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Posts posted by karu

  1. Haven't tested TR's since the update, but does this mean I'll be seeing this:

    1500 x 0.5 = 750 to Explore

    1500 x 0.5 = 750 to Combat

    If so, that's a little steep, if only to further nerf people from leveling to 150 with just trade runs.

    yeah... spillover xp got optimized to 50% and not 80% like it was before.

    imho spillover should be removed and let the lvl 50 skill slowly fill up and up and ... and add enough 'activity' for non explorers to get their xp in explore ;-)

    • Downvote 1
  2. Ive updated a few of the pages so they display ok in IE8.

    However it doesnt work right still....

    jQuery not being called. Stupid IE

    if it worked before, then now you borked it completely.

    The requested URL /EMUplanner/images/jd_script.js was not found on this server.

    just drop the ajax and make it real pages.

  3. Thanks,

    There definatley is an issue with jQuery and IE8.

    If you put the page in compatibility mode, it does work better.

    Not much i can do without getting a Javascript expert to look in to it, or wait for an update to jQuery.

    IE8 loads /EMUplanner/JExplorer.html directly and so is missing jQuery altogether.

  4. local server successfully built and running.

    http://www.net-7.org/database/Stable.sql needs a few fixes [1]

    http://www.net-7.org/database/Net7_User.sql didnt load for some procedure/trigger error, MySQL is 5.1.41. File should have all the correct tables and is newer than i used.

    SVN version needs to be compiled under 'Debug'. 'Release' will crash (using Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition)

    SVN version needs a few fixes tho:

    - Net7SSL needs a bit help to figure out how station id is calculated [2]

    so raw notes:

    - compile net7, net7ssl                                                                                                              
      - this creates c:\net7\bin\net7.exe and c:\net7\bin\net7ssl.exe
    - copy trunk\net7\bin\libmysql.dll to c:\net7\bin
    - create c:\net7\database
    - copy trunk\net7\database\cbasset.xml to c:\net7\database
    - copy trunk\net7\database\skills.xml to c:\net7\database
    - copy trunk\net7\database\galaxymap.dat to c:\net7\database
    - create c:\net7\bin\net7config.cfg
    galaxy_name=Test Shard
    internal_ip=<your ip> or
    - create <domain>.cer and <domain>.pem files (can copy local.net-7.org files)
    - install mysql (http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.1.html or google xampp)
    - create net7 and net7_user tables (use navicat lite)
      - import net7.sql and net7_user.sql to their tables
      - allow user 'enb' access to 'net7' and 'net7_user' tables from localhost
    - create admin user
      - query in navicat: insert into net7_user.accounts (id, username, password, status) values(1, 'admin', md5('admin'), 100);
    - go to c:\net7\bin
    - run net7.exe
    - run launcher and set <internal_ip> as host
      - log in user admin, password admin

    i think that was all





  5. you need to use wine-1.1.34 for EnB to work with current server ssl certificate because it's self-signed certificate that wine does not approve.

    wine-1.1.34 didnt yet have strict ssl checks so it works with that.

    if you need to keep your current wine, then you can install it to separate directory and use a small launch script.

    check the post/thread at https://enb-emulator.com/index.php?/topic/1041-inv-300-error-using-wine/page__view__findpost__p__6934

  6. From a technical point of view, it would be a moderate challenge. First you'd need to work out a point to point sector route - this would take either a brute-force route route finding approach or using operational analysis. I believe there are route finders and algorithms for this sort of thing posted up but you'd need to allow for factioned gates & so on.

    one of them is Dijikstra. Code samples in


    For Faction/Race/Unexplored gates.. you just dont add them to graph, so they never used.

    But this is just from the technical point of view - personally I can't see anything wrong with implementing it, especially if it means more players online.
    so... tomorrow then? ;-)
  7. thinking about it, it would be easy to provide a direct download link to the actual Net7Proxy on the patch server, so you'd be guaranteed to have the latest if you download from that link.

    direct URL is http://patch.net-7.org/Net7/Files/bin/net7proxy.exe ofcourse, but if DLL's needs updating user needs to track down the DLL's too.

    Providing .zip would ofcourse 'fix' it, but then user needs to mess with unziping etc.

