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Posts posted by Canman

  1. EG has on more then one occasion shown hostile intents during our raids. While we are not going to hold all of EG accountable for the actions of a few it should be put out there the facts. On 1 GOBB  raid an instance of EG members trying to steal unsuccessfully a raid which we activated. Another just in the last few days members of EG harrassed our members on a GOBB raid. While they didnt try to steal the raid it was clear that they was comfortable with no reguards to others trying to raid. I also know that EG has been mislead on how to correctly request and apporach for a spot in the rotation.


    We want peace with EG but will not submit to bullying. EG has been again mislead into believing Static is weak and not raiding. That could not be further from the truth and I suggest you dont test us on that.


    This rotation is completely fair in all respects. This will allow ANYONE who wants a shot at a spiiter or see the hulk of the controller in front of their ship.  Static wants EVERYONE to raid. That is why we pushed so hard for device activated raids. The Devs seen otherwise so we moved on and now we come to this solution to making sure ALL get a chance at endgame content.

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  2. Way to stay classy...

    Actually I was being very easy on this subject. I tried to keep it so he was getting the benefit of the doubt so you trolls will be happy. I started to make a long post stating how poor a job not just uban but all adv have done since Lannister but will hold it back. They want the title (super power) but not the job!

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  3. I will agree that so far I've heard nothing but positives about this in game from player of all 3 guilds. So so far so good. And what you said klyde about the devas and the gear clarified some things I did not know for me even if it wasn't directed at me so try for that :)

    Again more half truths and flat out lies about Static. Why not ask Static instead of just listening to others speculate.


    1. Device activated raids.

    First Static left the rotation for a simple reason. It just could not work anymore the way it was going and we wanted to make the raids better for Static,VGE,BI and the rest of the server. NOT just Static. We wanted the Devs to see it and maybe change their minds. I am roughly quoting Stanig from an earlier post where he says people rushed to 150 then got bored and quit. Well I wonder why they quit. First the devs try to force people to play the way they want them to then leave nothing for people at the end. If the people want end game raids why would you make a game that less raids?? Other successful games (EX> WOW) let you raid over and over for months to get the items you want.  I mean all they had to do was lower the drop rate and put in a mission for a device. This way you dont flood the server with loot and people can raid when they wish. This was a win win solution to this problem. Some voiced they didnt want to farm a device and thats just lazy. Static was trying to make it better for all.


    Think of this cause its coming in the next few weeks. Other smaller guilds are going to want in the rotation and RIGHTFULLY so. Whats it going to be like then? Is BI and VGE going to block them from getting into the rotation? I can tell you right now STATIC will allow any guild that can do the raid in the rotation with out question. So when you get 5 or 6 guilds wanting to raid this makes a stressed situation even more stressed. It will soon get to where you get to raid GOBB once or twice a month. Guess what then????  MORE drama.  This made no since to us but others around here can not see the forest for the trees. 


    I'm willing to at least try this new rotation and see how it goes but that being said if for any reason this one isn't good enough either or it tries to change again then I say enough is enough. And its either every man for himself or people can gang up on each other because this is getting stupid.


    Be careful what you wish for. Static does NOT want this but will not stand for more threats and bulling attempts from BI and its puppet guild(s). Static will win this I can assure you!! The devs have made it clear that what they said in the past has no weight and will not police the raids. I can just see the devs jumping on here after this post saying yes we will police but all I can say is where was you during our raids that got grieved. Infact one dev had the nerve to accuse Static of doing the griefing during the raid. HELLO!!!  How do you grief your own raid. LOL  We put the work into camping the raid then had our guys there ready (more lies was told that we didnt have enough there) for spawn and we killed the trigger so yes it was STATICS raid.  We have killed that boss with 2 groups many times.  

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  4. Thanks for the update. even though it's sad news for most of us, guess we never get to experience 10% of the game,  truly a bummer, to bad it's reserved for a select few. I guess once it becomes to much of an irritant we'll pass on to another MMO :(

    1 step forward 2 steps back. Sad day indeed for the EMU.

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  5. dev's i hope u dont let 5 or 6 member's of a guild ruin this game!!!! 



    static has done nothing but lie and break agreement's this week!!! so sorry if they have no creadibilty in my eye's




    with that being said i vote no



    officer VGE


    More often then not the one accusing others of wrong doing is the one guilty of it themselves. No truth in these attacks so I ask who's creditability is under question. Maybe you just  blindly believed anything told to you without inquiring yourself?  Now thats ironic and funny.

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  6. Guys, 


    We hear ya. We are not unmindful nor uncaring of the strife going on. 


