equipment? Ofcourse you would also be helping the devs reach there goals faster then normal, but only because were very curious to know if it's a successful plan or not. :)
  10. [quote name='Crichton' timestamp='1327369129' post='52121']
    1) XP bugs/functionality: Rollover xp for level 50 skills (drops 50% of the xp) and trade xp for trade routes/mob loot in comparison to explore and combat xp. I was going to get a few of my toons to 150 (atm 135+) and then start a PS and JT but with rollover xp and trade the way it is now I won't be doing this. Sorry but grinding jobs is just not fun for most players and not seeing movment in xp bars kills logins imo.


    That reminds me every player wipe I personally and as a player, have had to go through, all my characters start loosing skillpoint or not gaining them "properly" and I don't find this out untill i'm near max lvl and checking the character planner on net-7 site. I bring this up because after the holidays and running the santa mission to get 6 extra skillpoints, i'm still some odd skill points behind... what the character planner is informing me i should be at. That tills me that every wipe or new character we have made sense or I have made is bugged when it comes to gaining skill points at w/e lvl hard to catch this but do the math and youll see. Still I can tolerate that if I haven't cought it but if that doesn't get fixed and is due to player wipes alone, then I'm against a P-wipe that's going to avoid that problem. I thought David fixed it when we moved to ST4 maybe on my main but not on my JE just so you know. :
  11. [quote name='Lannister' timestamp='1327357568' post='52059']
    I know! I know! Blasphemy – we lived in fear of a P-Wipe for so long the simple muttering of it was enough to put most of the player community on edge.

    First let me say I did not come to this conclusion lightly, nor do I minimize the amount of time and energy people have put into their toons to get them fully up to speed and engaged. Look below you will see that I have maxed out every single class in the game – and have others not even listed there. I do also realize that there are many players who have not yet maxed out or who are enjoying lower level toons. No everyone sees this as a good thing.

    But before you jump on this suggestion please grant me a moment of your time to consider it.

    Player Interest: Overall interest in the game seems to be lagging. The number of players online at any time is dropping. The amount of activity in any of the channels, even guild channels, is dropping as well. I think this comes down to interest – we were challenged, but so many have done it all. How many Fish Bowl Raids, Drone Squashes, Mordana Hunts, etc can we do and still find it enjoyable? Building up from scratch is the challange – and with a newly leveled playing field and need to rebuild much of the player interest will be reawakened.

    Player Domination: Many portions of the games are dominated by players or groups of players. This is true for building mostly – just look at the top 5 or so builds for anything you want made. This is also true for raids to some extent.

    Game Economy Distortion: Many of the higher level players have gobs and gobs of cash. Billions and Billions – and I resemble that remark. The net effect is that money has no value – builds are almost all done for free and if you want something really high end (like say a synthetic crystal for an Intent engine) then no amount of money would get you one. Worse A working economy is key and the only way to fix this one is to level it.

    Destabilizing Events: Remember Hulk Fest, Mob Fest, Oni drops, common mob parts dropping for 6m a stack, the Master spawning every 15min, etc? All of these events impacted the game greatly. It beefed up build lists, player equipment, and coffers. We have never really, in my opinion, recovered from these.

    Reduction in Emulator Funding: The items above, but especially number 1, are impacting the funding for the emulator itself. Fewer players equals fewer contributions to cover the costs of the emulator. If we do not cover the costs of the emulator then E&B goes away again.

    We have a great game here. Best of all it has had great improvements over the last 6-12 months and, better yet, more on the horizon. By the time we build back up to some maxed toons perhaps some stellar new content will be available to keep us moving along. I would love to see the return to 200+ people online and active again. Most of the time now there are fewer than 100 toons on – and I am sure that means less that 50 actual players.

    That is my $0.02 anyway. I hold no power to pull the switch of course, that is a collective right.


    Gotta make this brief and short and sweet caus emy pc keeps blowing up on me >_< so i loose my previous brillant novals lol j/k except for brillant part.

    First let me say that your wrong and people who collect SS benifiets and are retired don't need a reason to explain how they got all there toons maxed and coming from someone who works and can only play 2 days out of the week says alot.

