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Posts posted by Redd

  1. [quote name='Tyran' timestamp='1314611128' post='45340']
    Grinding is not part of all MMO's, just poorly designed ones. Grinding is directly related to whether, or how much endgame content there is.

    Raiding is not really sustainable endgame content because you are raiding to get uber gear to raid better. It is a cycle that can get boring quickly if you have enough raid gear or you can see through the cycle. The latter of which I'm unsure most players here can do. <_<


    Funny every MMO I've played... It was all a grind to level up.

    Raiding for better gear eh? Heh wonder why they called it Tier 1, 2 ...... etc in WoW for example. Thats called PvE content... WoW had specific servers for PvE and PvP. Personally I hated PvP because it meant those who had already been playing for ages all they did was just grief the new players, that and I never found MMOs a fun source for PvP thats what I play FPSers for but again to each his own.

    By your words though since grinding is done here, this is a poorly designed MMO, and thus I ask what are you doing here then?
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  2. [quote name='Tienbau' timestamp='1314599699' post='45335']
    Is it really that easy to get to 150 <_<

    I agree with the other posters, take your time to explore all the different areas, they all have their charm and targetted level ranges. There's plenty going on in the universe and we got a lot more good stuff to go in yet.

    I recently started levelling a Seeker up, been having a lot of fun with that. Still only on level 20-something but it's on my non-dev account so I can't use any shortcuts! You appreciate the work gone into the sectors a bit more I think.

    It can be easy or it can be hard. Once you've learned the routine of any MMO and the who/what/where/when the leveling is the easy part. Note that 2-3 days means 2-3days of solid play time not just 2-3days of 1-2hrs each hehe (in case you were thinking it was too easy).

    But ya take a moment to stop and smell the roses before you pass them by I say :P
  3. [quote name='Cobra' timestamp='1314494149' post='45309']
    Welcome back to EnB.

    Instead of telling you how you should be playing the game, what I see is basically a Time Sink concern.

    As for any tricks, There aren't any tricks to getting to level 150 in that time span.

    Word of warning first. Be prepared for initial hours of sitting there and doing nothing but clicking on gates, stations and NPC's. It also wouldn't hurt, if you don't know any high levels, to post something Flaming, hypocritical or bigoted in nature as a reply to any topic you don't agree with. That will surely get you a guild invite and fulfill any prereq's needed from one of the "Holier then thou" elitist jackass's in the game. Then your all set.

    Again, without telling you how to play, if you so choose, This is exactly how you do it.

    The first 24 hours. Because it's close and completely "OP" and doesn't require any kind of faction at all, do trade runs from Charon/Pluto to Earth, non-stop. That will get you to level 50 Trade.

    Day two. Combat xp in groups has changed yet again. Just ask any of the high levels, going to Antares, if you can tag along. (see above if you don't know any) Level 58 Voltoi should give around 2500 cl xp per kill. 60's should give around 3500 xp per kill no matter what YOUR level is. You don't have to do anything but sit there and watch. If your actually playing a Jenquai, just cloak, you won't have any problems at all. Power Leveling at it's finest.

    Day three. A combination of either of the first two and spill over takes care of whatever Explore you have left to gain.

    In less then 5 days, your level 150 and only leaves you RD faction to gain access to Smuggler's Run (BBW, Paramis).

    After that, all that's left is to spam market for any items you want and soon enough you'll be just like the other sheep flocking to F7 for all the gear you need for free.

    No tricks, just a question of ethics.

    Damn, standing on my soapbox again. <_<

    And Cobra thats just 1 fine way of doing it well put! Not sure if I said it or maybe was just trying to say it but ya plenty of ways to get up, in a rather fast time. But I'll tell you now... at 150 or maxed out life slows down so don't rush it. Pretend your with a woman or man (whatever your opposite is) Fun doesnt start at the end, it is enjoyed throughout the whole process of well if you have to ask then guess this analogy aint for you :P

    Trust me alot of people want to race to 150 and start life... And they are also those who race right away from the game when they get stale n bored. Then either level another character (again the race) or just wear out the very few end game content available right now. Thus missing everything in the in-between.