    It is on the agenda for our Sunday Dev meeting and I hope to have something to discuss on the Q&A session on Monday. 


    I know you are trying to get everyone from the big 3 guilds to sign this note - which is fine. 


    I cannot guarantee a change but perhaps we can come up with something to reduce the strife. 


    In the mean time please try and keep the strife down - most of us are older now, we probably don't need the extra blood pressure. 



    Agreed and thx in advance

  7. The incident with GOBB the other day when VGE was staging and a short handed and under prepared group of Static tagged the trigger mob commencing the event even though they clearly were not in a position to complete the raid shows how petty it can be.  It also shows the flaw in the concept of my tag, my event thinking.  There is nothing then from stopping a rotation of players to simply camp the trigger spawn and kill it.... then assemble a group.  Regardless of preparedness, I could theoretically tag the Controller mob, then ask for people to come join me.  Effectively, I would "own" the spawn.  I could then decide who was going to get the invite to kill it and be sure I'd get what ever loot I wanted as a stipulation for the invite.  Is that really how everyone wants to play this?


    I really wish people would get facts strait before they post completely inaccurate flames. The truth is Static had more then enough people at the spawn spot and completely repaired for the raid. Static has done this raid with even less then we had on this day but hey if people want to keep flaming lies and half truths keep it up.


    Shame on those that all they can do is make unfounded and completely untrue statements to uphold their end of this. Same people spouting the same lies. Shame on YOU!!

  8. The 3 major guilds Static, VGE, and Builders, have come together to ask the developers to consider adding a device-activatable or item triggered event to The Controller Raid and Ghost of Blackbeard. Together, we constitute a large section of the player base, and it is hoped that the developers will give our proposal due consideration.

    Static, for it's part, feels that the current rotation system excludes smaller guilds, groups or pugs, from attempting either raid at their convenience  and not at a time of their choosing. It is currently hard for smaller guilds to field a raid group due to the nature of the random spawn times, as not everyone in their guild would be online at the time of the spawn, whereas a triggered activation requiring a talisman or constructed item would allow everyone to set a time, gather their forces and perhaps other groups/guilds, and attempt it when they are the most prepared. All players should have an equal opportunity to attempt end game content. To reiterate, we should be able to activate at a time of our choosing to allow as many people in our guilds as possible to participate.

    We understand the concerns of the developers, that more activations will increase the amount of epic gear on the server, and  agree some system to cope with epic gear drop rates is warranted.

    Possible solutions presented;

    1. An item drop from a random spawn at 4 or 5 locations throughout the galaxy - limits camping to just one nav. Eg. An MPP / Synth Crystal type mob. Can control the amount of raid events via spawn times with the trigger spawn and the drop mob both.

    2. A mission related device to activate the raids. Eg. Gate Raid / FB. Not as desirable as option 1, as this would require more work on the part of the Dev team.e more work on the part of the Dev team.

    3. A set spawn time, not randomized, to allow guilds to plan ahead for the raid. One of the major issues concerning the present raid design is the inability of guilds to set a time when most of their members will be online to enjoy the content. For eg. The trigger mobs would spawn every 36 hrs or 48 hrs. This would be the best solution for a raid rotation format, as the guilds would fall back to Guild A first, then Guild B, then Guild C, then Guild A. However, with a set spawn time each guild would be certain of the time of the spawn and prepare accordingly.

    For eg. It's VGE turn to raid Troller and the trigger spawns at Noon. Most of their members are on around 6PM EST so they plan the raid for that  time. Once completed, they inform the next guild in rotation of time of death. Since it is a set duration, the next guild knows precisely when to gather for their raid.

    We, the undersigned, hope that the Developers would consider our proposal.


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  9. If you change the tado gate back to what it was in live and the FB not dependent on the tado gate why would anyone do the tado raid? Your just killing one raid with this thinking.


    The troller does drop almost no good loot at all. Just the ED and shield are the only thing worth the time to kill him (all 15 minutes of it).


    Gobb is the raid that needs to be adjusted. He drops way to much loot and he needs to be a device triggered event. Yes I said to much loot. 2 groups can kill him and he drops 7 to 10 items per raid.



    I suggest make the raids all device triggered and the comps for the devices have a RARE drop rate all over the server on so many mobs that no one guild can camp it all. Next make the raids have class specific things for each raid. Next make the raids long enough that it takes many nights to complete. For example. Spawns 1 to 5 takes 2 hours to kill and at the end of 5 you get another device that activates waves 6 to 10 but can not be activated for 24 hours. Just an example here.

