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Posts posted by Tyran

  1. [quote name='AZwoodman' timestamp='1312413642' post='43953']
    I totaly agree..get close to live and then see what the DEVs can do... Just keep PVP out of it. :) At least until i die, then i won't care. I donate and am 61 so... B)
    If they add PvP, they should allow older players to tag themselves with a 'don't hit the elderly' sign. :P

    Also, write the emulator in your will pls. Same goes to the other terminal players out there. If you have kids and they don't visit you, do they really need the cash more than the emulator? :lol:
    • Upvote 1
  2. That device would kind of solve a problem that never existed as energy drain from free warping is only an issue when you are a low level. Ofcourse you can raise the free warp cost dramatically but then people could be inclined to use lower level engines if free warping becomes a major advantage in this game.

    Thrust capping is something for the other professions, but not really for the scout as it can use an inverted polaron beam to produce subspace fractures in front of the ship, effectively creating warp speed without the requirement of warp engines.

    Kyp you may want to consider the superior mining ability approach for the TS. Wormhole just takes the piss too much to consider letting the TS draw even with the JE on mobility.

    It would also be something that has not been done yet as the JE and PS are pretty level on mining output.
  3. The 1000 thrust barrier breaking would give it a nice little edge over the JE in that it could explore the areas away from navs where the remote ore fields are, much better. Though it would need that thrust to be comparable to warp to make it more useful than freewarp for exploring without navs.

    A ) [b]thrust=warp[/b]. Maybe if your thrust could become your warp with the activation of a skill (afterburn maybe?) and you could therefore freewarp properly with full control of direction. This is would go a little way to narrowing the gap of mobility between the TS and JE as you can cut through sectors easily with this. Perhaps a penality of not being able to fire weapons would not make this ability too overpowered.

    B ) [b]Insane warp speed [/b]would help most to challenge the JE's WH mobility. (I'm guessing warp figures past the 10k?). This should not be combinable with A...or should it?

    C ) [b]Straight line warp.[/b] If the above is not feasible perhaps the TS could gain an edge that when he warps a straight line is drawn between him and the target, instead of having to follow the navs.

    Other time saving mobility options:

    D ) [b]faster gating/docking[/b] (no animation or delay)

    E ) [b]insta-jump short distances[/b] like 10k (useful for mining, would be like an instant-self fold space towards your target) (what else is that large hoop that surrounds your ship good for?)

    But if you are not going to let it be as mobile as the JE let it at least be the beast at clearing fields, which makes sense given the large cargo hold...

    Non movespeed related suggestions for cranking up the scout:

    F ) [b]dual prospect beams [/b](can extract multiple ores from different targets at one time. would probably go hand in hand with dual tractor beams)

    G ) or an [b]ore transporter[/b] (no tractor beam, instead uses transporter to instantly teleport freed ores into hold.)

    H ) A [b]'mine all' [/b]skill which either lets it mine all roids within range, or empty out the targeted asteroid with one click.

    And this is kinda my favourite:

    I ) A [b]'pull roid' [/b]skill where it uses that large hoop, which is the equivalent of a deflector dish, to pull a roid from a dangerous area to himself. It is much like summon but instead the roid travels towards you, or the point you activated the skill, at impulse speed[size="2"]
    Where a JE uses stealth and timing to mine safely in dangerous spots (which arent rly in game yet), the PS uses guns to clear the field first, the TS would have it's own unique and subtle approach.
  4. Missing ruined hulks in ore fields. Near enough every ore field should have at least one ruined hulk.

    Arduinne gas planet has L5-6 gases while they should be mainly L7 with the occasional L6 and L8. Also, with the field clear bonus and thus no constant gas cloud respawning arduinne has no real potential for group mining.
  5. Yuritau,

    What are you trying to do then? Make THIS game more realistic?

    In that case all weapons should have their max range increased to mapwide as there is negligible atmosphere in space to stop missiles, projectiles and beams from traveling.

    Then, only on planets, weapons will have less range if the planet has an atmosphere.

    As said earlier missiles will do a standard explosive + impact damage on top of their warhead damage.

    PL's lose quality as they get used due to barrel wear.

    The above would not be popular but would be accurate. There's a difference between a playable and a realistic game...
  6. Yuritau, by that same logic...

    [b]Impact[/b] ammo should cause shrapnel as high velocity collisions cause all sorts of fragmentation and potential ricochet damage.
    [b]Chem[/b] ammo is downright dirty especially in space with zero gravity.
    [b]Plasma[/b] rapidly heats materials causing it to explode and create shrapnel. Also messy stuff like chem.
    [b]Energy[/b] damage also causes rapid heat expansion of materials...shrapnel ensues.
    [b]EMP[/b] is also AoE damage that should harm self if too near.

