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Everything posted by BuzzStPoint

  1. Is there a way you can hide yourself in game so nobody knows your online? Even your friends list?
  2. This happens to me quite a but. "Crash to Desktop" I'm running Windows 7 64bit When this does this I run the Net7 proxy by "Run as Administrator" That seems to work every time.
  3. Really bugs me that people complain about issues on a game or software they didn't pay for... These guys are doing this on donations, for all of us to enjoy. It would be a different story if we were paying a monthly fee. Keep at it guys, you'll figure it out.
  4. Oh so close. A minute ago I was able to log in... Got excited, I'm in the station and went to exit...... Nope... Stuck again...
  5. OK, I'll try that. Edit.. Amazing what you forget when you haven't played for so long. Worked perfectly. Thanks.
  6. Sentenial here. Are you suppose to be a certain level when attempting this mission? I was sent there by Zeig to get missle training.. Upon arrival, BANG. I done died. Had no chance to try anything.. Bugged?
  7. So happy when I found this place. Years ago, I was invited to beta test E&B (Yes I even have an earth and beyond T-Shirt) Ran it through the beta, then into the live. Then the server closed down. My son kinda remembered playing and showed it to me.. Looked it up and loaded it. So happy. Loved the game and still do. Thanks.. Buzz
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