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Posts posted by ghent96

  1. I just don't want to install 1 more piece of software on an old system that's already slow and bloated. When TS2 changed to TS3 I basically said Screw It, fine, and quit logging on. I don't currently see any added value in TS anyways, due to player & dev cliques, and mostly silence, or ... 1 particular person... talking to himself all the time. Meh. I voted Maybe. In-game chat is quite enough.

    Plus, if too many just voice chat, the in-game chat and environment of the game will be quite boring.

  2. SRSly, though. I used to be vegetarian. Still ate fish, eggs, dairy, all that stuff. Did it for environmental reasons, not moral. I just like flesh >:] Did it for about 6 years, then gradually added meat back in. It's perfectly fine to eat meat: biblically, health-wise, morally, economically. [almost] Everything in moderation. Sure, environmentally some things the food-animal agriculture industry does are not the greatest, but coming from a guy who's had family working in agriculture - if anyone wants food with 0 environmental impact, you're goin' hungry, nutjob. :D The environment and the earth are perfectly capable of handling food production, despite the shock-value statistics you hear about the production of 1 pound of beef taking enough water to float a destroyer... so what? Everything uses water. People drink way more water than that in the process of working out and dieting fads for months just trying to LOSE 1 pound of flesh, heh.

    Anyways, eat veggies because you want them. Eat meat because you want it. It's food. Just eat healthily. Food pyramid and all that.

  3. ...at some point, someone has to start fixing the bugs, and taking a machete to the rapidly growing list ;)

    I made plenty of bug reports while beta & beta+, but none were ever addressed. I guess as a regular old player now I'll keep making them.

    Mantis - it was great once upon a time, but too many people caused drama with it, and too many others were scared to do anything to change or actually fix bugs, so... RIP :/

  4. oops, saw 1 more thing, pardon the double post, but this is a totally seperate idea:

    Misplaced modifier:

    Of course, scientific discussions of hyper-dimensional travel abounded, especially since that one old deep space probe had found some odd fragments of an alien cube that had some indecipherable, but clearly intelligently patterned code in the asteroid belt.

    Was the code in the asteroid belt, or was the cube in the asteroid belt :(

    Keep in mind I'm not trying to be overly critical, but constructive. I have an eye for editing and interest in fiction writing.

  5. Nice so far :( but minor correction. "GATCo" should just be GETCo. It was always just "Earth" not "American" since its founding as a sustainable enterprise & with a more environmentalist image. I love the USA, I'm patriotic, but it just doesn't agree with EnB backstory.

    The following sentence/paragraph is not quite a complete thought, or perhaps is missing phrase. Please consider a revision?

    "Arjuna Khan looked with grim satisfaction on his work; Marc De Winter and his Infiniti Corporation patent lawyers would not be getting much out of his legal victory over ProGiene's research. At least not here on earth, where nearly anything that wasn't part of the Eastern Alliance, or the Atlantic Union was concerned."

    Another historical note is that each of the 3 factions grew out of certain old earth powers and collections of mega-corps. India was part of what would become the Terran Alliance & GETCo oriented. Europe, Russia, Africa, South America, India, Australia.

    The Progen Faction arises from the Mars mission by the North American Bloc nations: Mexico, USA, Canada. Westwood envisioned an alternate future that wasn't very rosy for the USA and freedom, one where apathy and luxury weakened men's spirits and allowed dictatorships to usurp democracy. (I doubt any future Progen would be from India :/ ) Also, and this will piss off some people I'm sure, but listen) the budding Progen, whether citizens of the North American Bloc or officers of the ProGiene corporation, would never tolerate homosexuality, which it seems you have inserted into your story, not even for purposes of recombination. With strictly controlled societies, aberrations such as that are quickly weeded out by dictators. Nazi Germany, Communist Russia, etc. There is zero tolerance. Essentially, Progen worship the biological, DNA, and thus whether sociologically or scientifically nothing but XX+XY, male + female, will make sense to them. There is little room for "love" in Progen society. They are supremely utilitarian.

