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Beta Tester [BT]
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    80.00 USD 

Status Updates posted by Terrell

  1. JT has completed maxing of her build skills. TT has her abilities where they need to be to do her job in support.
  2. PT seems to have finished Agrippa Comps, but not having the Mobius prints, I'm not so sure.
  3. PW has finished Agrippa, yay. Only the PT to go.
  4. My PE has completed Agrippa Devices & Shields, I think.
  5. I like mining, and lately it's been more enjoyable than it usually is.
  6. Back to normal play
  7. Some issues with my old computer. Less play for the near future, but not gone.
  8. My JT learned a new recipe recently, Eye of Destruction.
  9. Playing a new JE I had around. The name is beyond obvious.
  10. Agrippa on my PW, doesn't seem too hard, yet.
  11. Had an E&B dream last night. In said dream the Christmas mission came out in August, because it was that long & tough you'd need then until Christmas to finish it.
  12. Need to work on build quality for TT, Scout, and PT. Finish off for JT.
  13. Saturday was a great day. Got a Scientist's Data Cube, recipe for the Destroyer's Gleam, and a Critical on the Made to Live (first try)
  14. Working on neglected characters.
  15. Not feeling well lately.
  16. Hey StarRanger welcome back.
  17. Thank you for your work as advocate, Lannister.
  18. Saw you in game today, near Arx Ymir.
  19. I like Projectiles on a JE, in addition to beams, more versatility.

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