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Posts posted by SiSL

  1. I would say it is overkill, sorry...


    This would leave no room for any other trader. PP has already big advantage on reactors, compared to Jenquai (ability to analyze Jenquai only reactors etc, while JE's can not analyze/dismantle any Jenquai restricted stuff), add Aggripa on top of that...


    This idea is no different than asking 6th weapon slot & 5th device slot for a Terran Warrior...

  2. Job terminals are part of our game experience wheter we like them or not...


    However, all missions sent together kinda makes entire screen a mess, jobs hard to find and often bandwidth for full send text...


    Our OL levels are there, suggestion is, job terminals only sending job that is appropiate to our OL and below, not all jobs...


    If I'm L40, I can't do L75 jobs, so what server would send as job lists would be only L50 missions,


    If I'm L110, I can't do L135 jobs, so what server would send as job lists would be 105, 75, 50 missions... (Ofcourse if there are jobs of appropiate level on the terminal)



  3. My wife and I were real impressed with the group gate and group formation feature. Something real creative the dev's implemented from scratch. Sad to see we will no longer be able to use it.


    Surprised that it saves so much time for multi-boxers as to be considered game breaking, but I'm sure you have reviewed all the numbers before making a change like this.


    As a thought, could you make a level check after the IP check? For example let 100+ level characters through even if on the same IP? That would prevent all the scratch toons from gating through and exploiting the functionality, and still let family groups go through.




    I think that's only constructive idea here...


    Level check between highest and lowest member of the group...


    Either allow gating 100+ characters OR


    Allow gating if highest & lowest OL difference is less than 30... OR


    Tweak for allowing max three or two IP's... for couples & such

  4. Just to add an idea to the convo, what would you guys think if...


    Area heal only affected members you were grouped with, but you could still use the "direct targeted" to heal one other player outside of your group at a time.


    Example:  TT in group heals a PW in another group, the PW gets the full big heal but only the members of the TTs group get the AOE splash.


    That's what I suggested above...


    And that's a grand idea I tell you... 


    Therefor, Area does not overheat the battle and pull mobs all around on or other players...


    I also suggest, if player has higher than L5 Combat Shield Recharge, using this ability (single target) increases amount of heal based on skill level in par with area heal abilities but on single target, rather than stucking at L5 only...

  5. You know you have to be mobile in this game rather than sit and wait all mobs to come to you at a spot and kill without moving your ship... While Terran learned this fact the easy way, Progen needs to learn it as backwards-kite due to facing issue. Beams of mobs very dangerous and most mobs are slow to turn around themselves, don't get near them... or don't let them come to you, sway, get to their behind, be like Star Wars battles not Star Trek battles.... 


    You know most "curious" mobs stop following you after a while if you don't damage them but focus on what you would kill...

  6. I have a few ideas about a Drop list that could be very useful to the player base.


    Maybe hosted on the net7 site but would only be filled in by the player base.  No clues from the Dev team, purely from player input.


    If not on Net7, I could put it on my own webserver.

    This was what we were saying all along :)


    Net-7 to have a user-input database... Already have long list of all mobs in game, navs and sectors, people can select mob name + can select sector + nav...  Submitted by X at this date... voila...


    Yes, we don't want dev tips or anything :)

  7. Hi,


    i doubt that will hapen since it would need a major rewrite of a lot of checks currently done (valid target for skills, buffs, weapons, defaulting to self on self skills etc etc). and there is no really a need for that since it will take the action away (imho) - seems like it's taking away "the sweat in a hot fight" and resulting in not even knowing what im shooting cuz the server does it for me.

    Aye, that's why it is a suggestion :) It may be possible, or it may not be :)


    Still good to have a brainstorm...  


    On the other hand, on action side I'm not with you, it does not really takes action but gets targeting errors and errors on organization of groups (due to non-native english often) that can happen on a moment of distraction to lesser degree only. 


    I'm always for "lesser click" to save from carpal tunnel, finger tendons & tediousness... (Hey, we are not young anymore)


    While at it, can we get components as manufacture all like refines? :)  <-- such as this one :)

  8. I dont like this idea at all and i'll explain why.


    Being a good healer or support class in a raid environment with multiple enemy and friendly targets should be a challenge in itself.