    Honestly 150 = 5 raids right now, 6 if you wanna count Mordana and 4 of those 6 can be done in under 10mins. The other 2 under 40mins (mind u this is with the right people). So what if thats all you did every day if possible that would be less than 3 hours crammed into a day (not taking in account rotating/random spawn times)...

    Queue the song... "SLOW RIDE..... TAKE IT EASY!" hehe
  4. Spill over? heh... There are several ways to "grind" as you put it like any MMO current/past/present or future. The leveling is meant to be a grind.

    In the EMU it can take you 2-5days to reach 150 if you know what your doing... But whats the rush. Go explore, dont job, kill mobs all over the galaxy, find loot, discover new drops etc, mine hulks, look for raids... Get the direction this is going? Plenty to do especially when leveling imo. Yes missions may not be around every corner but its pre Alpha and your comparing to Live published games. Give it time I guess I dunno...

    Play a progen do the Agrippa stuff that will take a good portion of your time :) Do all 3 classes at the same time of it you wont need any intervention from other players just an intervention for sanity :) But hey its missions and rather interesting approach at that.
  5. That was suppose to be the user updated database but not popular and ya it was mostly mimicked from a different out dated database. Part of the problem people go to out dated (established) sites like arsenal (I think because it looks pretty) but it to is outdated and they dont know any better.

    Personally I like the net-7.org method of saying its in game or not and letting me go find it hehe. But to each their own I guess.

    I just wish net-7.org could reflect actual in/out of game not (hidden drops) as if its tied to any mob accessible or not it says that leaving to the great mystery. And there are even some that arent tied to any mob yet they say they drop somewhere. Again all rare instances but hey make do with what I have to work with I suppose.
  6. Wait a minute... There's something... something oh thats right its called ignore... If someone sends you a tell there is no obligation to respond or care about it. Thus in point WHO GIVES a rats arse if someone asks you to build something and you dont want to. Privacy issues really? Again no one forces you to response period. Step off your soap box---

    I guess I should heed my own advice and ignore this post as its gotten way outta hand and completely off topic.

    I do like Lot's posts I asked for the not showing every player login/logout message for several reasons prime one being wasted darn text space and server resources imo. Could careless who's on/off cept those I have in my friends list. As for the DB showing names ya worse tragedies in the world today lemme tell again see above, you dont have to answer them unless you're possessed I guess.

    Anyways close this topic already as its gotten --- for the most part!
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  7. [quote name='Alkemmi' timestamp='1306840671' post='41450']
    OK short and sweet, to all the [i]innocents[/i] using a SS8 cause this is only a test of the game , how many reported it to dev team as an anomaly.

    Lets face you know its not in game , so who put there hand up to help so graciously with the testing.


    I did directly to the 2 in charge of editing the Mob loot... Both times since the April patch it was in and out...

    Also reported that the Device Energy Conservation on it doesnt work (like other items with said buff)... What else can I do for you?
  8. If we are removing the SS8 from build lists because it was obtained from the incorrect mob drop (and the DEVs who worked on it were notified and it was removed) then all the Hulkfest, all the other items for that matter need yanked as well.

    Not just a few choice items.

    Brimstone Ballista and ammo
    Intent for Resolute engine
    Aspiration of the Faithful reactor
    Warth of Kokura
    Dark Matter stuff
    several devices...
    List can go on for aways...

    I mean there is a long distinguished list of things that are in game that shouldnt or obtained by whatever method... Ya be great to get them from proper channels when/if they ever are released. But fact of the matter is there are several things in game, build lists, etc that aren't the normal. Really does it matter during a ST? As Kyp said its not a 100% live game, and one would hope we could wipe and start fresh and follow a storyline, trickle based release of said instead of entire Database of items dropped right in our laps.

