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Everything posted by r8rsfans75

  1. I wonder how many people are going through withdrawal right now. Gotta....have.....ENB......now!!! GIMME, GIMME
  2. Thanks for the enbdatabase.com info, hadn't been to that site yet. It appears though, that the bayonet is only available after lvl 3. Although you achieve lvl 3 pretty quickly in the game, and could get by even with the basic weapons until you get there.
  3. In live version I never got past OL65 on my PW using level 4 weapons and currently am OL35 using level 3 weapons but should be getting level 4 weapons shortly. I was never much into missiles or beams, and have preferred the musket to the blow gun at the early levels, but there is a wider range of weapons that you come across as you get farther into the galaxy during the lv30 HU. I was wondering if anyone had a favorite projectile weapon at level 4 and above. Might be useful information to share with any of the other progens as they advance.
  4. When you say "first download" which one are you talking about? The first thing to download should be the EnB client. If you try to download the Net 7 setup first, it will fail without EnB Client installed first. I just downloaded about a week ago, I'm also on Windows 7 and got it to work. (Not that this information is helpful, but just to let you know that it can be done) I hope you do get the game working, this game is like crack. The good kind. Not the stuff that makes you scratch at your arms and live in alleys. I'm sure you have already found it, but just in case, check out: https://enb-emulator.com/index.php?/topic/714-install-enb-from-scratch-instructions/
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