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Posts posted by Riz

  1. [quote name='Ted Thompson' timestamp='1328666835' post='53301']
    Would there be a way to ACCURATELY tell if something does or does not drop - I think that much would be reasonable since not all things are in the game yet and that's not really the same as a stable state game...

    Now that I could kinda see.
  2. Someone, (I am thinking it was Magoo but I could be wrong) mentioned something in chat the other day about this program. They said you could create an accounts worth of toons, and save a dat (I think) file, and do it again with 5 more toons. This would allow someone to create all their toons ready to go, in case of a wipe or something, so they do not need to redo from scratch every time.

    The question I have is what file is it I can set aside to do this? I have been looking around in the files, but not finding it anywhwere.
  3. Still hoping booths in more stations will happen. I remember in Live when the booths first appeared they were pretty much everywhere, and then the EA DEVs turned some of them off. Myself I think any station should have them, people live in all the stations, so changing clothing makes sense, and when you are towed to any station you are registered at, they repair you, so some ship mods should be possible anywhere too.
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