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Posts posted by tredway

  1. Well if we stick with the one, and Lann is re-elected he and I do try to coordinate stuff as well, and I will try to pass on or provide info where I can as well. Sappy line "Not only am I a GM... Im also a Player too!" sounds so Hairclub for men lol.

    Anyways we're too small and close community to have differentiating lines between, especially in the GM realm since we kinda are the first line of defense between player - DEV team.

    Movie Quote - "I take the customer complaints so the engineers dont have to..." "So you talk directly with the customers..." "Well no my secretary does, listen I have people skills, Im good with dealing with people, cant you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people???" Office space ;)
  2. Ok so I used iPhone 4 with Teamviewer Free App - Created session to my laptop via WiFi (atm only method to test) as my iPhone is not in service here in Korea ;)

    But I was able to start, login and conduct chat. Not sure I would attempt anything else as the screen was SUPER tiny and had to zoom the chat window just to read. But it worked so worse case if I needed the fix that bad or just to hang out and chat I have a method hehe. Now if my worksite only allowed WiFi it would be on! But them hush hush secure rooms cant even bring the phone in with me, least they let you keep your clothes but with WikiLeaks occurance that might get scrubbed too!

    Anyways I know it was talked before using VNC (I didnt feel like mucking around with it to get it tested) and TeamViewer was already quickly available to go so ya, test Successful I would say. I'll get an offical photo snap later today after work hopefully!

    As for testing on the 3G Network, probably would be doable but at a painful pace (due to 3G transmission, and hoping your ISP thats connected to your machine is giving you a solid upload pipe) I know here mine is pumping 100MB Up and 100MB Down so it's quite capable but as mentioned my phone isn't in "real world use" Hrmm maybe now's a good time to sweet talk the company outta this crappy BlackBerry and upgrade me to a new iPhone too :)
  3. [quote name='C Del' timestamp='1300838906' post='37047']
    Good to hear it's back to normal at least. At some point, the server will probably abort your connection if it takes you too long to respond, but I doubt it was doing do in your case. I get the feeling it might've been more of a packet drop issue (it usually is). If your latency to the server is the problem, I believe net7proxy usually gives you a good yelling-at about it.

    Ya I would have 1 random packet drop every now and then but oddball thing was kept constant ping and even during straight no loss scenarios did the same thing. Ya Im glad its back to a usable state at least lol. I'll be giving that FB issue a go this weekend hopefully can provide you some better info on that problem.
  4. Here are the current tracerts. Albeit its all working hunky dory now but not the best route if you ask me lol but my EnB Fix is underway!

    C:\>tracert play.net-7.org

    Tracing route to play.net-7.org []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:

    1 9 ms 1 ms 12 ms DD-WRT []
    2 7 ms 1 ms 1 ms
    3 3 ms 1 ms 2 ms
    4 98 ms 242 ms 3 ms
    5 4 ms 2 ms 2 ms
    6 2 ms 2 ms 3 ms
    7 3 ms 13 ms 15 ms
    8 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms
    9 167 ms 168 ms 173 ms
    10 189 ms 165 ms 171 ms ge11-1-5d0.mcr1.fremont-ca.us.xo.net []
    11 234 ms 240 ms 235 ms vb1500.rar3.sanjose-ca.us.xo.net []
    12 233 ms 234 ms 234 ms te-2-0-0.rar3.washington-dc.us.xo.net []
    13 235 ms 234 ms 238 ms te-3-0-0.rar3.nyc-ny.us.xo.net []
    14 352 ms 311 ms 311 ms ae0d0.cir1.london2-eng.uk.xo.net []
    15 376 ms 377 ms 376 ms linx.bb-c.the.lon.gb.oneandone.net []
    16 390 ms 390 ms 396 ms te-1-3.bb-c.bap.rhr.de.oneandone.net []
    17 327 ms 325 ms 326 ms ae-10.gw-distp-a.bad.oneandone.net []
    18 390 ms 391 ms 391 ms ae-1.gw-prtr-r231-a.bad.oneandone.net []
    19 326 ms 325 ms 326 ms play.net-7.org []

    Trace complete.


