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Posts posted by Krellis

  1. I know this is a little old, but I just got around to watching it.   It looked nice.  The only negative I saw was it looked 'blurry', even with the 'HD' option selected.    I played the original on one screen and your version on a second screen, and preferred the sharpness of the original.   That might just be the fault of the hosting site re compressing it for streaming.


    As a test I tried to convert an AVI file to BINK and got the same problem you did with no Audio.


    According to http://www.radgametools.com/binkfaq.htm it's a simple fix.  You just 'just add 100 to the compression level in the compressor or mixer. For example, instead of level "4", use level "104".



    I redid my avi with a value of 104 and voila, I had a new start up video and sound for EnB.   It would be great if you could do this and then post the new bik file, for everyone.

  2.  but what can be done about it? 
    Well, since you asked.   To me, the solution was always simple.  You just eliminate the ability to pick and choose.  Right now I open a roid/hulk and I see everything that is in there and I can 'cherry pick' the items I want.   I can even examine the contents before I get to the roid.  This leaves the 'junk' for someone else to find and complain about darn cherry pickers.
    Instead you eliminate the popup and associate content list completely.  I click the mine button and whatever is there gets mined and placed in my hull.  If I don't have the hull space the devs could either make the stuff disappears and I never even knew about it, or they could make it float in space with a short decay timer.  If I or someone else doesn't grab it, then it disappears.   Basically you don't know for sure what you're getting until you mine it.  You would still have a general idea based on the roid type, but not the specifics.
    Yes, someone could still cherry pick the crystal roids, and leave all the hydrocarbons, but I don't think that's the kind of cherry picking most people complain about.
  3. I had the same problem just now going to Dahin Planet.


    Hit the planet and I could fly around, but no creatures or anything, and the station button was grayed out.

    Logged out and back in, and then I got Explorer XP when I hit the NAV's for the first time, and the station button was clickable, but it did nothing when I clicked on it.

    Tried to logout, but it just kept saying it was logging out, so I killed Net7proxy and logged back in.  When I did that it put me on the station.

  4. @Cad

    i'm with you. I just came back, and was surprised that they included Ninja looting and mob stealing as rule violations, but nothing about any of the annoying things miners do.

    Both of those 'combat' things seem to fall into the 'working as intended' category, but I guess warriors did a better job complaining about it.

    The other thing I've noticed as I catch up, is that some people in the forums are real quick to dismiss anything that doesn't fit into their view of EnB, or if they feel it's been discussed before. Don't take it personal. It's just the way they are.

    Now having said all that, the problem I see with the suggestion is 'value' doesn't always correspond to the XP or vendor value. So you might still see some cherry picking.

    Best of luck, and enjoy the mining.
  5. Looks like I might have to retract my thanks on the fix.

    I logged out and logged back in and I think my factions are still messed up. I didn't write down the values before using the restore factions, but I'm pretty sure I wasn't red with Sabine explorers. It's shows I'm at -181, but I thought I was closer to the 8,000 range. I tried checking on the portal, but it doesn't show the pre-wipe value after you've done the restore.

    Any chance you could change the portal to still show the pre-wipe value, and just remove the restore faction capability once it's used?
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