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Former Advocates [Fmr. ADV]
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Posts posted by alurra

  1. There is something on your machine that is flagging it. This is not the 'normal'. Perhaps you have a malware program or something similar that is causing the problem to occur. I have never heard of anyone having this particular issue before.


    If you want 'exact' assistance to get to the root of the issue, I think you're going to have to figure out which program is quarantining the files causing you to have to re-download them each day.



    Good luck!

  2. Notice, dear readers how little the above players mention Content and missions backed their meteoric rise to OL 150. Are there any, if at all, mission hounds out there who have completed every mission their race/class can? Powerlevellers must not like the world they level-up in.

    From the writer's desk at NET-7 SOL in Saturn sector, this is the Pakkrat.

    I think my Agrippa PP, Eutropia is missing the mission(s) to make the devices for the FB and Gate raid, otherwise, she's done every mission, I believe. She has a finished missions count of 220. She's still at OL 138, so not even to 150 yet. Let me know if I'm missing anything and I'll be HAPPY to go do them :D

    • Upvote 2
  3. Good morning Emu Players. Not much going on this past week, but here it is. :D



    You asked:

    Most skills on player toons have either a level 5 or a level 7 as a maximum; until the introduction of extended wormhole; which only has a level 3 maximum (currently). Does this mean that the code is not locked in to an either level 5 or 7? Example would be the Jenquai Trader ending up with a cloaking skill of Level 6 instead of its current level 5, but not as high as the Explorer at level 7?


    The Emu Team said:

    The code is not locked, no, but we won’t be breaking with ‘tradition’ to change these things either.  There is no guarantee that the ‘new’ wormhole skill will be extended later, but only 3 were needed at this time.


    You asked:

    Will the ‘refine’ skills (recipes) the explorer obtained by doing the Lyle missions be used on any other missions?


    The Emu Team said:

    Recipes and refines can be used anywhere at any time, but we aren’t going to spoil the fun by telling you where and when ;)



    Fly Safe



    • Upvote 1



    *snip* If you want another example of my input, it is cloak looting.. I know for absolute fact you could be cloaked with a jen and loot as I often flew into a dangerous area and looted something while cloaked.  *snip*



    I know I totally cut your entire response off, but this was the only thing to grab my attention enough to generate a response. What makes you think you can't cloak loot now? The only thing you can't do cloaked is mine.

  5. Well Terrell I can say yes we will be using the same refines we learned. (ZEKE).  if you have a TS try this out, get 10 of the commen lvl 1-9 gas's ores. Then goto the refine term and see what all you can refine them in to. Al so use the Net-7 DB and type in the search window some of the stuff that you have refined from Lyles mission and see what else it is used for; you'd be amazied what else that you will need to make other things. I have alreadt pre-made most of what is needed for Zek's seven missions from doing this. Enjoy and have fun.


    Just my two point five cents

    Syber, I have a question for you now. :D


    When you look at the Net-7 DB and say you look the polish that is needed for Zeke's mission. Does it say that you can 'build' this on any of your toons, or is it blank? I was just curious because I was looking at things "I can build, I can't build" via the Net7 DB and those items were amongst those listed that I can't build. I was just trying to figure out if this was related to only me, or if it's server wide because it is only a refined item type of thing.

  6. This sentance,

    I would like to take this time to say that we would love to see a member of the 'public' represent the rest of the un-guilded / smaller guilds population. We all feel your voice is also important when these kinds of things come up and we would like to include you on anything that should arise in the future.


    You are that person Alurra.

    You represent the player base as a whole, so you cannot break it down to we would love to see a member of the 'public' represent the rest.

    Although this is not the advocate section you are still speaking for the public when you post.

    Though i can see this was well intended i would suggest a different rep for matters of this type.

    Let me also say that all raids are open to all players at all times unless it is in progress.

    Although this system works well for certain guilds,Lets remember that it cannot be forced onto those outside of your guilds.


