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Posts posted by Daath

  1. I don't see a problem with the buff effects when the player activates them or during the "buffing" process for a raid and such.  But when you get the buff effects still appearing from an equipment change an hour ago and the only way to curtail this is to logout and then back in.  Also when they appear due to coming into proximity of another player it can be problematic and annoying. These also display when you pass a player in warp.

  2. Thanks for getting the ball rolling on this Daath.


    I was also recommended for my JE for their activated effects:

    Phoenix Prime (instant transfer of reactor energy to a target)

    Fornax Borealis (boosts reactor recharge rate for target)

    Fornax buff is covered in my list effectively with Blood of the Dragon...

    Phoenix Prime has limited use.. Shield Leech, Martyr's Heart and Antlia should be able to fuel a group pretty well with Reactor Juice... When you weigh the balance between Device Slots, Cargo space and usefulness the Pheonix was removed from my load out...

  3. If you have been heavily buffed by a JE with a full set of skins, all the turbo buffs, reactor buffs etc... flying into a crowd near a raid, for example can decimate your FPS for a few seconds and create enormous lag..


    I have always wondered why these re-display every time you gate or any time you fly up to someone all of the bubble effects re-display... loud, annoying...


    For Example WH to Carpenter enough times and just after the WH goes from the map screen to live action again you get spammed by that idle player that had recently changed all of his items causing them all to display all of the activation animations ... Every .. Time .. You .. Arrive at the weft...

  4. In "EA live" I don't remember any of the mess raids seem to be causing here in "Sunrise Live".  It could be I was a Johnny come lately and was guilded from the start but... When Armada sponsored a FB, it was announced on the public channel.  Everyone who participated could and did bid on the loot.  I don't even remember reserved items... although there must have been.


    My point is... WTF is the big deal with raids? Wouldn't it be ever so much easier if someone wants to start a raid, has the necessary triggers etc should be able to do the raid and invite whomever wants to participate?  


    This would be way easier to do than the rotation schedule. Can't we all just get along?



    Just saying...


    P.S.  Is this a troll post? Pretty sure it's not but times they be a changing... Ready for my -dings. 

    I think if the player base were larger there would be a different dynamic.  As it stood the players in the larger guilds have had some pretty messy events between them surrounding these raids.  The contention was resolved with the rotation.  After the rotation was established the result was that "Public" or smaller guild players had few, if any, chances to participate in these raids.  One in 10 raids would have someone from the "outside" involved in the execution of the content, if that. 


    Non-guild/small guild players develop more slowly, have less access to resources and often don't know about these raids. That is changed now.  Many are learning that they can now get involved in them if the timing and situation comes together in such a way that they can participate.  The problem I see now is long-term knowledge of the raid cycle... IF more people knew when they were going to happen and had ample time to prepare I think we'll see more turn out.  But I am very happy that the opportunities are much greater for these folks that are reaching 150, finally, after a year of character development. 


    As long as this public raid cycle continues to be available I will do what I can to get people involved.  The more people see "Raid X is happening" the more they will look into the possibility of participation.  My hope is that it will encourage fewer people to leave out of boredom because they have been stuck in solo play mode for months.  Now we've all got something to work toward besides just getting an avatar to 150. 


    About once a day I get a question from someone about what they can do to prepare... What skills are needed, what equipment and which classes are most needed in raids.  Some players have started new characters with the sole intention of raiding with them sometime in the future, not just leveling them for solo play.  This is an essential stage for the player base, it will help us all retain more players and thereby keep the game alive. 


    No matter what the "drama" is that is created by these raids being performed, if we keep to the current course it can only help us keep everything going.  Encourage more diversity and help people gain access to content that was nearly impossible to get into before. 


    I thank any and all of the participants from the big 3 guilds that have helped the "Public" and Epic get this in motion.  With luck each month we'll see more and more participation by public players, greater access to this otherwise closed content and a renewed interest as people who have left the EMU check in and newly returned Live players find the EMU.

  5. Another Controller raid was done yesterday.


    Completed by Epic and BI alts.


    Surely doing the raid at the earliest opportunity without inclusion of a reasonable quantity of genuine public / unguilded players is not what was intended.


    If Magoo is such a great leader why has he not made it clear to his members that public raid means public and not a secondary raid that BI alts share with Epic?


    What do Static and VGE think to Bi having extra raid opportunities at their and the publics expense?

    They attempted several times to reach out to public players from what I understand... There is no reason to delay the execution of the raid just because they can't get the population to jump on the opportunity for whatever reason. BI assisted, no different than Static assisting.  Though I didn't witness the looting process it seems that a Public, non EG/BI players were present, but not many... They also won items in the lotto for loot.  Because they executed the raid there is another due before the cycle moves to the "down" week for Public.


    EG is essentially a Public entity and after several discussions with their members today they understand the necessity to bring as many public people as possible from the "Public" but they are an unpredictable sort, so I cannot fault the raid process today.


