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Posts posted by Zackman

  1. This is the server status thread and not for discussing or posting irrelevant comments.

    A single "server down" is enough.


    I once had this thread on notify and got a notifyer mail every time someone posted here.

    I asked more than once to NOT babble here because i got alerts in the night time ( i am in the GMT+1 time zone).


    Sometimes i finally cancelled the subscription to this thread, this is why i got no alerts anymore.

    The result is what you have seen today: No1 is monitoring here anymore and the server remains offline for multiple hours.


    I am restarting the server soon.





  2. 7 minutes ago, Zarg said:

    The game IP mostly falls under copyright law, which thanks largely to lobbying from the mighty mouse, keeps having the timelines for copyright to fall into public domain extend into the future.


    Esp. for software the so called "abandonware handling" becomes more important -> see WIKI "abandonware".


    Short version:

    Abandoned software will mostly lapse into the public domain.


  3. Hm....there is no reason that a single IP (or frame) couldn't access the server, so i would rather start to check SSL proxy stuff.

    I've heard in the past, that some of the U.S. providers are obv. doing some kind of SSL proxy crap...


    The cert itself is fine (till monday, will replace it tomorrow anyway).




    Make sure your provider (or you router itself) is not blocking UDP ports 3800 - 4000

    Also your NAT setup should be "hole punching".

    I also heard in the past, that most U.S. providers deliver routers with a crappy NAT setup.


    Using VPN would help both -> all communication would be tunneled.

    That alone is indicating a problem originating from some of the above described.

  4. Hi!


    Server is operating normal, but i think the DNS update (fix from yesterday) is not around fully yet.

    It takes up to 24h to propagate a zone/nameserver change around the world.


    There was a problem with the net-7 domain auto-renewal, therefor the domain felt back to a default DNS configuration until KYP fixed it.

    So if some of you still have problems, you could change your DNS server to googles public DNS, that one is fully updated.



    I would not use that DNS permanently tho, for privacy reasons.


  5. On 6/26/2019 at 5:04 AM, iceminer said:

    He had to get Dev help


    DEVs are not fiddeling with accounts in any way if it is not your account and that 100% being verified.


    You cannot believe how many mails/messages we get, saying "this is my toon, my brother changed password blablabla".  We always say "if it's your account, you need to restore it by using the available tools we coded for that. If you used an old email you cannot access anymore and forgot your password - you are screwed. Nothing we can do."


    FYI, VonBon sent me a message lately asking for some guild leader toon fiddeling, taking back an existing guild as leader. I didn't even answered.

    DEVs are coders, not game masters.


    Please do not say  DEVs would move player accounts in such way, there are people believing such nonsense.


  6. On 6/1/2019 at 3:29 AM, Neuro said:

    Well, the ONLY place I use the particular credentials mentioned in the e-mail is for EnB/Net-7


    1.Your mail provider it self could have a leak / security issue.

    Wouldnt be the first one...


    2. Many spam bots are scripting/trying/guessing mail addresses these days

    I can see this on my domain logs. Sometime they hit an existing address.


    3. Net-7 database passwords are encrypted, even if you would break in, no cookie for you.


    4. We have very effective security mechanisms, monitors etc.

    Don't getting into detail but be warned: Don't even try...intrusion monitors would ban your IP immediatly!


  7. 9 hours ago, Autumn said:

    Someone's waiting for you on Shakti


    Shakti is the "Pleasure moon"...you know? Pleasure..like ..."knick knack"...cough cough

    Girls, drinks, music....yadda yadda...you get the idea.


    NOW(!) a station voice like "someone is waiting for you" makes sense?

    It's advertising for "papas games" :)


    And yes, if you're minor...DON'T GO THERE! :lol::P

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  8. That is the original client behaviour and we cannot change it.



    If mob dies, object is destroyed.

    Corpse is new object and therefore not "tied" to prev. targeted mob.



    We could add server code which goes like

    if mob dies and is current target of player within range and mobs kill generated a coprse, auto-target this corpse.


    Here comes the problem:

    Many players dot want that. Imagine i assist on a raid and mob is killed, i retarget diff. mob and suddenly (lag) the corpse is becoming my target. NO GO!

    We would also have to check for many other things, like group members not in range (towed?) or leaving sector etc. This would need a thread-safe coding for such mechanism and i am not positive, we want that in a "high load sector" with on going raids.


    So nope, not really a chance to change the original behaviour.

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