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Everything posted by mikey976

  1. but what about pandora? lol i kid
  2. not necessarily a grav well more like a trespassers will be shot survivors will b e stabbed then shot again type deal lol
  3. how about putting the spawn points in low leve sectors on the far end of the sector out of the way of primary trade routes muck like zweilhander(sp) hidden nav points . they are out of the way enough that it really would take quite a while to kite a mob 80-100k into a trade route or general , however its far enough out there you have have a higher level scanning skill or grouped with higher level to pick up the hidden nav points that far off possibly have a warning notify you on screen when you are within say 30-40k of the area (still 50-60k away from traffic)
  4. so whats the special ability this mob is supposed to get to determine whether or not your multi boxing or soloing? unleash the power of ....."ping!" lol sorry im just trying to make light of it all. but on that same note more realistically how can the mob determine your multiboxing? versus playing with a friend or family member in the same house under the same external ip?Spencer Pratt id love to group with people myself but my primary toon is only OL33 or something and most other players i see are well above 60+ OL
  5. i am getting the same issue, inv-300 error.
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