    C:\>tracert play.net-7.org

    Tracing route to play.net-7.org []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:

    1 46 ms 49 ms 52 ms
    2 52 ms 45 ms 51 ms
    3 44 ms 45 ms 47 ms ge9-3.br01.hkg12.pccwbtn.net []
    4 258 ms 269 ms 267 ms decix.bb-d.fra3.fra.de.oneandone.net []
    5 259 ms 271 ms 273 ms te-3-3.bb-d.bs.kae.de.oneandone.net []
    6 254 ms 247 ms 250 ms ae-11.gw-distp-a.bad.oneandone.net []
    7 271 ms 269 ms 264 ms ae-1.gw-prtr-r231-a.bad.oneandone.net []
    8 277 ms 261 ms 260 ms play.net-7.org []
  5. Crap looks like they fixed it for now. Yesterday was taking 20-30hops to reach play.net-7.org and once it hit like hop 9/11 (heh coincidence!) it started taking a nose dive till last hop(I dont have the printout. As I assumed it was the ISP because this morning its now only taking 19 total hops to reach play.net-7.org and I can connect fine.

    Still have a lil higher latency than would like but I can't do much about that. bout 300-400ms ping range (which was normal before I had connectivity issues. Stupid ISP here just cuz it has 100MB up and down it wants to use an inefficient route lol like 19 hops vs the 9hops with VPN to Hong Kong active lol... Gah oh well.

    I guess I was wondering if the servers have some sort of threshold/response expectancy to timeout which I would expect does in regards to errors I got. Just wondering if that's tweakable and if it has any side effects in doing so.

    Anyways just me poking finger at places that prevent me my EnB fix you know how it goes lol...
  6. Well a little bit of testing... Has to do with ISP routing of some sorts... Because I can fire up a VPN to Hong Kong/US (East/West Coast) and game loads up fine (albeit a lil more latency now)... But now can only do one connection at a time... UGH hate when I cannot fix something I know how but cant because dont have means to lol!
  7. So, all 3 my laptops use to connect fine until about a day or two ago now, been having dropouts, unable to login attempts etc. I am noticing the latency between myself and the server is rather right. And have also been running some tracert. See a problem as one or two hops hit in the 400-600ms range.

    Right now I was able to get connected on on laptop via VPN to West Coast US. The other laptop after about 20 attempts and reloading the launcher finally passed the proxy login and let me in game. 3rd laptop no join 30+ attempts...

    Wonder if any SDEVs feel like going thru the ropes with this (Even teamspeak is hit or miss right now!).

    Now here is the funny part... This is only pertaining to anything NET-7 Related. I can view other websites, torrents, etc just fine and dandy including other TS servers. So I assume its something in my region the cause between ISP and Server, but Im wondering if there might be some magic we can put our heads together with on this.

    Anyways looking for some SDEVs Tienbau/CDel/whomever wants to take a jump and answer some tech questions with me in private.
  8. How about a primary and secondary advocate, as I'm sure real life can get ahold of us at times and that would prevent a possible single point failure? Not saying Lann fails, but perhaps he gets called away the 2nd could provide that buffer and step in. Of course they would work in close coordination.

    Just a though, I know I try to reach out with Lann and help flow information as best we can together as sometimes we are both occupied else where sometimes.
  9. I gave up on this yesterday afternoon for me as well as 2 of my GM toons were stuck there as well... I'm not able to access the tools via my phone yet but submit a ticket if not already done for GM's to "unblackhole" your characters that are stuck. As that seemed the only way to get back on at the time (although going to Freya/Ragnarok both seemed to repoduce CTD/Hang at Galaxy map for me).
  10. [quote name='Amythiel' timestamp='1300359714' post='36737']
    Bioware doesn't make bad games, doesn't matter if EA publishes it or not.

    Westwood Studios didnt make bad games either... Till EA sunk their claws into them! If EA's running the MMO expect it to be abruptly shut down/staff re-focused on other projects lessening the content and attention the game should get in turn forcing it to lose player interest and thus... Get shut down... EA's motto... you give us a MMO we'll run it into the ground!
  11. [quote name='Terrell' timestamp='1300110181' post='36522']
    I like the idea of the device for the JT, even if it has to be a L8 device instead of a L9. I also agree that there is no L9 engine for a JT that's a better overall choice than the L8 Reinforced Solar Sail. Maybe the Devs will invent a few, as I really don't see a point in raising my JT's engine tech to L9, she's perfectly happy using L8 engines, and patiently awaits the storyline to include the SS8.

