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  1. Thank you very much Greensleeves.
  2. Need Mordanite for the PS gravity link mission. The Mercury astroides in Dahin have been removed so it can't be mined. Any suggestions? Mojo
  3. Took me awhile to figure it out as well. They are Bass Ackard. switch your forum and user name when you register on the Net7 site.
  4. The first beam weapon you get is pretty bad. Remember that this is not a flight simulator when in combat. This game came out back when games were being made so that your avatar was the sum of your statistics rather than the sum of your reaction time. As a Progen Warrior, you even get a skill that gives you combat bonuses by NOT moving at all. As for you question. Open up your equipment screen and right click on your weapon. Make sure the auto-fire box is checked. When you jump into a nav point for a mission, look around your screen for the enemey that you came to destroy. Get with in firing range and hit your fire all weapoins button (think it's 'F' though I'm not sure since I re-mapped everything) and then hit your space bar so you will stay with in firing range. Combat should be fairly short. Later in life, combat gets more complicated as you get more things to work with, but for early combat that really is all you have to do.
  5. Thank you again. REALLY enjoying playing again. Any Chance 'Jobs' make their way back in the game?
  6. Thank you both for the replys. Even with it as it is, I'm having a ball. Is there a driving force behind this project? A sense of direction, perhaps? An end goal? Mojo
  7. Man, it's hard to belive it's been 5 years since I've even seen this game. I would check about once a year to see if anyone was donig anything with it and I was blown off my feet when I found a link to this site. It's a little hard to piece together what's going on though. Is this emulator in a "beta" state? I saw where there were some character wipes with more planned. I don't mind that at all if we are just testing the game right now. Even if it's currently considered 'live' then I guess I can put up with it for the chance to return to some degree to one of my favorite games of all time. If it is in a testing phase, any idea on when it will go live? I finally got into the game last night, but it was a little bit confusing. I had to sign up here with a user name and a forum name, then I had to go to another site and sign up with my forum name being my user name (took me a bit to figure that out till I saw a thread on it here). Also, is anyone working on an installer that will consolidate the 3(or 4 if you count the creater) diffrent install exe? I want to invite a bunch of people from some of my other games to give this a try but I'm afraid they might balk at some of the install and set up confusions. Last, I'm playing a PW and I noticed right off the bat that there is almost nothing that tells you how to do what. I remember an awful lot from when I played but I had to go back and relearn a lot too. I remember that this game was built pre-WOW so the concept of handholding was not really in the game to start with, but again, I'm afraid it would turn off some of the folks I'm hoping to bring over. Though to be honest, the idea of discovering what's going on and where to go again is very refreshing. Something we have not had in a long while. Mojo
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