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Posts posted by Lannister

  1. Raiders,


    I don't usually get involved here - I hate politics and these discussions always contain more posturing than usable date.


    I do want to speak out on behalf of Epic Gamers in direct response to assertions that they are not yet ready, or need to prove themselves ready. I disagree.


    I have personally watched Epic complete both gate and FB raids - multiple times.

    I have made/traded/sold enough gear to assure you they are well equipped.

    I have had Epic guild members in group during various Builders raids and found them capable and helpful.

    They successfully completed the RD Base  - which is one of the hardest raids in the game.


    So lets not make this about capability.


    Finally my overall view: If we, the current big 3, cannot flex our agreement for additional large guilds who can (and eventually will) do the raids then the agreement will dissolve to free-for all again. That Epic has shown admirable restraint in not jumping right in and doing these raids is another point in their favor. They have every right to take the next GoBB, Controller, or RD Base raid but have held off to reach a formal agreement.


    Just my $.02



    Builders Inc.

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  2. All,


    Since Shadow is out of action I wanted to take a moment to raise a question to the player base with the feedback going back in to the Devs. This is not a rant or rage but I do see a lot of people experiencing issues in-game of late - myself included. These seem to have started with the last Proxy Update and was exaggerated by the recent ISP issues with One and One.


    We know the game and the underlying systems are still evolving. We very much appreciate the work that is going on and understand that there will be issues that impact game play from time to time. We also know, understand, and appreciate that the Devs are not doing this work for riches or glory but are donating their time.


    So please take a look at the attached poll and feedback your specific situation. Lets quantify this and let the Dev team know if there is further action needed. If we do not agree that there are issues then we need to let it drop. If we do then we will need to provide details so the Dev's can take a closer look.


    Feel free to add a comment with your poll response.


    See you all in-game!





    • Upvote 1
  3. Zack,


    The mixfile was recreated as part of the process but the crashing still occures.


    Since you seem to beleive the proble is in one of the game side files I am going uninstall the game, clean out the directory, and install again. Perhaps that will help.


    Thanks again for you help!


    p.s - Hopefully you can read this now. :)

  4. Zack, 


    The mix_art_26.mix file is the size you stated. Since you did not state to delete it, I did not. 


    I manually deleted the *.th6 files with not change in effect. 


    The game still works in debug mode, still crashes as soon as I enter a password when not in debug mode. 



  5. Zack,


    No go. I did what you said and then fully uninstalled and reinstalled thet Net-7 launcher.


    I even got the littled green checkbox to show a new cdata.dat was created. The file size is 1,981kb.


    Any other ideas?

  6. Hello Guru's of Support:


    Since the patch today, and with no other configuration changes on my part, my game is now crashing at the long in screen. For all accounts I have access to - even guild vaults. As soon as I enter the username and passowrd - crash.


    Here is the odd thing - it seems to work if I check the "Debug Launch" tickbox in the launcher.


    Running: Windows XP

    3 Gig Ram

    Latest Udpates

    Launcher v 404


    I have the following boxes checking in the launcher:

    • Packet Optimization
    • Disable Mouse Lock
    • Delee TH6 Files


    I have already disabled IPV6 on XP.

    I have a .bat file I have used in the past to delete the TH6 files which I tried using to see if it helped.


    I have reinstalled the launcher.


    Any ideas?



    P.S. Vincent - nice sig. :)

  7. Miroku,


    Very nicely done. Two points if I may:


    1. There is no benifit to PM comps when making ammo. There only reason to use PM comps is if the comps are not available from a vendor. The resulting quality in the ammo is the same. Since that is the case there is no reason to collect ores for the Evolver line of ammo components as they are all available at vendors.

    2. There is another list of ores that are refined and of big interest to us builders. Many comps have ores unique to them. Miners are the often unknown glue behind the building industry and a list of ores valuable to builders would be a great addition. Probably a bit more time consuming that ammo ores too. In gerneral all of the Brimstone, Anthanor, Blackbox, CE3k branded comps are loot only. There are also some named comps (Nebula Power Vamp 9x, Vortex 60K TeraByte Memory Chip, Evolver Primer Max 3k and 5k) which, despite their names, are also loot only.


    Hope this helps - and keep mining. :)

    • Upvote 1
  8. Hello All,


    It has been good seeing everyone online and good to have time to play again.


    When the Advocate Position was started it was ment to be a conduit between the players and the devs. A way to ensure player request, common themes, concerns, or points of frustration are distilled from our hundreds of plays into a single cohisive message (where possable). This works best by actively seeking feedback and reaching out regularly. Visability here in the forums and on games. Including an effort by both players and the Advocate to ensure that exchagne and communication is taking place.