    Japan, China, Korea, Phillipines, etc all joined together (IIRC also with a team from Cal-Tech) for some space missions to the outer solar systems to explore and set up outposts. You did perfect on that one for the future Jenquai :)

  6. Aye :D Kinda cool to see what else the actors have gone on to do after EnB.

    Frank Klepacki is still composing away, also. He does great work. David Arkenstone also, tho most of his work didn't make it into the final "gold" version. :/

  7. Bye Shaddex :/ Sad to see you go. You were a hard worker, a good worker.

    As for other stuff... guys, I hate to say it, but the drama has always been there inside the dev team. It just gets worse the longer the project goes on, and the more team turnover that occurs because new guys are fighting with old guys and older ways of doing things, and more reorganisation of the team also causes more friction & drama.

    Now many of us are "mature" people. Over 18, and comfortable with dealing with anyone IRL and getting along well. BUT, maybe it's anonymity, maybe it's the immaturity factor of liking games and escapism or whatever... but whatever it is, some of us here just do... not... get along well, nor work well together. Others will always exploit their power, and yet others will always plot revenge and risk hurting everyone. I was personally disaffected by drama, and by someone above me. Sure I was pissed for awhile, but it's not worth it. Everyone just get over it :D Game goes on.

    AF-Vet is great, but I must disagree with him about how serious a project this all is. This is a fun project. This is and must be entirely not serious. Nothing can be truly "legal" per se, because we are always in a grey area of legality with an emulator - allowed/allowable yes, but never 100% legitimate or legal. No one can claim against the emulator players/devs, nor can the devs claim against anyone, because this is still all someone else's property. I think the more serious, and "professional" some devs try to be, the more drama happens. Bad stuff.

    Everyone just needs to enjoy themselves, no matter which side of this community they are on.


    Props to Shad for his new "position" in the community ;) and newfound enjoyment.

    • Upvote 1
  8. This is a very thoughtful suggestion; however...

    Last I knew the dev team's goal was to get EnB back to exactly the way it was first, so this would definitely be a change from live. The sector is almost exactly the same as it was originally, because we were lucky to have some "golden data" on it from captured packets from late 2003 just before sunset. It is such a small sector that warping around vs. directly doesn't take too much time. Even low level characters can freewarp this distance, if they wish. Back in live, I could freewarp any sector, exactly on the mark (lots of practice, sadly, heh) with my JW with just average engines.

    Navigate just saves energy and gives you "instawarp", which is very nice if you get jumped and need to escape fast. That's pretty valueable. I don't think we need to add to the skill (yet).

  9. Founded on Sunday, September 15, 2002 at 2:27am...

    The good ole OC is back from Andromeda. Old members sign on below and let everyone know you've found your way back to EnB and the new emulator forums. New members - ask questions, sign on. OC finished up Top 5 on Andromeda back in the day with lots of former beta testers. We can even get the old rivalry with Static going again if members are interested, but we'll keep a little more light and friendly this time around that no one is spending $13/month, right?

    Omega Corps does it all - combat, mining, building, but yes probably the most emphasis on combat groups. It's a shame we lost our old thread from the previous forums. It was pages and pages long with former members all coming back and bringing memories. Xt, Bearod, Cbx, Elric, Lron, Ghent, Iam, Zetatao, Iola, Revenge, Novapaktu, Captain, Zirton, Longwalker, Dekker, Muther, Nevermore, Omegazero, Syphon, Krang, DAlighieri, Doobie, Vladimir, Tyranasazi (the green mantis ship), Artemis, Kurator, Twoflower, Nami, Sennin, Kentaris, Ceran, Agentscully, Budman, Bluelensman, Dragonytt, Hydroshock, Xolo, Syphire, Dundee, Cdos, Cedrick, Fivegaited, Icedearth, Shoomoor, Tya, Darkasnight, Sool, Nutz, Mycroft, Frustrated, Inoshikacho, Remeres, Sturmer, Skydude, Jarryn, Jeaq, Organia, Ferraux, Violet, Dibbler, Kazuki, Sensi, Gigabits, Roidhunter, Radical, Cyro, Pillage, Digdug, Casandra ...and many others lost to memory and time.



    • Downvote 1
  10. Players give of their free time to play/test. Devs give of their free time to create. There has to be a mutual respect for that on both sides :D Fortunately, EnB seems always good as a type of game to build people up to be better & work together rather than destroy relationships. This is a tough time, though, for both players & devs - a stress test, a big crash, new site. Both sides have to do their part to see us through stronger.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Not really. Worst I did was a missile-beam JW that built L8/9 weapons also. I wouldn't call it strange, so much as misguided hope that a missile-JW might be kinda cool. Back in original beta I did a projectile JW for awhile. At the time, all races used beams and projectiles were underpowered, so I anticipated a patch would boost them quite a bit. It happened :) Back then there were some very nice jenq-useable projectiles.

