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Forgotten Account

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Not sure if this is the right place or if it's even possible but I have an account and iv'e forgotten the sign in username details for it.

I will know the password to get in but  can't remember what email address I gave when it was registered so can't go via the reset my password route.

The toon that's attached to the account is called PestilenncePP and will be level 0 because I stopped playing right after the wipe and it's been so long now hence the reason for forgetting the username.

Is there a way I can be told the username only for this account?

I understand about security etc being a factor and caution about handing out such details ( quite rightly so) but to try and bolster my claim on the account you will find all the Pestilennce  spelled with 2 N's toons are all registered to me in the game and all games that I play be it EnB or wow etc etc as well as my PS and PP would have been created around the same time, I was doing the then new Agrippa missions at the time on my pw and needed them to be able to finish it. I can also tell you that he had completed the grippa missions himself before the wipe and was lvl150.

Anyways I hope the devs  or whoever is in charge of the website can help me get my toon back so I can level him again as I can't create a new toon due to the name already being taken.

Kindest Regards




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