    Player Interest:Your either not interacting enough or playing with non-active players and or in the wrong guild. Chatting is an everyday thing in my guild but it's not just in-game we can also communicate over ventrillo and teamspeak should we choose too and/or the offical guild fourms.

    Player Domination: With all your toons might you not be one of those top 5 builders in the build market? That certainly could destroy any evidence that some high levely player is being selfish and not welling to help you by building something that enhances your game play.

    Game Economy Distortion: That is life, that was live and this is how it well be untill there is an unlimited lvl a maxed charcater can reach. Market inflation thats your issue? I haven't seen it yet and ceretainly have seen it in Live. If it wasn't for market inflation my pw wouldn't combat as hard for the credits to buy new equipment through the build market. So the more high lvl players there are to sell there items the more the market will grow. It's game econmics 101. Thus a P-wipe won't fix that mechanic. I wonder if with your maxed toons, you couldn't shell out a mieasly 5-10mill for a lvl 9 part in game right now?

    Destabilizing Events: Hukimania I missed it! did it boost my building stuff hell no, but i hear it was fun while it lasted, thats what gives reason to the event and it did not over power a race of toon. Everything stood within the guide lines and was balanced.

    Reduction in Emulator Funding: We know this...they also know this... why bring it back up are you taking over the money plugs position? If so p:(ase inform us :) that matter. :) Earth and beyond well never go away jsut be suspended probably or put on hold should this ever occur.
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  12. [quote name='C Del' timestamp='1327335131' post='52050']
    Well, I don't think it's being caused by the SQL server, but I've upped the memory caches just in case. Orga, you said this happen no matter what browser you're using, regardless of having logged out and back in? If you would agree to it, I could log into your account and see if it happens to me as well, which would show me whether or not it's a general server issue. I would do this by resetting your password to something random (so I don't need your personal password), which you could change back later.

    Wow It worked i think the raising memory caches part. U can see i finnaly got to repy to it and view the page as a member not just a guest. maybe i had alot to say and the server was complaining but you managed to work some kinks out. lol

    Should I run into the same problem in the future i well let u know if and when u can modify my account but not atm okies. xD
  13. Because I care about our freedom liberty and innovation of the internet I decided to post this as a reply to the sopa and pipa thing...
    [size=5][b]This just in!!!! The SOPA and PIPA act/bills have been canclled do to over 13million voices over the internet in America alone!!! it's not over but for now its not too late either.[/b][/size]
    [size=5][b]This I recived in my e-mail which amused me to say the least...
    This Quote is from EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation)[/b][/size]

    [quote]Thank you for urging your members of Congress to reject the Internet Blacklist Legislation (PROTECT-IP in the Senate and SOPA in the House). We've got big news. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has just declared that he is postponing a vote on the Protect IP Act (PIPA) scheduled for Tuesday. And in the House of Representatives, Rep. Lamar Smith issued a statement conceding the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) wasn't ready for prime time either.

    The blacklist bills are falling to pieces as we speak.

    And it's all thanks to you. Our members took part in one of the largest online protests in history. Over 100,000 websites went black as citizens sent millions of emails to Congress to show opposition to the blacklist bills. The EFF action platform generated over 1 million emails to Congress in a single day.

    Congress heard you. Our elected officials are learning that online censorship regimes won't solve the "piracy" problem, and we're not going to let up. When it comes to sacrificing our rights to publish and access information online, there can be no compromise. "Piracy" is a business problem that needs a business solution, not lopsided legislation that favors big content industries over our Constitutional rights.

    Beating the blacklist bills is just one part of our larger strategy of defending privacy, free speech and innovation. We're going to be launching a campaign to fix the broken copyright system. And we're going to need your help to do it. So please stay tuned.

    Defending your digital rights,

    Rainey Reitman, Activism Director, and the rest of the EFF anti-blacklist crew[/quote]


    [size=5][b]This quote is from (Fight for the future)[/b][/size]

    [quote]Hi everyone!

    A big hurrah to you!!!!! We’ve won for now -- SOPA and PIPA were dropped by Congress today -- the votes we’ve been scrambling to mobilize against have been cancelled.

    The largest online protest in history has fundamentally changed the game. You were heard.

