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Everything posted by CheezeBaal

  1. bah. i figured i'd catch up on the forums before logging into the game. this would be the last thread before starting the game.
  2. getting a bit personal are we? whether you like my name or not is immaterial to the discussion but try to get the spelling correct. i don't pretend to know why someone did that to you. my guess is that you LOOKED like you were macro-mining as that seems to be the standard response when suspected. if its just a matter of the field shouldn't have been added then the person in question should've just told you to move along instead of dropping a 66 on your head. (i still find this humorous.) all of your group save one died once. ONCE, who cares? especially when we're lucky to be playing at all. climb down off your cross, build a bridge and get over it.
  3. i for one LIKE this. for me it adds a little spice (like a pop rock) to mining. the fact that you immediately started cursing about it, and the "abusing power" devs here and in chat just proves to me that you need to grow some thicker skin. there are better ways to voice your anger, maybe asking why it happened would be a start.
  4. i'm now having issues docking/undocking causing n7 to crash and lots of null items.
  5. down. tien was here earlier. hope he's fixing it. =)
  6. dammit. what the heck do i do now? guess it's make a sammich time. =)
  7. server is currently running as i still have 2 chars in and playing but the server handoff and/or login may be broken (i havent tryed to relog as of yet). website is very slow to the point of being non-funtional.
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