    Enjoy what ya have now because it may be gone tomorrow lol... And yes there are people who literally spent hours hunting for items they have, called dedication, no life, whatever way you wanna look at it, Hardcore gamers always trump the casual its simple math more time spent nets more rewards...

    Anyways guess we'll be losing more things here in the near future but eh whatev I treat it as testing not a full fledged game.
  9. [quote name='C Del' timestamp='1306022272' post='41024']
    I haven't had that much trouble with PayPal myself, but it sure is annoying that they take a portion of our donations, especially given how difficult it can be to reach our goals. Unfortunately, I don't think we have much choice. We could charge credit/debit cards directly, but that presents security issues which we probably don't want to get tangled up in, and we could use e-checks, but we'll still run into problems with security, international transaction fees, and we would have to use bank and routing numbers, which I expect most people would find very annoying. Sadly, I think PayPal is really our only option.

    Ya even if you took CC payments CDel... Still gotta pay a % to the Credit Card companies too.. So no way around it gotta pay everyone for services some form or another :/ Guess the only way is to donate more, but its like taxes... The more you make the more they take... AAAGGG
  10. [quote name='Gleek' timestamp='1306041236' post='41032']
    Sorry, guys I was tiring to fix something and unfortunately the server crashed, and unfortunately this is still a stress test and these things happen, all the Dev's and Gm's along with Beta's are tiring to make it a better game for all players. So try to have a little patience with us. ;)

    S... happens forced me to go eat lunch no biggie, appreciate the fixes, I remember live every Tuesday server was down for maintenance for couple hours. So a short break here every now and again, meh causes us to unplug from the matrix so be it. All for the better of the server, game, and play... No worries, just ring TBs bat phone LOL see ya in a bit!
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  11. [quote name='Mattsacre' timestamp='1305898010' post='40929']
    Do yourself a favor, don't test the alternate aggrippa content. Proceed on other content. When they actually decode Byakees mental meanderings from the padded cell he writes content from (they themselves being commited in the process) and post it step by step (with appropriate spoiler headers) THEN do the content (only if you are someone that is into painfully following overly engineered iterations.)

    As someone that has repeatedly crashed into content walls and intermittent bug conflicts. As someone alternately been screwed over by content rewards/recipes. As someone who has consistantly argued, pleaded , begged and even harrangued for not having content PLEASE not be "interconnected" (I.E.(forced grouping)). As someone who has waded through convo trees and "mission briefings" that are clear as and concise as mud. I save myself a fortune in migraine medication, I don't test that content anymore.

    I ran several progen toons through the content at each evolution and just got driven nuts, I held back a PW at L75 just for content to catch up and run it through (again). Once I saw how the convolutions have continued unabated I left him at L75, if..a big IF it ever gets unconvoluted maybe I'll undock him for some test, other than that only progen action for my part is shoot and loot/build with bigger progen toons.

    I'm sorry if I sound harsh, it is just one man's opinion that with this convoluted crap the progen spirit is betrayed. Save yourself the pain and grey cells from dying a agonizing molten death, wait for the spoiler or someone to strangle the information from Byakhee ;)

    So by your logic we should all do ourselves a favor and quit testing during the STRESS TEST... Really? Get over yourself, a lot of effort and time has gone into working out the kinks, developing the content and coming up with some pretty descent rewards at the end of the quest chain. Sorry that you had a ruff ride early on, no scratch that, I'm not sorry, deal with it, all apart of trying to turn this into a real solid game!

    What I don't get is how several people have successfully completed these and yet because you haven't due to inadequacies be it pre-stage when things were just coming to fruition, inability to solve the puzzles or what have you, doesn't necessarily predicate the need to come on here, discourage others, bash the work done and put forth, and so on. If you don't have any constructive criticism, proper bug submission/reporting, suggestions to offer than that crap posted above. Save yourself the keystrokes and time, logoff and don't bother playing/testing!