    This mechanic will nullify any effort the player has to make to be effective at what he is tasked to do. Its sort of an easy win shortcut.


    Furthermore i see great potential for abuse. Multiboxers will just set up a macro that says heal every 15secs and debuff every 60 secs and be able to solo content they are not supposed to and then we'll have the yelling and name calling we are all so fond of.


    I really like to watch others fighting and lots of multiboxers I met, watching them cloaked often... If you do that, you learn how they act too... Well, multiboxers & most TT's already covering that spamming "Area heals" which nullifies challange you speak of... With Area heals there, you don't even need to target. Sit there & spam area heal is not also much of a challange either imo...

  9. Perhaps using the L5 version of the heal, and healing the tank solo would get less agro, but that also means that the L5 heal, on a maxed and buffed trader, heal enough shields to be worth lowering the level, as to not draw as much agro.  If a Trader uses L5 heal, and it's supposed to give X amount of healing multiplied by level, does it multiply X amount of healing by 5, on a maxed trader, or by 7?  Or by more if the trader has maxed skill and buffs to heal skill?

    Indeed, actually, activatable skills should get bonus of max level of what players have...


    Single heal should get heal portion of L7 one if player has L7 skill. 


    Same with all other player skills who depends on increases like that...

    • Upvote 1
  10. If you click the little target cross icon on the group members name in the group-name-list, you are targeting the target of this member.

    That what you are looking for?

    Not at all...


    What I am saying is basically targeted mob is being proxy to beneficial skills / buffs while taking debuffs and attack skills on it.


    And Matt no, it is not anything like preselected or auto change of target etc. Just seamless proxied (and what I am suggesting is not really client side) 


    As example:


    Let's say group of 6


    1. PW (Tanking and taking all agro over)

    2. TT (Healer)

    3. JW (DPS)

    4. TE (DPS)

    5. JE (Utility)

    6. PS (Utility)


    Group is fighting to 1 big mob...


    Everyone targeting mob...




    1. PW has all aggro and taking massive hits.

    2. TT's target is mob and when TT press heal over mob, it heals currently mob's target (aka PW)

    3. At this moment TE used Anger or overdps'd and mob turned to TE

    4. TT's target is still mob itself and when TT press heal, it heals now currently mob's target (aka TW)



    Here, TT never changed target, always target was mob, when TT used beneficial skill like healing, it healed mob's target (aka whoever on top of list of mobs aggro list)



    Another scenerio opposite way:



    1. TT targeting PW who is top aggroer currently...

    2. PW is healed when heal ability used and when TT fires weapons while target is still PW, weapon fire hits PW's target mob...





    1. JW targeting PW 

    2. Attacking of his beams would hit mob (because mob is PW's target) (and ofcourse facing / range limitations is still calculated normally towards mob. still applies) 

    3. Uses Enemy Fold space on PW, proxied to mob because enemy fold space is an attack skill, so mob is folded (because mob is PW's target)






    Let's explain in program schema (would be easier  than english really)


    If ((Beneficial skill use || Good Buff) && Target == Player) {

      Use skill on "Target Player"



    If ((Debuff use || Harming skill use || Fire) && Target == Player) {

      Use skill/buff/fire on "Target's target mob"





    If ((Beneficial skill use || Good Buff) && Target == Mob) {

      Use skill on "Target Mob's target: Player"



    If ((Debuff use || Harming skill use || Fire) && Target == Mob) {

      Use skill/buff/fire on "Target mob itself"


    And other details such:

    If ((Debuff use || Harming skill use || Fire) && Target == Player && Target's target == mob) {

      Send client that can be fired & attack / debuff skills can be used; will be proxied to mob;



    If ((Beneficial skill use || Good Buff) && Target == Mob && Target's target == player) {

      Send client that beneficial buffs, skills can be used; will be proxied to target's target player;