    As we move forward I will also be encouraging more people to participate and find ways to enable more non-guild players to prepare.  Over the non-raid week I will try to prepare more people for the RD Base on the onset of the next cycle and see if we can get better turn out.  But I recognize there are a number of people in EG that are eager to raid as well, and I cannot fault them for organizing the raids, as long as they try in earnest to include others.

    • Upvote 3
  6. Here is what >I< recommend for JD/JS/JE


    Highest capacity reactor you can get your hands on, good recharge too...


    SSR9, Heart of the Dark One and Cygnus 9 will all suffice for this in most cases.  Some would say Heart of the Master is an option for this.  My experience is anything with damage reflection HOLDS AGRO.. My JD used to die A LOT with this reactor in.  I swapped it for the slightly lower Heart of the Dark one on raids and died a LOT less.


    JE: Battery/Jumpstart


    Tactical Advantage 9 (Assists with jump start success/fail)

    Drone Energy Amplifier (Drops from Controller raid, good reactor and turbo for buffing groups)

    Blood of the Dragon (Reactor Buff)

    Scutums (Shield to Reactor Shunt)

    Mark of the Dragon (Good for buffing but be careful of the damage reflection it can hold agro on you and get you killed)

    Chimaera 9 (To debuff plasma)

    Antlia (Can use more than one for heavier needs on reactors, TTs are power hungry in heavy fighting)

    Martyr's Heart (For when you flat run out of power, this will do the same as Antlia but costs 1 energy to activate)


    JD: Summon/Battery


    Deadly Focus (Increases damage output, activated reactor buff)

    Pegleg 8 or 9 (Helps with summon, drops from GoBB raid)

    Tractor Repulsor beam (Drops from RD base, increases groups Hull Damage once shield on the target is depleted)

    Scutums (Shunt shield to reactor)

    Martyr's Heart (To keep the JD's power up)

    Chimaera 9 (Plasma Debuff)

    Seal of the Dragon (Good damage buff, but hard to get the whole group due to it's long timer)

    All the turbo you can get your hands on... JD should strive for 100% turbo for raids.

    Energy Setup (Ghost Edge, Destroyer's Gleam, etc) for RD base specifically


    JS: (Battery/Debuff/Heal)


    Manticore 9 (Energy Debuff)

    Chimaera 9 (Plasma Debuff)

    Scutums (Shunt shield to reactor)

    Blood of the Dragon (Reactor buff)

    Quasar III (Additional Reactor buff)

    L9 Guardian or Tang's Alacrity for faster Heals

    Tactical Advantage 8(Increased shield cap and reduced XP debt cause healers die A LOT on raids)

    Heart of the Dark One (Avoid Heart of the Master it holds agro on you) or similar reactor capacity SSR9 is OK too...

    Mark of the Dragon (Shield buff)

    Ivory Ward (reduce damage)

    Good Fortune (Increased crits, reduced incoming damage)

    Martyr's Heart (Cause you can get low on power quickly)


    That is a partial list, I'll edit/add more as I think of them. 

  7. I'm not sure i understand the complaint here. as long as whs are offered, 10 mins ought to be plenty of time to build ammo and make your way just about anywhere. As said earlier, someone has to take responsibility for organising and it'll be at their convenience and their friends not the rest of the server. I'm sure the 10 mins would have been extended a little if you had contacted whoever was orgainising and asked for a little more time. I'd like to have taken part myslef but it looks like i was offline when it happened.

    This is probably accurate.  Some seem to think it is all in public affair, others it seems to be an afterthought to bring in the general public.  I've decided I won't be organizing them so I hope someone is willing to take up the task.  The drama of it all is more than I can take so I don't see myself "organizing" any more of these. Always willing to help out if I am on, but you can't pay me to deal with it, so on my free (read fun) time this isn't going to be on my list of things to do.

    • Upvote 1
  8. Added command /hidedebris to turn on/off sector effects like "fog" etc - Live with next publish.





    Note: You need to use this switch BEFORE you gate into a sector (or leave and re-enter sector after using switch).

    you are awesome Zack...

  9. there needs to be a change. im seeing new guilds pop with players ive never heard of before...with full racks of bile weapons.


    if a trade able drop is given to a player they need to equip it and keep it that way. i can see people abusing this by trading that stuff to their mains in the big 3.


    those found trading big weapons like the spitter should be punished some how...like being banned from the public raid

    You can't be serious...


    There may be a few people that may do such things but the people organizing these raids are not going to be able to know who such people are or what their intentions are.  Though we've already seen a little of this we've raised our concerns to the guild leaders involved and resolved the issue.  But to be honest there is very little we can do to control other players' actions.


    But to ask that someone be punished as if it were a capital crime or something is ludicrous.

  10. The number one major reference for assistance is the in-game channel "New Player".  Many people, myself included, are often willing to come and assist with education of new-new players to the game... many of us are returning players after having played this years ago and most of the information that you need is missing now...