    Btw these have been working solid since at least End Feb/early March time frame and I've never once seen you in game asking for advice, discussing said missions. So your each evolution theory is also flawed. Yes the missions are a puzzle and yes they are a challenge. They do not hold your hand, they do not give you it on a silver platter. You solve, work and earn it every step of the way, pay attention to the mission chat tree(not the mission log) and you should have no problems passing these missions (like several others have). Again if you do not wish to participate in them, don't ruin/recommend negativity to the rest of the playerbase who may wish to enjoy/contribute positive results.
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  12. Last ones

  13. Continued

  14. Finally got the woman to take my pics... missing the GETCo shirt though... Surprised I still had them after all these years lol... I forgot about the mousepads and hats too (certainly dont have hat anymore nor the mousepad shame the pad was pretty sweet wish I kept it) Anyways enjoy!


  15. I remember them mousepads... They were actually pretty damn cool... I think mine faded and after years of use got tossed (considering I've always been a trackball user) but was nice placemat for it (thin and texture wise) Had the Galaxy Map on it if I recall (the black version)... Probably long gone those through all the years and moves.
  16. [quote name='Kyp' timestamp='1305071281' post='40485']
    Of course not, they paid millions for C&C which was built on this (or a slightly modified version of this) engine. :)

    Yup they are a greedy conglomerate of acquisitions. EA has bought several other things that the public has never even seen. Simple example like above with C&C, they've purchased company's/games/coding out from others just for the engine itself and tossed the game into their Vaults never to be seen/heard from.

    Funny when I visited EA HQ and went into "The Vault" all the stuff over the years they have collected and locked away. Kinda funny in the scope of things now looking back, to them EnB was just another stepping stone/floor mat for them to wipe their feet on.

    Shame as even when offered a couple million for EnB, they still refused...
  17. Do we REALLY need 4 pages and multiple posts about this? Geez wish this talks/efforts were focused into more important matters! Use the ignore list or turn the channel off or even novel idea just visually ignore it. If the person in question is harassing/bashing etc Screenshot and Report them... How hard is this really? Instead of trying to govern/police/tell others how to act... Just remove yourself from the equation (or that person via ignore list) and call it a day already! Wonders how so many people survive/make it in society, much less out the front door!

    This horse been beat, defibbed, and beat more times than any! Can we just move along already?
  18. If only I was stateside, I'd post this, photos from the Fan Gathering in San Jose and all the TShirts I won for answering the DEV questions lol. 5 Shirts in total (still have) Big Orange Tada-O, GetCO, White EnB Shirt, 2 Black Fan Gathering ones.

    Original Game, Prima guide.... Yup oh... And photos from the visit to EA in San Jose :lol: thanks to some insider networking :D
  19. [quote name='Terrell' timestamp='1302203765' post='38513']
    For a JE you'll have to keep EL and TL ahead of CL. The Coma device isn't working properly yet, but when it does it will help you greatly, because it will reduce an enemy's ability to see you to hit you with return fire. They run from L3 to L9. You also want to get some plasma beams, and a chimaera device (plasma debuffer). There are some Terran manufactured plasma beams that are available at some vendors. Always use the lowest sig engines you can get your hands on with a JE, L2-L4 SS. AFAIK L7 and L8 SS aren't in game yet.

    You also should make use of your teleport enemy skill (L3 Fold Space), it's not working quite as well as in Live, in that it teleports them randomly, rather than away from you, but it does work at the proper range now.

    Using a Solar Sail on a jenquai is about the most wrong choice you could make aside from the SS8. At level 2-7 you should be using Mercurius, Halley DDO, Triffid, as they have lower sigs and buff to lower sig even further. Versus the Solar sail which provides no benefits what so ever besides a 0 sig on the engine itself the thrust is also terrible compared to the other engines listed. Just saying...
  20. [quote name='Peorth' timestamp='1302999338' post='39250']
    Any clue to let you know whether you completed a stage or not would be helpful, especially for people who never ran through the missions before since I had zero Agrippa missions in my log at the time, and as such, didn't know Vegeto was waiting on something specific. So with that in mind, will Vigoare give a hint as to what my next step is after getting the 10 Stage 2 Encryptions? None of the Agrippa NPCs in NV are saying anything (I would assume Composita would, but alas, no dice).