    Basically using mob as proxy for beneficials heals to mob's target OR using player as proxy for harming skills to player's target... All without changing the clicked target... Currently what that little icon does is just changing target's to player's target... 
    And thus helping greatly especially on multi-mob enviroment, changing targets player and back, or keeping up with different mobs, a good order of combat; keeping the main tank, utility, healer hyerarchy in disciplined... 
    As I said, we've seen and used this functions of other MMO's, which helped greatly especially small to large groups, and especially in raids; helped keeping eye always on the tanks health, while calculating aggro range and without confuse on going back to mob target and restore target back to tanks etc.
  11. While reinstalling EnB, I realised E&B icons are outdated for modern operating systems, so I decided to give it a go for both new E&B icon, N7 icon and Windows 8 tile pictures and I tried to be close to original with modern resolutions and sharper pictures...


    HOW-TO Change your Icons:


    You can change your application icons by right clicking on your shortcut icons, click properties. Just at bottom, you will see "Change Icon" button, click Browse and select icon you want...


    ICONS (Sample pictures here, downloads are below):







    HOW-TO Create a Windows 8 Tile:


    1. Download OblyTile from here


    2. Select your Tile name


    3. In EnB-Win8-tiles Zip in attachments, you will find two tile pictures, one is for if you want to hide title, other is for with the title.


    4. For program path, browser to net-7 launcher folder  -> bin folder -> LaunchNet7.exe 


    5. For tile Image select one of big pictures


    6. For small tile, I added 30x30 of E&B icon as well, Select Run as Administrator, then you can press  Create Tile button and voila...


    TILE (Sample picture here, downloads are below):



  12. Problem is heals in this game are "Area" and not in group only... 


    Aggro building is fine till it resets... Anger is not really currently an aggro skill (Forced target, etc.)


    Most other MMO's using this like Amount of Aggro got by Healer  = Aggro of each player * heal amount / total amount of HP  * Number of players in aggro list .  Therefor 1 HP heal is not equal to 1 HP of hitting mob on other games...


    Here heals are massive AND AREA... Easy to exploit, kill steal etc.


    I think that's why devs went for the road of 'dropping aggro list altogether' on a single heal...


    IMO, HP healed on Area healed should be divided to how many people healed for a healthy aggro building system and mobs should take into account healing amount vs. its hate amount when calculating aggro to healer.




    Area Healing should be permitted only to group/raid members... 

  13. In one of earlier posts in the boards, a dev even said he made this engines analyze easier(?)


    Aggripa or SSR model should be fine. Only thing I can do is beg other terrans to sell me their quest reward instead of their guildies or alts (everyone has a terran alt!) or so or level up another terran to L145 for this and re-beg for PITA aggripa quests builders (poor guys)... and even then it is not a guarantee... 


    May be this quest should be L9 engine builders only like SSR being only rewarded to Reactor builders

  14. WARNING: This is not an original idea and rip-off from other games and name may be misleading...



    For many utility & heal classes, it gets really hard to find correct target on multi-mob enviroments especially 'super flashy combat effect' games like this...


    - Utility class targets mob

    - Any negative effective buffs, attacks or skills goes to mob

    - Any positive effects and skills goes to whichever player is on mob's top attack list. (aka whoever mob is attacking)


    That helps mostly on small groups while utility keep contributing to DPS over mob, they can also assist to whoever mob turned to. Wtih healing taking aggro , other classes can contribute healing the healer or take aggro back with their debuffs / skills / damage etc.


    This is as far as I know a standard in LOTRO and EQ2 as help for healing & utility classes to keep eye on tanks and other DPS classes for situation saver..






  15. I finished the mission of Terran Advantage spending tens of millions of credits... 


    I can build L9 engines at 200%


    Used L9, L8 and L7 overrides on each engines respective to their levesl


    Has 25K Infinity faction, 


    Grouped with 3 other builders who can build their trades 200% at L9 


    All three has over 15K Infinity faction


    Place is Somerled




    and ouch...


    Analyze fail on all three....




    You call it luck, I call it BS... Either way, begs the question what I could do more...

