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Posts posted by wmtyrance

  1. How does the Seeker do in combat since they use beams and can't summon mobs to them? It always seems mobs are always in groups and it would be hard to pull one at a time with the skills Seekers have. Been thinking about making one my main. Is this a bad idea?

  2. I love what you guys have done here. Its a great guide for new players because the game is a little different than what the game was like back in the day. ( i hate saying back in live because to me its live now)  I know you guys are super busy but it would be even better if you showed some video of gameplay also. A JD video from Phorlaug would be amazing.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Hello all 

    Thought i would ask whats going on lately.  One change i saw was the Bio Rippers and Clamjumpers have seemed to learn hacking skills. Which makes them unkillable to me. Thought i was fighting the vrix from live. Kind of fun and surprising at the same time. Has anyone figured how to kill them yet? I like the specialization idea. When will that happen?

  4. Has any JD'S ever tried to use them over beams? I'm really thinking about switching to these because beam's seem so useless. I have 200% player made beam's and my combat lvl is 22. But it takes me 7 shots or more to kill something 1 lvl below me. I just don't remember it being this way in live. I have devices that boast damage and it just seems usless if it takes this long to kill one mob. I have 3 beams on my ship. These are lvl 4 beams. During the christmas event it took 3 shots each to kill lvl 10 evil snowmen.

  5. Good luck with ESO. I like the single player games alot. Been playing them since Daggerfell. I just don't see how that world would be for a mmo. The single player games gave you so much freedom. ESO will be nothing like that. To me if you can't explore the whole world with any race,its not an Elderscrolls game. If you make a redguard you will only be able to explore your area. If you go outside it you will be attack by town guards or townsfolk. No freedom to explore at all. You may like this but i and a lot of fans don't. And Bethesda is not making the game. The parent company is. Bethesda will still make the single player games though.

  6. I will not pay for a nearly 10 year old game. Now if they attempted to come out with a fully updated client including all the changes that we need then perhaps. Though now it would have to compete with Eve online, SWG, STO, and soon SW:KotoR.

    If they could get some developers behind the story that actually know what they are doing and give them the chance EA could have a powerful presence in the MMO world. Just keep the idiots from XBox live off of it.

    If i remember it right the monthly for this game was less than 15 a month. Does anyone remember what it was. I think it was 10 or 12 dollars.

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