    I will say that the some members of larger guilds have helped the general public extensively to participate in raids by leading groups,providing triggers,organizing and fighting alongside and refuseing to roll on items if it was not there own guilds week.

    This is commendable to say the least.

    Maybe I should have made it more clear then, Blacklung.


    My intent was to stimulate the members that are not of the larger guilds to nominate someone to speak on their behalf.


    At the time of the posting, I was making an attempt at posting as a player, and not that of the Player Advocate. Since I only have the one forum account, it is difficult to post as anything other than. That is why I chose to put the information in this particular forum as it was not intended to be related to the ADV position.


    We all understand that the raids are open to the entire server. But when you get an entire servers population in one spot trying to all get the same thing, a rotation schedule would seem to be the best option to keep everyone from tripping on one another and pointing fingers and laying blame. I, as a player, would prefer to have less drama, finger pointing and laying of blame. It makes my gaming experience more tolerable.


    To the 'bolded' statement in your response. I understand what you are saying and will step out of this conversation now.


    *edit to add* I see that the bolding didn't work, at least not on my screen, so I've also now underlined it. LOL

  7. Greetings,


    No flame intended, but as the Player advocate your our spokes person for the whole server. I do not see where this was posted in the forums so the server<as a whole> could attend to put our say into this, as I see a closed door meeting. May I ask did you present us <the public> at this secret meeting. As I re-read your post, you ask for the public, which is I thought was your duties, to us the public. Other thoughts are first, seeing how this is a new Server as a whole raid, it should be put up to the server as a Whole. If I am in error about your duties, I apologize, also tomorrow starts the new schedule which you have already agreed on as you ask for public input. I say you don't care about the public interest because you have already figured out what you as a group want to do before you held the meeting. If this was part of your duties to speak for us<the public>, then I have no confidence in you to represent us, seeing how the decision to start tomorrow is already in effect.. This shows a total lack of regard for our input as a whole<server>, as a group. As, I write this I know there will be some flame, or heat rounds<coming down range> about this post, but as I J.Q. Public, I would like to voice my thoughts and impression, again, I am not trying to flame or start a flame, but state my un-biased opinion as clear as possible.

    I am a Player Advocate. My position is to bring you, and the rest of the player base closer to the Dev Team.


    As an Admiral in Static, I feel that I would have a conflict of interest in being the public spokesperson when it comes to matters of raid rotations and such.


    That Is why I have asked you, and also those who represent the public to please choose someone that can and/or will represent your best interests as the 'public'.

    First of all as an Advocate u should have invited people from the public into this discussion as u are our spokes person for the entire server.

    This is not a flame.

    But a consern as we as public did not have a say in this.


    "For those of you who are not in one of the 'BIg 3' guilds, do you have any thoughts about anyone you'd like to put forth as a representative for you? It should be someone you trust and feel will represent you fairly. If you have multiple nominations, we could always hold an 'election' of sorts if necessary. A few names were put forth by those in attendance at the meeting today, however, I feel it would be best if the public give us the names that they feel most comfortable with this role."


    Thought u where the Advocate as in our representative.

    So what is going on with that??


    U guys want our input yet u have decided to do the the DT raids without any input.

    Please see my response to Thomas.

    • Upvote 1
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  8. Good afternoon/evening everyone. Today, I attended a meeting consisting of VGE, BI and Static. We wanted to discuss the possibility of slotting DT into the current 'skip week' on the rotation we all share.


    We all agreed this would be a good idea and decided to implement this beginning this Saturday Jan 10th. This first week will belong to VGE as they are the next group slotted to go into what was previously the 'skip' week.


    So the 'new' rotation looks like this:


    RD Base


    DT (which consists of Scooter and McQuicken)


    I would like to take this time to say that we would love to see a member of the 'public' represent the rest of the un-guilded / smaller guilds population. We all feel your voice is also important when these kinds of things come up and we would like to include you on anything that should arise in the future.


    We have all been adhering to the 'Gentlemens Agreement' regarding the current raid setup and I would like to think, as adults, we will all continue to adhere and include the new week as well.