    Launcher is needed to run at least once for EnB to launch (certificate, .ini files, registry, auth dll needs patching i think, etc).

    .NET is actually good choice for this simple app.

  8. I meant laborious for the player. This is the way it would need to be done: you would enter the slash command, followed by the slot number (in your cargo) of the item you wanted to flag.

    best to use K.I.S.S. rule and just do "/flag Uber item" once, so if you gonna sell item whos name is "Uber item", then server asks confirmation. add optimization as needed.
  9. The Net7Proxy build you're running will be way out of date and probably won't work.
    just make sure svn is up to date ;-)
    Also the reason you can't have two net7proxies running is not just because of the ports, there are additional reasons (hardware interface with client) as to why this patch is 'luck' whether it works or not. Sometimes you'll find it might work and some times it won't.
    the patch sets the ports loose.

    it does sniff network.ini for master port, but it would not be neccessary if Launcher could do it and let proxy know which port to use. for sector server, there is no reason for this to be hard coded. sector switch packet is intercepted and ip/port changed for proxy's liking before it's passed on to client.

    patch also has one block of code moved in net7.cpp which is unneccessary. it was old stuff that i missed and it got thru.

    rest of the problems (run-as, hex-edit) is to actually run two EnB client.exe, not the net7proxy.exe

    attached screenshot of two enb on win7 (32bit). one official, second modified. sweet ;-)



  10. [edit2] Bah second client wont launch if first is already running unless its run as a different user but then can't get past Megan. What am I missing?

    you need to add new user to windows (with password). login to new user and make sure enb runs (certificate will be installed)

    after that you can just run second launcher with right-click->run as. command line version for that is 'runas /user:user2 /savecred LaunchNet7.exe' (remove /savecred if you want to enter user2 password each time)

    if you on windows 7, you need to shift+right-click for 'run as' to appear. win7 users also need to edit second client.exe with hex editor (i use hedit) and change 'enb_mutex_lock' to something like 'enb_mutex_loc2' so two instances cant detect each other. make sure you make a copy from edited file so you can restore it when patcher replaces it.

  11. Just quick Q as I did look in SVN all code is compiled in Visual Studio 2008, right? Another Q is about how to launch. I would need run proxy by hand not from Launcher or my compiled Net7Proxy would be updated from Launcher to Net-7 published one?
    i'm using VC Express 2008 to compile it.

    Launcher can be used just fine. It only replaces net7proxy.exe when it spots new official version. Then you need to replace it with your custom one.

    You should be able to keep one client strictly official and only the second and third have custom proxy.

    edit: the patch cant figure out master server port from network.ini because the 'official' network.ini has spaces like 'Port = 3801'. it should be edited to read 'Port=3801' (with custom port ofcourse).

  12. Did you just change the TCP ports the proxy uses for comms with the client? Or is it more involved? I'll admit that I haven't really looked into exactly what's necessary to do this in the proxy.

    ok this is refined version. it can be even prettier if Launcher can either randomly select master port for proxy or can get one from command line. Launcher already checks network.ini iirc, so may as well update master port there.

    this version tries to read master port from network.ini, so user needs to manually change it for each client (multiple copies of EnB is probably needed too)



  13. Tienbau made it clear to me that this won't work, sorry. As I understand it, the problem is that net7proxy needs to connect to the EnB client over certain fixed ports, which will be clogged up by the first net7proxy you open, making it impossible for the second to communicate with another client.

    In the future, this may be possible, but it would require the server developers to deliberately program it in, which isn't worth it at the moment given that their time is currently used up making the server more reliable.

    yep it needs work and a bit planning as proxy would probably need to modify client network.ini for selected port. then two ports that client/proxy are using can be set dynamic.

    those who know C/C++ and can compile proxy can do it already. I can happily run 2+ clients from one computer without VM. my patch is not so elegant tho so i'll keep it for myself ;-)

  14. ...what makes you say ea didn't mind them? They were against the EULA, they banned people caught using them and even started using in-game countermeasures to prevent faction farming macros and such..

    unattended macros were allowed after sunset was announced. attended macros were always allowed. and their anti-macro measures only caught legit player who were too tired of repetitive actions. macros were unaffected.

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