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Posts posted by Flesson

  1. They got a damn tough job, and I will admit it that I have been against alot fo stuff done, but it is impossible to make everyone happy, and to prove that look at the population thats gone from over 500 last winter to around 250 this winter.  I actually left for a bit waiting for some new content thats long over due, but I try to be patient as much as I can hoping to see those great areas we loved in live, I just hope we see them before the pop dips too far down.

  2. Would be nice to have a storyline, but it has taken forever to get new content. I think that is the bigger reason pop has dropped from 500 last winter to around 250 this winter.  People want new things to do, not just the same old things all the time. If want to keep a story line, thats ok but yes Kyp need to push some smaller content. Ive been gone for many months and when I came back was suprised to see hardly anything changed but lower population. Lets get people interested before the game fades away to far please/.

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  3. I noticed today some items, like lvl 7 basilisk and communcations array pictures arent showing for me like when the parrot feathers went null, then I look at my other computer and they are showing perfect, so obviously a problem with my files. anyone know what it may be?

  4. With the current "null" for feathers right now, I was wondering what about RD drops, think they arent dropping or its not safe to try at all right now? Dont want to waste the faction if its not advised.  Thanxs

  5. I am kinda going to agree with both sides here, seems at first the nightmare was meant for non warriors classes to get turbo but became an easy way around for warriors to get their PB, why couldnt u make waking nightmare warrior restricted since warriors can get a PB.  20% turbo for a non warrior shouldnt be a super huge jump.

    Putting the guardians in glenn to stop the botters was an easy fix but did make the honest players mad and I understand that because you can start mining there in your 80's but now death is likely.

    I for one have not agreed with the devs on alot of areas and havent been happy with alot of changes. Ive evan gotten into it with a certain Dev pretty good. But when all is said and done, we are playing a free game worked on by people who dont get paid to work on it and for that we must give them the benefit of the doubt they are trying to get things going in the right direction. Evan though I dont agree with it all, I will say I support the devs and their hard work they do on this, because in the end we have our game back, might not be like live totally but he we have it back. Cut them some slack and think for once, damn guys good job , because they do deserve it, ok ill be the one to say it "Good work staff, we appreciate you"

  6. Never claimed or assumed, rather said noticed and asked a question.

    when U notice something its not claiming to be fact. So I asked a question to be sure and made a suggestion.

    Have no idea where you get claiming/assuming from here

  7. noticed last month carapace dropped from 55's, now cerebral cortex are dropping.  Are you guys just alternating drops every so often?  would have been great to see all drops including small amount of bile ammo comp drop from all fish.

  8. wondering why the moto gate is yellow to my JD and red to my JS.  My faction for alliance is around 0 to both on JD and -2800 to JS.  Do U just need 1 to be good to get in. And if u allign with 1 side do you gain faction right away?


  9. ya, I'm seeing the same issue with a few different mob types from tengu to bio hunters ect with smaller models. I do agree however its lame a beam user can get out to 8k range.... lol

    But with the patch 8k will do alot less dmg, got no problem with that its just less than 50% range as stated in patch should be full dmg evan at .5k its 31% less, thats a problem.

  10. I'm sorry that it unbalances your gameplay, but you know the saying about breaking a few eggs, right? This is what you have to do when developing, without changing and seeing the results, you can't perfect. Making a game is a lot like sculpture, you carve away until you have your final result.

    Yeah I get it Kyp you gotta balance it right for both sides.  But it appears your only going one way. Controller harder, GoBB harder, cooper fishes do alot more dmg and has higher resists, beam dmg less.   See how it appears 1 sided?

  11. I guess you misunderstood how it did work and is intended to work, let me enlighten you.

    fro 0-50% of your beam range it is a hard 100% dmg +/- skill/device modifiers. At 50%+ range it is a fall off of dmg STARTING at -50%. Old Live (tm) at max range it wasn't -50% dmg it was -66%!

    They have put it as live as possible, if they got it right you will see: 100%@ <= -1/2 range, 50%@ => +1/2 range, and somewere about 3/4 range 33% dmg. Got it?


    so your saying at .5k range now your gonna do 31% less dmg than before the patch since thats what im doing.

  12. But..but..he is doing what a JD/JE does...He is sniping from the side lines, shooting and then hiding.....this is about the beam nerf right? :) He wanted to snipe from long range and never be seen, now with the nerf we see him and his snipes and he don't like it....fix it now damn it now now now! :)




    Not talking about the range, but the dmg, within 50% of your range wasnt supposed to change but im doing 31%less dmg. Where is stated a change.

  13. Ok Kyp, I care about the game and I see posts, hear people talk and it gets frustrating.

    Perfect example is the beam patch.   Says 0-50% of your range does full dmg.  That is wrong.  I was doing 220k dmg to a lvl 60 yesterday and now at .5k range I do 150k dmg.  That makes no sense and upsets people thinking your "nerfing" something.

    I wish there was something I could do to help, I love this game like so many others and not all decisions might not really be best for the game.   Alot of people want to have fun and some patches or changes are making the game feel more like "work" not fun. 

    That is just 1 example of how people can be turned away, why would you want to do things that make people just want to leave, thats how people get upset and frustrated at the team. People work their butts off all day in real lie and want to come here and get away and have "fun". how is spending weeks or your time hunting a plague bite or constatly making toons harder to level or fight, or getting killed tons of time for healer agro ever going to be fun.  I think they like small changes to adapt to things not these massive changes that unbalance their gameplay.  Because when It come down to it do you really care about the players here or is it just about what the devs want and "to XXXX with the players"?

    if there is anything you dont understand or I might be wrong let me know, I want us both to be on the same page.

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