    For those of you who may not know, the "Edge of No Place" and "The Roost" are the places where the raids; located in DT; appear to be spawned. Nobody really has the 'triggers' completely figured out, but there is a general idea of how it works in place.  With that knowledge in mind, we would like to make a request, that these two points be hunted carefully so an accidental spawn is not triggered. This is not a demand, so please don't read more into it than is intended. We are only trying to get everyone involved so everyone who wants, can benefit from the content. Bickering and arguing will not achieve that goal.


    For those of you who are not in one of the 'BIg 3' guilds, do you have any thoughts about anyone you'd like to put forth as a representative for you? It should be someone you trust and feel will represent you fairly. If you have multiple nominations, we could always hold an 'election' of sorts if necessary. A few names were put forth by those in attendance at the meeting today, however, I feel it would be best if the public give us the names that they feel most comfortable with this role.


    Please try to not flame this post. It's not the intention of putting it here. It is only here to try to help open up the lines of communications. We all know that not everyone will be pleased with this new arrangement and we would all like it if there can be a reasonable response and hearty discussion opened up to help alleviate any misgivings that might be surrounding this.


    As always.


    Fly Safe




    ***edited to add****   If you have any questions or concerns that you would rather not put on this public post, you can contact me privately and I will make the issue known without revealing you if you prefer.

    • Upvote 2
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  9. Since Extended WH is a 3 level skill, does that mean that skills can have any amount of levels between L1 and L9?  If so does that apply to existing skills or only new ones.  So if you had 3 classes with a shared skill could one of them have said skill to L5, a second to L6, and a third to L7?

    I would say that yes, that is the case Terrell. All Jenquai have the cloaking skill, yet only the JE gets up to L7, while the other 2 remain at L5.  Also, all of the traders have Negotiate, however, the TT is the only one to get it to L7. The other 2 , JT & PP only go to L5. A couple of the terrans also have navigate, but not as high as what the JE gets. I am pretty sure there are other as well.


    Is that what you are talking about?


    Fly Safe



  10. Happy New Year, everyone! Here are the highlights for the week.


    Fly Safe!




    You asked:

    The JE now has 18 (working) skills. Will the other races/classes be worked on as well? Do you have any details to share regarding what we might expect to see?


    The Emu Team said:

    We are looking at every race/class but we have no timeline or further details for you right now.


    You asked:

    Will we be seeing more wormholes from the ‘Extended Wormhole’ skill?


    The Emu Team said:

    I guess it all depends on just how vast the galaxy becomes.


    You asked:

    The glitch with the ammo not showing the superior quality numbers is something that has been ongoing for as long as anyone can remember. Is there a reason it hasn’t yet been fixed? Can we expect it to be fixed any time soon ™?


    The Emu Team said:

    This is related to packet sequences and such. It seems like a very easy fix, however, it is quite difficult to fix this issue and also keep the server stable.  It will be fixed soon ™.


    You asked:

    DT is quite buggy and acting strangely. Is it going to be fixed soon ™?


    The Emu Team said:

    Have you all reported the bugs into the bug tracker on the forums properly? We can’t track the problems and fix them if they aren’t there. Telling a Dev/GM in game is NOT sufficient. It MUST be listed on the bug tracker in the Net-7 Emulator forums.


    You asked:

    Unattended macros seem to be on the rise; especially with the new sector and current flavor missions that are active.  What is the teams’ position regarding those who leave their toons to play by themselves while they head out for work or other activities?


    The Emu Team said:

    If you are attending to your macro and can respond you’re fine. If you are not attending your macro, as in the example given, you risk a temporary ban for a first offense. If you are caught more than one time it will be a permanent ban.


    I joined my voice in with many others on the server by giving the team praise for the new art and color sets for our skills. They send thanks and appreciation in return.

    • Upvote 1
  11. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!



