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Posts posted by DarMalas

  1. Lets not Slam Visicus for making a observation. yes some things are different not everyone will like what they see. Mattsacre had the best response to Visicus question. We all have our opinions....well you know the rest.  No I did not have 56k when I played the game in live. Broad band all the way.

    • Upvote 1
  2. I like you idea Matt, some areas do have what your talking about with the hulk fields. Ones that comes to mind is the field in Lagarto field of the PAX Decima Gemina , the two in Paramis guarded by the lvl 58's, two in Niff Cloud guarded by 48's and 45's. But most of the Hulk fields are not guarded or in a High risk area.  So if I sum up what you have said, that would be to make the hulks / ores a bit more of a Challenge. Hmm.... Like having an Hulk or Ore field in Paramis at The Controller Project where the 55's live and breath.


    DarMalas out

    • Upvote 1
  3. what about the penalties? like speed and energy deflection and so on? does doesnt get repair?

    Your speed comes from your engine/Deflects from device's, if they receive damaged during any conflict with MOB, yes the deflects and speed would lower. After you're equipment has been repaired you're speed/deflects will be to what they were.  I hope this answers your question.

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    A question about items in database:

    Baron Kriminel's Xango
    Baron Kriminel's Rada
    Baron Kriminel's Baka
    Baron Kriminel's Afefe
    Baron Kriminel's Ala
    These 5 items are marked as "This item does drop" in the database, and should drop in public-accessable areas. No one has ever seem this elusive Baron Kriminel, does he spawn at all?


    I was wondering if anyone had any pic's of the Baron Kriminel from live that would show his spawning sector. This would help greatly in  possibly getting this content in the game.


    Thank you for your input.



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