    Like government you get the Advocate you deserve - afterall the players case the vote right?


    The Advocate use to give a pre-view of the post notes a day before. That seems to have stopped.

    The Advocate used to attend the Dev meetings and provide a report on anything that was approved to share - that seems to have stopped as well.

    The Advocate used to provide the Dev's with readout of any of those common themes I mentioned above and the Dev's can respond if warrented. Is this still taking place?


    I think we should probably spend some time clarifying the role a bit more - both for the benifit of the players and anyone who wants the job. It is a bit hard to be held to a job description that is made up as time goes by. I woudl be more than happy to pull that together as a draft to be ratified if that woudl help.


    In the mean time we should spend more time building up our current advocate with some ideas that he can follow to add value to the game.


    ... and it is a game. Remember you are just a click away from incapacitation and experiend debt. No sence taking it all too seriously.



    (Former Advocate)



  9. I was back, then away, then back, then away and no back again. :)


    Bumping this to the top. I think we have almost all of the elements here specifically:


    1. We can see who has a print (if they have opted in to share that info).

    2. We can see how many and the quality of builds of a specific print.

    3. We can see if a builder of a specific element is online.


    So can we institute the top builders list in some automated fashion. Specificly I woudl like to see (based on opt-in only):

    1. Who as the most prints overall and by build disciplin.  

    2. Who has built the most items overall and by build disciplin.


    Can we do this? I know I will not be placed since I am just back a month or so now and still working through getting my build list back (thanks to all who have helped in that BTW!).

  10. All,

    I agree with Jack's point. The agreement was simply a way for the larger guilds to agree not step on each others toes and was never intended to exclude others. If another guild or group did one of the raids during that time so be it. We just knew that on Monday, for example, Builders and Static would stand aside to allow Von an extra chance.

    It did work out well for a while - then got confusing with talk of other guilds.

    My view now is that the agreement has reached the end of its shelf life and should probably be set aside.

    Lets also remember that these raids were always hot commodities and highly competitive in live. Not everyone can do them, and those who can should compete for the right.

    • Upvote 2
  11. First off - Wow. I had no idea it would morf into such a thread. Good discusions though.

    And I get it - most of you are not in favor of a wipe at this time, I get that too.

    So Kyp, Cdel, or whoever:

    Can I volunteer for my main toon, Lannister, leveled back to 0? Given we are not doing a general wipe I would just as soon keep my prints, items, and money. But I would be happy to do some testing of missions by going through the process again. I think it would be fun. I am maxed out now with nothing to do but collect points so lets start the fun all over.

    If we get commands to do this ourselves (one way only in play I would suggest) then great. If we need to put in a request, then that works too.

    If more people do it then more of the lower lvl content gets worked out anyway.

  12. I know! I know! Blasphemy – we lived in fear of a P-Wipe for so long the simple muttering of it was enough to put most of the player community on edge.

    First let me say I did not come to this conclusion lightly, nor do I minimize the amount of time and energy people have put into their toons to get them fully up to speed and engaged. Look below you will see that I have maxed out every single class in the game – and have others not even listed there. I do also realize that there are many players who have not yet maxed out or who are enjoying lower level toons. No everyone sees this as a good thing.

    But before you jump on this suggestion please grant me a moment of your time to consider it.

    Player Interest: Overall interest in the game seems to be lagging. The number of players online at any time is dropping. The amount of activity in any of the channels, even guild channels, is dropping as well. I think this comes down to interest – we were challenged, but so many have done it all. How many Fish Bowl Raids, Drone Squashes, Mordana Hunts, etc can we do and still find it enjoyable? Building up from scratch is the challange – and with a newly leveled playing field and need to rebuild much of the player interest will be reawakened.

    Player Domination: Many portions of the games are dominated by players or groups of players. This is true for building mostly – just look at the top 5 or so builds for anything you want made. This is also true for raids to some extent.

    Game Economy Distortion: Many of the higher level players have gobs and gobs of cash. Billions and Billions – and I resemble that remark. The net effect is that money has no value – builds are almost all done for free and if you want something really high end (like say a synthetic crystal for an Intent engine) then no amount of money would get you one. Worse A working economy is key and the only way to fix this one is to level it.

    Destabilizing Events: Remember Hulk Fest, Mob Fest, Oni drops, common mob parts dropping for 6m a stack, the Master spawning every 15min, etc? All of these events impacted the game greatly. It beefed up build lists, player equipment, and coffers. We have never really, in my opinion, recovered from these.

