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Posts posted by Amethyst

  1. +1  Yes please.


    Number of builds - by line (dev, react, eng, ML, comp, etc)

    Number of prints - by line

    Ave quality L7

    Ave quality L8

    Ave quality L9

    Build Skill Factor or whatever it is that calculates our likely print quality


    The last one is so that we can work on improving - you don't have to tell us how its calculated.

  2. I love my AB and maxed it asap.  Its a life-saver and a time-saver.  I would like to see it extended to higher skill level and have a slightly higher warp, combat speed and group effect.


    One thing I often do is mine out a L8 mineral (refined) and find my reactor is empty - I can at least start blasting out while the reactor recharges for 3 secs before I can warp to safety.  AB is essential.


    And of course the noise it makes is awesome when its coming out of the sound system and the subwoofer is on! ROOAAARRRR....

  3. My anecdotal evidence points to a couple of people using job bots to grab several jobs as they appear and discarding the ones they dont want.  Rinse and repeat until you have the six jobs you want.  The jobs appear then disappear unnaturally quickly before you have a chance to react. The sucker stood next to them only has a low chance of getting anything.  They may well be attended macros but its a naughty little trick? My two cents anyway....

  4. +1 for more random spawns.


    My solution would be to give the miner(s) who complete the field (those that are in the area and get the field completion xp) a message that tells them roughly when the field will respawn.  If the respawn is more random, and less predictable then there is a great incentive to clear the field. 


    "Respawn in approx 5 hrs".


    I suspect Kyp would say the coding would be relatively easy (?).


    I still maintain 'cherry picking' is not a problem as the fields respawn anyway.  What I suspect is the real problem is just some people fretting that someone else got there first.  Get over it and put the time in to watch and record spawn times.  If you want the cherries then you have to be there first.

  5. I suppose what really is at the heart of the question are 2 things - first, an accurate faction chart showing the trade-off (and some clarity on things like The Alliance and Net-7), and second a means of selectively rebuilding regard with each faction (no matter how tedious the grind is).


    The hand-ins are a great thing. 

    Elsewhere it was suggested that the Bogeril would love stacks of debris which also solves part of the cherry-picking issue (well maybe not - us miners are whiners?!)

    For those poor Chavez perhaps we could find another weed to smoke like their herbal remedy.


    We used to have jobs for RD - pretty please can we have those back :)

    Other job owner types?

    VRIX ! When do we get the Vrix again lol.


    As you get further into the game we all realize we need faction for build, gate access, peace when mining, etc.  We also have professions which have quite large faction differences.  I don't think anyone thinks that differences are bad idea but we do need a roadmap to rehabilitation if we have been slaughtering the wrong thing.

  6. Hmmm.  Interesting. Is it a mission item? Where did it drop?  Sounds like a trigger for a MOB perhaps?


    Item info: "Xenocafenal acts as a powerful stimulant to some forms of exotic life. Prolonged exposure to the drug results in premature aging and death."


    You need the /restoreinv command to get rid of it.  Clear all items from you hold in a station. Undock and use the command.

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