  12. wellllll, back on topic... :) "What is the team doing wrong that may negatively impact the game?"

    Tough question, because the dev team has done a lot of good, but having been a dev here before, I have a different perspective than most community members:

    - communications - This has gotten better, but has plagued the dev team since this project started... what, over 3 years ago now? Some devs are just busy actually working, and don't have time, or just forget (like I often did, out of humility or absentmindedness either one) to toot their own horn so to speak and relay to the forums what they've been doing. We used to have a dev blog, here - http://enbdevteam.blogspot.com - but no one really used it much, including me. My apologies to the community for the part I played in lack of good communications in the past. :/

    - sequestering - some devs just sit on Teamspeak and chat only within their own little closed circle and commit what I call ideological inbreeding. They don't listen to the community, or other devs.

    - hostility - some devs have been guilty in the past of being very hostile, even vindictive when confronted with ideas and proposals for content and directions contrary to their own. Some devs have been hostile to other devs, or to community members. This is probably why some in the community are afraid, as a previous poster here suggested, to voice strong or contrary opinions about EnB.

    - politics - some devs have been overly political, jealous, prideful, etc, etc, and have gotten into some nasty dealings against each other in the past, to gang up on other devs they don't like to kick them out, or just annoy the piss out of them unti they quit. There has been nearly a complete turnover of devs since the start. Think about it... almost 100% of those that started EnBemu have left, and some were actually denied re-entry after they came back from inactivity. None have been recognized for their hard work.

    - spineless - the Team as a whole has not taken a clearly defined stand or enforced their stand on certain important issues to our game community. Issues like macro'ing, foul language, multi'ing, money... The recent stand against macro'ing is commendable. The open and ongoing debate about multi'ing is good, but we need a stand against it. A lack of proper censorship in chat, and even swear words in NPC dialogue leave us very vulnerable to FCC violations, offending players and losing players. EnB needs to be family friendly, and kid friendly. Money... this issue keeps coming up way too often, for way too long. Clamp down. Firmly establish the "LAW" here that EnBemu is free in all regards, no subscriptions, no rewards, NOTHING but donations of free will for "a server" and nothing at all game-related.

    - playing - many devs both now and since the project started spend a majority of their time playing in-game rather than dev'ing. I took great offense to this while I was a dev, and never went in-game, not even to visually inspect placements (I knew this was minor, and could be done much later on at a more complete stage), but some devs "live" in-game, and while they think they are doing their "work" by maninpulating and positioning certain content objects, or checking a chat tree... they get distracted, and are "playing" not working. Checking object positions and chat trees or vendors is the job of beta testers and players, not devs.

    - inflexibility - if a content dev is bored or burned out typing in item stats, buffs, chat trees, or whatnot, and wants to try making a new item, or new sector, they should have the freedom to do this. Originally the dev team had pretty much complete freedom, and we acted like a real team, and respected each other and helped each other out. We had to, because we didn't really have any tools back then, and were often working directly in the DB. Later, as more devs came in, and more structure was laid down, and more top-down oppression of workflow and creativity occurred, the team sucked. There was no freedom. There was no team. Petty bickering happened way too much, and devs got overly territorial of their own little areas. Devs couldn't even fix other devs' bugs even if they were urgent and game-breaking. Devs secretely overwrote or undid each other's work.

    - subjective backstory interpretation - some devs pick only certain favorite pieces of EnB's backstory to follow, according to what they want, and do not look at the entire backstory to see what really makes sense for the game. They choose their bias or their favorite, over storyline and content that makes the most sense for backstory, history, gameplay value, player interest. This was a major hot arguement point some time ago while making a new game map and deciding on new sectors and content, but is also still very important for some revisions and changes to "original" EnB content that didn't fit right that was added by late EA devs that came in near the end.

    - forced client updates - this is annoying and an inconvenience to players. Some want to change their keyboard layout. Some (like me) want to have mods installed, like all the extra moons around saturn or tattoos or decals or new music or other new stuff as it may come. This is "impossible/impractical" as long as the client force-updates via the N7 launcher. Players are inconvenienced to find other ways of copying back files or launching the game "manually". Make client updates optional, and host up downloadable patches as another option.

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