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  1. when you asked me if "i wanted to go get some debt" i didn't know you meant the server would fall out from under us lostatsea /Frizy/Alexpw Edit 31k debt 10% off lease scope octa and 4% off my bile pl ;( ahhh well it least it wasn't off the PB i can't seem to get .From a Fish that get's stronger every day ....
  2. down at 5:25 am est must be adding hulls to the fish and giving them hellbors ,they need cloak and shield charge skill too might as well add prospcting so at least they will have some loot IF they die Lmao and that ends my sarcasm Good luck !
  3. Ouch ... trying to think when that was . in the past week i have a newly gotten spit pl & a hotdo one of the 2 not as easy to come by as the 2nd Lostatsea/Frizy/Alexpw Sweet up and running and no roll back "Way To Go Dev Team !"
  4. everyone needs that little boost of confidence d = Doe.... i have a clue but little more then that . i had the mysql 5.0 running and managed to get the 2 different databases net7 and net7_users imported to it ..could use the net7 tools to view edit items .... but couldn't get the client to log in... i have since messed up the mysql instance .. and stuck . but i don't give up that easy ....... can anyone give a time line on the up time for st4 ?
  5. Pinky!!! this is Frizy hope to see you in game

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