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Everything posted by Flesson

  1. I searched for it according to the maps and couldnt find any locations of any gate
  2. So the database shows the sector Roc in there but it appears the sector isnt in the game yet. Is that true if so why si it in the database considering other missing sectors arent in there?
  3. last time they did this it was down for over 12 hours.
  4. "we are not a certain type of organization. so your associated with E&B, then can you tell us whats going on with the servers right now and when it will be back up?
  5. I still have a character in just to see if it stays up
  6. Looks like the dev hit the wrong button woops
  7. thats it Paren, thank you so much
  8. I am a lvl 33 initiate with 3 device slots. But I dont have the mission to show your progression through hull upgrades. As far as talking to tempest before lvl 10 im not sure
  9. same problem, I just completed radiation run, Ben tells me to talk to guy right next to him, he tells me to talk to Ben
  10. ahh thats it who do I talk to to get it?
  11. Well I just completed the radiation mission and went back to Ben Joseph he tells me to talk to Shin-Tzu Li, he tells me to talk to Ben joseph and Sai Siddhun wont give me any missions, what am I missing I cant get any missions.
  12. I am having this problem, could it be because I am running in 64 bit mode?
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