    To be honest I think she's going to find the L9 Chim, Coma, and Manticore far more useful than any L9 engine that's in game. Even the Intent of the Resolute isn't better on a JT, than the SS8. The better buffs on the SS8 more than make up for being a little slower, in my opinion. Here's the stats on the 2 engines.

    Intent Of The Resolute
    L9 Engine
    Warp: 4250
    Warp Drain: 24.40 (15.86)
    Thrust: 187 (251.9825)
    Signature: 0


    Increase Maneuverability (Equip) Increases turn rate by 56.00% when equipped.
    Recharge Shields (Equip) +49.60% Shield Recharge when equipped.
    Shunt to Reactor (Equip) +20.30 Reactor Recharge and -26.00 Shield Recharge when equipped.

    Reinforced Solar Sail
    L8 Engine
    Warp: 4000
    Warp Drain: 18.70 (12.155)
    Thrust: 172 (231.77)
    Signature: 0

    Increase Maneuverability (Equip) Increases turn rate by 54.00% when equipped.
    Reactor Renewal (Equip) +5.20% Reactor Recharge when equipped.
    Device Energy Conservation (Equip) Reduces Device Energy Cost by 39.00% when equipped.
    Shield Renewal (Equip) Adds 21.60 shield regeneration rate when equipped.

    For a Jenquai Shunt to reactor is almost a debuff. Our Reactors are great, while our shields aren't. Also considering that the Shield Renewal stacks with Shield Recharge, while the Reactor Renewal stacks with Recharge Reactor, which of these 2 engines would you use with this shield?

    Sharim Prototype Shield
    L8 Shield
    Jenquai Only
    Trader Only
    Cap: 44904
    Recharge: 327.00 (441.45)

    Improved Psionic Shield (Equip) Increases Psionic Shield Damage absorption by 7,500.00 to 10,500.00, depending on ability used and increases duration of shield by 120.00 seconds when equipped.
    Increase Reactor Capacity (Equip) +726.00 Reactor Capacity when equipped.
    Recharge Shields Skill (Equip) Increases Recharge Shields Effectiveness by 3.00 Skill Level(s) when equipped.
    Recharge Reactor (Equip)

    Even with the JT no longer having Psionic Shield, this shield would work VERY well, with an SS8, and a Cygnus 9 reactor. The 0 signature is a big deal for a Jenquai, regardless of whether it's an Explorer, Defender, or Seeker, since the Trifid engine actually adds more sig than it's sig reduction buff takes away on a Jenquai. Terrans actually get more sig reduction benefits from a Mercurius, Halley, or Trifid engine due to them having a larger base racial signature.

    If only the Sharim Shield was in game (not made by DEV only) and the SS8 engine to go with it, would start to make the JS more appealing, as of right now interestingly enough the L6 Guardian and the L8 Peg Leg (not easy to get and needs to be at high quality 150%+ to really compete) as the stats seem to be very similar to a L6 Guardian in terms of Recharge Shields skill increasing devices, these are the 2 that offer the best to the JT. Instead of the Cygnus, use a HoTM for the faster recharge and higher caps (as using the activated buff from the Cygnus on yourself is pointless since it uses as much as it recharges to cast on self).

    I look forward to the loving the new classes will hopefully get and this thread definitely has some good ideas behind it!
  12. For me it doesnt matter inside/outside, just hangs at the galaxy map. Sometimes, if I let it sit for couple minutes it eventually goes past. But mostly just hangs requiring CTL-ALT-DEL end task then several retries. Another oddity I am seeing lately. As I monitor who logs in or out, I see myself randomly show logging out yet I am still online, still playing without issue. Yesterday I watched myself appear in the text box to log out 3 times (not back to back) but for a period I was paying attention lol.
  13. Interesting thoughts but the JS (Jenquai Seeker) proper name :) Cannot equip L9 Devices only L8 :( They got L9 engines (which is pointless since the Prismatic Dragon Wing is Trader and Terran restricted so they cannot use it (and no sense in a Viper/Io/Triffid, least imo I still use the L8 Unabating Fire on him. I know there is a L9 Ursa (but its buffs meh dont warrant the use for the skills of a JS) and its very limited production (from builder rarely on).
  14. [quote name='C Del' timestamp='1299823455' post='36246']
    Negative. They are different and therefore do not exist.