    *Puts a box of newly donated markers on her desk and tidies up a bit*


    Now, I ask that you don’t sit around sniffing the Expo markers and that you please ensure the covers are on tightly when you are finished.  :P


    On to business!


    So, this is where I’d love to see some of those ideas that I know you all have pent up in your heads.


    Let us keep this cordial because everyone’s thoughts are valid and do remember we are all real people with real thoughts and feelings on the other side of your monitor. I will not tolerate any disrespect and/or flaming. Try to remember the golden rule and treat others how you would wish to be treated. Leave your guild affiliations at the door. Don't take anyone elses' on the way out either! B)


    As others before me have stated, you can always contact me in game via my myriad of toons (all listed in my current signature) you may send me a PM via this forum using your toolbar located on the top of this page or you may send me an email at AlurraADV aatt yahoo.com (replace aatt with @).


    Fly Safe


    -Alurra :popcorn:

  12. Does the new JE skill, Extended Wormhole, have implications for the other classes, in terms of their skill sets?

    I am sorry for the delay in my response Terrell. I have been quite busy the last week or so with work, family, holiday. Could you please elaborate on what you mean here so I know what I am asking the team? What I THINK you are asking is whether this is a forerunner for other mission for the other classes, but I'm not sure if that was your intent.

  13. Our policy (BI) is to only participate when invited. Also we roll on loot only if the public says we can before the raid. With that said I have helped out in multiple public raids and have always heard you shoot you loot.

    The second thing I'd like to talk about is the wasting trigger topic. My understanding previously is the rotation is an agreement between the big 3. With that said it use to be that if a public group is able to get together a reasonable size group and start the raid before one of the big three, the big three are not to interfere. Is this still the case? (I was on a break when the public raid week came about so I'm unsure if an alternate agreement was made.)

    With the public having a week in the raid, they are bound by the raid rules as the big 3 are, so the short answer is no, they should not be triggering raids outside of their rotation slot.

  14. There wasn't much to take to the team this week. Christmas is fast approaching and I suspect many folks don't have a lot of extra playing time available. Here is what I have for you this week.


    Fly Safe




    Why are you shooting at me?


    You asked:


    There seems to be an issue with buffing devices causing aggro on previously friendly mobs. If I use for instance, a scutums and I have a friendly mob targeted, the mob appears to be ‘buffed’ by my device even though it isn’t mob oriented and then it is aggressive toward me.

    Is this intentional or function creep due to some other change?


    The Emu Team said:


    That is not intentional.


    * The code has been updated and you should see a change by the next patch.

  15. 100% or 125% that is the question!


    You asked:

    Is there a reason why the Martyr’s Heart device has the same specs no matter what the percentage is? There is no difference from 100% to 125%. At least none that are written or listed on the device description. Is this intended or an oversight?


    The Emu Team said:

    It was intended, but we will discuss it to see if it requires changes.


    The Jenquai need some luuuuv.


    You asked:

    Each race appears to have their own special missions to get something that nobody else has. Progen have Agrippa, the Terrans get the Terran Advantage line of engines. The Jenquai do not appear to have anything in the same family class or category. Would it be possible to give the Jenquai some attention in this area; maybe a min line of devices or weapons or even reactors to the respective classes?


    The Emu Team said:

    The T.A. line of engines isn’t even remotely close to Agrippa, but I understand the question. Byakhee asked to do some terran/jenquai ‘Agrippa’ missions. You’re welcome :D


    Damn Spammers!


    You asked:

    I have noticed in the last few weeks a couple of spammers have worked quite hard to gain access to the boards. Would it be possible to enable a ‘flag user’ or ‘notify moderator of spam’? I understand that there are folks who would abuse this button just to cause grief and flag everything. I have seen it set up on other boards that you are only allowed to flag posts 1 time every 10 minutes or so. This appears to alleviate that particular issue.


    The Emu Team said:

    Report to the moderator via pm as needed for now. We will look to see what changes can be made and implement them if able.



