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Posts posted by Gunney

  1. As I toot along in the game there is one thing I have noticed that is different from when the game was live. There is a lack of competition between the classes. On one hand the peacefulness is a great change from every other game out there but i cant help to think of the cut-throat days when the game was live.

    I understand the testing, and unavoidable wipe have a hand in this, but......

    Do you think this will change when the game returns to 'live'?

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  2. *rolls eyes* Mistrusting? What, if you respond with a useful post the emulator project is going to come crashing down? I'm not hiding anything. I was trying to make this thread about other people's observations because I'm curious and wanting to compare my perspectives to others, rather than starting it out with ideas of my own thus making the thread about agreeing or disagreeing with those. Haven't you heard of the observer effect? It's a lot stronger with forum discussions than it is with radioactive cats.

    Actually I think "no one is biting" because too many people seem to think the devs will get mad if they attempt some constructive criticism--which I don't think will happen--not because they're paranoid about an OP who starts a thread a certain way. B)

    I do not think the Devs will "get mad", in fact on many occasions in the past they have asked for input knowing that they may not recall just how things were in the game. My issue is with your wording of what should be a simple question. Why are you so worried about how your thoughts would influence the run of the thread?

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  3. Guilds are like wives!

    Sometimes you gotta go through a couple before ya find the right one :D

    LOL Guess I was lucky, havent had a lick of problems in here, but I guess thats one of the advantages of smaller groups.

    In EVE however, the "CEO" or guild leader, Honestly belived everything in the corp was his, ended up having to start a new corp without him and transfer all the assets over. Was abit of a stink, 1/2 of the community belived his stories and called us thievs.

  4. Don't worry about this, when we've added a few more fields to the MOB setups for the content devs to tweak the higher level mobs will require a lot more thought to get, you'll need a human team to take them on like you did live.

    This seems to of happened in every game I have played. Someone finds a way to do something they shouldn't be able to do, the GM's 'fix' the issue then the person(s) find a new way to do it. I am not knocking the GM's (Here or anywhere) at all, simply pointing out not to underestimate the creativity and devious nature of a 13yo.

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