    Another example is a king of the hill raid. Have 3 to 4 spawn spot and it requires a full group per spawn spot. If a group wipes raid over!! I think this would be kool for troller. Troller spawns in the center with each spawn spot 20k in a circular pattern around him. Every 120 seconds he spawns a full group of minions and sends them to a random spawn spot. 1 group takes on troller and same goes for them. If that group wipes raid over.


    Raids should be HARD and have a 50/50 chance to succeed or fail. The loot should take months to get per toon not days.


    Will not even get into the RD base. Spoken my peace about and got the same answers like a commercial for microsoft. Its my way or the highway attitude.

  10. During a STATIC gate raid a few BI members (Mainly magoo) decide to grief a bit. Mind you this took place at the Tado gate not the gate to grissom. Magoo feels that since a Raid mob is attacking him for being 4K from the tado gate its ok to kill others raid mobs. Quoting magoo here (I am not bothering your raid mobs unless they attack me). Remember he is only 4k from the tado gate. Next he claims he didnt even fire at the raid mobs but asks who to open the corpse for us to loot.


    Ok so by magoo's standard here its ok for anyone to be at the gate during a BI raid and if the mobs shoot you you can kill them but just lie and say you didnt shot them. Got lots of screen shot for those that wish to see his foolishness.


    For those descent people in BI I am sorry to call your guild leader out like this but maybe you should ask yourself if he reflects the guild in a way that you might not want. 

  11. My solution?  There are more than one spawn points for Chavez CL1x.  Also in JT there are 2 Chavez camps and at least 3 spawn points.  Same for Odin Rex with 3 camps and at least 7 spawn points.  There are also Freya, Venus and Neptune for Chavez mobs, just to name a few.

    Remember you can only gain CL when the mobs is CL -10 or higher from your CL, so most high levels would not go into low level spawn points to grind, even for faction grind (cuz of the ammo cost).  On the other hand, if the high level player switch to Beam to save ammo cost, his CL of "Impossible" does not mean squat.

    That is always the answer someone gives when they just dont care about finding a solution to the problem. Meanwhile the offender always gets the spot for being a bully. My solution is show them you will do whatever it takes to NOT be bullied off the nav.


    Entitled idiots feel just cause they show up at a nav they deserve it no matter if someone is there first. These sad little people have no concept of manors or morals. I mean really how hard is it to ask the person at the nav first if you can join. Here is another strange idea. If you see the nav is camped move on to another. 

  12. The faction hit is unreasonable but I guess since I am saying that I am whining or wanting EASY mode. Unless people take the brown nose approach they are labeled that way. 


    If the raid is challenging enough and well constructed why is there a need to impose a  huge faction hit for a raid that is successful? Here is a little shocker for you guys. Most dont want easy mode they want a challenge. Nothing I hate more then to see people picking loot drops even before the raid starts. Perfect example is the troller. Over in 15 minutes and takes longer to lotto loot then it does the raid. 


    Make ALL the raids device activated. Then there is no end to how you can make the raids more interesting. Think of this a raid that has 10 spawns, each spawn is different. Spawn 1 to 3 take over an hour to kill, spawn 4 all mobs are projectile immune. Spawn 5 missile immune, 6 beam immune. Spawn 7 powersdown all the healer classes so to heal the rest must kill in which they receive a small heal from the mob they kill. Spawn 8, 9, and 10 will not spawn for 12 to 24 hours later. Add even more surprises in the last 3 waves. Also make each raid must be completed or all those involved are locked out of doing the raid again for a week.


    Oh well I guess I am whining and wanting easy mode again.

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  13. This is to all the guild leaders who wish to talk to the devs. I am the go between for the players to devs, but i am not going to set the devs up for the guild leaders to bitch and whine to them ,i anit for that and its not going to happen. 


    So this is how its going to go .if the leaders or a rep for each guild wishes to post here to settle what needs to be said .Now as leaders lets put the honest stuff out ,no crying about another guild ,not bitching about what you think needs to be in game.This post is for the real stuff . we all need to brainstorm about this game .and as guild leaders you all need to set the standard. IMO for the devs to take time out for a leader / dev meeting ,they need to know you all are serious not just wanting to bitch and whine . so lets hear what you all have to say . OK  enough said .and as a group lets help make this game better ,not easier .     :)  



    Thank you Stanig ,was trying to figure out how to word without being to bitchie :) .



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  14. Why not just make all faction capped at -15k and +15 something close to what it was in live. I know the first response I will get here is this is not live but who cares. What  am saying is it was a good feature in live and why not bring it back here? Think about it thats a 30k swing if you go from neg to pos. Really guys the terms are capped at 10k so whats the point of having 30k infinity faction like some of my toons do. I would even be happy with -20k to +20 cap.

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