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N7 Reporter [N7R]
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Posts posted by Ryle

  1. Far as im concerned the spawn times are so atrocious i cant imagine camping them anymore

    We (static) sat the saiseki nav for a combined 24 hours+ before it spawned. i was there myself for 12 of it

    its like *zombieface*

    Too much sit idle for my blood, and its not like you can do anything else with all the JDs sitting there (and we know theres people lurking), the thing dies faster than the warder.
  2. Yeah Reon got what I was saying. Im not trying to come off as ungrateful or impatient, I am just pointing out what I, and some others ive discussed it with, have seen as some of the "big" problems moving forward.

    As much as I would love to see fantastic new content, id love moreso for whats listed in addition to whatever anyone else can post up I may have forgotten, as being far more important to the game right now.

    I know its a volunteer project and has no actual budget, i just wanted to highlight some of these outstanding ones I hope no ones overlooked or forgotten about. Some are pretty game breaking for a lot of classes and so on.

    And yeah Zack, Galaxies was a bloody mess, even with a huge budget they never sorted it out, and it was 8 years not 5 lololol, so even worse!

    The problem with SWG was that the devs woudnt do what you just did, acknowledge there are problems at all. I dont expect, nor does anyone i know, some overnight crunch fix, but at least some addressing each push gets us closer to polish.
  3. I speak for no-one but myself, however I am including feedback I have gathered from others over the last few months being back. Believe it or not, not all is negative or anything like that, but I have been meaning to make this topic for some time.

    As a gamer for the last 15 years, I have played many many games. Some were short lived, some I played for over 8 years. MMOs in general have always flourished best when a good community feedback system is in place that the development staff acknowledges and works towards satisfying. So here is the (humble?) opinion of an experienced MMO gamer in regards to this stage of the Emulator project.

    First off I would like to say that for the most part, I think development and just getting base systems into play has been fantastic. The game is playable, engaging, and in many ways we really can re-create our experiences from our live memories as nostalgia. All the props in the world to the Devs for getting us this far. However with all good things, there is always that honest feedback, and I am of the opinion that even somewhat negative feedback can be encouraging and constructive.

    Id like to start with player skill bugs. Over the last few months I have noticed a lot of gripe and issue with player skills not being in, being broken, or otherwise not functioning as they "should(tm)." I have seen a lot of things go unchecked/fixed for months and I feel that before anything moves forward the things that are grossly broken should be the top priority for development. IE: Jenquai skills like Cloak bugs (both the combat one and the group stealth one), the afterburn skill already in use bug, the combat trance failure to apply coming out of warp, compulsory contemplation, general bugs we all know about and see on a daily basis. I know there are dozens more that are out there, but for sake of brevity I will just post those few that came to me off the top of my head.

    Another major issue would be the CTD/Blackhole issue thats been rampant for quite some time. At risk of assuming or whatnot, but if its this widespread across multiple operating systems and configurations, I have to gather that there is something wrong server side. Handoffs, hangups, locations failing to update, skills not shutting off, whatever it is, its a major detractor. Especially when you crash out of game and cant get back in (sometimes restarting the computer works, some times it doesnt, sometimes it takes a full reinstall of the game for some people, sometimes its just as easy as control alt delete and ending the client.exe task). Id hope that some serious time would be given to tracking down the causes of this issue and at least trying to find a solution that would repair it for the majority of us that suffer from it.

    Another often voiced concern I see with people are broken equipment buffs. You know them, critical targeting, HDC, and the like that for whatever reason dont seem to work at all. Some work a little bit, some work even a little too good (see navigation), but a good deal of them do not work at all. Maybe its time to take a serious look at the broken buffs in the database one by one and sort out the issues.

    A big one recently (indeed in the last week or so) have been the drama/anger over timed static spawns. When you have 1 rare item that drops off of 1 mob in 1 place, and its on a timer, people tend to figure out when to log in a toon they have camped there, shoot it, and take up the 1 rare drop, thus denying others the chance of even coming across it one time. Weve seen this with the Warder, Sagat, now the MPP, and numerous other unique drops over the years. Granted its been a relatively new gripe out there, but a lot of people are very dissatisfied with how MPP/AV was deployed. I have personally spent 2 weeks @ 2-4 hours a day hunting for this spawn and never found it, I know many others have as well, when we have had reports and now posts that "someone" found it and has successfully camped it from the rest of us for the last 2 weeks straight. This should be a red flag. If anything it should be the kinda critter that can spawn anywhere, anytime, and never the same place twice. Spirit of actual exploration maybe? I dunno.

    Raids. Ok this one is a mixed bag. Raids are too easy, raid loot is too prevalent in the system (everyone has everything 5 times over, yadda), while at the same time 1/2 of the original raids from live arent even in yet (Vrix/DT being the main ones). Its the typical "ho hum another cube of the leech no one wants, space it, someone might come and pick it up someday" combined with the imbalance of activated (FB/Oni/AV) vs Timed (Troller/GoBB/Warder/RD Base) vs. Static (Mordana). I feel all raids should be 1-2 groups, activated, and not on timers. Ive seen a lot of this sentiment, so I hope its at least considered.

