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Posts posted by garblesoup

  1. [quote name='Scyris' timestamp='1301435684' post='37696']
    Think you guys could fix the Jenquai summon ability and the autofollow? With beams it tends to move me out of beam range when on follow, and for Summon, in St3 it used to teleport a mob to 0.30k ish away from me, now i have had mobs end up 1-1.5k away after a summon.
    Probably want to move this to its own thread instead of in the "Server Status" thread.
  2. [quote name='Drzaus' timestamp='1301401900' post='37632']
    ; ;
    I can't enter at all, just crashes after login screen before galaxy map. I wanna play haha :(

    Edit: :o just retried and this time it patched without patching? just went straight to update report and let me through! Didn't try to update upon next opening... but still crashed! haha

    Yeah, seems like they have done something to make it a null-patch, but I'm still getting same as you - get in game briefly then insta-CTD. Oh well, I'm sure they'll get a handle on it. Off to work, maybe it's fixed when I come home tonight.
  3. [quote name='Kaiyzer' timestamp='1301398944' post='37620']
    Yes, i'm getting the same error as well.

    I was able to skip it, login (after a couple of tries), but then got the same CTD after about a minute or so that I've been seeing the last day or two.
  4. [quote name='Celticwarrior' timestamp='1301279125' post='37476']
    The post i made wasnt to ask or beg for something its was an honest idea as to how to improve the current system with prospecting and refining.

    as it stands now im not putting anymore points into prospect because the only profit i seem to make with doing that skill for say 6 hours is to refine negative energy wards the point i was trying to make is as it stands i recieve 45 explore xp for clearing a lvl 4 roid of 3-4 ores when i can spend the same time going and doing a 10 min trade goods run for alot more explore xp as well as trade xp

    so yes refining 5 garnets or emeeralds costs 548 per refine yet the vendor buys for 300 per thats a loss and therefore not worth the trouble. as for your je thats awesome but i just came back to the game and am focused on my PS and reliving why i loved this game

    I'm not sure where you could possibly interpret anything I said as even faintly implying you were begging. I was merely pointing out that - of all of the characters I have - the one that makes the most xp and credits the fastest is my JE. So much so that he tends to finance all of the other chars. Don't know what you are doing differently than me, we all have our own playing styles. Hey, if you succeed at convincing the Dev's to turn up the XP/Credit knob for miners even further, great, just that much more gravy for my JE - but it already seems pretty easy to me.
  5. [quote name='Scyris' timestamp='1301266337' post='37423']
    Nice a new server, mine still points to play.xx.xxx though and not sunrise. Anyway to manually change this?

    You are saying you tried to overtype the field and it wouldn't let you?
  6. [quote name='Alyseria' timestamp='1301261088' post='37390']
    Alyseria had max build engine and mapped the Prismatic Dragon Wing L9 engine, and made a 200%. She could only use L5 engines at the time...

    When CF Came out she CFed negotiate and build engines so she could max engine tech instead and become a great combat TT. Build engines was completely gone.

    I have since re-CFed and refilled my Build Engines skill. I still have every map I had before, so be at ease when it comes to temporarily CFing build skills. You won't be able to map anything, but you will retain previous maps.

    Thanks for that info, Aly, that is what I was hoping.
  7. [quote name='Juduz' timestamp='1301264331' post='37406']
    The guy also apologied pretty much straight after for his twisted joke after ppl said it was not acceptable. Dont forget to add taht part.

    Oh, a joke. Yeah, I'm laughing out loud right now about that. Sooooo funnny. I mean what's funnier than joking about 8 year old girls having pictures of your privates? Are you serious?
  8. [quote name='Draad' timestamp='1301259150' post='37378']
    i am still not able to log in. anyone else having the same problem? Says server is down.
  9. [quote name='Tradermagoo' timestamp='1301255124' post='37371']
    I noticed this person in the new player forums proclaiming this. When the gm's are done with this please delete the post or the pictures please.

    That's creepy. Thanks for posting - you and I are sometimes in disagreement but, on this, I wholly agree there shouldn't be any place for it on EnB.
    • Upvote 2
  10. [quote name='Kyp' timestamp='1301253268' post='37366']
    I would guess that it does not Jarod, but I'll have to try to find out. The build list is a separate table, and I doubt they went through and removed the items from your build list, there are alternate structures in place that make sure you're highly unlikely to build an item beyond your skill level. (They power the "build difficulty" and if your level is too low, you'll just get a message saying you don't have enough skill to build this item.)

    That's cool - understand, I'm in no way trying to pull a fast one and exploit anything. Just curious about what happens if I have a builder char that I'd like to temporarily stop building something so he/she can, say, loadout a big beaming setup and go raise RD faction easily and then drop the beam skill and go back to building - and have their blueprints intact.

  11. [quote name='Bidoc' timestamp='1301239244' post='37311']
    Perhaps for the companionship or to share the experience of hunting some very tough mobs, or even to ask for and recieve some help in a difficult situation.

    Please refrain from trying to paint me as a social misfit, just because I might ocassionally enjoy doing something on my own.

    In what way did I attempt to portray you as anything? I only know you by what you write and you wrote "Still, I for one could be completely happy to never buy or ask another player for anything." and I asked then why play an MMORPG? I didn't call you any names, imply anything about your psyche, merely asked a question about why someone that has explicitly stated they'd be happy to NEVER ask another player for anything would want to play a game with other players. Not sure what nerve that struck to prompt a claim that I was attacking you - by asking a simple question.
  12. [quote name='Bidoc' timestamp='1301185234' post='37261']
    Still, I for one could be completely happy to never buy or ask another player for anything.

    Perhaps, then, an MMORPG really isn't the right game? I mean, seriously, with that type of stance what is the point of playing a game with other people?
  13. [quote name='Bidoc' timestamp='1301181929' post='37248']

    Yes, I still want the information available. I'm not asking the devs to provide it, just not to hide it.

    Ah, well there's the easy part. They aren't hiding it, they just aren't openly publishing it. Once you've found something it isn't hidden. You are then free to share that information with others - nobody on the Dev/GM team will stop you. You are free to explore all areas of the game and find it for yourself. You are free to ask others playing the game where whatever you are looking for can be found. You are free to record all the information you gather and host it in a player-accessible format of your choice. This is how it was done in Live - some of this info was shared via Community Forums and some of it was even hosted on player-developed databases hosted on websites. All of it was based upon player experiences, in-game, in finding what dropped what and where.

    If what you want is an encyclopedia and atlas listing every drop, provided by the Net-7 staff, they've already said you aren't going to get it. I happen to be in agreement with that stance. While I don't have any hard data to point to, my gut feeling is that more *active* players agree with that stance than disagree.
  14. [quote name='Bidoc' timestamp='1301157263' post='37204']
    Has anyone else noticed that there is not a single shield builder in the Jenquai race?

    Remove either the build devices or the build weapons skill from the seeker skills and replace it with build shields.

    I would imagine most people have noticed this as it's consistent with each race having a weakness. Jenquai's is Shields, Terran's is Reactors, and Progen's is engines - each race doesn't have any character capable of building that particular category.
  15. [quote name='Tyran' timestamp='1301103998' post='37193']
    Indeed, which is why it needs to be avoided. It's not without a reason that almost all MMO's since have round robin looting.

    But then where would be the fun?
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