  11. Huang Bao Rui drops this.  I'm sure the players in-game New Player channel can help with the location.  ;)

    So far I have found no one that knows where this mob spawns that will admit to knowing it's location.  Nor have I seen this item floating around on market or anywhere else.  I think we are just seeking to confirm the mob is spawning and the item is dropping... If any non-dev wants to drop us a hint that would be great though we've searched several sectors trying to narrow it down but if it has a spawn timer like the other "prides" then it will be hard if someone is clearing it regularly.

  12. yes in fact .. GL has said that " while it is (OK) to go on the raids , he politly asked us ""not to roll"" on items during them" so it is ok to go have fun .. and fill in any missing slots that may be open.

    I assume you are talking about VGE there.. and that is the same sentiment that BI and Static leadership has expressed... We appreciate that gesture very much... Many of these people have been waiting several months to raid..

  13. Thanks to both of you... As Gizardpuke indicates there is the problem of who brings toons that are needed v.s. the roll....


    I think a declaration of intention is a great idea... i.e. "I am bringing my TT but I want to roll for X item for my PW if it drops" is probably the best way to deal with this... The thing about it was most of the people who rolled on the contested PL had said that pretty much but not in open channel or in game, except to me when I was getting them to show up.  The chaos of the assembling of groups and then my sudden role as "Organizer" was probably the major issue there.  I am not familiar with all of these guild-related nuances as I have only participated in these raids and had never organized one before.  So I thank you both for your input.  Let me ponder the balance of these two great posts and see what I can formulate in order to make it simple to understand and I'll append it to my first post on the thread for simplicity....


    The methods you describe are very fair and people will just have to realize they need to conform to this framework or they will need to be ready for issues to arise in the rolls...


    Two rolls, for each item, as you describe may be the best solution.. A "closed" roll for participants and those who formally declared their intention to bid for an alt BEFORE the raid, then an "Open" bid if no one in that group wants the item.  The problem there is how to explain that and keep it simple so I will have to formulate that carefully.

  14. Congratulations on laying the Ghost of Blackbeard and its swarthy crew to final rest at the Edward Teach Memorial, gang. I was watching the assembly phase of the public raid and it went well for its current experience. Daath is teaching the public (tr: non- or small-Guilded) players the fundamentals of Raiding. There are many variables and nuances that tweak the Raids, but each has to be iron-ed out on an individual basis.

    Big 3 (tr: Builders Inc, VonCorp Galactic Empire and Static): -suggestion- Don't want to actually take part in a public raid but still have the itch to help? How about sideline Jumpstart services or post-Raid Repair Equipment? Or even just be a vault for the looter to rush to and empty out. Even sitting in the battle-zone and Befriending the mobs (lowers aggro for your toon, but more importantly lowers mobs' Psi Resistance at max Befriend) is an idea. Big 3 that have done these raids know firsthand how tough doing their first few raids can be. Even if you are just there to watch the Publicks try their best, you too can appreciate their effort by being a sidelines assistant.

    Daath, I almost offered up my Sentinel's max Jumpstart services, (as above), but you guys seemed to have the raid down pat. Kudos. Perhaps next time, eh?

    From the situation room at NET-7 SOL, this is the Pakkrat.


    Thanks Pakkrat, the unwashed masses are getting stronger, this raid turn-out was awesome, I think people are starting to get in the groove and in a few more weeks we'll be doing pretty good I think.  GoBB was a lot of fun and we had had a diverse showing, many from small guilds and solo players.. just what I wanted to see.


    The only issue with the Big-3 in these pubby raids are the loot concerns... We'll take all the help we can get but because many of the pubbies haven't had many chances at these items the Big-3 are not allowed to bid in our lottos... That was set down by the guild leaders and I think for good reason... but we'll always take the help when/if it is offered.  Especially as we move through this first cycle of raids in the rotation... As we get more experience and some toons up to speed for their roles it will get easier.

  15. Gizard many of these people offered classes that we didn't need so I asked them to bring classes we DID need... do you want me to exclude them from bidding on the items they WANT because we didn't need them to bring that class?  If we do that then we don't get support toons, we get a bunch of PWs ... that won't work...


    Also, if you think you can fairly accommodate both the raid needs v.s. the looting distribution, make suggestions... I am not setting these rules, I am SUGGESTING them... because there ARE NONE at this point..   So by all means lets discuss what YOU think is better and see if that would work...


    I think it also only fair that I mention this.... This was our .. 3rd? 4th? Public raid and by far the most diverse group we've had... Up to now we've had large contingents of Big-3 members supporting us, so this was the biggest rolls we've seen yet.... We have a lot of kinks to work out and this is how it will happen.... WE do the raid, sort the loot, lotto it, make mistakes, learn from them... do the next raid...


    It is a work in progress, so please be patient with us, we'll make mistakes and do our best to correct for them... after a few of these we'll get it down better and an established protocol will form.. but that doesn't happen in 2 or 3 raids..

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