    Reduction in Emulator Funding: The items above, but especially number 1, are impacting the funding for the emulator itself. Fewer players equals fewer contributions to cover the costs of the emulator. If we do not cover the costs of the emulator then E&B goes away again.

    We have a great game here. Best of all it has had great improvements over the last 6-12 months and, better yet, more on the horizon. By the time we build back up to some maxed toons perhaps some stellar new content will be available to keep us moving along. I would love to see the return to 200+ people online and active again. Most of the time now there are fewer than 100 toons on – and I am sure that means less that 50 actual players.

    That is my $0.02 anyway. I hold no power to pull the switch of course, that is a collective right.

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  13. [quote name='Shaddex' timestamp='1326838984' post='51689']
    I cant see why not..

    Would only show builders info that have Opt'ed in.

    What stats would you guys like to see ?

    Mostly just a ranking of who has the most builds in any of the build discipline. Something like we [url="https://forum.enb-emulator.com/index.php?/topic/4638-builder-rankings/"]used to post here[/url] but in a more automated web report. Separated by category (comps, weapons, devices, shields, engines).

    [quote name='Lot' timestamp='1326839282' post='51690']
    Are you asking "who has built the most items" or "who has the most recipes"?

    The "top builders" would be the builders that make the most use of the recipes they have available. It was interesting to see that the database keeps a track of quantity built per item so that answer can in theory be formulated.

    Totalling up recipes is for the old school builders that have been around for a while.

    A contrast of the two sets of information might be interesting.

    I agree. We can already see who has built the most of a specific item in the stats as they are today, but who builds the most overall would be interesting. Although I bet the main builders will not be quite so high on the list as those who spend most of there time build ammo. I would expect to see PWs and TEs at the top of the list actually. So if we could seperate this one by build catagory as well it would be very interesting.

    Lots that can be done here since the DB seems to store so much wonderful data to play with. :)

  14. All,

    Sorry I have not be online much - work has been hell and I am, in fact, in the process of relocating for work. So my attendance until I get to the other end of the move will be spotty.

    I just saw the improvements to the Net-7 portal and - Wow. Great stuff, many thanks to the Web Devs who put in the time and effort to do it. It looks great, and works great.

    Not to reopen up[url="https://forum.enb-emulator.com/index.php?/topic/5460-top-builders-list/page__hl__%2Btop+%2Bbuilders+%2Blist__fromsearch__1"] an emotive topic from the past[/url] but... now that the new web tools allow for builders to opt in and opt out of having there building states / prints shared can we revisit a top builders list? Some of us enjoyed the competition. While others had some concerns I think those have been addressed by the new code and so should be moot now. For those who have opt into sharing there builds I would see no reason not to share build totals as well.

  15. [quote name='Cobra' timestamp='1314045847' post='45059']
    While playing, because my characters names are on a list in which I have no choice in the matter, I have been messaged to build particular items. If I'm not offering to build, that's a privacy issue.

    I've already stated that I received "attitude/grief" when I was not willing to drop what I was doing at that exact moment to build the items. This has happened to me at least twice that I can remember. One time was one time to many and made it a privacy issue.

    If I continue to build, there is the possibility to be included in the "Top Builders" list whether I like it or not. Just another possibility to be hounded to build when I don't have the time or I'm busy doing other things. That's a privacy issue.

    Privacy is NOT what I make of it when character names are openly listed.

    So, Regardless of what name I use here on the forums vs what names my characters have in game, I basically have to quite using an aspect of the game that I enjoy? Not to mention, abandon any characters that currently exist (that can build anything) if I "don't want to be bothered"? Wonderful!

    And to top it all off, as a Dev, your telling us to shut off all channels and have no contact with anyone??? What's next?

    Is Prom back?? ............Waiting for the wall of red text telling us that we are just "connections" to the server and don't mean anything other then that.

    I think that is a bit of an overreaction there Cobra. I build more than most anyone, and am far from hounded.

    We always have the ability to hide our online status from non-friends and anytime I am busy and cannot build I tell them that - and never have had any grief about it.

    Whats next - someone sees you in F7 and PMs you to ask a question and they you have privacy issues? It really is all a bit silly.

    Privacy in a virtual world if fictitious at best. It becomes a mantra without a point to the detriment of the game.

    Elrick's point is valid - if you want privacy it is on yourself to create it or opt not to play if the game doesn't provide an arena in which you feel comfortable.
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  16. I am a bit surprised by people having what seem to be such strong opinions on this.

    Taking this, or any other part of the game too seriously is a bad thing. Just a little fun, interesting, way to generate some interest in the building community - we need more active builders.

    Besides - the fun generated when Vaden beat Magoo in reactor prints was itself worth the price of admission.
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