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Posts posted by Nouva

  1. Once again, why do we need a "sink"? Credits in this game have 2 functions:

    1. Epeen....pfft mine is bigger than yours! No mine is....and mine has a funny curve on the tip to boot! Once again pfft.

    2.Gate from getting something, it's to keep lower lvl players from being able to "afford" something. Why bother?This game is so highly social and friendly, people donate or build for cost...why have a "cost sink" for lower level players? If they are nice enough and other players like them, someone out there is going to build it  for them. 


    If you are going to make a sink for higher lvl players to pour it into, to drive out the credits, what are you trying to do?

    I feel you are going to drive out the comradeship with the sink, if you are going to make players have to make the coice of "my credits!" vs. "dare I let them have some of my minimal credits?....", you are going to encourage (even marginally) ungenerous behaviour.

    I agree with you whole heartedly.  I despise credit sinks, but only when they make absolutely no sense.  For instance:



    1. Paying an upkeep on player housing is a stupid credit sink.




    Paying an upkeep on player housing that goes toward building a "player city," is a cool credit sink.



    2. Paying to change your avatar appearance with the same options at creation is a stupid credit sink.




    Paying to change your avatar appearance with options other than what is offered at creation is a cool credit sink.

  2. Or why not have money sinks for:


    1. Create extra clothing, facial, make-up and hairstyles at the avatar station.

    2. Hull & Wing Variations at the ship paint station.

    3. "Gate" keys that unlock gates to special raid or prospecting areas. (Keys are 1 time use).



    It's too bad the devs do not have access to the source code, otherwise come cool idea would be:


    1. Ship fuel.  Sold by NPC's only.  Less effecient reactors use more fuel.

    2. Gambling Dens

    3. Extra vault space


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