    On January 18th, 13 million of us took the time to tell Congress to protect free speech rights on the internet. Hundreds of millions, maybe a billion, people all around the world saw what we did on Wednesday. See the amazing numbers here and tell everyone what you did.

    This was unprecedented. Your activism may have changed the way people fight for the public interest and basic rights forever.

    The MPAA (the lobby for big movie studios which created these terrible bills) was shocked and seemingly humbled. “‘This was a whole new different game all of a sudden,’ MPAA Chairman and former Senator Chris Dodd told the New York Times. ‘[PIPA and SOPA were] considered by many to be a slam dunk.

    'This is altogether a new effect,' Mr. Dodd said, comparing the online movement to the Arab Spring. He could not remember seeing 'an effort that was moving with this degree of support change this dramatically' in the last four decades, he added.

    Tweet with us, shout on the internet with us, let's celebrate: Round of applause to the 13 million people who stood up - #PIPA and #SOPA are tabled 4 now. #13millionapplause

    We're indebted to everyone who helped in the beginning of this movement -- you, and all the sites that went out on a limb to protest in November -- Boing Boing and Mozilla Foundation (and thank you Tumblr, 4chan)! And the grassroots groups -- Public Knowledge, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Demand Progress, CDT, and many more.

    P.S. China's internet censorship system reminds us why the fight for democratic principles is so important:

    In the New Yorker: "Fittingly, perhaps, the discussion has unfolded on Weibo, the Twitter-like micro-blogging site that has a team of censors on staff to trim posts with sensitive political content. That is the arrangement that opponents of the bill have suggested would be required of American sites if they are compelled to police their users’ content for copyright violations. On Weibo, joking about SOPA’s similarities to Chinese censorship was sensitive enough that some posts on the subject were almost certainly deleted (though it can be hard to know).

    After Chinese Web users got over the strangeness of hearing Americans debate the merits of screening the Web for objectionable content, they marvelled at the American response. Commentator Liu Qingyan wrote:

    We should learn something from the way these American Internet companies protested against SOPA and PIPA. A free and democratic society depends on every one of us caring about politics and fighting for our rights. We will not achieve it by avoiding talk about Politics.[/quote]

    So with that said thank you to activist/tea parties/hippies and anyone else who joined the fight or volunteered to protest online and stop these 2 bills from passing and consuming our liberty, freedom, and privacy online in America.
  14. [quote name='C Del' timestamp='1327278624' post='52021']
    Try refreshing with a Ctrl-F5, which should reload the page from scratch. I suppose it's possible that something got messed up and it was cached that way... In the mean time I'll double-check the permissions.

    Tried it, still blank page this happened in between me replying so it allowed me to reply but i didn't finish it or submit it as far as i know, something happened and its annoying. Can you view the sopa and pipa thread page C-del?
  15. thnx for replying,
    No it's just the fact i can't see the page period even when the link connection says its done loading so it's not on my side. :)
    I'll try again maybe the forum it's self is laggy today including that server reboot but yeah its not right.

    I tried refreshing the page but nothing shows just a blank page, i only assume it got deleted or corrupted but it was viewable a couple minutes ago but not anymore.

    just tryed no luck, When I'm logged off i can view the thread as a guest all of it normally, the second i log on i can't view it anymore :P
  16. Recent Web Forum issue
    So I think its very silly technical issue, but I had something important written up was about to reply on it the *sopa and pipa thread in news topic* when i last could and then it reloaded the page for preview reading and poof blank page just died and i can't view it. No matter what web browser or how many ways ic an find to enter that link to the thread i wind up with nothing showing!!! Yet i have the ability to still view any other thread but the one i was last posting on thats dumb! it acts like I'm either locked out the info got deleted but it was working 1 sec ago so fix it or i well add my reply else where :P cause i don't like wasting time when something was just working fine. Unless you know its a real problem.
  17. Hi thnx for responding ;)
    Well surprise i didn't know enb client didn't like windowed mode lol
    1024 x 768 is my desktop screen size atm
    enb-config is set to windowed at 1024 x 768 lol
    Also if i should play it in full screen, well then i think i have it windowed because my vid driver don't like full screen atm and ctd the second i launch the client, i might mess with it again and test that out though.
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