    Game economy/lack thereof. Quite frankly the credit is wholly worthless. As long as you have enough to buy components from a vendor youre pretty much golden. Like the raid issue, theres simply too much accumulated stuff out there that people just give it all away for lack of anything else to do with it. Its gotten to the point where everyone has 2-8 or even more toons with full capped raid + uber best PM stuff gear with still more sitting in vaults for the next wave of alts. No one pays creds for anything, its a barter system "Black Caster for aa" or something similar.

    Im sure there are many other issues people may have, but those are the big ones I have seen or personally feel are most relevant at this time. Again, I say that all in all the EMU is a great game and usually quite a bit of fun, I mean why else would we keep coming back. I am by no means being ungrateful or intending insult, more I am hoping to see things get even better and thing these are some of the first places to look.

    I hope the rest of the community joins me in putting out there how they feel, and I thank you for reading this essay. =D
    • Upvote 1
  4. For anyone from BM that doesnt know already. Due to the guild wipe and losing most of our people, the active membership of BM that has been on lately (Myself, Cintrain, and my girlfriend Rhia) have all joined Static.

    Static has offered to merge us, and anyone from BM is welcome to join us. Specifically Rich, Q, Crichton, the guys who have been active the most recently. Contact any Static officer, especially Vaden or Peakaboo for details and so on.

    I miss you guys and hope its just that you havent logged in lately.

    Take it easy.
  5. Yeah my girlfriend last night was having a hell of a time with constant gate crashes, like 5 in a matter of an hour, and it wasnt like this before the recent 361 patch or whatever. or 100? Whichever one came last.

    Doesnt affect me much but for some reason she is having a hell of a time. It doesnt happen all the time, but when it does its pretty bad.
  6. Dont see how making a public spectacle out of this is helping your case dude.

    Remember, I agreed with a lot of what you said, but now youre coming off in a way thats kinda making me rethink that.

    I believe in consistent application of rules, no favorites or letting it slide for a friend and whatnot.

    But youre just gonna piss Blacklung off.
  7. I want to point out that attacking probably isnt going to get anything accomplished, but the idea of a chat filter seems to be the way to go.
    The vast majority of us are adults in our 20s, 30s, 40s, and even 50s. Words are words, but honestly I know my kids hang out when I play, as do those of others, they dont need this.

    That goes for the sexual innuendos too. How often do you see me say in game "what am i reading?" thats usually why, I guess a passive aggressive way of saying wow thats over the line there.

    I just think its a little ridiculous to have this much of an outcry/issue of a single word, when there had been some particularly raunchy discussions in NP and Market chat in the past that no one jumped on, and that it seems like most chat reprimanding is limited to a certain former advocate that likes to jump on random convos and tell them to go to another channel when no ones said a word except those having the convo, for an hour or more.

    Theres an enforcement/judgement disparity here, inconsistent and frankly going after the wrong people a lot.

    Thats my last word on it, since I am sure Ive inflamed the situation more than I should of.
  8. Just curious on one point here. Who made these rules? Last I checked this was a community effort between testers, donators, and developers. Lately its started to feel like a company takeover dictating to those that have held it up over the years.

    When did we get input when these rules were put into play?
  9. Yeah gods honestly I am getting really tired of the GM tells telling me to take it out of new players channel or market when its like, DUDE SERIOUSLY NO ONE ELSE IS TALKING, GET OFF MY NUTS.

    For whatever reason this community is irritatingly pedantic and wants feel smug and bossy all the time. Anyone whos chat with me in game knows I like to joke, make people laugh, and have a good time. But I am one of the first people to answer someones questions or drop everything to help.

    And youve got the gall to reprimand me for doing nothing more than talking?

    As if it matters if the text is red or blue or green, we all see it. The chat power tripping and policing for stuff that makes no difference needs to stop.

    I see (and have been reprimanded for) people talking in "the wrong channel" all the time, invoking the wrath of ONE certain GM every time who apparently has to make his presence known constantly about it, but then an hour later see some long winded talk about what we had for dinner in the same channel go unchecked for hours on end.

    Especially when its like 4am and theres two people on having a babble while grinding jobs, use your fricken judgement, there aint nothing being sold.
  10. There are two main issues with the 50/75s 1 is that most of the 50s dont even spawn their fields. The ones out of Net-7 are notorious for this. The other is that the ores out of level 75s are generally in the level 6/7 range, meaning the poproids for those missions are universally one shot lethal to the little level 60s trying to do them. (i.e. no point in doing a 3000xp mission if youre gonna get 10k xp debt finishing it)
  11. [quote name='Phorlaug' timestamp='1343960199' post='61322']
    +1 Ryle
    adding to it, drop off to The Warrior(s) defending the NAV or to [u]Multiple[/u] designated NPCs increasing the degree of difficulty, aggression and XP.

    Level 50 - As written
    Level 75 - 2 NPCs in hostile territory
    Level 105+ - 3 NPCs in concert with a warrior job defending the nav

    Like that maybe? Might be a good idea to make that an optional type in case of slow days when a warrior may not be available, but I dig the idea.
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