    *sings Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer loudly as she hangs the note*

  16. This is not the Place for this type of post. This is my Real life and no need to bring the other Real life issues into this one..... just my 2.5 cents worth.

    Your thoughts on this are respected, Syber, however this particular forum that you are currently in *points to the Real Life moniker* was designed SPECIFICALLY for posts just such as this.


    There are very specific hard rules for this area of the forum. To that end, the players that have the desire to speak about 'Real Life' can do so freely as long as the rules are followed.

  17. This post has so much potential for trouble.


    I do have an opinion.


    I don't know all the facts vs fictions in this case. Honestly, I don't want to know. The people that NEED to know are those that need to make a decision on how to proceed. Criminally or not criminally.


    If we spent as much time holding ourselves accountable for our own actions and worrying about what we were doing in our lives as we do worrying about other peoples actions and if they are being held accountable we might not have to endure the media frenzies to give us the 'reality tv' that they think we all crave.  Give me the facts, not the sensationalism. A cop shot someone. The reasons behind the shooting are being investigated. If he is found to have acted outside of the laws and duties prescribed by his job as an officer of the law he will be prosecuted and held accountable for his actions.  You can then follow up at a later date with the outcome. He was within the regulations set forth or he was found to have acted outside the law.


    *Tries to imagine Walter Cronkite as a new anchor today.*


    They would probably fire him because he can't keep up with Kardashians. *shrugs*

  18. *Puts a box of newly donated markers on her desk and tidies up a bit*


    Now, I ask that you don’t sit around sniffing the Expo markers and that you please ensure the covers are on tightly when you are finished.  :P


    On to business!


    So, this is where I’d love to see some of those ideas that I know you all have pent up in your heads.


    Let us keep this cordial because everyone’s thoughts are valid and do remember we are all real people with real thoughts and feelings on the other side of your monitor. I will not tolerate any disrespect and/or flaming. Try to remember the golden rule and treat others how you would wish to be treated. Leave your guild affiliations at the door. Don't take anyone elses' on the way out either! B)


    As others before me have stated, you can always contact me in game via my myriad of toons (all listed in my current signature) you may send me a PM via this forum using your toolbar located on the top of this page or you may send me an email at AlurraADV aatt yahoo.com (replace aatt with @).


    Fly Safe


    -Alurra :popcorn:

    • Downvote 1
  19. I have 87 of those in 76 slots?

    You asked:

    When transferring items via net-7 from one toon to another; items do not stack with already existing like items. Can that be changed/altered so they will stack without having to log in vault toons to ‘organize’ and stack the items?


    The Emu Team said:

    Because the game client and the Net-7 website use different and unique methods to manage the inventory it is not an easy thing to do. We will revisit it further when more time Is permitting to see if it is something that can be done.


    Let’s talk about life for a minute here …

    You asked:

    Can we have a non-game related forum to discuss real life matters?


    The Emu Team Said:

    You now have a “The Real World” forum in your community section.


    PLEASE NOTE **** Flaming posts will NOT be tolerated in this new forum. If you are caught flaming and/or inciting trouble your forum and game accounts will be 'banned' for a minimum of 72 hours. Please use the forum properly and in an adult manner.


    Ohhh, the Mondara Maelstrom

    You asked:

    The Mondara Maelstrom mission. It’s broken, and not only that it seem that the Mazzaroth Maelstrom mission is also now broken. I can only “collect the tazeron” and not progress any further.


    The Emu Team said:

    Yes, we are aware and working out a fix now. We’ll have it fixed soon™  ***Edit*** A rumour was heard that the Maelstrom missions are now working properly. If you have information to the contrary please update me on this post, thank you.


    Fly Safe!



  20. Possibly... 

    1. Ferguson

    2. Computer hardware

    3. Ferguson

    4. Software

    5. Ferguson

    6. Guns

    Note: 5 and 6 may be the same discussion....


    Just saying...


    I'm thinking what might be considered "Inflamatory" threads might not be a welcome thing whether context related to the game or not. However, I will still mention the request to the Team and see what the response is.

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