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Posts posted by Naughtious

  1. Here's my thought. 


    Many years ago I ran my own forum,  It was around for about 7 years. Server costs were the bulk of my costs. and I had many people do the same thing. Wanted a complete break down of the funds. Simply put,


    Doesn't matter where the funds are going. Doesn't matter if they are going into the software, hardware or into their pockets.  It's a "Donation". 

    When you donate something, you kinda give up on where the money is going..... Now the argument may be different if we were told that in order to play this game we had to make a payment every month. If that were the case, then we are paying for a service. 


    No Need for transparency here. Only thing needed to say, "It helps to keep the server running".


    But this is just my humble opinion.



    Just to play the Devils advocate....


    Off Topic but - Charities have to be transparent... And I am sure Kyp welcomed the chance to clarify that players donations are used correctly, which I would suggest motivates people to give because they then know the money they give has an impact.


    I mean... for all I knew Kyp was hoarding the cash in the form of 1 tonne of chocolate chip cookies under his bed.....

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  2. I'm surprised at the hostility in this thread from Mimir and even from Kyp.


    Was " If you don't like the costs, we can absolutely go back to not having a play server. "


    ​Really necessary to add in at the end?


    The guy never said he didn't want to donate. He said he wanted a breakdown of costs.



    I'm not sure why you thought my request for some to NOT say they would only donate if some demand/request were met.  If you re-read my post you would see that I only said that they could donate or not... and still play and enjoy the game or not.


    Nothing hostile in that,  but I can be persuaded to take a hostile stance.  The funny thing is that at the time of this players post it was like his/her third (now 56 total posts), I took exception with a very new player coming in and hinting that if and only if he/she got his/her way he/she would donate.  



    Still waiting to see the donate tag change on this player, yours too, as long as we are on the topic.



    Just dicens,




    Nope - I have not threatened, suggested or even hinted, anything of the sort.


    If you go though Mimir's historical posts you will see some interesting trends though - in the way he quite skillfully shapes other peoples threads to promote his agendas, or is just  generally hostile. I would suggest to anyone who agrees with my point of view, or disagrees to use the thread-post voting system (Mimir so frequently uses, and comments on) to make their voice heard.

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  3. @Raazyr



    This is obviously not your first and only account, considering your knowledge of EnB.


    Your "Raazyr" account was created 8/01/2015, and remained inactive in the forum until your 1st post on the 16th adding your voice in favour of a vendor-buy-back system.


    26 minutes later you donated to EnB-EMU.




    Probably unwisely - I did comment in an email to you, that you must feel strongly about the vendor-buy-back issue, if ..... the timing of your donation was related to the post.



    I would not consider this harassment.


    However I will heed your advice and be a little more cautious regarding my emails.

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  4. I thought it was you Mimir - well, shame - not much I can do here except add to the drama. Which I won't do.


    All the posts are there for people to read if they so choose, and we will be judged accordingly.




    See you around....

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  5. Hi EMU,



    I seem to find myself posting or replying to some quite controversial topics here at the forums. This is attracting a considerable amount of negative votes to my reputation, something I have only just discovered.


    There is a correlating trend regarding who is present/posting in a specific thread and the activity of the voting process.


    Please - anyone feel free in this thread to make any comments on my conduct, constructive or not LOL, perhaps I/we can take your anger and put a positive flip on it, or perhaps I do need to adjust my conduct...




    yours sincerely,




    "The Pizza Guy"

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  6. Hi Kyp,



    Interesting to see this part of how the server is run and maintained - and that there is an action plan for future improvement.



    You guys are doing a great job - thank you all for keeping E&B alive, and kicking...






    "The Pizza Guy" and genuine independent gamer

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  7. Awesome... has echoes of "Witch-Space" in a game from the early 80's - parallel dimensions, where an invading force of  hive-mind aliens are exploring the cracks within the interstellar transport system used by the known universe. They are an aggressive race seeking to expand and gather resources....


    *Grabs popcorn



    "RUN...!! They are COMING......!!!


    Queue music

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  8. Sorry Blacklung I ment censoring / overruling the  "discussion" of this issue.


    I too believe rules are to be adhered to - but as in any process that can be improved, rules are subject to change - once a management system has reviewed any proposal.


    This topic and the suggestions were being discussed yesterday in game on the New Players Channel (not in length I might add), the discussion was cut short after a new player was told , that an Admin/GM/Dev would log in their Admin/GM/Dev character to stop the discussion. Which is why I brought this topic to the attention of the forum - where it can be properly discussed by "some" of the player base.



    May I add, this is not about rights or free-speech, it is purely an exercise in discussion, with the goal of improvement. Continual improvement/assessment is key to the longevity of an entity/process.





    I am not any devil - or his twin brother lol. Just a nice man who likes to understand how and why things work. It is possible people feel threatened by that. I assure you I have no malicious intent. Although I do like to have an impish giggle every now and again.








