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Posts posted by Falstar

  1. Saoninal created some music a while ago. You'll find instructions on how to install and use it in Game Resources [url="https://forum.enb-emulator.com/index.php?/topic/3812-saoninals-music-for-eb/"]here.[/url] I don't know everything required to set up new stuff, but you could probably poke around and figure it out. On a side note, load up the music and try it out, it's great :)
  2. I saw this suggestion somewhere - about making jobs so you can't forfeit them. I wouldn't agree to that, but I think a delay before you could forfeit may be helpful. That way anyone (bot or not) just taking 6 jobs all at once, would have to wait a little bit before trying to get more if they didn't like the ones they got. That at least would make job takers take them more carefully and have less thrown out.
  3. ah, but playing devil's advocate - wouldn't that make it more realistic/challenging? Do I use this, print it, sell it, or use it for the raid? I'm just talking about the use, not the drop rate, but of course if it were easy to get then the first part wouldn't be a problem, since you could do all at some point.
  4. Re-posted from the bug tracker:

    Hit OL30 and went back to arx bursa for my upgrade only to realise that I hadn't received my OL10 Now neither Imperator Brook nor Dionysius Kerr will acknowledge me and my mission log states:

    "1/13 Advanced on completing your level ten hull upgrade from Imperator Brook on Arx Bursa (Mars Gamma)"

    Avatar name is Tombstone

    Hull strength 15
  5. Riz suggested the following:
    OK on the computer messages area of the chat (for those who are using a split chat panel) whenever someone logs in or out it alerts you.

    I know this can be turned off, but it is NOT behaving like it did in live at all. In live it would alert you when people on your friends list would log in and out, but that is all.

    Is there anyway we can get this put like it was in live in the future. Not a high priority thing, but it sure would be nice.

    Perhaps adding an option to "only show friends" would be a good idea?
  6. Ok, well back to the main issue, which is essentially a suggestion that the reload timer display correctly. I imagine the fix would either be:

    1:Adjust reload display/translation so times below 1 second (due to rounding) = an extra display number (IE not an extra long "1")
    2: Allow the reload numbers to display tenths of a second.
  7. Please remain civil. I see what you are referring to in the video. However, my question is: does this happen without turbo devices? If the answer is no, then I would imagine it has to do with not being rounded to the nearest second. Would you then suggest expanding the countdown to something like this?:

    Eye of the Fang Field : 7.5s/2 = 3.75s
    4 for .75s
    3 for 1s
    2 for 1s
    1 for 1s
    = 3.75s

    Although the time would remain the same, it would remove the hanging second (if that's what is going on). Then again, I could see people then saying that their reload it too long, when it is actually still the same.
  8. Thanks Ryle, for clearing that up. I'll modify the topic a bit, and try to summarize as Tinebau suggested.

    Here are the main ideas and points that stood out to me.[list]
    [*]The possibility of PvP loadouts
    [*]Possibility of a Friendly or Non-com Tag (or until grouped in PVP area)
    [*]Equipment is only usable/effective in PVP areas.
    [*]No negatives to death by other players.
    PvP Sector:[list]
    [*]PVP area has roids too, but worthless outside PVP area
    [*]There should probably be a way to ensure non PVPers have no reason to venture to the PVP area (no better items, missions items, sps etc)
    [*]Possible PVP class or max toon restricted to PVP area (no leveling)
    [*]Suggestion of all things gained in PVP area stay in area if/when toon leaves
    [*]Base attacks -
    [*]repair/defend base. Base adds some bonus to team for incentive to keep it alive.
    [*]Possibility of battles raging for a long time (log on join battle, leave and it is still going on)
    [*]Resource battles ( mininers trying to quickly mine while being defended by a fleet of other players)
    I hope that helps.
    I also saw another thread at some point suggested a game in the PVP area where miners "mine" a ball and turn it into a sports game, trying to get the 'ball' to the net, where you would obviously have to be able to attack the other player.
  9. Certainly some good ideas. One thing you may not know about the Bug Tracker is that it is a Beta version. I agree more status states would be great. Feel free to post again on the bug tracker and I can combine/edit them if needed. There is also some talk of using a different tracker, but that is a maybe, and would probably not fit so well into the boards and/or require another log in.
  10. Crichton Said:
    1) I was in Arogoth Prime last night and saw that the Shield modul was up and floating around (very amusing behavior). In Live each part of the RD station would spawn and could not be attacked until the last peice, the shield module, had spawned. once the full base was up players with good RD faction purchase ammo for helbore and singularity mortar. Currently in the EMU the Shield Module floats around near the other RD ships and can be pulled/pushed around by a player it is targetting/has attacked it. I was able to destroy it with a couple CL 50 (OL 135) toons PW and PP.

    2) The Cl 66 Dragon's breath turrent floats around as well but it does not target any player that has low RD faction or that is attacking RD ships or the shield module. In live there were several Dragon's Breath turrets (6 maybe?) that had a very large range and that surrounded the RD base. Without either a JE (to warp a group in with max navigate) to bypass the Grav well or a JD to go in cloaked and summon players could not sneak by these turrets. They would get 'blasted' to smithereens.

    3) Most of the RD Base area (upper left corner of AP) had a large grav well. This made it more difficult to bypass the dragon's breath turrets and the patrolling RD ships.

    Drained said:
    Probably talking a 30-40 man raid here if it was restored to live... 1/4-1/3 the server population at any given point. But yes, confirmed, at this point its ridiculously easy to do as the base floats around the AP navs from the VG gate to AP nav 10 and sometimes near or in the middle of the planet at the center, alone without anything guarding it.
  11. Allright, with the last update, the mouse lock option appeared, location is back to normal, and I can log in. I was concerned modified location or something was messing things up.

    When I logged on the first time I tried to gate I got stuck at the loading screen. I was able to log onto my pw, but then trying to leave the station - stuck loading screen. The Net7 Icon stays at "login" Further attempts to logon yield same results as before. Any ideas?
  12. Hey guys, I was wondering if the patch/file location changed? I noticed that rather than pointing to the client or net7 dir (C:net7/bin), it pointes to C:Documents and settings/(user)/bin. Maybe this prevents loading a toon? Another post said to delete my LaunchNet7 folder in my application data, but there is nothing to delete there.

    Also not to mention I wasn't seeing the unlock mouse option from my regular shortcut.
  13. [quote name='Zackman' timestamp='1327452188' post='52207']
    We all level low alts up, all time - so "missing low level testers" is no avlid arguement


    Now just to clarify, blasting your toon up to level 30 in a day by multiboxing or touring, isn't exactly helpfult to testing. You personally may not do it, but I suspect the majority do.

    As far as wipes, when I joined I fully expected wipes to happen, at least every stage (each stress test, each new stage etc). I'm certainly happy if it doesn't but I would imagine that moving from Beta would be the last wipe. So regardless of when the next wipe is, how does it change things when there will be one more before all is said and done? (honest curiosity here)

    New content is great, and I look forward to it, but I doubt now, Alpha or even Beta is a time to unveil it. I'm sure we'll see some new things, but something has to be saved for after Beta right? Focusing on content now, would just slow down progress. How many skills have problems? How many mobs don't have skills they should? Many many bugs are still out there, not even mentioning missions. I understand losing your character is hard, but how much more rewarding would it be to do it with all workiing mob and player skills? :)
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