    All ammo can cause self harm...

    But let's only make missiles have a minimal range shall we. No alterior motives, honest...
  7. Best memory is firing off 6 OCD's within about 30 mins. Ofcourse it was done in secrecy by constantly checking who was in the sector with that /command. It took about 3 days to get that many OCD's together and thats with 18 hour playing per day and two TE's.

    The drops from those 6 OCD's were 3 device matrices, two weapon matrices and then a lot of that useless crap like the beam, the reactor and the projectile launcher.

    Mind you that was post-nerf of the build enhancement items so they were kinda crap as well.

    I always felt these items were made very early on in development and never updated, so they became useless as new items were introduced. I hope that this time round it will be done right.
  8. Point 2 is agreed with very much...

    I did not actually play EnB to the very end as I stopped a few months before the sunset announcement because everything was becoming too obvious and like you said, stale.

    The new sectors, with exception of a few I find them to be a bit same-ish to already existing ones. They don't have the ardus effect which if you were there when it was launched ull know what it is.
  9. My first profession in live was a sentinel I played untill I realized it sucked. But I do remember this well:

    [b]A[/b]= tons of roids containing metals such as Iron and hulks with debris. Also, the area was littered with the asteroid animation you see a lot in the asteroid belts. I used to go here often to collect iron for a tt I knew, and debris because he made solar sails and this was the most readily available source he knew of.

    [b]B[/b]= lots of ores of all types L1-2. Of special significance were the gas clouds that often contained 40-80 oxygen, nitrogen or hydrogen. Good for explore XP.

    At the moment both areas seem to be mob infested places. Mars beta overall does not have a lot of spots to mine, unlike live.

    I don't have screenshots but can assure you how it is now is not how it was in live at all. Maybe others remember this.
  10. Less speed means less fuel is spent which means more explosive damage from the unspent fuel.
    More speed means more fuel is spent which means more impact damage from the increased speed.

    So you would want impact and explosive modifiers delivered in seperate packages from the warhead to be included in missile damage. The further the target the more impact damage and less explosive damage.

    They balance each other out imo - no need for long range bonuses.
    • Upvote 1
  11. He didn't say all missiles, but rather some mobs with missiles will have less damage at short range. This makes no sense really as missiles should actually do more damage at short range due to extra propellant exploding.

    The mob running away is enough incentive already to get up as close as possible.
  12. [quote name='Lannister' timestamp='1311278186' post='43482']
    I like the idea of having certain RD loot items available from an RD vendor. Darrin required good RD faction (at least +2k) to be able to purchase from him. It is a nice option for those who wish to remain RD positive and would prefer not to farm RD for those drops.
    Get someone else to farm it for you. Or are you playing single player EnB?
  13. What you are saying in many words is that some mobs should be kiting players.

    That is a logical step forward on the MOB AI. But simply a mob flying away but staying in range for kiting won't suffice I think. Speed buff/debuff skills would be needed so it does not become a simple matter of warping at the kiting mob and gg. You want the mob to use grav link and then GTFO with turbo - all the while kiting the player. Something challenging...

    Would be cool to see MOB missile boats behave how missile boats should behave.
  14. The ability to capitalize more letters means BuzzStPoint's (wtf that is not even a name) and AtomicGecko's (wtf?) attempts at naming will become more common.

    And just to be clear that is not naming, it is adding several random words to create a unique emo tag.

    I prefer how it was in live where due to having one capital letter available, people would mainly have a single word name.

    Also, if you are going down the road of giving multiple capital letters you might as well add spaces so Justin Bieber can be made...
    • Upvote 2
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  15. [quote name='Evermore' timestamp='1311096266' post='43417']If I keep adding Items to current Mobs, it reduces the chance of their current Table making it more difficult to balance.[/quote]Sir, this is prettymuch how it was in live. Some mobs like the CL 66 Earthcorps in Luna had what I am almost sure was a less than 1% dropchance on the clydesdale given that only 1 ever dropped for me after 100+ kills.

    And now you say it, it almost sounds like you don't have a drop chance percentage you can apply to each item of each mob. Instead you may have an equal chance of any item from the loot table dropping - is this true?

    At any rate I doubt people mind low drop rates on some items - it keeps thing interesting and it means you cannot tell what the mob's loot table is in a glance.
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