    Someone yesterday also refered to me ingame as, "It's that pizza guy" - which I absolutely loved, positive or negative - it means a social connection was made with another player.


    I genuinely feel (after 3 - 4 weeks of playing EnB EMU, +8 hours a day) that new players are being shut out, of an established community that has forgotten how to have fun, and takes life and gaming very SERIOUSLY.



    The thread of this suggestion is to re-engage the old and the new, by the means of a less cumbersome "out of context" chat system.

  9. People considering investing their time and donating money to an online game/community might want some transparency...



    With a large portion of forum posts being posted by alt's and donations mostly being donated through alt's, all of which seem to post 6 times in 5 years - it is hardly surprising I have asked this question...

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  10. Edit: Mmorpgs are not just about gaining levels and finding the best shinnies, or being nice to people to get your guild numbers up. There is a social communication aspect, which I feel Enb EMU is failing to facilitate for the public population.

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  11. Hi EMU,



    We have 3 area's of player base it would seem:



    1. Dev's/GM's/Admin:The establishment and their multitude of player accounts and characters.

    2. The 3 Main Guilds.

    3. Public.



    I would be interested as to what the Public and Guilds part of the player base think of the following suggestion:



    "New Player" channel - being reclassified as an all round (including off topic) common chat area.


    Points in favour of this change:



    - The current default chat channels at character/account creation contain "New Player" channel - not the "Out of Context" and "General" channels.


    - The "New Player" channel is currently used as an all round common chat area - unless Admin intervene or some older players know particular admin are present (from my personal observations).


    - The "New Player" channel is the first channel new players see - and some have stated it is nice to see a friendly, chatty - welcoming community spirit, without having to be reprimanded by Admin for using the wrong channel.


    - The Public community has no default communal off-topic chat area - they are told to go to "Out of Context"


    - Ergonomics and efficiency - the "New Player" channel requires no alteration of the game settings to use.





    May I remind 'some' members of the Admin - this is your public forum for idea's, so please refrain from censoring / over-ruling this issue as some of you do on the in game chat.



    Thank you for your time.







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  12. Someone posted in game, "L30 HU Missions get rid of the chaff"...




    I disagree - forcing players to do missions could be counter productive. In my gaming experience the point of your next advancement should not be an obstacle, it should be a reward for the time you have already put in, and the choices you have already made.


    When I was in the army - a great tool for hardening character was to state a reward would be given if a certain task was completed, and then at completion of the task the reward would be taken away/postponed.



    EMU player base is not the army, although we do get to blow sh*t up :D



    "Chaff" is also important - carefree, sometimes creative, even if it does get up some peoples noses....



    And according to Wikipedia "Rice Chaff" can be used for:


    toothpaste, composting, fuel, pillow stuffing, filtration, ceramic blades and FIREWORKS...!!!










  13. Hi EMU,




    Explore EXP - you can only get enough EXP though all the NAV points in the game to get to level 25...


    The majority of people rely on touring their 5 new toons around (meta-gaming) to get Explore EXP.


    Some Explore EXP can be gotten by missions.




    Is there some way we can actually EXPLORE to get Explore EXP ?




    Suggestion: Some sort of instance generator - equal in difficulty level to the area it spawns in ?


    - Primary reward - Explore EXP.

    - Secondary reward - based on instance type: action/trading/manufacturing/black ops.

    - starting with small instances as a test bed, that would not greatly negatively impact the status quo, if smart people found a loop hole before it could be addressed.

    - this would preferably be a solo instance as the goal is Explore EXP, not to harvest shinnies.







    note: (simplified definition) Meta Gaming (in mmorpgs) = using a games dynamics to progress, as apposed to playing the game.



    P.S. This would be a massive undertaking, and clearly could destabilize the whole game, so for now I offer this idea purely as an exercise in debate to liven the forum up :D


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  14. I hope nobody minds me replying to an old post.



    As a new player at EMU, I have been reading through older posts to try to get a feel of the community. This thread above struck a cord with my gaming sensibilities.



    I remember playing Fallout 3, standing on the broken section of a highway bridge after dispatching some mutants who had been naughty. While I celebrated in rl with a swig of beer, I noticed in game the sun started to rise or fall, I can't remember which.  But what I do remember is the hair standing up on the back of my neck as I watched the dusky light move through the digital landscape, and witnessed a beautiful natural phenomenon made by man....



    In an online gaming environment such as EnB, which inevitably through human nature causes many players to focus on getting the best shiniest "most fabulous objects in the world", it is nice to see players show some soul.

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  15. Look up these two on Youtube:



    1) Stewart Lee: there is a 01:18:17 feature of him (an English stand-up) in Scotland with a purple swirly stage background, I won't give any spoilers :D, edgy with minimal to zero profanity (can't 100% remember).


    2) Doug Stanhope: 01:24:54 feature "Word of Mouth", non-Hollywood, often adult-themed American stand-up.



    Should keep you going through the down-time :P

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