  16. doesn't have to be client, the server  doesnt have to send the location and type of ore if you execute the command ,or send a 'remove asteroid' as if it has be mined .


    more like an extension of '/delag'

    So this would block everyone who actually want to see locations of asteroid, hulks visa versa when they are not on their explorers. 

  17. Sorry, no. Shields stopped when a SKILL disrupted them from bio. Any "hit" you took from nonbio that disrupted shield recharge was considered their version of device. Just like the devices player could enable on mobs stopped shield charge on mobs. Some SKILLS that players could use also disrupted shield recharge (some not included in skill discription like the explosive/impact debuff for grav link wasn't listed) high end biorepess was one, high end menace was another, enrage had some chance of it as well (the odds were never made clear but it did happen now and then).


    Some mobs like the tengu had a active debuff on you, you saw when they did something nasty to you, same with ardus mobs. Some of the nasty tricks from the v'rix were seen some not, but it was a skill/"device" that disrupted shield constant recharge. There were mobs that had "stun" like hits, pehaps you meant those HIT(s)? Those were really a "skill" not a shot. The only HIT that disrupted shield recharge was* equiptment damage-shield* , shield disabled once they was into your hull.

    You are still confusing about your big shields was not getting interrupted by lowbie creatures fires...


    I played TE whole my adventure, I remember clearly sending missiles 1 by 1 in order for mobs shields not to regenerate was a tactic back then and still is... Sorry to confuse your memories but lowbie creatures not being able to kill you in Old Live because they used to MISS a lot due to CL difference, which gave your shields ability to restore during all those misses.


    Now creatures miss less for some reason, if it is, it is a bug... Debuffs were stopping your shields more than it used to, instead of 10 seconds like now, it was over 30 seconds of no shield recharge... 


    And I repeat again, you always use the term "in-combat" and it means different than "taking hit" , shields only pause 10 seconds when you TAKE hit (currently and in old live), it regens naturally if you don't take hit in combat... 

    • Upvote 1
  18. First, Most folk are here because it reminds the fun they were having.... 


    Secondly, WW worked really hard for game mechanics, balances between classes & mobs and content and such. Simply getting too much out of it "breaks the mould" rather than mimicking it. Ofcourse there are tweaks there and there as they should be, but main frame was solid as rock... 

  19. I think you guys misunderstand "constant shield recharge".


    During Old Live (tm) there was a constant shield recharge.

    Example: If your shield said +30/sec then it actually recharged +30/sec. **in or out of combat**....the shield was constantly charging. If a mob hit you for 100 hp your shield got knocked down 100 hp and you shield regained 30 hp a sec later leaving you 70 hp down. This made it impossible for say a L10 mob to kill a player with a L8 shield....



    Look up the following devices and buffs to see what we mean when we say "constant shield charge"

    Binder 7+

    Shield recharge BOOST!


    Normandy shield

    Refuge device

    Refresh device


    And there are many more...

    Currently anything that adds to shield recharge rate is totally useless in combat, that was not intended and shouldn't now either. For any of those recharge rate devices to even be minimally useful you have to wait 10 sec. after combat ends, use the item, then wait for the buff to run its course before entering any other combat....really whats the point of the device/skill under those conditions?they are as useful as a spiderweb device (i.e. not of use)


    First, there was no such thing as constant shield recharge that as you mention back then... Mobs had very low regen back then as well, let alone constant one...You might be confusing with other games. Level 10's were slow enough to fire before your next regen and 10 seconds? Shields starts regen not more than 5 seconds after your shield dropped down via a hit...


    All of those devices listed works in combat unless mob hits you, shield regeneration stops, 5 seconds later, your shield regen and your buffs power up again (unless your buff is expired), PS power down means mobs does not hit you,  Jenquai has cloak to start recover, progen and terran has their ranges... You know you don't need to sit in a spot and wait mob hitting you during combat...


    If you are thinking of useless skills, lets start with Structure damage repair skills then...  There was equipment damage and HDC and all other damage controls were based on this...


    As for spiderweb, I'm sure it will become handy when devs upped some existing mobs such as RD's etc. smartness factor and run away via warp option to mobs...

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