    Also, will I be able to finish off the rest of the Stage 1 Reactor Missions if I get the L4 Device even though I already started the L2 Reactor Missions? Even more, I was talking to some folks in game and the only way to obtain the L4 device for the reactor mission to build the Auctoritas Remoror Quinque reactor is to be able to disassemble a L5 shield (the shield name has quinque in it, so presumably a L5 shield) to get a non-transferable part. Does that mean that Progen Traders who do not have L5 build shields have no reason (or ability for that matter) to complete the Agrippa stage 1 Build Reactor missions and that they should just start at the Stage 2 Reactor Build missions to try to obtain the Auctoritas Remoror Quinque reactor from a PT that does have L5 build shields AND build reactors?

    Just trying to get a better handle on if the Stage 1 Build Reactor missions is actually doable for PTs who do not have high enough levels of Build Shields or even completable for PTs who completed part of the Stage 1 Build Reactor missions but also got the Stage 2 Build Reactor missions as it was unclear whether all the Stage 1 missions were actually completed at the time?

    Since I've heard that others have simply asked a dev to fix their chars to get the appropriate items/recipes in regards to the Agrippa Missions for I'm sure good reasons such as being at a point where it's known that it is impossible to complete stages, I just wanted to see if my char is truly stuck and wasting the past week trying to proceed forward on the missions? If so, that would indicate a big flaw with these sets of Agrippa Missions in that any player new or a little unfamiliar to the missions has no way to determine if they are at a point where they will never be able to complete a stage.

    I think the idea behind the Agrippa Missions is great, but I think a few minor tweaks such as letting a player know that they already crossed a point of not being able to complete a mission and/or reminding if multiple skillsets are required by the specific PC to complete the mission at hand would make running the missions a bit smoother. At least reduce a bit of frustration... :)


    All good things Peorth, but somethings to point out. Those who had them fixed where those who had done the missions back many many months ago before they became to their more polished state of today. Due to reorganization of certain missions their logs were all messed up. So they required special attention.

    In your case your on track to complete as a normal person. The only thing is sometimes people get ahead of themselves and yes this isn't a perfect map drawn out for what/where/when your suppose to do these. Mainly because Stage II can sorta be done at almost any point (given certain circumstances are met) and can confuse a player at what stage they are actually in.

    For example to simplify things for you a bit. Stage I will have Level 1-5 items in it. Stage II will be L6-8 items and Stage III will be L9. So if your after something in those ranges thats a clear indication what stage your in right there.

    As far building the L4 security optimal override that normally is done before that L5 device (it is given from a Token Bonus Mission) But if the player chooses say the regular mission before the bonus missions are completed they may be getting asked for something they dont have yet ie the L4 device. The same applies to the L2 Calathius Beam for PP/PWs.

    I have been trying to catch you in game to better answer questions but I think our play times are just missing each other. Here are a few people's names who have completed Stage I,II and III and maybe able to help you along. Cobraking/Cyclone/Sherlock (all 3 of his progens), Lannister, Greggory/Mudshark (has many alts so just holler for those 2 common names), myself (Reddwingman, Redd, Reddfuzion, Reddcurator), I know a couple others too just cant think of names off the top of my head atm. But a good amount of Builders Inc have and I have helped a handful of other folks along too to ensure they get somewhat squared away with these.

    Yes these missions are a nice challenge loaded with content and could use just a smidgen of polish yet but thats what we are here for. I do like where you mentioned having the NPC kinda ask you "Hey where's this at" during phases that dont clearly identify the item needed to receive the next mission and the previous missions chat text doesnt always state that. Some do so as I said take notes and pay attention to everything they say, sometimes B sneaks in some cryptic stuff and even some stuff to make you second guess lol. All in good fun!

    Hopefully we'll cross paths in game or perhaps this weekend we can set aside some time to straighten you out.
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