    I recall reading somewhere that Windows has 99.98% of the market share. Incidentally, trusted sources tell me the USA has been voted the #1 country in the world for 542 consecutive years and the Dow Jones Industrial Avg. hit 400,000 today...

    [i](Happy Thoughts)[/i]

    Windows has been very slowly losing its market share to both OSX and LINUX (mainly Ubuntu flavor) but they still hold lil more than 90% these days, I think a lot of their loss in market penetration was due to that horrible thing referred to as Windows ME err I mean Vista ya Vista the new ME, both OS's that MS wishes to push under the rug and forget about.

    I use various Linux flavors in VMWare Servers for other things not related to my primary Win OS Servers/Workstations but as a hole, Windows is were its at in terms of usage base be it Personal/Business usage, and a clear indicator is the fact that most software developers who look to make money wisely code for were they will get the most penetration simple factors. Millions from MS Users or Hundreds from the combines of OSX/LINUX... Gee I wonder, again that's not to discredit either OS's offerings they all have a purpose, and I speak solely from my standpoint where MAC's get no play in my personal/workplaces. LINUX on the other hand makes for some great low resource intensive underlying easily modifiable OS to do whatever you are capable of coding to to :) And its free! But it's certainly not for the inexperienced IMO, its a Power Users OS as I say, and then OSX is for those who just need basics that work and not require any intuition into computers.
  15. [quote name='LPCA' timestamp='1299806614' post='36230']
    dude, i don't care, linux and mac has users too.

    MAC users... Shouldnt that read Mac fanboi's who most the user base have no clue their OS is just a derivative of FreeBSD which in turn lies UNIX foundation (where LINUX roots stem from as well). Gah sorry just can't stand MAC. I applaud the attempts from them, creates some necessary competition sure and brings some good ideas mainly I reference the the MBA (MacBookAir)as MacBooks/MacBook Pros just bring style and old tech hardware (not latest and greatest for its premium price point they charge, to the table. Great product (hate the OS) an no I will not buy underpowered/overpriced MAC Re-Labeled hardware when can be generally obtained for a fraction of the cost with better support.

    Now contradicting myself on the cost statement... Samsung Series 9 laptop dubbed the MBA Killer is due to release soon, Svelte PC just hair smaller than a MBA and way sexier lookin, plus much better hardware specs, unfortunately since its to be the first of its kind it bears the costs comparative to the original MBA (not the new iteration that has a slightly reduced price) again competition in effect here. I still will place my coin on this new Samsung as I am eagerly awaiting its release sometime this month or right at the beginning of next month. Could get the Korean version direct from Samsung right now but then the keyboard would have English and Korean on it (thats no fun) as well as the power plug differences that I would need.
  16. No faction is not an issue currently, I was able to do on my non progens via invites and they had various faction ranges. When you say map and build test weapon and chic, could you be a little more precise as to which item specifically, and which NPC name you are trying to talk to?

    Also there are a small amount of people in game who have completed these as well now, so don't hesitate to ask for their assistance/guidance.
  17. [quote name='C Del' timestamp='1299731703' post='36132']
    Lordy Jesus! This makes me want to cry. I [i]just[/i] stepped from a 1.5/384 ADSL line to a 10/800 cable gateway this past year when my cable company finally decided to throw some of their loose change into infrastructure, elimintating the need for a [b]phone line[/b] for uploads when using cable. (thus why I stuck with DSL)

    I hear ya CDel it puts our stateside stuff to shame. Only wish our greedy business CEOs would stop playing games and milking us for technology thats available, giving us the short end of the stick (and not even those speeds to boot) calling it new tech/blazin fast hehe.

    Amidst my worldly travels... I can say 2 areas US doesnt impress me... Airline Carriers and IT Technology! But they'd make you think they're the bell o the ball!
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